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Show J 5 SAID DIXIE COLLEGE, UTaM, AUGUSI, GEORGE; 1' I L'd'Ai J - j"V among the students got under the teachers skin. Class is dismissed, he said, Please dont flap your ears as you pass out. r I r ' " 1 c r' D - . b Z. 4 TfiR. V' i r . PICKETT LUMBER CO. Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings Windows, Doors, Screens, St. George, Utah. it. DIXIE COLLEGE BASKET BALL TEAM Teacher "Johnny, use the word Egypt in a sentance. I asked for my chance Johnny. but Egypt me. W. C. Pace, Prop. St. George, Utah. (Prodding a patientt search of a fragment of Thats funny, I dont seem ARROWHEAD HOTEL to feel it. v So you youre lucky. ' No, I desire to become my dont. daughter, sir, I But if dont I son-in-la- - O well see v ! D -- C-t ryl 1 I Reid, Germany is like the naughty little girl whose mamma said to her, Youre naughty, so Is going to lock you up in the chicken All right lock me up in the coop. chicken coop, replied the child, but I aint 3 V ' , L-- f It Warren Cox, Prop. Service is our Motto. j St. George, Utah. 3 ' I DIXIE DRUG COMPANY ,- D. C. Watson, Prop. Everything in the Drug line. Silverware for presents. A splendid line of notions and sundries. Kodaks, Fountain Pens, etc. LI j xcqa; 1 j fi 1 ' , ) f IjtACI D Mr j .r - - ,7 how I can get out of it. Madam, I was not alTramp. ways thus. No mister I know Annie Tanner. it It was your other arm you had in the sling yesterday. J Jf Y j v .i , j marry your very r G 1 v BANK OF ST. GEORGE St. George, Utah. Bank of the People. Open an account and begin to save. t O (V- - going to lay no eggs. DIXIE BARBER SHOP John M. Higgins, Prop. D Such a darling shopper, How much is it? Fifty dollars. Just exactly what I want, color and everything, I believe Ill take it. Fifty dollars did you say? "Madam I made a mistake, this is fitfeen dollars, instead of fifty. Lady blouse. ' i ivU. vJ HIT. uaSu tr, Cjl DIVISION WINNERS IN BASKET BALL Sanitory and Anticeptic methods. ST. GEORGE CAFE & BAKERY Our Fountain Service is Unexcelled. Our Cafe is operated on the basis of Quality and Minimum price. Our Bakery produces the Best. "Oh, I see, well, show me some- thing better. D "What time is it? asked the person who thinks nothing of asking anything Ten to, replied the polite man Ten to what? asked the bore. Ten to your own business. ST. GEORGE DRUG D UflaM DIXIE STOCKGROWERS BANK To serve the people is the aim of the Dixie Stockgrowers Bank. Let us serve you. Dixie Stockgrowers Bank tired. The last days of the Glacial Winter are not yet passed, so young is our world. I used to envy the father of our race, dwelling as he did in contact with the new made fields and plants of Eden; but I do so no more because I have discovered that I live in Creations Dawn The Morning Stars still sing together, and the world not yet half made, becomes more beautiful every day. John Muir. CO. Drugs. Dry Goods Fountain Pens School Supplies Kodaks & Supplies Quality goods & moderate prices. Mr Nicholes in chemistry, Who made the first nitride? I think it was Paul Student Revere. D Miss Thurston, Why dont you pause there? Dont you see its marked rest? Music pupil, "Yes, but Im not NELSON MERCANTILE CO. Satisfaction guaranteed. St. George, Utah. SOMETHING DOING ALL TAE TIME FOR OLD AND YOUNG Several Entirely THE PRINCE BARBER SHOP Prince and Price Interesting Features It is by suffering that God has most nearly approached to man; it is by suffering that man draws most nearly to God. Stanford Church. E. D. SEEGMILLER The auto accessory shop Gas & Oil. Racine Tires Tourists Guides. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Maroue Aurelius, id etc! DIXIE AUTO COMPANY D D CO. St. George, Utah. i 1 D service WASHINGTON MILL i - - . is Flour, Bran, Graham, Cracked Wheat, Corn Meal. 'tJ cv g"iff vr l" u- Upon first seeing a trombone at a dance an eminent country gentleman remarked, I wish that fellow would ever get that thing where he wants S i 3 k first consideration Our j.'1 Hi i A city lass once heard the moan of a sad cow by chance, She thought it was a saxaphone and so started to dance. yS DIXIE POWER COMPANY Electricity for Everything V 'ID D Patient. g JAMES ANDRUS & SONSco Dealers in Groceries, Dry Good Hardware, Shoes, Clothing Furnishing Goods. The more than unusual lack of tooth) & furnishings. Everything up to date. Teacher. Johnny, what is velocity? Velocity is what a felJohnny low lets go of a bee with. in y A complete line of Mens r. "D Dentist V" J. & E. TOGGERY Fair Patient. They tell me, doctor, you are a perfect Ho. no no! I assure Doctor. toy dear madam, I make no distinction between sexes. gum -i Business Houses Our Funny Column lady-kille- ' SO. UTAH TELEPHONE CO. Connects with Bell Telephone Company and the Western Union Telegraph Companyt Central Office, St, George, Utah'. The moat manifest sign of wisdom contnud cheerfulness, Montague, Blessed is the man who has found his wqrjt let him ask no other ,ng Carlisle. 0, K. BAKERY AND CAFE Vm, H. Prince, Prpp, Ice cream and soft drinks meals and light lunches. We pim to please our cus(omers and appreciate your patronqgg! In the end the things that are the things you cannot countcqpnt Free People must be an Intelli gent People -Clay. O. K. MARKET Meats, Groceries and Produce. Where there is no vision the perish. P.oveibs. Good i Stuff. Right Prices We Deliver Orders. |