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Show ,r--- - 4 i ' t 1 l 1! ,', ,....., ' Pitt.' t, t P f' 750Store, 19., t. 5 '.. I .... 730 MuAinery Pipe 1 cols t, '' ' , ., ,, , , ',' P, , , ,,,,, . '', ,, ,, ,,, ,, r1"1".:7 , ,E e43 P6 4 Snowmobiles 6 04,, steQ von jk.5, 7'1, ',' A e 4 4 4,..ker 2 I, ,1,,' ' t' ",,' :' , . , ,,,,,,: , pt,,..; ,ti ,...,7,) t.,,,,,,,,,, "r. ,,,,,,, 4 At J ,.,',.'t, P A , 1tece Loofs - , u5!.:s , rne 4, . A PJ t f , --, :,, la, ,, dr 0.,, t..t s 3 , - P ()STE Cjii, zuR cutudf essuf voo!, . , :::,,, ?S h: ;''' 40 , 5 &DOC i! .,,eyorkes,4114),t, SNte- - tone, novo, eck 4 A cw,u. D, v ,44. 2 , opp, , D " A, h r AU,. 4, (V .448, Ovid Or 00, usett sysn M. I'aIeI L60 oliat-- Loot, Out! 10, b4lik r,AK t rtrrTi7vvelry, t,ur Aw.u, et( wl 41w,, ,t1 7' ri,ts trooref , !or Oiftt4p Goliot, Hqt ell 2 ,11 tv, 41 ,'"' 1 ' ,,:'.' 0, t '44. n,V ,' On 7., 000 42'4 3a 4 Et), IAKI,et, new he rills( v.)40 ,, fro , V.1 0 Tst SI, 0,,,,4,11. R4 1, s',, 500 (il', mt 0.',iii) )1, o 0 (),AM't40 5A11.'"If't ''''''''''''''" ''"V l'I' ''''''''''''?' Ise : Yri 'Ad I. , oore pc, ,,,,,e N., SiU0 ,,i1 Sc5A0 iii.),,0ei tOt 2Mi510, RI (N.,ds mon,' OrUi ,olbit fte J634Y,t4 s45,0, !S'd!A7.!0', tt 4,1 19 tC4 AC ft LI444101,4 toolt) 411 0'1,1 or 1,3ot, ,$:r otie IOC 411,00f d Loot Joroly E40,.(10, , 6,4 Ylkl 016 (14M 11, eft and save. ft, 11,ts8, ton vs,Pekno,,, PamAprn put) iNe5t 2555 IC TON I' An rAPF OOP 4 to ,25 8 I s 3t, in n .16 ts, ft S1;5 ,eIe i',Idr 4,L, 3440 v ( el cubover 8 for of It ode Lump- .1, IP R f 8 ti r tt VP 76 ut OUTOF-PRI- DE SE BOOK AND RAPE BOOK DEPT Fost South Temple, 3204191 APD 1NE s SI t. Poet (.710 f,.(h A1,40tP,ALL; P 01"er 467 3Y11 S165 u Pqt2t,S. 2"' & 'E . - IL 1,4 IF 4 4 0 4 e, ' Na pi T eQutP .. , , 3,, , ' ' '?! ' k u S a,-- ,, ,, . ,,,--,- ',W. ,, Lr',FD ,,!,, .,,1 , -- SL V, f,, ' -- ir - ; S' S, , Bor gum , WE ,,,,t, 9rF-- L ,!''', - ',,to,,,,,r4 SC.; S7'9 S,C,9 Dt,-- 01P-- 1110611WMPUI EVtIOALD cut. ,Y)(1 ,.,Th 2 S)9 ,,,, ,,, 4 ,, 4 44 .. , 40''" . ,,, so 4:7 , c , , : , S ' S, P- s, ,.2, ' o '' ' ,' , ',A, . ,,tf i V' ' ., ''- ,, Yu...4, ,,, ;. ,,,, q - , -- ev - ,, s, d - ,li . ....k - ' -, ,, ,,-- - ,.., 44,3 - : ,,...., ,, " ,I, 4 5C,,, , .,,, ., ,r -- , XL ., - ,,, 1 - ' .11: ,.., :,'::,, . . V, S ', , ' 1 ...-- y .4 'I , ',00. ' 'A :'r,., v,VI', ..,)e. i ..,t, ..,',1 I, ,. 42 , ,10 . ' ' .. '' '''' :' L'' ,. , ,, ' ,' ,., wh "'" ' 0 ,'' ''' :' , - ,,, 77 - ,, ,,,,,,,. or ,,.,0e., Tf 9 , , , r f)..krl, we. ,,, ro 5, CAMARO 81 Yti Super cre.oh, The Cor Mcr, Mare 262.6125d S7995. 4129 So v, 81 CHEV Crrahon, LAr 81 81 o4i CHPr TIE EIKE Oh 11.'o NI-- S).5 .10 81 .4 saki Di 1122 261 25 fr, ' St ' 2"U ,St 'K. ou,cNmed Co,,. ;hies ,c1 Term, (4:.t ,AC SLVIiLL 350(0 ,e ,eCtr.c1 engine V,ntst, P. wler Car COIMMOr x .n of owne, re' t3,395. eiP.,tt. .S ( L'...,. ,, L , Akt,)5,olec ON ac e 2614171 '80 .84 '8A 0)00 icw000 ed, ,.!. ,u1.766.4 ', '' ''' ' v.. ,,,,t '' 5e,"' ',.'.1' ;,,4 , 01f40 .' t . Tit, or SD IT C Lo o),k.s, Use0 o.ce. 'f ' ' , 't) tA),". ttdf kr.4,0,, 5., ,t47t, y4. ,,,, 8 t, A I Z 'i$ tio .4 ,o,l, . ''' ' ' itg , pot's, '' V.V.. W43',57 :",,x 8 "..'. ' A.' ,' i f,' 4 PI., WO 1,t,.:.", ;, ,.' ,t La,'' LI' U ', ,C, , l'4 S DSO S' ,tC. y y 0.0, Ala S A $ OW lAtl.'N ict t On. 0.0 LT t., ,.9,,,,t 8',' I,t,',1? ' 4 octu '54 did 53' S:S50 $?1'5 $6J10 Se75 $ 1800 Uru 82 ' ;t, St POPE, G4Xvi (Of 41o, (NADA 3469 Ne!:, ',14,4o mu. CORD f Cy', As,p, S ID J,YYS tot, 'ot) On 162 52S2 tut s. 80 4 Cko. V; iS(.. O 2,07 I'll tit offer, 3,,,,4214 40.41) I 119 6'1: Dew...tot-4- 0, rttA, efl) 467 .f PC , 1, h or .67t,tr ,f ,,V,:, IP, IA NP 1,),,,,x! le. qt or IOC) P7 Viicoi IIJ Cpw'il !1,,,,r)L Pon, ti, Pi off, t '2 VV41 10.0 ;00 Vol qui!. Pi"- -, I (food e,t .,ttt itotk$ 11,1m fur', I WI L r',, . UP 1 c),.(,, new y P,9 koyi !!f 2'. ' 26,6,11 S 34r, haiit, 00.1 0, 4,4, IS, ''d 1,01 tof 40. - ,,, 4 4,4wesr.txo.0 MU'iTANr.f, v!crt 298 SI,Pe? ,,, zeut, PAL ;:t; k e4, Cord C. c't Ftt, SAtiO .rpl11)2 ut .:AutH1 Mile Ne, 0: g tine, It YJC, 30,,Cg, nith 01 Cul., unto etc ty ext.4 ttIt iY)0 3'. (AA, S;,ASS, spti, (,11,0 V211A1 vwdlt,f t UN It tb rn1 SA,705 tiODGE Cott Di ADE SUBARU i s ., , f,,3,,, , t,, 1le, t , , 0,1e! S m 2f tWO 1900 '",S 21 gil(r!' 0. Zai) 'y ' Mittr.:1 rl rilfs) 4 ..,:mi , :4 t .4 ;Fp.rj 0517dq ti 4 2 jet. .4 F3 q4,1; rP Jorn. 3 or to.st NIOTOR TREND Ar tn, Don Ful;er one,. Auto, air, e,lro S.1,888. PATE 1300 So. Main Here's a sample of the makes and models available at Avis: '86 PONT. nól 27 13, auto., Ow. U 5 '86 4PONT. 24 1 7, SALE DISCOUNTED AND MUST BE SOLD ASK ABOUT OUR FREE WARRANTY! low milcb, air, tit, cruise, AMFM ond )nore, 9 . I: t buy. $9,18,8 GRAND AM P '36 PB '864 PONT. dr., air, auto.. AMFM. sz512417, 1' S P 2 dr 7,688 '86 tr51077. auto.. air. P.S., clean, AMFM 4 dr OLDS CAL AIS P.B., AMFM. Vo ond more , $9,125 CHEV. CAVALIER P B '86 11 pwr. windows, pwr. locks, cruise and more 12, 199 5 SUNBIRD t. FORD AEROSTAR tilt, $8888 ALL UNITS 700 