Show 34-39-4---s-trip -- ""- Wanted 100-- Help 100-- 1ksikSING Wonted Help 100-- 100-- Wonted Help Wanted 4elp RESTAURANT RESTARAUNT PRODUCTION UNE COOK Can ke44) rin'fig CREEK required Aopty th 4 years exp Good caneths W be COLINTR Y CLUB 1300 So VO0 persorc The Country Club between terve transPanallen pm 2400 Country Club Dr East - Sandy INTERMOUNTAIN TEMPORARIES RESTAURANT 1765 West 1890 South 5614191 accenting Mediterranean NAN 60 Wec Paken Ave pm den applicahons ter 1 We Pay SacrY No Pee MM Apply in Persr alter 2pm 44 3942 south now ac Skittering Hotel PRODUCTION pliptioo rig3Oo0ore for Lead Line Co Mature dependable People wanted Prep Coo ts an d alt wound REsTAuRANT ter several production openings Couks Top croY welt excreted seryeregue position open Apply et Must be able to read and under benefits Minimum 3 years awe- peecon aft 2 pm 2aeg so state fiance on afoot paced line Please RESTAURANT-LAMB'Nand e meas Nae- Stat at COI ri 6450Nr Apply at AMJACS 4645 n a lagnts week e I Xt 430 ask tor thet CA5mtEgr a Sa MN 041aL Mullgre UT (702 am Sundayehaidays aft ar Eacei Service Manager jVenc Secure Store) 169 Ma NIRSESAIDE CNA needed 0 hoer Mitts avosoole Caneoct Ruth 9e91420 6246 So Rethscad Rd kr our Alzheeners unit wilier has at Sands ePonMR jceice East 90th South o Accepting applicch PrOduction Workers Day "Per necessarY Must fa eommuntiy Hospital htm SPecialey Care is now Wing RWs for our and Lt7N's gerkerk unit 2250 So Concepts Fait and Part fime 006thons are m-Emproymere -- we 'PM solorle mi y-''' no meer avok ail shifts avail Compattlye "l'ws-waes excel benefit Wm sews PRODUCTIONASSEMBcERS NO Masellence neceSSOrY ore welcomed and encouroeed to Fut part lime 3 sieges avail appry Nancy bet 3 tionS RESTAURANT WENDY'S Now hiring leMPIOYeeS NORSiNG QUALITY LPNRN nignt shift needed Work 36 hours get paid kr 40 Supportive staff excelient working environ Et Per week Approximately 2 da-eCall Kcrole 2372978 Call Sue 2729000 AIDE OCCUPATIONAL DISPATO-E- R - Utah State Demeraraa ot pottek satety is THERAPIST rVetrernaluttk' l'aseslabEichtletd111"regiGadstefhi Sett Lake &Lamm' PrimariL day ng Tree exPerience requed Great OPPortuntei w ith Sla ke "vs-hiri- nt s:30benefi10 y RESTAURANT SCNOGRAPHER St 801486-209- 6 Equal Opportuntly Employer MFHV 1124:11r COmMISSION Atoomoh 771- cemmeroektte soles xienC e Ye preferred but 1" dous bonuses paia vocat medicaldental insurance lend moth more Appiy m person ar call Sigel Weirs al STEHII Benedids Howtral a member Or the Hoiy Cross Corp Is occePting applications for a kill time song :iryapherolialbAreRseT - zgristetmedeororrap-og- - eliv: Human Resources 5415 So 8 500 East Ogden UT ELF 14192073 Experience and typing excellent telephone skills filing Must be re RADIOLOGY SPonsibie Woges will wry an ex Wieners Resumes will be accent- 1612 East 3300 So ed St Benedids Hasattal in Ogden OPERATIONS MANAGER for Indus IRO is accePeng aPPlications for trial dietriburan aenglcinf Send e or part time tech 0 resume to code °eel' caLwe This ARRT Reg Send resume- - 01Pir Salt newepoper PO Box Nowlin Resources Lake ON UT 84145 8 5475 SO 500 EGO Ogden OPTICAL BILLING CLERK -I- mmo 14792073 Oa opening tor industrial pro- gram Opticol administrative oc READY MIX DRIVERS counts recelectle exper helpful Call W Ratite PceilkIne avallabie lcir OPTICIANS experienced Ready Mix Driver s Alta View Concrete Part time Career opportunity expo rhino preferred will train SearS For Info and Weeifie details OFFa mAmoGRApHy TEcH at rt WADE r po 100-- Wanted Help pigeneeuee s coe 100-- oelly Do " tie GRILL tor ail applications Now accepting uinclude 0 factory Automation equipment has on immediate (Co) RETAIL 3239 East 3300 t aptitude and a commitment to customer service on technical faclarT auternatkin PrIxiactS- Send resume to: Eric B Johnson WESTERN CONTROLS PO Box 540506 8 No Solt Lake U 1 SALES 535 West 500 South Bountiful ARCHIBALD'S 1095 Wes t 7800 South ROUTE SERVICE ID SkES service and saes L I N Uniform is a national company offering the right Individual a Butterfield Ford unique career oppOrtunity exOect sALES first yeCe eCeningS in $22999 IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY solary range Pius insurance and COMPUTER SALES POSITION R oute 35 pm RESTAURANT THE TRAINING TABLE FOOD FRIENDS AND FROLICS Now accepting weilications for ali poselons Previous ewer not re- Quired Beginning wage So $45450ty I Apply at So4828 State or 6957 Highland benefits This is a route position requiring experience In soles customer service and general business Candidate must have dependable wort history Bring in returns Be en inside business In is now oc eaypngReWonsibming taking Must work Shprovovall crinoi CUStener computer input of fore costsMtidpets and monthiy ex- pense reports along Mei other trig in our commissioned weekends Drug free at me bell- Afternoons off Peteetiol per week HourlyCoMMIsSetn Hentth ond Energy Co No frillier neceskr5 Will pay to train SEWING SEGRETARY with attractive Excellent or benefits ritkin We hove tun and we rnake SS$SSt Positions cre going faSi Apply in PerSOn aSit tor Om at 3030 South Moln Suite 500 Soft Lake City UT 84115 TEOSNiCIAN RapidlY exPanding testing taboroto- is ry seeking Qualifted technicians le the following areec screening check point Or col 5754700 service and repairs Gireointnernaet d Excellent advancement °mom Mies and benefits Call 2722085 Will do SEWERSoles Assistote sewing and saes in trampolines see2211 3550 o r 57113 prdotteesidesntWeill INsuRANcE AGENCY clerical Plus STOP LOOKING! Test underground storoge tOnI Fuel systems experience preterred Resurnet only Se SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Position Includes tient wont Saga and fouales managers Excellent Wary commensurate with experience and skies great t beney pkg Send resume to: 175 East 400 South Bids Box 03 sLc utoh 84111 time date 4 is an °PTO: BUTLER SERVICE GROLE Weet BromMay Rd 345 Tempe AZ 85282 need 1$ ambitious people to fel dtfterent posthons ASNcwt 11 Aecvell LielveiRT 'Scion dostries andandt(otor ttl - Professional Service 795S South Writ tem PLACf YOUR In OASSIFIED AD TECHNICIAN TRAINEES brs be trained to terviCe nOmo Must be neat do- pendable have a high mechanical aptitude some eiedronk tralnIng or experience and good commu n Ication skills 332 East 3300 So MACHINE OPERATORS HEALTH VITA East Suite 210 MonFriday 130130 5320 So 900 WI ti SECRETARY fmtntsntrwingco 0SeLozoteserlelobsTo: We Orders genworerk atunderSeCrelvariciea MHFV GENERAL a PASSENGER scREENE port time voin moRlititiesnglifial Cl 1600 Equal Opportunity Employer Radiography Xedli isure experience vre SECURITY xperienoe Wong word processing thus andor Wenzel reetreque ed: 0 Pus ttarritYP- ing with occurocy Excellent tele phone and communkohon Wills