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Show THE DIXIE NEWS, DIXIE COLLEGE, SAIXT GEORGE, UTAH, AUGUST, 1924 rot- SPLFADID - USE GIVEN IN DIME COLLEGE SPONSORS SCHOLARSHIPS languages K Hafen, instructor in Modern images, is especially well preparm and courses bpanish ej to give The Dixie College is now sponsoring and disnibuung several seliolarScholarthe Pymm hips. Including ship given by Mr. and Mrs. Seth A students deemed Pymm to two It consists of worthy by the college. $25.00 each. . (jei inu11 of Leland Ir Hafen is a student B. Y. Stanford and a Graduate of the . pas spent sometime in this as study and has gained recognition a teacher. his students It has been stated that ' are far above higher institutions This somment is inthe average. and is well worth contatorabie deed studying in contemplating sidering jell f i t ? yA m i to It is an economic imestment Dixie as before at the languages ,tudv succeeds in attaining a higher they must lirst have thorough courses in some language, therefore, hen such an excellent opportunity atforded it is to the advantage of to accept it. aiiy student The courses in Spanish aie given s - - t - i c4 t.,K i" '1 '. e f-- s S -- V 'Piuses. ' , de-g,- as a preparation work in further Mr. and Mrs. John T. Woodbury. $2 5 00 given to a worthy student chosen by the college Mrs. 01ie Maiben Nichcouncil. oles seholaiship of $25 00 given to student deemed woithy by college council scholar; hip of Faculty to stud nit deemed $25oo Sr. scholarship .I li'Lrl 1 r a a. ,, I - ' t- , - i, ' : - ' l ' 7 t gen J ' - worthy - , The college scholarship pill presented to the college graduate having the highest scholarship for two years tor senior college specialization in the of college work. - I'.m UUlgRUg'. Emphasis will he placed upon pnnciples of grammar and bpuinsh literature. In the beginning course in r; A A German and of pronunciation principles fundamentals in Grammar are stress i' V HrI ;LY-'- - f , In the advanced course the ability will be th to read lighter literature oiiji dive. USH1 DEPARTMENT le- - ic- - lal lal ral of by mg the ive sal the ake er; nee for two large as well as giving private instruction. From the present outlook of students returning and new students it is expected that excellent accomplishments will be made in this work and it is desired that this will be one of the big features of the Dixie during the coming year. A series of private lessons will he given free of charge to the most efficient student in each division of the music department. ng full preparation bands and two orchestras on, 'hat the the we luc- - and ness ot ysis and best ,our- for mien ition rien- re i nr ,i r I- i r f I. u ;T:c , , y high school work. ' v r - - f i AVT; 'AA ' - - V: tb - - ' ' ) AT y v ' - . aT t'. A - s ,v ' A ' S - ,LV s 'i IV AV I ' I Tc-- 1 3 f V V r A - 'T " j- .1 - . 3 t 7 . v. - iv. A .... . . - y . - t j - r l 4 3 Vr y i , j ' "i - w v' T : ; r ' a ' This movement is indeed to be greater praised as it stimulates effort, encourages keener competition and gives worthy students justly earned recognition. Dixie has for some time been attempting to bring students lo the front in this way and to make honest and scholastic character effort standing figure more closely in the lives of students and since this worthy movement has been put under way thev have more neaily readied the desired end. It is hoped that it will be encouraged and furthered by the students, citizens and townspeople. ; n. '( M'1 v p;lAv'-:. ' V. c- T , LA'A v I rVhAr'AAAi;h. UT ;:$ V . AVVrAR1." A free e LA 'A these the Dixie will grant tuition to the most efficient high si liool graduate from each of the high schools in Washington. Kane. Beaver and Garfield counties. Besides i3 I . '"'TV Va ' V High School scholarship pin gmn annually by the si bool to the high school graduate having t He highest scholarship recoul for four years of A - ',1 ' Evelyn Thurston, instructor 1923-2- 4 in Piano music spent the year in Chicago, attending the music She has spent conservatory there. the past six weeks as an instructoi at the Alpine School in Provo and is eminently prepared to give splendid courses in that line of work. Mr. Bleak is a graduate of the Los Angeles Conservatory of music and has had charge of the band work in He is makiSt. George this summer. .ial . A I work. alias ike 11 t . :a- - , i ' I Department of the Dixie has this year been greately enlarged For the first time and improved. three full time instructors have been Two in this department. placed have been away taking finishing to work and have returned prepared give Professional tiaining. air. McAllister, the instructor in atvocal and chorus work, has been Lake Salt at School Music a tending add to his City and will this winter, course, a class in choial leadeiship and together with the regular vocal The purpose of this chorus work. class is to prepare students to lead choruses and instruct in that line of '0- - A A v i i ENLARGED The Music en -- n ed. M them. Ollier than these, there are several Om' prsentml by scholarship pms the St George Commercial Club lo the student who - mo t active in six ial service woik both in community and in school. s - by . A- - - V ? u' - j A;, T , f V EXTRA Cl RISK I El i ' 2 Hi HIIMWIil llllilfcli'TTni - Ji l DIXIE COLLEGE OPERA TROUPE BASE BALL FEATURE OF COLLEGE ATHLETICS During the year 19 2 2 5 the Dixie is stressing work in Base Ball Athletics. During previous years nearly the entire time has been taken up