v512813, cruise, thr, low milo!, dr., air, auto., AMFM, very clean 5314N.3C CONSTRUCTION CHEV. CELEBRITY FIREBIRD VO, tilt, $9,888 H the Audi, l, se. 4 ar, eke. Lcr7v Woe, O(doe, 262441) 14 DODGE Cott ve,ta 0An, seqts Lary Witt Dodge, 162.7411 83 DODGE Aries wow, 6 c Yi., alto, Pors air. DAVE STRONG I Motor Trend magazine referred to ret-j- used rewal cnrs, like the bocaucia each car is fully equipped cars scld at Avis, as "cream puff typically checked for mechanical performance, tuned up and completely And the value is tru!y great. Check cleaned before it's ever offered for the selection of fully equipped used cars Fit Avis today! H very Low '86 TOYOTA COROLLA n111WJ, MOO 011., AMfM stereo, P 5., P.B. $8,888 $7,488 MANY TO CHOOSE FROM 160(), roe) 2663',31 S 20.04s11,7 ,- 66 rfl 4 780?, ow 'Iv (r.n.j mud, 'rttt: P iikult, riw &4,.). 4 19b .st ur uu, 0 uise, p fi4 , RI- ,pd, 944011. ite, uuto,P or,f31 nA ME- rout Mo- tut,S 4 4.,(.tiP1 ( A i2,59 hke .,o,47 80 0N,1 3,1 usi V,S.J.143 Needs s. di htyl, yttoti etv1 1,4 s AV tgke4, ost S.4fl.0 128.4342U. s1,990 i At yorr. fin S ..4(2 eI yo, ,11(or 83. ç tuoCA, WC4C,511.41 t.e,1 vt1,1 orr veut. 00 4)55 S1011011 Pu uttef Soi '00. MI- 79 ,, West )6 6ft, 144 ntnv Si IA ip. hunuicj.4 unce S5.312 .,,blect to oi AN. e A.4i I) 7 ; .q (iv"'1410(40' 010 LPL 4,(4)1,C Cuot 8,100 ufle ',Nest MC OtYx1 s ruto. vood 909.) 90, 7 S,05,:i 3458 2h 004, MACH 2e4 UPI-- P'', 44.6.!, SP'AP 2(i 1711 01 755 S,'Ko t,1tj j S1347,48 .nt to. O'A(, 63 sy00 014!), tt 4stt.o.1 f,tnS Nts tr,, J'''. t ,( S EXAMPLES '85 '85 '85 'ba COLT 4 DR. PLYMOUTH CARAVELLE RELIANT 4 DR. ARIES 2 DR. DODGE 050 '85 '84 NISSAN P.U. HINCKLEY DODGE 2309 So. State 484-875- aolimpenbill 6,: Financing available to oualilled buyers Na other discounts apply CAR 5550 So. State SALES 539 - 2188 CARS YOU CAN COUNT ON YOU CAN TRUST ROM 4 NAME 5 I' ! 1 I 70 y. ow, no 6,dO k, kJ, sjc; i,ovs48only 0,, 2.1floo SAQs )9s4344 woo. A 4..1 .$ AO, (.44 262 76..,0. 179 It coPott VtCTc.P1A, 1)0.500 MI.. 011 rood 'Pi cover shove s,r4e cad on,. Ne.6,1 to sre to re. at , (jr. Wei 1.4,7 1.k' 14b APAP..'t edrhor orwied! Lop, roT. tent cooO S3, 100 3 & 12 ,o 'Al mold Lit) czi66-(- 10( 83 ('rtLP.CUR le, 71 PINTO t OIL S),.1 &A,045 1..5 No ) t:IM (Of ( 'h 80 tkAt . 70 vvit.1 5r,r, 00 '71 c Ono', ose " 7ft.V ,koot, 4 o'ito 69 ',MOS, tgonodo, 344.1,041 LAO N,' 0. yi ',,i, SJiP o,.$1 10 VOW) 4. WO Ott .1 t C '''s ''', Si ',,,,(1,, ''-- , :'-- pool 000tio 70 ,' , .u.i eng,"0 jc - ,Y FOP C, onodo, ouln 6 lo 6 o..les, S.640 110, St sotot s, 261.5252 ,, .1 ,,thie,1 'WO S (R() 222? ' ,,,,,, ) L,.. SL,' 45.31e 0 01:',4 ,s, ,k, ,.. ,,,,,,,,, c,,76 ,,,,,, rI;IrOn. i ,Itei e,,,i1,0 .I1 :, )1 Ym 73 F ' ' R .7.1k4LIS!,No'o, tc,41,0, i 06, (to L0,,i 005, whp,4S, OW' t oó'Ao.C. si,995 ntr,s v no 53t1 t ,,;,t ,I,' .io.,1 t tkie AUFF gn VS ,, ' 36,,i q't o.'IN Air urrn. v(od f)o, FI)P:uop, ivt,Clusk, rct OVne fUL St, So 4 80 ,,' coie,P 112 HMO M. N SYFP Stit et, co dt tpet, 1st ;ate, neo, 0, 7 Cond,t. er t C90fl '80 FiESIA, Runs well. 0,skt. unud ' Gcoxi Stiu)ent SO,K, phlto. t,c,y1 ,,i,,, e',377 )tut, pt.,. 0.ttor',, ' ,, rn' ' 'WO 4 ,,,, '"'' ''" ' ' 1.4 tAkWe tS 0, $L945 429,2 So. ,, t ittsAtt.'vt .84e co, mt, ANC, " .0i, - ' F' P.,ult T,,k,os .:,M I di (rukt.o. '0,, AV, e 0 'j ,),, , , ,,I. . rze,sil ss,s2s ' S ALCL'7TE ''' 1,,, .,0., S ', 11,() u N8.2653 ,F1 ,'1,0:,7, J6 ,06 ' O'''i' (,' ' '4 ttt t,,S ,,, it,,, ,o, , .., LOOK ,' ,,,,,I, (,(' '''' '''''''' her 0,k kg st,WANt us:0 MUM FkAuf S S p ''. 8 91)0 c., S, AMON 10 ,4sy 100k S48 lie i ,,,t) '4 a ,,a,t t, 8., C t4 (.8 e es tt .e ''''' '4 V,DDLI. I, ALT 34dk 'Jtt4e, MLP.,r '' ..,. 1 ''''t" ,... N.,''. .;I. ,2 4 in r,11 '''' tt, Ae,t 10 ..), 4, wou n,,, ,,,,I.,, ' V;.,,, (,,((, ) :, , ,, 16t"' Sir ..., ,e. S. ,, ,, ',.. r, .,, torro. 14,, d ''' ,, 11,,1 ,,,I,,i ,e,o, httille , A., .,:j tic,lit-r- ,to, try s., ()??,L t '70,,,,i," ,,,, S 41)rukA s 305 sal ,,t,r SNek,, clod Soot T,011 .,,, ,, ,r , 4.,1,.1 ,' v, e.t. S' 8,., 6'92 cr Cw4E) 7t? ,, , .4 ,,, , ,f ot.or L. '' ttrpt ,i, ' ID S,a,K ',nave, 2t,2,:ol1 HI I, '' ' '''' ) rili)N1)iPrAiPo ,,, ,"P ", ''''''' ''''''''''''''':' '76 , t,ce 5h2 762 ,, 4 18, ,) M ORO 4.4..istong, 4 S2,295, Or, 364.10441 '81 4 ' 'T'' eal Vre, e,Ceienl &At,' , 'Lj i...7, I" 1, (ccj )941 FORO wTv, , '' 40, 2...l,(. ,44, s. ,,,,,,J tv. ., - ',9! 3 '7' Mtl'5I 26'i Sone t"ev, (Art, Sf)utt,, 97284i lookd. 710 re( vi,4se ,,e1;,,,, v,- -, Crier auto., 8: FORD Aolo, A 'di t' c V..' ).,4t , ' S 0,1 , b,,, 2'3 4.4... ,,-:- 4 ''' ,, ij 10, I s..,,,,,,. ,( ' ', ' UJ uLt MUSTANG, uir Nicest in toAnt! ,,,o. ,;Itri St moo, r " le, 0i,1( 11'1 IA $V75 S975 , ex1 A.1, iov, mi 995 ?6313.24 di 1'76 ,,,,L, r.." viot ., rt. , ,., 1,i,,r,i.);.0,,ts ' , ' 1).- 4 Of, 0,n, 114995 NI,8uyk) (,.1 SI ' 6 - 0,, ,,,, 2,1,, I 4)., ,L, i, , 3 4 '1 t I , ,. .,, s, Full mont eol ow, '82 '86 FORD Escort L Model 7,11, Macute and clean, wo5 roon, 5,W5, now SS,095 19880,k) till s6,($00 ,, ,,- AN(., 1,51: ,, :)::',6 8 t.8, V anner, EGRu MJsto ON 3(.410 fOi4D Tour us GI Htiwv DO v Fol d 9737t)39 . . 