must 3 seurny osixomentvoton Serial gr owing and expanding metro auto deoWship IS looking for 3 aggressive and selfstarting saies Perri te round autos- - saes Path hanctServicesIirtntCurrentir Aggressive Pay Plan rmerinewintreemmie merneout ene Medical and Dental Pion top Paid Vckations and Holidays planet° miwary and federal person No experience necessane nel in the NAPS area Contact Bob Contact Greg Bouiden at Davk ot COOKS oriented line cooks Prefer saute andor broiler experience Great atmasahere and wafting conditions Competitive wax and beneets Great North Apply aft Marshall Phone Cats ArWly in person al 3902 South Slate Pay'N P Equal Oppodunthe Employer SALES UNKSUE SALES OPPORTUNITY Progressive Life Insurance and F1- - SALES Rapidly RESTAURANT Ouolity C esioningveningswwe AUTOMOBILE Immediate opening in solos Deport more cif Wm corporation cant should hove 3 doors setae- - SALES Full time sales home improvement Experience' required must be able to work nekibie shifts slays South chain Saesupplies Part time Ilex schedule $935 min waranteet Easy labl 5354653 a YOU Company elating applications for their Se- env Deportment Applicant moth have extensive personoi se- curtly ekperience ondr investi- gotive and tow enforcement ex pretence 3 yeors experience minimum Interested opplicants send resume to: PO Box 4000 Pork Oty Leoh 84060 Attention SECRETARY send personai resume to: PO Box 901 Sandy UT 840910901 ATTN: international am betsyeen 4 Lookin g for pofession Me n and voonion to sell office equiPment Must be eell motivated- - Wart' cholPluSieneePerretionoiSsioLed OwnOrI NO SLUNG awn must x or older Salcry plus COMM Call meths equivaient sales experience in Nat positions Taking opplications from 2 pm-- 4 pm clothe at WW1' Oiredlil Counselor $30000470000 onnual comm Full trinne benefits Mr °Petting for Inside Sales Require excellent etectriCal distribution written and verbol corninunicce non otitis comma and technic° Lies - Trng UTAH Se State distributor A wage from hour Apply in person $2 Fawk Store 73 West 7200 South Micivole Utah 84047 Equol Opportunity Employer RETAIL SALES Work in one at Soh finest grit shops The Tinder Box needs mature soles tor aPitt help Call RETAIL BAKERY MANAGER ct'" Nom tat WESTERN CONTROLS oorsGounmeptiomproodcoouctorys COURT AND 4595 - ever" I SALES Jo store $503 per wrong SIZZLER BUFFET ACM immediate openings tor watt er Watkins positoosExcel pay and weekend at 2960 tiwirbe Wanted Help erte a UTAH associates Full or Port American's best fabric - gosmon sor cuserieneed crotessanal We organism:I person wen excellent coke one adminis- SALESAUTO WAREHOUSE: Full time verehouse TEM:NEN04Y CARE trative ins sena reeunte la expel- helpful Petted high etwey Full erne teacher 2 year olds position $4251icer Edwards Pet 1967 So 300 West resurnes°nd rnee'dutedie: Supplies Co 990 Se 7 10 We st Po en)00Se7 V kthar 4010Yu le See Lake City teat 84115 Mho requires reading offing TEA CHER: Reseed Aeuteett tint SECRETARYEXE-C-UTIVWest Termite Suite J SIM- - Utak wah swum to mew trumt miniu promsiontsi' 2 Do 84115 Attention PQM No pnone krLyndoCcrecrCAnThrMerilyn' P°rtee "srunl Neclemakatagn4"rlenatdaftvou nave the Meer instincts? ariabgetweenNIrkerturYssmerie prelinscolts please 2 Prove le us that you're the bete ere on hours bowel coin Sascry T awe id r to S ol SALES Wet a a ou the best Being Ond v wie tre Vrey mellow Sena rename Ice A City Kt dm 7 wry oho Monts work we wen others o mist LON at mammy Dorm s thousand COnne $500 HIRING BONUS they 678 East Sol& comomixo vow pet plan per hour Kay sidApEteousE skomerER &LC 02 Temple to41 Meow dos schectur e ilkeemuivi 5 yews experieroce in TEOWICIAN SECRETARY Waver° Reid ruction awl" Pmanty°°15°D : goodeclovemeemregoors REERIOERATtON SERVSCE e ara a Legal Supervisory exPer Preferred TECHRICiAN hire vocl but edAtrienco not mandaterY We Ote exponding end will provide comnonsurin PraNctooppshesalarsil Photographic retail helefuL tuordr-erseone Dita- - Gualtficatik M inimum 8 Yearni re con- Clow le 00 late recent effger' In Fuli time Base plus commission phone rills a rnua Poston wait- dawne d ern S o soe 5 Seties Sena resume to: Mr and certain reguiremotts apppo Coo Refrigeration obi anatedmat mart 4 posmonolowe awrim R wow Box 159 Carlin N TC PO Conditioning repair including opoy at 145 So Stole call 5215797 spookier 591372 atirt: N Sexton bring your kat years W2 tone Hussman Tye and Hili equip and with you interviews Mine Mkt at SALE sS SECRETARiAL cases Ever weli bakery meat WAREHOUS E USA Motors Mb So St are ent Eleldr Ience and t restaurant indiviaual ty delivery inciuding and 'Quip W Sewing vdrtgir :!cog‘ AUTO GLASS aage xi wonsbenneunone womenrowing apkvrwalusecriyinocaelesrecordmusi mustgioibetropersso oworaesiri: imme vcr °T oe Ful omeLEpS con SEFI'S Al FASHION PLACE ob No expe- Rosionls elli 0° OCCOPt- in the un- Prisms dialety 9 cLm hem schematics 4 anti good cO pm appt haS an awning for Comm soles ed at 16 t2 East DOC So 4864324 rwnoe necessary khoge imply- wierai circuitry cieretanding 0 Furniture Mot Part lime position aim cone km me p citing gutc SECRETARY Gas Control and motor ewer a flex hours oval weekends Apply grass incloire Cali tc Customer Relations Takine Wane good work thus Dependability WAREHOUSE et peeson 6191 Se Slate MurraY OPPokiltrant Ogden 1 3°44000 oven high lever of re- orders Invoicing Ming typing Will train S650 itit 0 meet Some Offing Personnel tieedece some MP and AR Experience SALES MCArt FultrPart time ereg hear' ininOnrea-tnt°Iwen ger 0 0 Ong"°311Y WordPerted necesecirt AP- S1014450oonnonth commissar' SALES WAREHOUSE PERSON So Refiel000 Rd sm i4orne appikev-e- s 9424865 methane position (yawl driving Per at be verifi- - Leking for Individual N wed' le mbar° regatred-rnuFINANCIAL PLANNER SALESPERSON Se soll bends Wan- - SECRETARYWORD PROCESSOR cc- warehouse No feces" Mg° be baaaaatacommuntp 5 ries and accessories Experi WoeciPeried Training salary and comm math go 60 wpm to vie' amity wry Advancement Ociletelat COI not required AP-Y Hal Oriented Full time nce °Clement cesitort IDS Financksi wee in as as writing batty John Send resume to: 34 So 600 East Services ono American Express BaYway 135e plications taken Apo( "on: ADoicoi 0 WASH PERSON TO RUN WASH Eost 3300 So from 104 Co Send resume to: IDS Financial SLC Mcsh 84102 30 wel send mum edio uertn 6985 So-- Union Pori ary PAK SALESPEOPLE WANTED fiA°( Call lc" elgf "SSSECRETARY parttime 25 Mars per cible wort ewer ono reeteKes Midvale UT 84047: sven Avon wee Petal cccPet $tare Saes uP to 50 to ORW'S INC 7744 Aquc Or- - WORD PROCESSORS Ew a °OgertisetV EmPlOYIT MiF one genera office aseles $5 Per Flexibie hrs Call Rote 9444902 We need your werd perfect 50 or cis Coeur d'A lene Ware 83814 or i Must relocate 5i skhs type 