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Show Jas. Andrus & Sons Co., Inc. St. George Drug Co. Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Gattle and Sheepmens Supplies, Fain Wagons Farm Implements, etc. The seasons latest and most advanced styles in Clothing, Shoes, Furnishing Goods and Notions. The Rexall Store of Southern Utah We do not consider it a sale unless you are satisfy Quality Pharmaceuticals from Quality Drugs. Our Fountain service unexcelled. We carry Best School Supplies, and the best of everything to wear for Ladies and Children Try Us First. a iclt this trials ..med think this'' and when the last struggle of (or wouldnt dar For the FJu w mortality is over and we are being borne to the last resting place of the we dont watch r dead, then thou canst provide the Once there v band of music and the military escort they wer thither, and last but not least, erect thought An walkin over our graves a magnificent monuweren't quite r ment as a lasting epitaph to perpetuAn' when ate our memory. Almighty Dollar, I they whilst here enduring trials and I troubles of life, we sometimes are ac- stairs, l.,1ore We Thos. P. Cottam & Sons . Plasterers & Cement Workers t But hopping. cused of crimes and led before a magThere thou canst fee law- forgot to say the istrate. An all the nigh', yers, influence a judge or pack a jury, the stars were shini. and we go scott free. Be with us But something sc then in our dismal part. didn't f Almighty Dollar, there are no hyp- them, they Sui-The ocrites in thy temple, no false heads hacUc doctor, s:T""V at thy alter, for tho- 1 Dealers in Cement Hardwall Plaster and Lath ' - J. F. LINDER Shoe Repairing Latest Improved Machinery Best Workmanship Washington Co. Hospital We are prepared to give you treatment both Up-to-da- te Surgical and Medical. DRS. WOODBURY & McGREGOR E. B. Snow Furniture Co. Dealers in Fine Furniture Hardware and Dishes |