4 '', (.4 ' , bUr.:, 4 4 t, SI ',cut L.Y.0 01.q.) Of STATION IAAGOAI 3FnS 3.1,,VCS Chtv Coprice 9 POS SA W5 ga Foid Crcwn Vic 9 ors 85 VW Quantum $8,995 SA Ws '84 Nissan Sento '83 Nissan Settto S4,405 AkDELL BROWN AUTO 2560 So. State Exceitto, AN , ,,,,,,,,,, . '' ,'S '',"A: ,.., , - hot Die Jur FL1 CLEAPA'rE - , t ' '4' '.., ,, J, to, " MIOeq Hyursdoi, '84 DODGE ARIES, CHt Cup, ,ce 4 di Ee't C,ean 943,5M E,,e1,ere.condrt,on '...0,.) .82 $615 S500 dr. DOCGE Cat, csree see thIs one, hwe stkk, On ownef. 1..crrs, H. ,,Q,,,,,z, , S997 '34 DODGE Cat1 Tt,rbo, GIS ooe, OIL Was t5o5, now S.4,995. MARK MILLER SUBARU, 3734 So. State, 268.2131. .84 DODGE Dot 000 turbo, kw, mi., eII c ed tor, bolt sell, 87,200 or best otter. m coss.Puni otter. DL1122. 2 Oco, Aulr, roi or, S1V5 SIN1S FORD Escort, I Leen( .1,,1,1 )0 , , , , Are booster r, Lose. u8 SI 4ut 124,35 ID, .,J1. r, :, c&nci, '82 FORD -- late-mode- I. P. ist COLT TURBO. E xcelent cond. ow MI Must SttII. 'S4,295, 911-- 560 e,es. 2w344T6 dovs. A 261.3591 SO DI, ruce worronty ,es ire. (HEW ,t " '6'5 '87 Fo&L) Es A, xi t,ont $19.6 S1375 $2,04,0 248,8,4;2 ,ji; F01443,317, ,1., '44 J. T5 S 5,5.,,, S $1?95 51295 $2695 ,, 2 4, - ?Se',d1.' (5.7,'IS $950 $44,1 i e '85 DODGE Col Vista, auto., new, 28,000 miies. S7,250. I.373 .. 'e, ''',,'' DODGF Co.t bic.ts are being ac. Union ur ceated at Cyprus til Thurs. 25. Contact CAA, or 65 DODG,E ow, to, Just YALIBU LLASSIC. 52,495 E otos into, 29852n4 reou, cl Puns di S1,010 6 dr CkEDIT NO Pk'OBLEm Mcike Payments to Us. SAVINGS AUTO MART So Stute AP COND. AUTO, 0.4510E. 055NER, CHEVETTE. cr ofle, DeAADO Goxl corvim,y, OW yo9.1 4,S,'',,"'i', r7-I , r's '' - 4 ,:...'' i..t. '8FORD i5695 $4950 oft, CriEV Cdatroe 4 door, ourt,, Nice order. $1400. 451.5553. , 0 to - ' ir , i.s 4 ''' ''' :, ro 511' $41 74,, $ 'AR, ..4, '',13r,0 ,N , t 0, . 0 00 pS's,"''c, s$S19;f55 door ow, ask Rs Steve. 2 dir S2,495, co., &cod $1295 S750 $1095 Sl275 $1095 $650 4' '' , 8 Lil Sr.,' i, .., cii,,, oille,, S6 cm) 661,44', .,,, '87 FORD Mo,taliu u01,, Bestir', .8 ,zpueuto,,ce suo,,),,t 83 sii50 'u'' 1,),;,95 s 4 0,,,D 0drt 0,ito, AC b EL DORADO y 0 !'tC CHEN Cliaton CO3t.LAC $1,995. 2,4804c or s2 90c. mrrocu,ale! de 53,1 st. Vgtots, 80 CHE cmito, ow, 40,000 s:011. LC. Eh:10,04) nit.' , 07 e.cele,0 cytd $2,91.10 ot,tr. t),(10 SI 6f.), C..9 ovo,e, '''''' .11 2, poi SIC0 Dir El Cdm.n, or.le (or. S IOU roo 11 Pay only co horialino. Sbritl? 96 lot., del Pi ice S3,034.vo pips fps, OAC, sub,ert to artor sole SPAR. TAN 8355 so State, 20686 (qt ,, !,28o9,5 "'" corio - (,...rtu. - EL 9,,,,,118 ("of " tlJr AC CAVIL oeItt vehrte tor, kety,,tt engine ce,,, ,,,,.e ' .,ef - 4 .,,,,, , s; k Sot: lo '' '14 ' ''''""1 ' '"P''' tt' ' Ara orso ,,,,.,,,,1 ,, ,v,r,,, .0" G,1 P.4''' ,' , ' ' ,',- ...,'' ft 04, ,,,,,,,,o, Se, hay' - - ,:, ., (a,.. PI , - c whrte Oeon LV.OSF $2:00 0:83.i.ce diesel, 'bed, soe- 00, Ne wool 7 tires brakes, etc:, m,00r roatOr OrOb Best one, ove, S;300 ownL., 26,56984 CAD PDPMAL Most seill CHE V FIEF1A000 CADALIIC RPOUGHAM, 77 " UT 84130, 8..8 - ',. CI t z ,,tr. stFL) F scott eg Du, to (Aid no A- - it.t S.. ,t ' toses ,,e 0 on s )9 ,w, 'I 4,2 I 01 63 $1095 ,, ,ii,,,, i,'s, Cony. A894, CITATION 4 oir, I Woo", $I In ris6 268.6322 worlies V.195. The Car Mcr, 1'39 So State 262-- 6 ,25O1 Y 4.,,,,PT,.:.,ACE ,,1.8.2c,s0 S ..., 82 74,000 I ,,,,.. .," --91 ..4,,,,, 3,9 4 12 ,.4, CHRYSLER Leecrou woc000 Nice. 6 Cyl., spd SI5(x). 77 CORDOBA, V8, air, steYeO, xecY 7. clean, luxury, S795. Or. ''' lo. ' a ..,'. ...4 , -- ' ' 1,,A ,, ., .,,, ..,0,, ,,,, ,, (7 ,,, ,.,:,--, ur '' ,,,e ,iO4,441 Pu 8 s TTE 4 Coo, wools, new i bninl i.so No NO uncksr S2,000 Con tw seen by coiling 350-AOiI bibs befole SSM Oct 1, lvlitS to: f SliuNti, T,u lsii.ii, o Joon , orntxxn, P 0 Pox 30007, 0,1, 81 CHEV ELDGRA'00 All pr.er,u11 S100 down, SAPO rno P ., C,,,,, t)-f 82 (AL .AL E,(enere conorrice 2784051 of 111 ',,o. ' ;,,,e ,,,,, h ,1,,-,t c ' - - -- - 11', ,,, T. A ,,,, ,, L 0 . rr 78 0,PE DE VILLE I 0NN 79 (Asi,APO Poky Spor1 neo, mint set rows f tcellerrt (old, , B.,,c 4',,,40PODM COND MUST se snows, wheels. Ki TO BE tap.nECIATED 4 EN 000., w, . '.,, . - ''(' t, v', Al'''''''N, E NDE RS ho.e ,,ONE 4.9. , P offer DL 1975 11.,,,, , P,S S300: 7'1 b., S'4,.. L, ,,,' .Is" on, purpose debt consoi,e,c SO )562S ' 4 9''''. ' ,-..ir'l A El .2 CAL,LLAC estnte CzeV Dodo ciasic, -0. ,e0. '' 9 '' ''''..' 178 Blue. 3S0, (or., SI,A1 2r117 T ..' ':::,1' 1.'")6(..Alt',1'srai.INAC'tuC''''.i.o..' s60 . pfient o CAD El Dor .10, s., ,,, 0A, '19 C SA SO of otter HP. Lhe.ftie 4 dr Alru, Runs ge,it 15r ? oxicws. ' c.us'n suon, 1st S1197 tures cr ck,, S58 ,,,. AD, wod ..r.n.n..) cond , or. c..g,ERASE BAD CRED7 mo ,t2 cir ,..... ke..1.fle. 4 - ' ..0,445 rn, 1, S'(,1 ,,t, HE, ., ,,,,,,,), 4e, 0 .i,so c',.,, ,.... MONTI CARLO L AN. ' , ." .,, I ..4 CV too I C...',.. ,:x,r0,.,".31,) SU ,,P4E SS I OVP., GO'i 2. , r Oki, Ds., MD, hit rnog wheols, '',,,, 4 -- t ..:rt .Ie ,.)4. I. ci r4e4. 