60 good paying long have robot wort teemtemp to perm gasman YOU'VE EVER SAID: SOP:ushr Cal Joy 5366048 Cen- tranlewrkelon and skirt won SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST Part CAREER OPPORTUNITY 03r Temps:teary Services 443 So June I 1991 mow:Hoorn wade: time S650 ne 930 pm Need 23 mon sabes PeoPie 10 6°43 East No PaY Scearl to beginutderrend'4V dolly WorcPerfect Mrs maw THAT' 1 CAN Call On existing clients and seek Cle exPriencel tory mot aoaress a en East PART TIME HELP In Passing Otters neer business tor collechon air- ciateteria if caw Pion so WIN 5400 2620792 no kowtows yea' coi and housecleaning experience Will ef COMM On businesses youR CHANCE! turotty EFTWOOYer necessory 96746S6 SECRETARY: Type 60 wpm Word- Great cereer caPportunity C all GENERAL Perfect Lthus genera Ottlere Rana y 25 O r the beat Re d T TECHNICIAN akvareage PerSC'nrAMertCan EquIPSEGURO h obtaining resumes of APPIti Estate incrter th almeta decode! Assist etAidV cErectur th set969 and ' -rIf you've always wanted to be relv xvper swine in the following SALES MANAGER conduct of Inhalation todotty s AND corn SECRETARY disciplines: Desion nein what tRECEpTioNist independent Design Bawd omarawe Amen studies Assist wfin mointenance PrOled lingineen feta sorieleerS i you're realty worth call about ow Needs WordPerfect 51 telephones -- I at ries know-le- r Of looking tor sores preporotonore conkol rS colt eagirele poises nequipment Licensin0 5 ania nate Estate 5Pedd Rea typ bookkeeping 10 ing at M Veer sor ookt National Oversee ea alas Free Sales wpm CM Marge 56102172 So s Hard Work Traver and Weil" w rompeer senior scientists estimator- s feeratrtntsrsctexercaike Fun Resume in confidence to: SECRETARY-AdminisfiLaboratory tive Full doladaNconirrrYies sCwoheduoorcessors' RP Personnel Department PO experience helpful Retie MUM° SUSAN WALKER Kole Non smake office s550rhy Box 27476 SIC Utah 84119 one send mum 2770161 accountants and accountliso kr on aPpt USTI clerks Send resumes to: SECRETAP Y LEGAL SALESSORVEYOR 520 Wakens SALES SEGURO PROJECT SERVICES MC s Port Imo 5 Years ot oxPorgiNNIOCI Will Wain person for Le 54101 work Sat akity South Cherry Street Suite 235 600 111110011CRIO MIN honw improve- UNIQUE CAREER Denver CO WM in the meet BINding PrIXIIKIS TECHNICIANS license required but Or Fax SECURITY Utah and surrounding areas not like Insurance Memorial No phone calls accepted TEST With i sailp orePeternaieningSAlutoor Ofterw""3131aualcornmissiortrnan South elioniond Drive RETAIL SALES Now Hiring PeEnerrie'Mndrd work Bil APRIL 13 1991 SATURDAY Wanted Help lemer office PLUS e-- Have co-N- East 3300 So City Utah 84109 Bea" 100-- 31PIPw I EAESre AUTO sALE S A A Cedar City Wit Lake 01c1 Great Gastronomy Off6 48 Poet Office Minimum Quaid ications: High leader and Pice (350 So) Sdgiol diploma or equivalent Plus long term care retke RESTAURANT 2 lull time envoyyears pold aultorion service otters °gamma meet Shift work Conroe' toed eye salary and boreal package communication center or Job FRONTIER PIES Appl icant must be licen sed dem- Service for more Into Opens onstrale clinical and inkopersonoi Now hiring WaltersWaitresses 41791 ond closes 51591 skins be see matiyated and sway HostsHostsses Busters working with the orderly Please Dishers Cooks Day and MOO or send resume in strict RADIOLOGY co shifts Excellent pay Great to confidence Liken Jim est retell love It APPIY atmosphere OTR L Director of ULTRASOUND a 894 East 3900 South Occupational Theralstr 4 0 and aim pm Wasatch Villa Convalescent Center 2290 store Shouid posSess SALES 250 THE NEW YORKER 1792 per hour Starling $30000 to $40000 Sign on bonus Director and Staff PosMons avail- tosen innovator in assistant manoger for I Car sores experience ss Appty work preserrea Supoty seekera cosnsetpoissi to insioe Iseow Phones ond customer relottons corm" - avices""Tafiality272-cndge91Susn- Wanted Help '''Vt''VVw°r4le'r'SrVW4V'r Counter RESTAURANT RADO 41xv 10 -- 100-- posMon a li me tamp sisrn in exclissi doom WatressWoner Acura utak is looking tor a two room 2 years mininwm semi- - RESTAURANT HosteseHost Luke's itilion Rest ence In ithe doing required woksang indiyidore wonting and 1374 W Indum Ave (850 So) Pays top wives Awn in person willing to sell the high Maley 24 pa Acuro automobiles through Fri RESTAURANT eznday calls mawday We otter top commissions training THE RADISSON HOTEL Pius heath insurance bonuses Sat Lake City Areart and special incentives 2177 West North Tempi Please call Mr appointment Equal Opportunity Enoloyer CHU °pampas tar greybeard Food Needed to WW1 AIRClBY 01 delivery tor magakm Product larePtes advertising flyers etc Must have dellthickithe car $MI Per MY s weekends oft State School AMeriCan Fork 7634157 Equal Opporturlity Empioyer NURSING CERTIFIED HOME HEALTH -- Cotionwooe EIMTGOUMANDIES RESTAURANT Sawn" Sushi h iring toll or dishwusher Tak 2000 East 6200 So RESTAURANT PERSON benefits Woe State Training 1 se"- - ing SOUTH 300 EAST RESTAURANT DELI COUNTER HELP WANTED GOUMANDIES 250 SOUTH 360 EAST RESTAURANT Daytime Cashier and ninth() kith-en help wanted Awn 5 prn Su Cosa 6878 South State 24 pm mondosoturday coma Apply at Alto Coe Center 4035 So 500 East I emeweepeceiwie SALES 0 aaa sates ACUM SLC UT 84115 opportunity Employ NUR SING RN Full time ot o 562 East 400 South 5820 South Slaie 1005 North 500 3988 West 5400 Scneth 1035 Soule Highland Oche 919 South '2100 South PstutxtrAmmER kV Now ar wpervisary wpm Once Send resume to: DON 3094 So State 1 Trend DEPOT Large odvertising agency with $ branch offices is in need at an IBM system 36 RPG II programmer RESTAURANT AuTotvonvE GRoup Witt 2 years experience Must Ike S500 South State Murray working with PeoPie and cornmu- SIZZLER SAL nide well over the phone PC RESTAURANT ExPerionat o out tt quoilfiect Buffet Court and Grill Golf Course coffee sh011 Part time lend 'morn to: Sizzler on 90th South and State now weekends tote oternns mus Evans COmmurilattiOnS OK- be 21 or ow 562002 CIOCePting OPPOCOKOOS tor tull and Mennen OP Manager in "laitawina awiEffne aa5ttl" RESTAURANT 4 Triad Center Suite 750 areas: tor patio season and bon- more Sae Lake Ctry U 84)80 Scam Bar aum Apply In person: Green 4 afternoons a mei: Competitive saiary with benefits Am at: Highland Core Center 4285 Highland Drive HORSING RN full time charge num position Good bedside ours- si2504-eu- t meet lue and pert limo tor oil positime 25 pm mo-Fri- pqcoiary LP N Wanted Help SALES AccEssoRy th -Sumer to ant Marie Calienderls RESok work eve-for 0 ning shifts Skirting 5425 about 20 hours per week Cali ExPrecauentviousepovxpwcmoiencebenemsnotrequirAppledy PEAK TEMPORARY SERVICES We NURSiNG So Ay PRO00010N soutnNURSINGegoses Ewa( 100-- arisino w 50 Wanted Help SALESRETAIL RESTAIMI RASO to you're