Show - - e The Salt Lute Tribune firaurdmy April I: 1111 Washington Post Service — Federal departments that may be 1 orced to cut jobs and payroll costs this year are mew watching private-sector-sty- le offer being dangled before employees of the Office of Thrift Supervision Workers who take early-ouby July 6 will get immediate pensions and a buy-ocheck worth six months of pay If the t plan is a hit at the OTS other agencies may seek permission to offer it to senior early-retireme- nt ts ut buy-ou- workers so they too can avoid costly and disruptive layoffs that would hit e younger employees The law that created the OTS which is made up primarily of workers from the old Federal Home Loan Bank Board permits it to declare its own early-ou- t retirement plan after its initial reorganization The agency is overseeing troubled savings and loan institutions and is shrinking as short-servic- the number of S&Ls decline It garted with 3400 workers year mow has 3000 employees and plans to have a work force of 2700 by Deeember Employment levels are linked somewhat to the number of aurviving S&Ls in 1989 there were 2800 of those savings institutions last year 2300 Officials figured the standard government early-ou- t (which for ether agencies requires approval of the office of Personnel Management) would not do the job because only one in every six eligible workers takes early retirement So they addof pay to sweeten ed the the pot Senior OTS officials say that if all 130 eligible employees there retire it would cost the agency (which gets its money from the S&L industry) half-ye- NEW YORK — On Wednesday Simon & Schuster announced it had bought a novel for $920000 one of the largest amounts ever paid for a first novel in part on the strength of endorsements from writers John le Carre and Joseph Wambaugh Friday le Carre and Wambaugh denied they had ever seen or heard of the book "Just Killing Time" "It's straight fraud" le Carre said of his purported endorsement "It's like bringing a painting into a gallery with phony authentications from Bernard Berenson" The deception involved is the kind one might expect in le Carre's spy novels It included a spurious telegram from le Carre as well as two letters bearing Wambaugh's letterhead — but with an address in San Diego nowhere near his actual California home "It sounds like the guy has gone to elaborate lengths" Wambaugh said adding that he was both angry and bemused that his name has been attached to the scheme Simon & Schuster said it had not yet decided whether to publish "Just Killing Time" about a serial killer and a secret US government agency "We are studying the situation and are taking it under advise SALE about $41 million If those same workers remain on the payroll through next year their pay and fringe bene I CLER Charles Hayward president of Simon & Schuster's division said Friday "We will meet with the author early next BOSTON (AP) — Terry Anderson the Associated Press correspondent who has been held hostage in Lebanon for six years was honored Friday by US newspaper editors for exemplifying the ideals of the First Amendment The American Society of Newspaper Editors meeting here for an annual convention also gave a First Amendment Award to William J Brennan who retired last year from the US Supreme Court week" Since Simon & Schuster did have the manuscript at least part of its enchantment with the work came from the book itself not the blurbs from le Carre and Wambaugh "Just Killing Time" was auctioned under the author's pseudonym Derek Van Arman The author was described to publishers communias a Washington-base- d cations specialist and national secu rity investigator who had worked for numerous federal agencies He is in fact Derek V writer who Goodwin a free-lanc- e lives in Phoenix Goodwin maintained Friday that he was also a longtime investigator for various federal agencies and often worked out of Washington where he said he was born and reared Goodwin 40 denied he had perpetrated the fraud adding that "I was completely blindsided comhe pletely duped" apparently said by someone with a personal grudge or by a former CIA worker whom he knew only slightly "It would take someone who is to submit severely brain-dea- d quotes like that to publishers who know all these famous writers" Goodwin said "What would be the purpose of that?" collection of dresses for mlsses end petites qUCIO 4843 to 12000 Reg 13000 to 20000 7208) A regular prItxl cotton dentm Jean tor junaors ZU to 378 0 Re 3400 'to 5403 (:1 ri4) 41 11 Sort) Gueus? jeans not included— 41-9- com- canceled its ride on the shuttle Delta rocket rose The from its pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 8:N pm 112 hours late because of high winds It cut through a clear sky and headed out over the Atlantic Ocean The satellite separated from the r into the flight as booster a motors later planned with bumping it into an elliptical