04.40,1 ','", rr,',1 $1.4.,, 469 AnD9734,82,, , eft,u '. 5 '',.! . ,- - 0 ' 3 rt 4 4.4,s1 C, PS : turrtrg ; ,,,, s '45 ,, 7Q v imvoil 4 4 kuns es(ei. .. . ... P.tt . i .1. S't9C Lon '5.1.83 CO k.nt Auto. ott POusi 5e11,! 1St S1197 '.I. "'OP, al , x , , 44 s new r). ocruch4 , ,o,,.. trose ot .. pa go L.. ,i4tt.,t te . uhror, tu mlfs, dn VrThn ,,, ,, o,d r '"10''..,Ci ',Ott .;,,,,, P.iIft00 .,....,, ,,. .,7.,, 4...... 7Q CHC Lor,,CrO5yort C 0,10r, 3so, .. v T OD A , tA ...1 ,1AN",.,fc SC iiSt',48. tL.tt.,J BPI, 4Xt Ay M osseto, S2"C '.'i,'F i NEr erg t. ,It41 ,, SA ',C ' iS Q,,,'''';(19,08,:9,7,7 4., , .,,, 4 - ,,,L I wit,,,TIC ,, S 0,C ')rd trc''s A ,. ". - ,ti,tef S f 4nHP, , ,,,P; ,.... ,'....- t,,, PLCii tA rwt : 7, , , , efrs Iciournrh,1 Lino S5,995 2713 So. Mom, Brit,. !, tx ,),)oe It (.1.,,, c,,v,to S:49 ''' S,'.' 414 : ' . .' .,!,.,..,,,.',, ,I. S ,)P, j. ' ,, ,. S . 'I J., ',- e .6 , ..ui t ft SAS JWEC. DfftI, eo,os. OU esta4e - - c )', SI '.'',,-"''''''',- . ,,, (r S2'0 S', S 79 CAD SCkin ,8 he CI, tho,e I LK,C1 EkC4e,14 ;cetio4.9,e '9, , 7r1 4 r''''w ''.0 T tw tu131,-- S ' 6,6 - or f ,,, (tt C., Must 5.3,d St. Motnrs, A'12525: CADILLAC Sedan Dt vii.e, svntte, Sc,.50,0 ,W.001 7g ,) 4:),,,, kligjlinS4 .. S ,,,r o Crr.olont 4.4), treest 500 $045090 Or ,ve CHE.', VAN, wntle, 6 :Ivies 12800 602.3,800 tits, Fctd CORD064, good cod, T tom, loaded, S I,A) best oft et .9434n4 '78 CHR YSLER Cordoba, p.s., Pb. (vita, amfni radio. S575. See after 5 pm, 771 lA'.900 So A7, St .C. di 82 rks ii: , .,, kr-- (cA ....,.... e , SW t(1:., ,e.14,1 oat. loud- .. ,, ur: v.6, ,4 .a, '..tote S294,5 $ t0.75 ,,,,, r is ''''' - J., ,,,,, ,e, - Sh",,'4''''',4'n7U4' SS 'BA J., e;Pe'N':,,,, Oev Che,ette 79 CHRYSLER Leldur Ott, must see to believe, call now. Lorry H. 5 Miller Hyundai, outo, (pf. sell. 82 CHF, v ev (env,' 2 4i, Sitc f,te,Se, ,11,,,,, fs: caqt ", if ,...(1 ,,,, , , ' t Mar, Drroio El LAC uirof se! 4 cba. Cif-- rActl' Money to Loan S'S NC ,..91,1 tni eves. The Cur State 'SO CADIL S38 SI ,, Machinery. Pipe, Tools .1?(11. e tooi BIPPlTl sue uogJettes, nog 2,9 , b,,,,r Cer,te,, 79 CHPYSLER Nesport. Ot eut Must souttice, takes or 0 dn. 0i0 ma 85 Comoro 7;78, looded, itA ,4Q, USK fOr NA,J nett e4colient tioS oil options Son int)t, cillise (rintiol fon- - Sin, Kathy CAO CL DOR ADO foil 0,,.set CCO The S5(65 Yuri UJQSO Stute e., '67 (HP YSt ER t eboron Coect conclOion.SAX.O. 3200 WC,N 97062 3,095 86,?46, ownef S8,S0i) FUWNI- , ,fiAn-.- SC D4.S,O, ville to 4.! Se tiont wheel , '83 CHRYSLER 5th Ave Fully ed. Flawless Lond $7,75. LI 298.2653 AC, curio, s3,6o41. IMPALA 1H tlxossn otogo, 4 s lAD 5,stile LieSion'. fill' Diamonds, tVTVII Gold, Coins SI Li 03a rpocl Eiu ,UPN.'; , 'Pt Lk PAU SS CHRYSLER rittil Avenue. Fully 'coded, kgther seots, am Im clelwe 'meow. AA,Jst sell belve II) 1. S,9H, otter, Se,ov3165 looks, mce! CHEV Comoro, otter 82 CAD S7RE TCH LimostrJE et bat rv, oil tpr crynsole, voiles. S12,500 rr e Car M. tri 41N State 26'2.6175dt 4 a- CHE V 11, New tire5. 89500 Secttot r.m.,set 4139 So 81 Odom 011 Woughom d'Ele loociext. ELD0RAD0 81 fji Wanted owl ur,LD TUPC WSJ ,IP9LI,IP4,1 9.11 and tr3de 'Nod.. 350 Atst 1'00 S VAS, - Furniture ',.'1'irsg EUTV1010 mHes.p,-,c- L - iS.)' F C,I Equipment 1,, - CHEV FM, 069.501 Di 208 3, - T rr,,, J ti - f Afi FL,L, MJ. 85 door, p to, 83 55 4 4 T:t,,,, r,,, t4,:, ES 83 ,,, s93 ssh ley COanons 77 Datsun F 10 vegn 79 chub B210 81 DoNun aux, X 82 Dotson ;kiwi? '80 Dokt9e Omni 77 Ford TO '75 Ford POD son 76 Pot d (wanoda '78 FAO Van 79 re,,,c,,,, , ch "95 ,4 ,,,,, $ ' t I - ,,,348 S14,05 ., '',. ,,,e S..,5k5 Lt.,' tut pu6e 6 ,,,,, 0 $ 4,, VAS NoA $1895 S,275 S26.05 $1975 ki19') S,,,,lort, ' , '5'4 5 , Lary $1495 9 , ..- 04 9' '''''.1 GCsis '74 Cnes Blazer 74 Ches., tun 4.4 75 Ches, Monza '76 they Coma 76 Cisev Cnevene 77 Criev Monzo 78 Use., Caprice '79 Movie Collo 79 Chev Cile26476 '80 the,,, Blazer '8 Cie v Molibu wgn CHR VSLEP Laser XE, bik,silver senfs. 35,000 mi. Owner onx loos. Low book, S5,99S. home do'. fbitv DeVIlle, CADILLAC moov cond e,ttas, $1.4a9 t3e, t lfe YOop Tt S 01(1 069 0104 N67 IONIEMNIffik- Store Office : of InT1 555 (44 won, CHEV Caprice 9 pass. automatic oYerdrive, low mi., lowed S5,200. 82 CHEV Chevere 4 dr 4 sods Runs super. 1st S;6k7 takes or 0 ckt, VA me. 3784347,4 a'Nbes3;2211er '84 CADILL:kC 83 Ofi C. AM 9 a, 84 84 2,y (:)()DC'E De r''''''''. l'U"' 0,,,,t4f 1500 C.43- l'n3 '81 83 vetl, coH,) . , , , - eat , - 4 , i si 5Lii re. ' ',,,,. E t '' S ue I 4.4 ,',,a, .e, 'LA 1412 202 20 n to, 1,,,,,, A T,I,N -----FORD T'okii0 TB.rs s s,,,,, CHWYSLLR Le Boo on FIN', lauded only $600 doom $92.09 me. 10 8 Coll souTH STATE 82 or 7 ,,,,,,, coss TAKES CAMARO ou, fully l000ect. LAcellent cord MO sell. $3,895. 2954246. '82 CAMARO. Elderly ladies Law, low niL 2554156, 82 CHEV EL CAMINO E Oro, e (fro owner. Very, very clean. Elderly $o mtleaae. Air, automanc, rosS. eves. 129466. 