arcade worsting hard but t irl no tort con loin our leant We work tord but have fun $ooi w need twuprt am end innovative LPRs 100-- 110"V'V'Ner v-v- t 5 workeu grew w 7:00 AM to Experienced T op piec e wrk Par TELEMARKETING All benefits Smolt growing company needs sev- Burdett Apace' erai good people to sal innovative 3550 So West Temple disount coupons reservations etc benet pockege s Flexible SEWING Toiented and expo only att evening ono weekend as s5 aar hoar oaasa start HIgh e)workMM term Beheate' tbontisesar and ua' Wursvely Long situp' hon APO' ot ond icentives Awn in person 2669838 79 West 8:00 PM start' °Utica Department REAL ESTATE ENTRY ORAL SURGEON ASSISTANT IN 4 EASY STEPS needed port time two days a week CENTURY 21 McAFFEE REALTORS Being or send resume to: 2180 East 4500 South Suite 285 Is expanding in the Sot Lake Valley and needs full time Holladay Ut M117 id individuals willing to wort hard PAINT DeportMent Supervisor and be trained Possible eamings Must have previous experience with the first year is above $20(000 supervision scheduling sand- Comm Applicants must be Most industrial coding and meet- to become licensed immediate 'Malay eto de DAVE SAMPSON meat Please send resume to: PO Box 1322 Cleorfield UT 840 t6 REAL ESTATE careend- PAINTERS Journeyman and Apprentice paint- ms Roll brush ond spray expert Once Drug test required Cali pm between PAINTER NEEDED New construction Must have own tools and transpOrtotion Noche LEASING AGENT SALES Residential property co seeks oggressive semstader leasing went Paydays twice a month generous pay fiexibie hours Utah Real Estate ire Cat Ms MontroY cense Miller requo 566- -6600 "gam Hinkle Inc is looking to fill the or receptionist fee Ws computer pubi 'cation LAN TIMES Duties to include heavy Phone coverage mail styling greeting visitors and filing Must hove excellent interpersonal and telephone skills McGraw-Hil- l offers an excel benefits Package McGraw-HU- Want to laarn a Wade? start as a helPer $45045 hourly ExPer helpful but not req PARTS ASSISTANTRunner position ovalktle Mt Okra oldest RV clealerth10 OPPOrtunity to loin a winning Worn Experience helpful but not necessary Apply in per eon at intermountain Sports 4225 So 500 West PARTSAUTO yr parls ence helpful Call Ken PATTERN MAKER For clothes needed crawl PHARMACUTICAL TABLETS MANUFACTURING TECHNICIAN Qualified individual has experience In tablet formuiation granulation and press opercition Excellenf on and benefits Send rcesuomratita I position - RECEPTIONIST alchgnent---i MRus Fri PBX experience with the co- nobility to handle high volume of cieriggi experieme woos Seeetrum' 22° Apply in annan 405 South 100 East Suite Pleasont Grove UT 84062 cot PHOTOGRAPHER Experienced StudioModelPose Photographer Salary pius bone- Ms Ear The Cover Look APPit at So 700 1425 East or call PHYSICAL THERAPIST RaPidif growing Private °n the coast of northern conform neor the Or border is seeking a SSS(Whr9 254() hwn 'Isermunwsr ?MllePrifireviu- - MT Diverse California outpatient COW load WI coring RECEPTIONIST Fut! lime for downtown property roonogement office Must be Pro' tessiOnol in aPPearance capable of handling 12 incoming Phone lines Enloy waking with experience with WordPerfect 51 Hours 0304:30 please bring or send resume to: BARLOW NIELSEN 46 West 300 So Employer RECEPTIONIST Local mortooge co seeks energetic ond motivated perwn to run busy front office SaklY g3""rienIg- rate with experience RECEPTIONIST Looking for someone with a pleas- ant Personality who works well atone Good phone skit's r equired Coil Full time Sorary negotiate PLANT MANAGER RECEPTIONIST office Appt Solar Aluminum Technology Sir- - Needed for vices a loin venture Of Reilly in- scheduling typing data entry skins and EnviroSource a seeks required managerial dusty Call Pion Menooer with heavy Indus- try experience in mineral dress- - RECEPTIONIST for a now pwrit hxt 0 raeioeurg Tl'ang $0 Pm piercing ceders and being Constructed in Wendover O°°° Phane Skills- Starfi pay SS Utah Must be coact of °raw's- Ask hour Work 5 all plant log and odministrating " Shown° functions including labor main Renonce and RECEPTIONISTTYPIST eccounting Tele Insurance preferred ply in writing with resume to Gen- erui Manoger Reilly lockdry 675 Layton area 77343656 East 2100 South Sotto 220 SLC RECEPTIONIST Utah 64106 Wonted for low firm parttime ftexi- PL uMBERJO UR NE YMAN needed ble hours Call full time Work on commission RECEPTIONIST needed for new hair APXY at 1277 314 South or saion in Taytorsville ARCHIBALD'S Now hiring Experienced AM and PM Servers Excellent tiPS Patio OPen soon Please apply before 11 am or between 2:304 pm 1095 West 7800 SO NO phone calls please RESTAURANT High volume c anyon resto urants Ruth's Diner and the Sonte Fe POW Mein for the summer Sen- son Looking for busers servers lines cooks Please cioolv 24 pm Monday-Thur- s 2100 Emigration Canyon Rd RESTAURANT TACO TIME Assistant Manager and Shift Leader positions avaiiabie Excellent pay and benefits Day and evening shifts Apply in person at East Murray Taco Time 919 E 45th So AM Cook PM Housepersondriver Please apPil within at 600 S West Temple Call POLICE DISPATCHER Bountiful Police Deportment Is for the accepting applications posttion of Police Dispatcher RECEPTIONIST 176 No Redwood Rd RECREATION is now hiring Bowling l alter CPartoutres AppiWatfry: The Trophy at the Bonwood Bowl Room Cote ing Center 2500 South Main RESTAURANISIZZIER Dishwashers and Counter people Must be enthusi- ostk cmd able to work AM and PM shiltS Apply between pm RESTAURANT wpm telecommunica- Now hiring far our 2nd location to open soon al 2235 South State AMR at 3906 South 9th East and 24 pm MondoyFrday am UNE COOKS and AM AND PM BUSSERS AMR between 2 and 4 am Must be 16 or older No phone calls please Tony Roman Trolley Square RESTAURANT Diego's Mexican Restaurant Is now hiring doy ond night food servers day prep cooks and line cooks Apply in person at: Diego's Mexican Restaurant between 10 and 7 5682 y South Redwood Rood RESTAURANT Position requires shift work Starhol) sororti S805hour APoil- cations may be filed at Bountiful Police Deportment 145 Solt Lake County Parks & Recreo- han noS On immediate oPentrni for a Reaealion Program COordince tar le' Strang SaicrYgenSeglel ma plus on age AeOly in person to o posthon descrintion and aPplication by 5 Pm kW° 22nd 4 pm PRINTING Experienced COORDINATOR Collator wonted to run with turbo and Part time pal and teeder full eyening shets Sclit Lake County Personnel 2001 South Stare N4600 Salt Lcike City uT 84 (8011 4684351 Equal Opportunity Empioyer REHAB and 'wised books BINOERsspirai experience preferred Day and evening she's PP iNTING COUNSELOR High energy results oriented For private rehab Resume Mc to Code 0636 in