with Basket Ball work but this coming year it is expected that the fall quarter will be devoted to Base Ball and track. Complete new outfits have been purchased, the Diamond put in shape and every thing prepared for successful year in this type of athletics. From the outlook of all students new returning and the prospects of this that is very probable students it take and front the to come will sport its place with Basketball work. In fact, it is anticipated that division Base Ball games will be held. It is hoped that students in trainof the opporing will take advantage of work as tunity to get into this line hut training not splendid only it is developes clean sportsmanship. COLLEGE LYCEUM EXCELLENT This year the Dixie, through the efcollege Lyceum, has made special fort to bring the best talent on the American Platform to St. George. They have arranged for a $1,210.00 program, consisting of: Russian Cathedral Quarette ....Vocal Violin Irene Stolofsky Company Impersonator Sidney Landon Packard ....Cartoonist and Illustrator Betty Booth Concert Company These numbers are both high class and interesting and will be presented in many of the leading schools and towns of the State. It is indeed fortunate that Dixie is able to secure such excellent entertainments for the students of the college and for the townspeople, for, with such high class entertainments as these coming into the section a cultural atmosphere is sure to be stimulated. TEACHERS ATTEND EXTENSIVE COURSE IN INSTITU- TIONS OE HIGHER LEARNING ENGLISH GIVEN During the past year the College Faculty members have been enrolled in Schools from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts. Two of the former 'teachers have returned after spending over a year at institutions of higher learning. During the past summer 12 of the teachers have been enrolled in summer schools of the country. Several have attended Leland StanL. ford, some the University of Utah, D. S. Business College, National Summer School at Logan, University of Southern California. These teachers have returned better prepared to render instruction. These teachers have attained higher degrees and will therefore contribute to a higher standard for the will The English work of 1924-2- 5 be placed in several different diviThe regular three years sions. English work will be given, .dressing corrective grammar, word building, literature, and types of high-scho- ol Modern Language Club to give students an opportunity to study languages in a less formal way than regular class work. Seminar to study the Science methods and progre-- s of science also to gather specimens for a museum. Opera and Drama for the development of those who take part and for the wholesome etfect on the spirit of the school. Amitia girls club, a mutual protectorate for all girls and lady faculty members. intelDebating Society promotes classes between lectual competition also discussions on current happen- Themes both oral and part of the course. Also for high school students will be given a study in English literatme times to the bom the Anglo-Saxo- n Speak-T.- g in Public a course and present and Debating, this course is in-- t ings. EXCELLENT WORK GIVEN IN DOtided for pupils who have not made MESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Pou'try Association will promote It a formal study oT argumentation. interests of Ihe poultry industry the consists of the elements of speech, .Mrs. Mae Ward Hunt, head of the Dixie. throughout voice of proper cairiage, principles Dcpa.tmenl of Domestic Science, has the College Lceum is to he bring building, outlining of speeches, forms spent the past summer at the Nationand American platform on brief the making ot talent best argumentation, al summer school at Logan, studying to, St. George. general principles of debating. nutrition under the eminent instructdeschool. students regular For College or Dr. E. V. McC'ullu m of John HopPublic Seivice Depaitinent, a conare this is fores that given; they so Freshmen English organized kins University, and America partment sists of a course in Themes, exercises prepared to present at any time a most nutritionist. "Dixie is a good country. A study is The and prescribed readings. Mrs. Hunt is a graduate of the ColHer citizens are good people. mmplete educational program. COLLEGE LIBRARY IMPROVED made of the elements of terlmiqiie of Music, Diamatic Ait. Citizenship and I shall speak well of her instituumbia University and is exceptionallcoof Composition and the principles Public Speaking departments y well prepared to give courses in has this year tions. Library The College DEBATING IN llii.-i movement. note taking. PROSPECTS con"Dixie needs more homes. that line of work. operate in been greatly improved. It now American Literature is also given. FAVORABLE resources justify more people. Her and books Nutrition, a study of food matei selected These activities not only aid in the 5000 yell tains is a study of the American Hera Advertise it! Teach it! who have Believe iais, body requirements, etc., will be magand of stud-n- ts thousands of pamphlets lure from the Colonial times to the development it! add to the social stressed and practice in working out The Debating department of the azines. The also newspapers, current but they The aim is to appreciate part one of This is good business! of the dietaries anil preparing food for the Dixie College is recognized as school giving students a periodicals and best magazines Colof our people and be- lite