82 ?775024 kg), FL ES, S8295. p.m. DI MIL 82 6 COUPE uonce WO CARY'S CARS )015 firm I iiKi ,,,, ,,, " T ' ' '. 1,, PK . , ,. , .,, s,4, 4.z t ,r,t.O, eee, ,, , t, , .8 t, 0,s LENGER. ket du', h sl,E,A) Ides. 80 AMC F,pii it 80 COrKOrd 0,e9r, 82 AMC Spirrt 00, cr uo.e. S' 0,, 24.5 SO. M010 St. 84 $.4.900. .82 CAMARO or. stet ea, custom sham. $4,995 speel. c "0 P 1,1,75 ',Esi e,lr, L' ,, ,, r, (1104 St,5Y, i 7'7' - i627 CHR YSLER LE BARON. piAT. wondowi., tiii, cruise, speed, Point e Ii FIRST 72 IS (kb YSLEP Lolko on I dr auto, 3 Z28. 25,000 loaded, like new. Offer 8 sv.4i441 'dIcr.n Dolf,1"e '84 8LJ Ruroing 41;,2R s4,x.014.rs.V74-o48,- ., Junk C73.W24 ff AL tiw 'A:LA CAR Ik4.r.,4-4- X1eS de d,r4., Ai0C. 1, ..fide, 4r,tj 333 ,u(k vet,' het' A , 487. ti,TetoNi '501, , ; re ed N H. 0011e,' Hyunt101, CHE V. tnas, oer, 'coded. as LAO. rory - cco, "- or, Larry fillies, pt , ''''' ' r,,,, tt4 We a,rt,-- t 44) 5.....,t NO cl,' $1595 sspn 7q Fot d Mustarg $2695 $ 165e, 81 For d Fulbra S,l845 $2150 '75 Honda Civic 5'95 $6'5 76 Honoo Civic $ 1050 80 Honda Accord $2995 5,6,10 74 Jeep Wagoneer $ 495 c1,0,10 73 CHEVY Novo, blue, 2 dr., 350 en$800 or 77 Mocha GLC $1495$1,000 gine, runs gOod, '81 Mazda pickup Dearest 04,4. 069.4073 ult. 6. $1795 S1115 82 Mazda GLC $7995 52150 3 Good conalhool 6 Merc Monarch S1695 W5 be,,t otter. 529233 S'4frO 79 Merc Mona; ch SlOS5 72 CHEM. NOVA SS, gcog cord, 79 MN-- C.3pH S'7615 SOSO 73 Olds artless S1OA5 txxiqt.t seat5, 4 sod. S1,601 leove $575 77 Olds Starhre me5soge $1295 $575 77 Old Omega $1575 4 0 tJOvA good engine, '77 aKIS Cute ss $145 ssi, ext.oust, sit:Islet, 80,000 mt. AM. 80 OldS Cutless LS $2995 S16!5 FM tope, &SOO 583.5t0, 'so Olds Stothre S1095 14,5 69 CJ MARI) 18 Plym s Spoil $1895 $1275 Show car. Must see 79 Plym Chomp Sle95 51015 '80 Plym Chomp 1775 Si195 69 CHEV Impala, 2 de Good cond. 77 Pant &fond Pr ix $1,045 51i;5 4451 Deon Cr. sosVC. SAIL 78 Pont Grand Prix $;445 $ i 5 '69 NOVA 477, 4 butt !num, I spd. 12 '80 Pont F d k1995 14915 bolt 513 Pasi, centel line wheels. .81 Pont Grand Prix 53995 $2675 oc Many esitoi. 55,500. 81 Pont $1695 $1075 566- - 075 83 Pet toutt Alliance $7895 5;975 $1695 S8'5 IMPALA 2 dr. 327. Puns 78 Subcra Of '66 '79 S.,bari; 41a4 syCin $1695 51175 well. Mike otter-'76 Toyota Corolla $ 105 $8"5 'AA CHEM. IMP ALA, 7 de Goudi cond.! '77 Corolla wan $1495 5775 S1,300. 7124;99 01 78 Toyota Ccx olio $1495 $975 CHEVPOLE T A special purchase of '76 Toyota Cc4olla $895 $450 52195 51675 GM OFF lease Cos obersd, 6 to 80 Toot Pic8up o Toyota Corolla All tiff S1615 52495 hove AC, from oulo, (hove 11495 5775 Mere. '17 Volk 1006136 wheel, CL intera, AM ALL PRKIS CASH NO TRADES os, of eat boos. S6,500 or sioaoo minimum ckwn wrth clop( oved BILI SNAPE AUTO bnonce credit, 11.75', 1,21 So Mort 48:,7100 rote. 290.0000 dr, t3,3 doof won't 28,54 3 di CHVL,F1 510,on wooyl passenuae, V300 211.3994, 2 , shit 83 CADILLAC Fleetwood ii,ck,ohom D Elege,nce, low miles, e.celient cond.. Cluck cherry with rrirrtchiog OA , alEV Cavalier 83 CALESON CADILLAC So Mon 5214144 CAP,LESON cop OLD CAPS AND CPL'O.S Acr66 P6cycitng 971.3116 . xket, C. ,,,,,, CADILLAC Sedon Devine (3)Spe Clu. Purchase, wthre, diat.nom, desert frost, wrel leather, wrth 900of 2.9 APR. ovollobte dr S1,000 cc, h bock. 86 CAJ (;,' , 'Se 1070 So plcAup cr,t1 ftv snn,P Ca car, Ott., S BUICK SPECIAL. Newly panted. Restored. Good crAdrIon. Runs vood blue, Light blue Mt Mute too. 53,600 cash 1070 Ie..; 4 ',Y)(10.t, , '56 Int., vPE rune, sp)(q.1 ;VB 1552 S; 4Cn 5t2050.0 SALL I -.- root, Buick I TO. 455, $350 cur or SIO0 iust ervne. after 5 pm 73 IRMA cruise, Off tV'W tfru,es buttery, runs wad. 10 Ti3 Moon $099. 13 DELON'S. AND 942- 3V21 Peoul Coll Sood S r, 00(.1, toe, tut 1,(, BOAT DUIJK BUILK S. 4 ,' E4 2E02 b ot,,o SO9'5eottrie' All LO, mi. 350 V8 3 $400 A, 4,', CHAL ne,,,, " .1.40, E',:EPsst TrisiN.G.7 (HE'.' Monte Cato New tv ukes. 5450 of b.est toe, '83 CHEV CAPIRICF CLASSIC cktto, air, tin, cruise. Must sell lawnealatelyt! 30.33550 Atr Lond. Needs Home. Jerry Seiner Chevrolet, 730 1 WeJ 210 South, 76 BUlCk Century 3 seut W000n, 10.4,1:m miles S100. 798POW dr 71 BUICK LeSate e. good, det.end ogle, ION eouoged, tronsoodn how; car snow fir es incld. BOOKS LDS 22 AS 55,200. Oomaro, Woos, Sty695. SIO6.11 mu 54 roc.. 13.5s., OaS, Only air, horsebox', s2n4,94 Int, del price SA Am? s4 pius tn,, scue SPAR.. OAC, sublect to col TAN, 4355 So. State, 83 DIES Cavalier, 4 door, 4 spa., air, ercellent cond., S3,05. PETERSON AUTO SALES 561.7727 808 SOUTH STATE Revii, SICIHAWK, $',00 Take Top coml. CHEV '03 Auto, 0,102 e 378.2'86 O. itArtin St tP,L0 IO oboe; tired loodtt hrs t,cellent cond I Ike nev, chute crt u bur coin or ,Le., cidron Ws (Jr' locate tittt Edolooeot sou Aont VtAll Seely Equip. avolicole St.N ktook ton 7,s hp v.,nts L),ee1 Lk chod ,:,41.3303 222.i94 s 254 ions LTD. V.6, dr., p.s., bet.t offer. olr, OutOMUtIC. CELEBRITY. over oymt. or 83 REGAL 2 Cr. GoiA0 to school, nlust $eIII S2,000 Or best offer. 