care of this newsloa- per PO Box 45838 Son Lake City UT ert 145 KINKO'S HIRING Inc is looking to fill the POSIfion of on advertising soles accounts executive for a leading McGraw RESTAURANT Dee's Fomity Restaurant at 2085 So Reckwod Rd has openings for excite AM Cook end part time Dishwasher Apply anytime Employer RESTAURANT Waiters wattresses Must be over 21 and avallabie for lunch ond din- neg NVey Mc'nWyri' 2C'4'3° 240 PANCHO VILLA University So 1300 East No phone calls please RESTAURANT BAKERS AND BAKER HELPER SOUTH 300 UR EAST RESTAURANT Dee's Family Restourant at 1814 East 4800 Saute has openings for pm Cooks ond Dishwashers Appiy anytime Equal Opportunity Employer RESTAURANT EAT A BORGER is now looking tor energetic Pe°Ple t° wcrY day or evening shths Please may In person ot 45 E 200 Se after 2 pm RESTAURANT Oakrickte CatintrY Club now servers ba help (21 and in person Are 492 W UT herd Lone Farmington-- ---- hiring oYeri Shefr 84025 RESTAURANT Night COOK needed Mondoy Wednesday Saturday pm Coil before 11 am RESTAURANT Assi iani manager trainee position nem Competitive pus APPly in eersen Bentham of Tokyo - ow i Hill SECRETARYFINANCE time position needed far Our corporate office Requirements inctude 35 years accounting and secretarial experience strong accounting Persona cornPuter a k II Is tax principles: typing Full kkustWfirhauedPerfectprotesSlstionaH tus6a4812wPm2 CIPPearcorke good organizationon peopie skills Solary commensu- rate ON experience Excellent With cover letter to Humor ResourCill Departure 3760 So 400 SLC Mot Highland Dr 84106 An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARYLEGAL Downtown ittigation law firm It looking for a Legal Secretory years previous ligation legal experience required WordPer fect 51 proficieocy knowledge ot DOS Commands typing weed at at least 130 wpm and excellent sunw position available for dedicated experienced spa sales person Salary and corn- Immediate 01 Wells Forgo Armored Service Car- poration a leader in the securities ampere:elm field has on imme- ()late opportuntty for 0 SNTITOrY manoger to diver the Utah Idaho area The soles professional we maintain our level of seerotri4ubwill through effective cut- zrner rations and expond our base of operations through 003o1- s ition of new accounts in the as signed tecrttOrl- working knowledge In TO: GENERAL MANAGER PO BOX 25188 SLC UTAH 84125 SALES SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASST return tor your efforts Wells Excellent office monoMment skit con offer a competitive solo- required Typing 60 wpm Re- re plus benefits and bonus If you puires: WordPerlect 51 Full time have 5625 per hour Apply In person: years experience pref- erably In barking or transport° University Park Hotel tic'n Sale"4el'e Send a resume 480 WC"a Wa'6 SLC U3"41(113 thcluding Wine teiePn°ne nUM SALES to: and history E YOU ENJOY Assistant Vice President al Sales Farm wells Forgo Armored Service Corp 2285 West Colitornio Avenue I lel SLC Utah condidates who a conege education preferred ErIVOI Opportunity Employer HELPING PEOPLE CALL d We need two memorl counseiors for our tour morium es and two cemeteries il selected you will be trained in o seryke business that is c69xliteif neces' sory for everyone AUTOMOBILE SALES Excellent opportunity for an 84P0127 enthusiastic hardworking from a positive person that cares! company Utah's fastest growing Toyota dealership is looking for a few good people We offer training retirement benefits health care and career advancement Earn up tO 50 000 ayear Call Pat at 364- for an 2100 or Jeff at 532-633- 3 at appointment retArtic nILLErt TOYOTA Per- - NOTICE To all who place and Voromac 00 at Mote" ads: $8512 hr 5711318 5662211 SHEET Metal instoller2 year expe- hence in hooting and air cond Must hove tools 9615075 - It is wise to have references and a complete understand- - TELEMARKETERS FuliMme tele kitting position Enthusiastic people needed to set Lan make extremely good money Hourly wage (SW hr emill PosS- bie with bonus) Permanent full- port time doll 91 Sat Call SHIPPER NEEDED orders keep inventory erg° nized Must lift 100 pounds and drive forklift $6 per hour Appiy at Pull Royal Studios TELEMARKETERS Good workers make good momanes' Hourly woge plus bonus Up to $8Isr HALL'S CARPET CLEANING 2554123 7111 So 400 West I INSTALLERS TELEMARKETING ENERGY marketing is looking for self storting energetic peopie with phone exper who wan't to make 0 ur cernel plus bonuses - en 277'83°2' N12 Posv 'additives- nr- Top Pay Heath insurance Experience only need aPalv tools !eity Nnig 27pn02774SottcaniLakolooe Ut HWUCMAIALNWSEIVK bonus 'NAY East or call SPECIALIST II $1045 per hour Full time Under w- penswon performs professional diagnostic and treatment wort Requires masters degree in social work or related field and masters level licensors within 6 months Weber Closes April 19 County Personnel 2510 Washlng- ton Blvd Ogden Utah 84401 ICE we": ic:manasini3Dino3CAS:091:4°Eindle-- eims FkMrLIVEPMARIus a '" c)""" 'cc TELEMARKETER Softer co Parttime or full $5 Per hour- MI Carlson chChild Mon core wet bousekeeoloo 2 boys ages 4 and 6 Lovely Long island communtn oven to Florida in the Family summer 2016568614 or Hothem PO Box 928 NY 11030 Pk:induct NANNY NEEDED Live in for non smokino environment room arid boat° for ts mo oid (win °Ids wet down Nursing bacttgraitid hetet'' Responsible dedicated person who con drive Light house work included Beautiful Cod location Cope Leave message at (508) 7717246 1747i4Ny BEAUTIFUL New York City Suburb live In 2 children under 4 Private bdrrn and bth Ref s requ ire Kathy NANNY WASHINGTON DC Area 7 year old girl 3 year old boy Start 619 Priv roombath Flexible hrs year min (202) 4165729 LONG Beach CA Mature live-l- e rellobto refs drive d Ana time TITLE must be Qualified aizollcant Receptionist needed tor busy office experienced with busy multiple -- Some eacrow experience would iine Ohclne direct410 and sage° 11be helpful Coil Crolg API: Ina teePrkine calls Must be cam- TRAL AGENT pater literate and work well under for traylaahina Sec:Mork Established agency pressure 23 Years PROVE SSiONAL mature clean eti agent wite 5 years expel mini experience and professional SOCIAL WORK LIVEIN Cor far elderlY Services seeks mum Sabre training Con oiler kind ' aPpearance a must Send resume to: Catholic Community Pets' aYallable- - Pca"V of counselbuilda director family and new office Space in our own PO Box 27558 Linda 4664713 salary moo with comm smit Benefits ing wvices Primo roonooe- SLC Utah 84121 WILL do house and office Cleaning mint supervisory and clinical wan based on proauction Reasonable rates skilis req Masters in Human Ser- - Call Kathryn vice related fieid Send resume to: PROFESSIONAL housekeeper for SECRETARY4EGAL