of the Junior will literature the in the efficient different ages and accupations the most with dictionaries, tunity to mingle with eater oppoi g come acquainted with our literary school has country, together is an inspiration. The State. be given. America the of reference other leges each other encyclopedias and sucmen and women. mention'd America is a spirit. This is a splendid course and of now many honors having twice the above Resides n oi ks are kept within easy access of an intenis Advanced composition mystical It all is something America encourages ceeded in capturing the championship the readers. New magazine stands, college ihe practical value to every student. is the sive study in composition, thought activities It in the heavens. Division in of the the lives which is hoped that every student will enbest Southern good the devices of the oi ganizations for Debates. bookshevles. and checking and continous searching of organization and expression. roll in that class. Church students. been installed and to add to an constant in the have a course is that with Public speaking, for the thing Debates have been scheduled of culture and refine- the human heart atmosphere of Lane. speech, composition fundamentals schools of the DIME SO( many of the leading of statuary and oil paint- better. STUDENTS RETURNING in ment pieces and presentation and analysis of been have state. Students who participate Utah Southern of of speech models as ings receive double fold in The college man knows the work masterpieces The SOI ial life of the Dixie makes room. Dixie is indeed proud to know that this activity, time placed in the to the moral composition. for and own education his to and the place access world, of school the interesting, adds "spice this enjoyment Students may have many of her former students are Grammar is a study of the fundaand yet of This lessons, hard routine entire day. responsibility. In fact students spent. year returning. most Library during the mental principles of English Gram- the not inteifere with the scholastic as this is He is more amenable to discipline. The coach, Miss Phillips, is does an trouble-sojn- e advantage, on is certainly who have spent time in other institutwith placed mar emphasis The socShe with her training and He has a larger capacity for work. one of the leading refstanding of the students. ions have written, stating that they efficient. forms. demonefforts has fast becoming in educainterest standard, a and keener untiring He has very high areof ials are very pleased to return as they experience a erence libraries. News writing a course in news upon influence department schools Debating the tion. strating the had reached the conclusion that a made gathering and news writing. of tis students. sense of integrity. mood success. a He not has higher wonderful the lighter folks of obtained made better grade of work may be A community is made Vocabulary building, a study is clubs, societThe outlook for the coming year and suffixes Not only do the various student bed at Dixie, that the school spirit is betcommon prefixed of wealth and houses and factories. Philof the want is Miss and What makes life dreary ies classes, school and ter and the general environment expecially encouraging. counThere is a perennial nobleness, itself cannot and root words. In addition the school all entertain prithe lips Will return. The debatingmost ef- even sacredness, in work; in idleness of motive. Heaven writing, tends to social and moral uplift. In Short Story composto no desire help of the a five the help you if you have cil is composed of prondes for lyceum couise Students who attended the institutpurpose is creative work. ed to present and alone there is perpetual despair mary artists nation-wid- e in the college of instructors know yourself. world, is. ion last year and who are possibly ficient This is one of the most extensive will be pro- latest gospel in tlie of the best programs of the Carijle. special debating classes in the curriculum but it is t0i,ie and do it. able to attend school are anticipatiwork dedo. to thy this is knowing what platform. Aineiiran vided for students entering ng returning. felt that it is very practical and tha oi ganizations combined pi is knowing how to do it. These Skill from except partment. such training. of students need defeat no in To know that the Dixie stuThere is tudents are for the social life of the enBut real human service is charact no insurare so well satisified with the class of The instructors are well prepared seek within. There is really not need this t can so get I that in they the ized doing. dents. in ei Myron Stout: work and the school in general, cermountable barrier save in your and are able to give thorough tertainment elseviheie. eleetrictv through my head. of purpose. weakness herent tainly speaks well of the institution. wood is drudgery wonder, "No thought without Labor Karl Savage, Emerson. It is hoped the school will be able to is a continue this high standard. composition. wi it ten will form 1 prp'-'Piit- take g the a ake and ENT if the The inin' 1 pr done tiiien and er, 15 r and nt i11' plaV5, ngs- T1VHTES Outside the regular school curriculum the college sponsors special organizations, clubs, societies etc. including the Student body organizath tion, for the purpose of governing ent"re student body. providing a Class o ganization, systematic means of looking aftei the interests of the class. 1 ni'i M A( Inter-collegia- te Iu IVi-do- m |