966- )764 oft 6 on. loo sod. $2,20 $3,999. BUICK 77 BUICK FOR USED BOOKS Z S2191 mo. 2 dr cyl. Air, 2 CHEVETTE, ct., 5 ,FM cuss. Runs wad! otter. DL 1172. 263.3591. Or LTD. Looded. s, 77 ' '" 84 CHEVETTE Skviork 4 dr., S5,200. AM 59,000 mi. Runs suffer. ist $2197 fakes or 0 dn., S94 ma dr 79 buiCK REGAL, air, sunroof. No rusr S100 dn. $119 mo. 53rd St CASH tor used recut cis. LP 'S pt e felled Srookev's ketords, 1$15 So i 500 tust, S.L.C. 464709 .reot Bickers 188hutv Don ft ,i08,,so,o5 S '8 9, Soli'Y tor e TirERNAilt)ItAt 'ON Furl, Ire, 3 W191 to buv used kuds scue, ,(;,11.14 MC (o) tbs. 10'.1 to1' 107475-260S uueu,tutic tires, rertuitt Itoo, ed. 1.8 se. S4,500 otter S 282 ;822 ',, TRIPt IE A kLE bockhoe tracer, WANTED Mens ozies, comic L.D.S. i000 s 5,2(,) otter. 9324 So '300 Vest. So I.T.191C, BUY misk rtems. Pay ca,h (Ed r D MA6.13LL Vast 5erv.ce ONAN DIESEL er,ulne tor use Oh picf, up. $ $180 CASH for any type Nona tools P11,P e.e6 IC geroe,aor SCO o,..ed $3,C00 otter 582,5443 ow OP Neve, NE&UTC. .6 I y S G0rbco0 Pott ,.heot dozer, BA5EBALI ti Good K,j5 0,4 cor,ics woned .. , Si, YLARK 4 dr., S2,0,30 mi. LOC$S toAes cx 0 dn., S 105 BI.I.Ck , 1C 135 !tWOOt, tIAVAC,i-- , 84 Al. ist 4 5 sod., otr, CHEV, Z28, AM; F M. Ell a shorp! 5i,995. 0i112.. 2621800. Six Lt. ARK. Whrle, 4 dOor, auto, air. One owner. VERY NICE! First 11,995. 80 BLACK Buy Ne Hof 84 '81 BUICK 11 CELEBRlTY Cruise, 84 L E SA ORE wagon. Air, Mt, Cs oise, good MPG. Runs co eat. Needs body work 11,495. '81 $4,8)0. stow PARK AVENUE: Air, Power evervteince AM .M ans. ster N:l New rebuitt go., eng. Runs 01 eat! Cory: 263.931.1, atter S. 72 BEST OFFER perfect. 8 Pi.: :, ' 2a.: i4 ' I a CHEV. CELEBRITY. Loodock low robes, hos It all, riKe Mom's car, DON cleanest In yoliey MORGAN, Auto Sales 5:10 So. State, 84 BUICK coALio CASH Sam cvl., ub 6 1X1122. ph CHEV flp.ia .OQ1fl apod eng,De Bas gain, S350 2713.9616 '13 EL CAMINO: Great shape, Sao,. tire! MOVING! Must Seal low owner. miles, dlr. Extra nice! 13,905 or otter, Wart to ovv, IA', I. 20 t tee, e PsiD eenDE', rt lAAA, A9 ton, 'rtoi,e; S REGAL '82 m. 7 - bath condo, tot building motet 1015. 1.124- - 4085 OR OLDER 4,4 TRADE '16 CALL c61.9378 ore, 4 ton crone, TRUCKS, t. ', 4 no5C and air. 13,975, so e ownet, p , ut,r .4.,,, V11,, , , ' , ' ,,,, , Cond good . - ,y s..:20 73 CHEV Cavalier Station Moon SQ. below low book Q00,1 COMA. dir hon. 5,3,45. DI. .V .C. 3 Ock 1226-69- 7 oower toll diesel, 1 Eli,4' t 01 f)t - " egt, I 7 5,,, CC"vVe t.,L,k ' . .,,,,,..-- 1 e,e,, et, c,t t o ;",' ' ',' (tri,,,I, sipri,e re, 5, 5,, .,,,,' - FE.' (Val good - 74 DODGE Du super Carla 61 millet DWs.te, VEGA. Excellent conaton. Sts0,0 ot otter. Coll 363Se06 atter 5. COVOI,e( 4P- 1,00 AM 4 SON ' ,- 84 ),444L, ','',..1s,T,;,., 1 ,,, r M s. ' ils AM 94 75 DODGE Cot xtet, ps., 73 CAPRICE, excel. running (ond., a Nes 1,31)0 562.2219 cur, 9.5 e Ma . ger Station Wordon, roan, veri preav, owner, lauded. 2984090 dlr. 88,200 '84 , rii 0.4 F 12, 0 ,.,.., it, LAJUUt nes, tires Av.. 1 .7" best 74 Pb., 969.5471 Ev Ctuice Cossic '84 2 74 clang-- 15,000 Chevetle, 014 mues, per.te,0 cond. $3,995 or best otter. MARK MILLER SUBARU, 3731 So Stole, tont t. d 2 531 $o CFIEV '84 Bold Pod, Ave. loaded, nice cur DAVE S rkoNG Ace sche, Audi, 13149(0 82 CENTUR r Lmrted. 4 door, tea..40e 'THAW i, ssoo yv (2) 21( BUICK REGAL diesel Clossvi 1200 dn. 1134 rno. Motors, 262,5252 olEvy ,,ov , ' S $ 'JO ,j itk S ,...t50 Cool! OH, cit Mecnanica,t, or,d svon, these, air, AM TM Cuss (IS., oil, eAcelient cond., 1.'2.4)427 7664N4 eves ana msnas r82 wk. MOBILE 40 Dr CI tIC Anis al, eluIPnsent Mounted on (pother., di Inlet nrit1000i 1)(Ilk All Dee, 5 (onside( cll. Coll 487.1113 4(d AMP LINE01 N APC WELDER. diesel poweted or trueer S3,000 Coll 1.224.2117 pr 225.1495 t:con. Lai: : shr.ets Aveno4 4 cloo4.' LooOed! ioxurv car. gtb: S5,995' 41'7'2571 c' 2"32-82 Le SABRE LTD: V6. Loaded! Excellent cond. S4,400. 82 LEB1Y, '84 Pork BUICK 5A9.13o3 I,41 tni sod 4 ing von or P V. 571.4603 of igAur v Green Volley Of mtr, cauin to O't V ton, 4 pd., 2 spd. retry end: 53 Ehes' 7 ton 4 syl., 7 spa en,' end, '53 E hes, C.Pe, 9472904, ? ) 0 4c '82 pSs, SS,V7s. ioacted, v nice. 3 camper SI,095 Le-b- Limited, WS. SA diomor,c1 ot USE 10heeelS, Regal even electr,c skirtroot. ve. a.ASSIc CAPPiCE auto., or, 64 al air a 521,0e)0 oett ',IOC 611 a 5 , it S''' ento, ...).)1J4 ortierei $ I,;00 DEAL Fell ttiroaoh 77 DCDC,E Moriaco 76 CHLV. MONTE (ARLO Loaded, R ,ns specie S900. 75 CAMARO, reodie 350, stetted, $1,100 niustselvmov6vg 75 cHEy muliCou Cia5s1( E,eiieili c.11et CoNd Sl000 CAMAi40 s.0 116 e, v8, (Rite, EAcelient. 56141680 Ltaps. C)e r, Inswe out. 4 AD, ris, E.00CtE Cott in peoeci COndrectn ana out. S54)0 dovm ST, 07 n,0 ,0 Cot, 't "ops new - 250- 14 - CAMARO $1,300 (ALL -- sock, 4,000 720a S. F sir to 76 CHF V Cheyette 4 spd. 2 ck Runs ix eat, lst $997 takes ctr 0 dn., S48 low INI OWEN WRIGHT INC Freeway Exrt, iik 8' u, '45,5. $ ir ' 04L MALlE3t) Classlo, 090 or rte t 9 76 CAMARO Z28. Looded, tuit oow e,, ous, low miles. Ssi,A9v, sitoPi. ,i! THE BEST PLACE TO BJ YOUR LAP ICH MOT36 IMmaculate eve. 777.9466 CA 06U:r2 no 5 5 00 tla,Je 76 MONTE Cala LO(Kied S100 down S79 rnd 84 Sl,Ave. S.1OWk '83 BOCK 7727S86 $oo 44 77 TO BO wholesole, BUiCK auto, V6. ell U Ot114., t cirri irt Red, CHCVY S e mpg. S4,500. mt., '79 cork). 