Annette Russell Catholic Commu- Linda Nil prof person live-iTRAVEL AGENT ntIV Services Of Utah 2300 West time Legal Secretary with 2 or 4' ' 1700 South SLC 84104 EQuol OP- more years Waal experience Ex Experienced mature full time solo bitty employee 20'ried Travel agent needed Cruise eel lent typing grammar and th way and tour experience essential WordPerfect proficiency SOCIAL WORK Call JoAnn or Ann 2779988 required Contact Linda at: HUMAN SERVICE SPECIALIST LOviNG part time borne for Full time $941 per hour Performs TRAVE L AGENT 536 4909 Chikten $7 per day includes professional case wait duties re- - min 2 yews exper SABER $t400 lunch soacks Morlene quires Bachelors in soda work or wets stA0e salary Fry refoted fieid and SSW license client SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST CM Mike WOULD Wye to watch your children' Part time Dynamic take charge my Forminatcln home- Easy IX- Arowithirn 6Wmontheber TREE TRIMMER - 2 years rimed- County Personnel 9 Cess 115 Reosonobie Person Degetaable energetic ence required Blvd 2510 Washington Ogden Non wwsmoir RELABLE Child are in my Sugar Orrnantgafillredype uvingonwvlirlionng Mon 84401 DESIGN TYPESETTINGGRAPHIC easy tyPephones and accounts receivaore I SOCIAL WORKER: Ruby Mountain Must hoveIn Per On VeritYPer ueewaye:led898vad senerr design krvaut Paste-u- P Manor a 76 bed skilled nursing to- Poyabie WordPerfect Word pro- 10 y to: DAY Mail room resume PO Part writ $ 0 claY fee APPi cessing ll must ditty in Elko NV Is now occePting Box 26144 SLC Leah 84126 Any age meals Included Kearns licensed appikations e N SECRETAR YChirop radk Asst Coh area Soda Worker Send resume to: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Need responsibie enthusiastic per- 701 Lena Johnson Administrator PROGRAM MANAGER Mote at QUALITY DAY CARE son who works well under ores Walnut Elko N V 10801 in Sandy Fewer children Lots a WvOming Class Code SS72025A sire and wittiout supervision fun Call More Location Cheyenne Goateed ap- must haw good attic °des and SOCIAL SERVICES WORKER Plicoms will have an rie A in rano- - CHILD CARE in my Sandy bane' tYPie 50 worn accurate Will work Must blitt°11cin wen patients ourrnslawngera:verillty 3231 hours Per camseiNg Mciai wcfrIc Peer IOW° So Lunch and snacks- hove long Weciar education or voc t week $650 per hour thus bonus Rr°v10e° 57279e7 be mature and capable O r educatio boo ioess or wok ad Near Downtown 322306 AND FUN MOM inaMenclentlY working Wart ministration or other closely c°11 Pal for Interview oust Would like to tend tour children In °Plc' INfields services SECRET ARIALGEN' ed human OFFICE 8 KIM activities home CLUDING at least 3 yeas with Sandy Min 3 years experience type 60 axe in my EcoTt supervisory consulting or man RELIABLE SPRINKLER FITTERS wprn wordPeded Ming phones PreferSandy home Fenced wrd Full or ()gement responsibinties Accuracy o mush Send resume to erica elven tor strong and proven part time 9423324 Cone 0631 in care of this mvespo- and LANDSCAPERS Wills ih WW1" Planning' (level' OUAL1T Y Child Core en pee PO Box 45838 Satt Lake orto assistont pos supervisor vironment All ages 5 Eastside: 0017Zertontmccioninogemonmkeononni wsreittvoein mty UT ile 145 experience Call Mario Equal Opportuney E mpi2y1 r Apply required uation rehabilitation and disabliBLAND BROTHERS INC CHILD CARE licensed sm chlkeen SECR ETARIAL tries Starling salary or intarel hot lunches Require working knowledge of It SO so Redwood mondayFri RarKte $238343172 rmo Obtain 51 WordPerfect 50 or good - Equal Opportunity Empioyer TLC West Jordan home and submlt on official application 4 and Class Code (SS72- gramroatkal this wits COMPRI 5491413 bet 3 pm Lotus helpful Send resume to 025A) to State of Wyoming a Divi- - DA c CARE Former STEEL FITTER Teacher West Economic Developtowe Corp at Personnel 2001 Carmel Av- 6 Volley St a day Cone 215 So Stare St Suite 850 enue Cheyenne WY 820020060 UT 84111 Salt Loire City DAYCARE SUGARHOUSE AREA Appikoions should be submitted QUOlit Control 2 Kris Sery ices Closes 415 withAm close Ages X vacancy promptly SSECRETAR ExPer Plate and out advance notice Y 'RECEPTIONIST MEDICALL e TRAINED Excellent quire!' ADO( in Person 555 No Equal Opportunity Employer Neeeed for real ethene Oevelcoment refs WVC Srcation NO Main $olt Lase firm 5 line ptione system ertenWAMER WAtTRF SS FENCED Yard Naming VIC Ot leth SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS sive filing type 70 wan Must Pcrklane Luxury Senior Apts East 33rd So References 4864561 for recreafion program know wordpertect 51 Mall or Needed Day shift Full or port time CHil0 CARE ADP at Redwood Recreation bring resumes to Call incl 3200 West 5400 So 1691374 Center 3100 So Redwood Rd Northwest Arthritic Coro Or call Rainey 648 East 100 South CHILD CARE Full time only Near WELDERIfiTTERCJTIER SLC 17tor 84102 Mt South 1400 West Excellent apparently Welder must SURVEY PARTY CHIEF be certifiable and dale to read CHILD CARE in my IOVICK) eastside SECPETARY'RECPTIONIS' INme- Cali tnr 9 toils Or"S Cutler must be able to hold Must haYe experience with Word- - immfdlate OPOPITIO for tolerance Good Peneins with ex- - SANDY in honse clay care any oge with 5 plus years exper as a Par- perfect shocesond skilis or dicta Citing High Tech company Send nice atmosphere LI Chief Prefer Professional ty rnsg phone experience preferred resume or apply In person a' e DA CARE 7290 SO 3600 East paceroSurv90ineiynoortorkeitivi:Jousti DAW TECHNOLOGIES wpMust b:ccurabreatteloytinueDuneso in1 Wkdoys bull Mf and Lila 2700 South 900 West with chcrocter otiPstandIN 0 pro clude onswering 84119 Lean SLC fessionoi ethic OOP motivation orsones experience answering :Forsen AssoCates phones required Slort at WELDERFABR1CATORS EIderly Care po 370 E 500 So Suite 200 s7soisoo 000ry in offs at SL C ut 84 Mate et up viper blue Print skills 364485 8E040 INC 2470 conditions LOVING good working Home tor elderly core Hm 2560 So 3210 West SA 0 TEACHER 'PRE 50100i West 1100 So SLC Brod cooked meats loving ccre lic by No phone calls Enthusiostic energetic Teachers please state ores Terry Condila Holloday WELDER newed for Devekoment ter WA tom you to Implement our Weider fitters 7 years exper SW 24 HOLE personalized core for ei SECRET AR Y All $750-$curriculum 8 Also in II supplies need submerged unique private Hollockay home deny Provided Large dean airy Will- - crc auto Meer 2 yeas exper An- For aPPoinenent cal 0 Bountiful construction company ty designed ond bule lust for kids ply 4315 So 300 west between needs Secretary tor AP and AR RETIRED LPN woUll ike 40 help 1950 West Apply ar 4732 South WELDER it key and typina skins Non srook you keep YOLK loved one at home cr HourS $550hr 2921741 Coll Iris Taking mplications for a lull time TEACHERS Weiner ' Metgi