77 MALIBU Classic. Low r0L Crui,e E,X14 0 cleon 52,000 or or offer So. 55,5645 Atito, runS or 0 dn. 8,5 eog., door, p.b., air. AlAuvs VI wed. 966- - 1928 al. 5.10 or ends s., S000 9 CAVALYER, 4 dour S OCISSIC, 350 MALlBLJ p 01,044 1300 Akii DOr.,GE ,SS,.. 30', 8,3 her 540,853 N8073, 71 CELEBRITY Wgn. 05 train stereo - rLk4r1, ,,C4 - cur sodboricke 961,1598 $1.800 or ortef. 77 CAMARO, 64,000 MILES .0RY OFPER BEST 278.2559 $1,200 5307 Boywood Clale, 5 L C., Lit 77 CHE,., Y molibu CJOSSIC, 5850 of CHEVROLET CAPRICE. pos. senoet stufion wocm. DI 1472 Coll MII,e Aievorioei, 262.261i .8$ CE,EV Y Covoloer wuuon, fully ecithx,e(I, every Jotiou. NO S5CA) down S152.15. mo. Vo 154,44 ate& 48L3. PAONTE Lv:01:-At- 8 D9619e. CHEVY lx,54 Red a. .,r v et:t cCc 2 '' 1 - S '64 co, 9ood mon D tt er ISD a 01- clooir,iow IN 83 WI rn. coact.). Iio loon. Col Od us,urne t 5614260 d. '74 GMC 5300 '65 DODC,E Di, : a rnues,5,a00 Ms 54,849 BEST PLACE THE 3 bdo NICE East side ? lot eauly Durnos, lets, YLARK nx.e. OM 'NASA 5660 So. State .., 1,VO,E4,-14G- E, Y Wind Crenei o t.ys 03 Itockler twitch and cots. riluS Kitt Irnset, S7,( 4) MOW A 4 txk m. home. VID.Y..Cleo)out toe& S13,U9i3 uttv. '74 truck, Sia 2617109 WILL TRADE car for curvet p)d or ?ILA, L ister ()V gen, , and labor. Bonnie folly egt.ip., incl. ;ter switch and mongols. 13eiow, whisl. 81W (7) ildir' gro ateroals 1,3 7,1.1567 oeo, Quid. CO d), S4,44,6 Alit Oar, mce c NATE OvALW SUE1ANU Moon 355.7)11 Cerrtui v Limited 4.3 die mi. E xcellerit cond. ouoi-Or 539.2400. CrU,St, 8 2 - 77 , '' h...., ),,vvr, o.us 2 SACt455 Jo w s',,t 00 57 1210a ,, c,, 0 350 CID ' 76 V6. Puns Aspen P sP b, am ImCISb. stereo, neW , ;;'04'' s70::,"5..ws"795;cpv bruAe,, stcrier. Tit es t vr. old. 0 dn Si8 7,0. dr Call S' 75 otter 24,0- Ceiett nu 3,seat Station uoo, v.6 me ci u,se, ioot '85 CHE.V. vl Y luse CON:A.? ooe rn, 2 both how" Port eouttv for mobile wolf or ?. Cols Lou v iloo,ord NICE 10., i in f10 on exce0- - i ceiet s Ond er,,, Bock noes tet,, Vol ned Pidido und lot Pots. 11('8 South 5.4) Ore,t, 973.2432. , urri-E-s- )rci,t 44, S, Tro. 2TOCIS, you', 1,,,s 14.,......,,cut tut, leiloth. ir .x oi.r.C71 5i ,i t, x 3.).AX'..iii.',1742 s, E 0, 110 1160 M0Ou Pest -- CHEv Lcy,onec Vlologon, odto, AC, t1H, nice car $6,500. 6,, 85 YOUP CAP, Swap, Trade Barter ocod Lond or suet 50'4 't ()I Pe.o0 i....,fr.. S i'e) eth dieel tot. woo v!est (South Jot don) ,40 b Lw Quid) c).)u2 O ff bucket), boct bat Iwunico 101. .clech- s., )0 wbee' dumb. 1,00TWF IllifilD rot al impil. ew M'''''t. ,,, ,t,,. S StMPL IS. Auly used onbone ex coins fOl oulo oncl 1206 111 hp vvrtti 6 34,000 mi, must Lyi Dkiti TIN'3 TA. ie TRADE I4x ut,x r WILL A Ve t.1.0e tear rubber and butt , outstondmij cond 10148 'Jo. throwhoul, 49.1001 A. d ctgict e$t Snao tie shoes, , 77 7 DOC (410SS ttmg. not, S,Y,s5146 CHEV Como. Dcp,meall Lori's, 262.741i 85 C14E1. S1, 5,,0 - outo LeSilire custom V8, Cr uist, till, om trri SoiC6 auto, do 83 tx,CIS. ond camera cammlecc4v,ctea Conies, Po,0S and luxe boxes, Ve ant aria wo,k, travel, carpet, ond calonet ark. hor)ol cob NetY new Nt,,,,, , (00 ,,, 90,00 ...i.d .'e... , 411 - CHEV Damao 228, pato, AC T. tops, loode0, reol clean, $11,995, N8,40.40 dlr. 85 air, aood. 1st SOS,' takes nla 32 6 4312 dr ic eat conditton mieoierrIt r,(6662,4i8 ,Jr.alis.004 di 77 ', ),,, wl, M,"er DODGE Cho,,e,-,veAM FM trgre $ .510 St Motr-or- '81 9,6 s4e3 ?e,,,,,..824, 8, 60111 CI,095 - IC 4 la, t. ,.0...r... , S 6 dr 17,0i41 1,4,4 Copt ice Class CHE1, custom, p s, u.b ut,s,00 coo oft 5 Art., Lvr, L., DvuuE. 81 453,- Pete Ati.,,Bu C,ossi, 2 cs ht,wcroP aerv tie,sn It4, cor.d e,,,Ls , 66 MC,NZA, shoat, S2t20 )o,,e 57c 41rviti 44 1 ,4' 77 (AmAko ,. 8, oak, ow 8950 4 '34 c'w4 $5,445. iton ,75 No. 4,47 1400 '61, 6,, aL L 68 Coil N.,CP VO; ' L ur S4,611.) .,,,...., $4V best otter Of , ?PS 22tC NEED MAL 25.8 S' ,71' tir' ,, cp Sg.,hawk, ced, icxyled, low WAGSTAFCS, 235 Viel 511. lox Se - 85 E cp . ,, , ., fc- - A..' , ; SK0, ,,k L.,(A.,,,F 9:0 SJ!,: -- 4. . ., ,,4 A J1C,S t c)r . . . S .y., , . - (ir r,L Coll- 6 cfic4,,,,e 'h0000, ne.4, ,0oo, Mike. ? tO, INTERNATIONAt ),,,,, ,n,e,,,,,,, ( 11(n1 E ; SSW. k., Clothing, Furs 1;1 hrs. 2Y3.) B. BUICK mL Co.,41,04 t0.,9,r,,,,, Luod- - recies lte, t,riot,ce 244tS CHF, CS Se,1Y5. Id A, Cru.er S16,1k0 Julio milts -- - ,,,, air, riev, tires. .8A BUICK kABBIT dm,e1, euunt mole. 71 NAN Ghia, exceGent cana VAN Bug newls rrinto, Auto reppe Tr ode tot equal value carpentry, sithng, con ete 14A Excovutor, S16 600. Jr)S65 ioog,tIcik 0.'41 .ct .11 P,4 ,11 110e 11,11.' 1041 .f1; $UCK) $ '50 s 78 78 to 8. ' S 10 45.C. 7 ...,5 ,, 4 s 80 ,., of OAK g.60' $31.)0 r110 trir Pr oble tit S3103 Satt sore,xler sl000 Irrt FLO t 0 IU( SSodel 801 11,8 MAN'. I. BLES, 5350 ea. Dump Truck S2500 S6500 75V 7.1i 0P1) 18 r OWD ,e 0, S. oe61, So, used, Au( BROTHER Compatr onic 801.40.48,, tvpoo,ter. New woo SSiCor Roof, (nu tt Pile S TON LA,' AspOoli Sweoder $19!,0 '!z r,!! ci3 rA0 JJ 0.'e.$$) TiOt4 LI,L0,20 v t, !moo S 4,6 (1940 ,rt '84 S GESTEINUR A)I),s 484.7913 SSOO icit 46omea s ),,,e 1 E TAN tl c,otd. Orgv ke ,,,J 4,4, , 4 600,, , ,,I. ' T Gt Coo .: ) 03,,vot 472 ', 4 ,,,st ,,,,, , ,i , ss ,4 ,, for Sole ., . , . Jr ,,, ro . . .., T,E s " Otr,le.1 ,or Truck, RerOol, Ns,. )044444 & fir,. Loch tub;es, 2729,0) OWEN WPiGi47 INC 7700 So F reewcA, E Art 5tie33iii. MEPLiN 4'0 ph.)oes. S.000 '83 &AD,. Pcb k Ave, hie uo,kel, be AT&T A,Th ucls, tio41..h9es, CAI ,,, fa, a al $5:,0 so 011 our ,,,,, -- - -- yr. t tr.'''. e (HE, r,o1,er (lot! woe. '1 . o. "" 4 1r , , , .it v firt, Ar.4 cour, C;ta,;(1287courertie.40 4 doof. 58 vtrails, oir am tn. 5,18 'Maw, 269s al St Si 84 BLACK, 4 do P S., brolk es, OR Coil ctvv-- (rOtITRACTOR AOC L40:4, otter CENTURY 4 WV so,ad a, 4230.215B 01)10!1)(1t1C, 2es5 Su, Mum St kCMTAY TION !Oh ANNUAI c,0 5, yo(),41;,N1 SALE op 1. Nue, sell. (tvet, 0,1" Chevefies, ,,, Coon, Let V I, 15 SI fi:'',4 u,,r4c, 2,0x '85 CREAM MACHNES RENT OR ICE sr 4 5j ''2'88 rncrt,,. 4go- iisa sel Tecnnoiogy. it qoi oie Ince ,, ,c. , ,,S....,4,1 114e OtA D I. .102.26,11 cvla CI 4 '85 Otik:k urd muchme. AP PPICLS, 263634 OR f or ,7Fij KKK Centur u-- nx17's 7 crVier, Oct. lt. INC. TABLE nee, pol, e ce i 1 DE.IA oe. ces owo sHAqP 4.1tot3e. (kite etj pjn,ip, 4IO.II 0 urn to I. .,o00 rn t9 bec A(.0 .V.,t0 'o0 4. S 114,)i1l k 44, , K.. (.,EVETZE efi..m, CtiE IC01, mum 85 j nm ,3E "S22( i,4,41 buiC K Sorue.,,et, th i, no u u,se on, Pt, stole Vo, Out', .nteo or. ,,,. .;0,,, ,.,:,,, Lttoti Cot & To oniv $1,495. Pentel. 125 No 44.10 Vest NSF. Ne 777? ILL VVHRL POOL MAK.ERS S SERVICE. 11,4,444i ((t L '0,SC v Sem,:5461 414 86uii Ary, 1,4104 u, S'e5,f,,R 85 ,..:.,,,e, (ICI 85 PAP vul St,lk, rtiodtet ark) de,e, Air S ,,T4AZ etentE bt, 4, AECUT1VE DESS Reout,tul desk,.1 et, ,t n, 3 t.ie chvers $1,eLPO ew. stI S450 e4,26 wounl 2 APLI ipcwrr. Te,1 e, .,,, t , icik, ol SOw11)9S ot (w ' i OA WO 1e01 ,0 r, A::: St,f,54, eturn ond ieurner crior, S',000 04 Lie r,tr , Eit.AUTWut 401. eiXt, 3.(krt) go, eat' ,d,,,, - I,. :, t j.,,. E,,,, uo1 1, . ...1 r r,2, Equipment 1 , A.E., ,, tone, oui. . oic,-- Canieras, EquIpment 60 Farm, Indus!rial 414 "kVit,s 1774ottil,e3 t vi$ HP 5 S ' ko 013Ctle SI lb, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,E, 4,,,,, 4 AIIC USED CAL-,Lctie mut, used CCA ci,,ote (6e , 85 k7.,F,M634014,C,C, ,A2,,:.(1,'tA11eter,,,,,1 -- - - k 0 t si 0.,1,1 FlfJfk,,,,,, Sale 1900 Sfione 644'5, , 9C3Aotos for Sole ..,, . t bm a ?P't Automoblies ...d, rf, , eri, .ite , , J ' ,4 , 4 &,.i.p,E 4 20, fv' L,),,,v for , ,, 900Autos for Sole 4 2.,, cot 2 4,,,,:7---,,,,"--",,,,,,1,,,,, smuhe, euue, cm S,tos, eual to tRL Potx- 5 t,te m rOill phone 2 e.te,Thoos I roontlis uld, wcp,I)le Cki I. 0V.ke STOPI f.I.OsS (000e. S for dosoia, of ooryis Pelno sod sou) as 'ewe. onmung of 0..lue 0 ,'uNtvAx 20 c o. 0,0,, berrter, 0";), and clokqh hook Luke ne.k $925 975,101, V o5 t l'ii ill ' rok s"-"Used t'r n'. tl,e, ,c8 loos yeses (loci cood, Coll MOO 'tiro Fritiov. 8S idou ply- ntochtue, .77 4 o,t4.,),7 ,44, auo,,,use 10 i s 501 D -- D,v ',nu. S'...,u i '- i - , vt A,V1, ko2 18) so peu,,,,,,,,,opd ,sed t , co s p,,,--- ,, , M 0 P 4,.,,,04-- OE Of - E 'and Neo, i! 4 ,4( -- re , ct, o. dOoa (c7n)n ac Sz,00S 62 AMC i &( E ,fi, tuulo6red F1CL uFrt,,r,JF,f USE. D 0011 DA 5,54.5.,, ti ,,,,, S4 4 ,44 107,, ,,,,46., -At nod nuturEilt ett i')..) ere e arki strA e 11.t es Etuct ', S..ute,,,, stfli,r)60A 13,, cic.,0,, Lt4lef e ,,, ,r ,,,,,,,,,, 44., 0 t:orke t,4,:44 ,,, 4, 2 rrl enc0, s. 278 ) ti 3, 6 0,,,K,,-s 4 6 a 44' (hut, MAiti 'i ix ol;4 - utt ,,zes ,:itt, ,,! k, eC,P- 4.'343 uL,e,3 ,4,4411 ''' ,c1t, ,,,, 00,,W ,, ;X""ci eAet 4,64 ', I I 400C, f11 MI , LL Lo., Kt., 5,1.,t,S ,ers,tie mot), S,I',. SecOton-4VOP I rt".e, V35k1),' )41e) 3., 3,rpi ,3 tg, ,,4,,, tv, ,,, 4, !, ' (41'.1( ,I2 i At., ,,, At , S 4051 St 82,e C'o4 2...t, "' ''" I,' .., ...W. ti,, t.' e 403,1hoe '0 f't A tie kr ,ve ,e ut. dKei 0,1 1,02 ISt..5 5r4s- u 20 ,,, A SO c I Sh TL A $195, 1.113USE D Nu Tele, toe ut,d uo occe,,s CrKS ge5L ,x L.' 5.5 tu it 1.ut ec,1,1APELEPS S12.1-1- cji pont Ennat Cur, tet ottJ cid t.vi; S., et e,"" J 460 o,30,0e Arm, 0,431t,',or C..u0 ,r16( 0,r,two supphes or rA.Ke A 11 4.'4 ' ,,),,,,,, 5 go, , 35 Ui - 'L)- 'i',,)1. S,1 -- b,,,,,,,, , i a',5 .454, 5 a ', S S S' , s44r, ,,, , :, t, ,.,.,:r 44 ED fret e, , ,4e.,,, ,,,, ,,,, )7., Sur ICA ',er S.54:, S,4774 , so ,,,( Ji4 COST kji F.iothed So.e, '66'464 , r. r)jT 61,eu 5 d b INA 31;1 '41 P, J !,,7 E ' ' ,... b, , ; r,e,tti 10i.p4 ro'E roe 466.3'51 '4 ' ,, - , , .1't.," Sur,vs bt 'Si , ,,,,,,, ., ,urn, .P I S Wanted .,. , p., ,,, ,,7 4 4 1 , i - ,, 900Autos M (' n eY i Equipment 2 t 1,........................ ',015 4 Ei Office A I i |