tanr 1CCegt Inquire ELDERLY CARE in my home 24 Learning Tree hiring teachers one ALPHA SYSTEMS at SEOETARY head teorhers Advancernentl ' hour s upervsi 6795 Soup 3 West Excellent career opportuntry as ie Top poy for erperl LIVE-IFOR ELDERLY MAN secretorl Pull time InterestWELDERS trice(' workers WsC 4 or beneftts ond work Put hrne welding PosMon Evenings Holladay COndiwort good Positions Wanted er Care At SALES benefits SALES Excellent commissions and benefits wiling memberitilps for Leith Taxpayers Assoc 9724814 SALES ASSOCIATES Nutritional products Call for interview 4864486 Full time pay for SALES - Linger Part time hours NO ewer needed call tor SLC amt 12081 ' JOIN THE WINNING hsctor TEAM Toyota of Ogden is looking for a few good people -- Join the winning team that sells in rrtiine :II Great commission structure Medical and dental insurance Paid vacation Great working atmosphere Training Available g Apply in peeson at: ION West Riverdale Rd Ogden See Howard or Rob ing 0annto tions and Excellent typing No prior rewired necessor Y legol experience Call Marilyn at SECRETAR Opportontrs twoloy 1 t 51 Must know Perfect anype Outgoing Per Senalitt nett° Call Tom 481486 70 Bennion Word- - wpm Salary 4 9 ionh30 chTEAKICHFcar:teotherS wonted ing depemobe persee Please call goon time TEACHER eeocign e (ert) for ° Ne school learmn9 center Part time 4 nee 1 10 full le 0es1etendig(455 d WINOOW Ilgs CLEANER 3 tar timer wanted yrs thiim ToP woOes drivers license req Semi resume le P0 box 140874 Anchorage AK 99514 8 II Se 1 CARE 9634755 ELDERLY home ri Employment Agencies ALL SEASONS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OW the bestil 4874177 4 ‘ Es- - Beath pool boating tennis Near LDS Church Coll cdiect Mon-Fr- ipm EST or any firm day CARPET CLEANING aPPIS CHILD profec- sional couple seetS affectionate mature energetic person tor one collet salary and benefits Pd vale wolerfront community- SHEETMETAL ilaurneYrnan must have experience tools and references Will pay top Poliorl Send resume to:P O BOX 1207 Twin Falls Idaho $3303 ing of all duties Pol limes-o- ft length of service locution travel airfare environment and details to cor e for 2 ye a commient I unkhik isids-yea old to iri and M Friday 830 to 4:30 Wages 1550 hr tsoiary) 202260 tor aoot TELEMARkETING shear press and grind eon 9730859 read Caution Experienced power machine Warm Wonted Salt Lake's very best tile- WS only Sing needle and ovec- marketers ym ward professionals lock Full time Cabinet ona will pay ton ape between 9 business Cali SEWING must haw industrial n for Joann est wart toot machine steady watking Own truck on Mike ' - 1:11 TELEMARKETERS ATTENTONI SEWING DOMeStiC Out of State mr Glamour Photography Sales for The Cover Look Stores Commissions plus Decrees Apply at 1425 South 700 East or call Equal a Word SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST REP shows the I import the US is : Do you like to TELEMARKETING entails the phone? No selling Guaranteed S5thrIsoloryi in training plus daily cash bonuses Advertising supplies Coll 204315 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR Ini-Exeter SPREADERCUTTER mediate positions Excel benefits DaT and eve"ing snIfts 9641000- ex cellent benefes Send resume to Large Utah Automobile Chain has o General pent a ece hiring fun time rare opportunity for an irteiligent rental soles WYK Apply WIttlin 1380 West North Temple aggressive ond experlenced auto-motive Sales Menoger Desire for SALES growth and proven 'rock record a WOMEN'S speclotty store full time must assoclate Mary commission DISCRETION ASSURED APPLY immlafeed126yr0100torsosephorcdi Idt FRIDAy ' fed 51 and Lotus 123 or Pion Per- - Nu( scromr port tone no to led ExcelieExcellent spelling ond gram- to Li' omo TELEMARKETING weSINcli amativote mar PhOne ond customer service d efficient Glamour Photography Telemar skills keyboard net 10 wpm keter for The Cover Look Leads Coils taken 73a a g am Monday to Siread- month to start Weds only Ask for Bonnie Slr200suoalledS325 Per letaCI PlUS ad- Excellent comm Trade vertising pubik retaken and pro motions Strong Sales background in trade shows a plus Coll Steve Or Norm SALES PERSON INSIDE Local flooring distributor is locking tor on eivress hardworking Inside soles indivicluol soles experi- counter wee preferred John SALES Choose your own hours Eon while $15 plus nee hour You learn Comm Notional lewelrY WORM- Ion assessorles co Fireparttime D ale 56920135 No SALES New high tech industry needs neer $oles WON for FCC Li CensoS Steck broker exPeritoce ideal Commission 9424086 SALES MANAGEMENT TERRIToRy mANAGER of Crecift Unions seeking an Administrative Assts tont Full time Requires at least 2 years socretoriai experience moNDAy Sewing and port time Also hiring night shifi $uCerviS°r- Piease call 2911865' SIDING SECRETARY Utah Leogue One - MACHINE'CliePE SEWING Now hiring experienced Mochine Operators full grommar necessary Seelig gOnlea tional skiiis and profession Bonneville Mfg 1600 South appearance required Saran based on experience 0000 334 West High WORN wood mow benefits Coll Ms Beverly logs stair parts and dos" Denning at 805375555 or- - national computer publication Required for the position is a coilege degree or equivalent in mission plus many other bene- media soles and a minimum of 2 fits Call Brad years saes experience Commit- er Industry and advertising AQUATECH POOLS & SPAS knowledge ore a thus The posi- lion involves teamwork creative and aggressive selling with SALES heavy phone use McGraw Hill of- - Verrnax Inc Ms on immediate fees an excellent benefits pack- opening for a soles representa tive investnt to represent our cultured marble age Deliver or mall resume to: onyx and Miracle Method Bath- MCGRAW HILL INC room Restorotion In SIC and sur 1050 Union Part Center Suite 240 rounding areas Must have four Melva UT 84047 years sales experience Cons:telt- Ana Advertising Soles Assistant live compensation package Send N o phone calls ocaccepted resume to Vermox Inc PO BOX SALES SALES RESTAURANT ARBY'S Fashion Place Mall now Mr ing port time position 18 years or older Days or nights $425 per hour Contact NeYSO 2684392 or appiy at the Mail RESTAURANT SIZZLER Buffet Court And Grill Accepting appikations for all posi- tons Apply in person 24 pm c Monday-sa3t2s So Redwood 250 SPA'S SALES PERSON y and gommunka organisationai lion skills Mel experience On- Swint? the Phone SaiorY based upon experience Only those with these Quatelcations shauid cooly extension 333 Lary at trtecrins"1Bas'isnrnertcmc7375?0T71: keno 810412 hr RESERvAT1ONISTS TJ tort pold medical plus travel conscientious benefits Will train RESTAURANT dependable person Apply S5 hour C office Part erne groveyard 1078 Ft union SL Hiring most all day 'nigh posmons MURRAY office K inko's will troin Blvd 8 3:30-Fron- Apply Monday-Fr- i ALERT Employment Agency tier Pies 5774 So Redwood Rood PRINTING RESORT Full time experienced Press Person RESTAURANT WANT A CHANGE? LIKE CLEAN CAN'S Funnily Restour ant at 515 East HAVE YOU EVER HAD THE ""tCron1°ndoo 2tacnootaritionshiarmaaatui rRA WO So has openings for exPer CANYON AS YOUR BACK AM Server s ApPly otter 2 Pm 95 Oh Coll J m now YARD? Accenting apptications Equal OPPortuney Employer PRINTING All posHons open Front Desk Reserson Press ogue needed ininediotel r RESTAURANT New taking eoneions senp no 3 $425b Aeon in per applications for Servers Cooks switchboard Please coil 10 make wet r only 2250 SO 600 West SLC Fun ano poi tune Ptense Interview appt mph ce trs Olymp et Flying between Susan Interviewing Cot Job openinos 150 West 2100 So Hotel SLC APrii 15 Brod 36224)50 a-- REALTORS 65568 Solt Lake City UT 841650568 Attn V P of Wits and M WAITRESSWAITERCOOKS BILL AND NADA'S CAFE 479 South Oth East MANDIES and short hone sponsible for experiene araerka ams supplies Good accurate' brry RESTAURANT - hens One computer experience des icabie Must pass General AOttucle type PolYgraPh buds- oral ground and psychological and Vodka exercise exams South Main Stree Bountiful Utah Closog date Is April 15 19910i PROGRAM ono skills wets erdProorWing Lotus experience Type 55 WPM to ADVERTISING GOQuolifications equivalent one year clerical experience type speed 50 or iwoulargeirestCinterw"mmediceleVcomputerøstdcm - RESTAMNT Mi1pportunity W' 6000 3289567 En PublicKETING iii stk woo 84101 Benefits Include hearth and lee insurance retire- - RECEPTIONIST mint pion 21 days paid time off Local division of Fortune 500 comPony seeking a Receptionist Sakry 134000440000 $2000 re- with 2 yeCtS office experience location assistance Send resume or call collect to Wore Meier heavy phones proficient in WordPerfect and Lotus Account- Del Norte Physical ing experience helpful Send Therapy 1080 Mason Mall Suite resumes or wait at 3422 South 3 Crescent City CA 9553 100 West Stk Utah 84119 Between April call for kcal interview Equal Opportunity Employer cad AMA onytime Equal Opportunity RESTAURANT Server s environment PICTURE FRAMERS Quollty picture framers wanted some experience on mere tow milers assembiers stars imme diotely 15hr plus benefits Call 972108 PLANE WASHER $10415 hr 100 paid medical 0 SLC office ALERT Employment Agency Dee's Family Restaurant at 2104 So 700 East has openings for port time am HostHostess at East 2430 Sot:M400 SLC Mon Ewa' Opportunity Employer South Main 1160 quotes and support tor motor cp on soles o f comPut er hardware SALES one ond software must be a customer National Real Estate Co neech mond ITIONI agent ter DCNIS COLN oriented team payer dude no farming No ar ea m attention and Aptitude 10 am-- I interviews Nods Provided Unique training pm only are the most impecee Qualities NO Phone calls pleasel ProVam For opt:ointment Coll experience a plus Send resumes Glen 2954000 or to Lacer° computer Products PO sax 2711 Idaho Falls ID SALES: COULD YOU USE AN I & N UNIFORM 83403 or Call EXTRA S50200WEEK Tiara and ask tor the General Monoger Exclusive'sglassware needs youl 2635 South 2700 West 25 Work own hoursdays SALES ROUTE DRIVER Comm some day you work for gourmet food compnya Must ACHIEVE SUCCESS CASH! No Investment hove grocery route delivery at MATRIX X MARKETING INC a 5651504 5614508 experience CincInnott Bell Co when you be SALES come porta of team of success0 WEEKLY COMMISSION RV TECHNICIAN lui soles people Day and evening Gymdetts Gourmet Foods is iooking Full Service RV Technician needed positions available to market long very responsIbie setmotlyat SJ-RV established by long C distance toephone service 25 ed person to loin our center Must be experienced in ail wpm typIng required Offer hour- - sales team saie background need asPects of RV repoir and matte ty wage bonuses and incentives ed C011 95 pm nonce Salcry based on ewer CALL FOR AN APPI and work history Must provide SALES rets ond loos Coma tom or (th COME TO mATRixx MARKETING Taglle's RV for beouty Pcrt time Soles SALE products wahabie Apply In per- Equal Opportunity Employer wn ot Robyn Todd insWe Foothill EXPERIENCED Chemical solesper son wanted Experienced ONLY SALES Village NO phone calls please Wetly' if you are unhappy with SALES SELL TO BUSINESSES or we situation hove a status your Hondo Of Bountiful needs 2 soles GREAT opportunity for you if you Base plus cornmission PerWie for our new and used motor- No evenings have what it takes Salary or draw cycles and ow lawn ccr products No weekends OdainSt commissions plus many No ewer necessary we will train benefits Call Lee DeLaRosa Iffah's fastest growing Cooler and you Apply In person make Dora Systems Inc Fax dealership is looting for hien- pow 3497 Sp Hwy 119 130unitful motivated career oriented whe inlay SALES - Used cars Expel' closer Soles protesslonois outside saes person Experienc ed chaltenoes that Pay You 555 prefereed Good money Construction Products and tools In your protected territory the op- en" "e dedendabee twestr and the to Pertunities existing expand SALES clegressive The right person can client bow are excellent Unique make really Wed money S°4Cr' service pions and selling training known fire protection Nationally plus commission Rick twig taL be successful oring re company hos an immediate open- to 332 East 3300 SO SLC SALES MANAGER for Sume Mahone mg for on exper outs ide saes sales company Travel Club person Knowiedge of the Ike pro- - SALES re Membership Experience swim Industy helpful wort Wired in telephone soles man- SELL WITH THE BEST! Pockage based on experience Degree Prelemeci Gl°1 gement at taken Applications Because of our unique marketing pay sakry or comm 9750260 1761 So 900 West techniques we have too many SALES taaas to handlei Our sales assre ACCOUNT MANAGER needed for FIREMASTER dates ore making money! Join Cellular Phone equipment CoolP0- (Since 1972) the teom who has in lust 3 years A Master Prcdedk'n C°n1PanY ny Computer experience nem aone from being a Salary plus commission company to being ° member Of CALL BOB AT SALES the Top 100 ERA Companies no- Moistly and the 1 office in Mont SALES Homer at Immediate positions avail for Paul Call deakated Ver Soles PeoPle to find out more about a 1 EthroordinarY Potential Frequent in real estate career rewording 5 Vs- - tmt)mmtmtr De ver or moll resume to McGrow-HiInc 1050 Union Park RESTAURANT Center' Sutte 24°' Midvale' i e EMBASSY SUITES Is now hiring 84047 Attention Assistant to Pub- tor the tokowing positions: fisher No phone calls accepted AM Buster i period receptionist position avail- abie Nr homemakers or otters em who are not seeking 102 RESTAURANT ern Idaho provide telephone |