orbit 22220 miles above Texas The orbit will be circularized within five days It joins eight other communications satellites in orbit owned by GTE Spacenet Corp of McLean Va 1212-stor- y Pa III gimainommolortoom r - I ALL Levre I 1 I trnin ty Reg- - :2695 he? Gil 11 41110a1:01o N3YL ' Sorry sh ots t $1 lo D3 tow wir 114111 444174 10 ' from Cznsk Orig 11020 Orig 441 eyti to--A - Kin r $1026 07 50 OFF ORGINAL MCES s099 Lat $2000 al! y jr'j ant Clearance tritT 1rj Ivir7 iv er)11 L 2499 Made! AC330 (d 7575) Our 3 Days CtniY SSW puP:tiase: Jnerec incimact 2 lirliners )t' a writct thi L brale eveni 1t tliarK:”:: nanc al vvelny101 Ciea-anr- T1r anc '2feararire :triupl unrest ouentittec wa! sol0 during the- - easr ungtnal prr2e wtten the even dtIonr? cnoert interryiediatt nrS InCiLJOeC ILTITPOZT immraw0 V SOFA bale $ 3-a- 9 Nue nra v prva A a p79 4t - - 1 !1 DAYS SAME AS CASS OAC 10-MONDAY SATURDAY By" ar Last 61170 Fig 06110 (d '7557) -- 6 re 329 ITIii‘ snivaz Mr" Loot 4999 ttrante teSephone 3 PC SECTIONAL 1 and up cf Stratolourmer recliners OFF P sX IFtzvliosran 306 (d 7F:21) t'orry iumiUre nut available at Aden or el' 'SAVE 40 OIT -- Celnerware $ets "Lier-a- " tervice-for-for- o e 20-piec- I 0 23 9 9 2 999 per guest p1?se (Boys Departments) illiftelem pa"- Consoles not included:Limit cotton denim jeans for boys 11Z3 to 2450 Reg 1693 to 3500 2T-2- 3 I)" 521 and 550 AIL Levi's 2411- 0I ton 141 1 25 (31 O F F preshrunk cotton denim jeans Reg 3220 to 42D0 "Next year we'll have peaches this big" said Ritenour displaying his hands as a fisherman would describe his catch Ritenour said he expected tu have South's truck fixed sometime soon The elephants owned by Hawthorne Co of Chicago were headed from Harrisburg to a Shriner Circus in Detroit when their truck had engine trouble on Interstate 70 I Steinway And Others FF 25 () 0 OFF (d 74a9) Cr!Jrnb:a rt U' u Sale Wurlitzer w GRIP Lkst SHAM 25cY0 reguies price Frank print pants tor young men 2100 to 2230 Reg 2800 to 3000 00- stcnortm Schafer baidwin - regular price tezzers tor men 105000 Peg 15000 to 22000 (d 7432) OFF ALL world" t KalTArrANNL-- L Kimball 772Th Speer:4o swit:rt sepFaztes tor men 121)3 to 25-5-3 Reg 1600 to 3400 (d 744 3) : -- - PIANO SALE IIEW Z USED ''4"r""rriii-- 9 0160i 1 OFF 30°' OFF lino some of the best fertilizer in the (AP) — An animal ) - n4 Drets and casual she tor men 3120 to 5142 Org 5600 to 7200 (d coollectlori -- 9 " 30 half-hou- r AD°11-IfYsLAI- Famous maker dress shoes tor women 2263 to 4053 Orig 4800 13 5800 Id 771E) ALL st truck trouble on the way to the circus are leaving a gift that will make sure a mechanic will never forget the visitors he sheltered Garage owner Dave Ritenour who is also a farmer said his fruit trees will benefit from the manure the elephants leave "All together they produce a couple hundred pounds of manure every day" handler Ed South said "Its I: OFF Out-of-cou- rt keeper and five elephants who had munications satellite that spent three years in storage after NASA tit 31170 — Already reduced clearance fashion jewelry hosiery Were 129 to 5999 arid accemories 129 to Itocessories Depart merts) Orig 400 to 7500 ings and Loan Association of Denver He has denied any wrongdoing The regulators accused Bush of failing to adequately inform fellow Silverado directors of his business ties with developers Kenneth Good and Bill Walters who invested in JNB Exploration Good and Walters eventually defaulted on more than $132 million in loans from Silverado In addition to that case Bush also faces a $200 million negligence lawsuit filed against him and other former Silverado directors by the Federal Deposit Insurance settlement talks on the suit are schedCorp uled to begin Monday in Denver Timothy Ryan director of the Office of Thrift Supervision is due to make a decision in the conflict-of-interecase by May 13 An administrative law judge recommended to Ryan last December that Bush be required to meet certain restrictions if he accepts another position with a bank or savings and loan Separately the Small Business Administration recently examined Apex and its relationship with Wood River and the subsidiary Bridger Capital Corp The SBA has declined to disclose any conclusions on grounds of business privacy CAPE CANAVERAL Fla (AP) — An unmanned rocket hurtled into space Friday with a $40 million 4 AL Rights John Seigenthaler publisher of The Tennessean of Nashville and chairman of ASNEs First Amendment Committee noted that the 43- Anderson has been held year-ol- d hostage in Lebanon longer than any other Westerner "Among all the thousands of US journalists who carry out their responsibilities under the protection of Anderson the First Amendment alone has been forced to sacrifice six years of his life for the right and privilege" Seigenthaler said Anderson was the AP's chief Middle East correspondent when he was kidnapped March 16 1985 William Ahearn executive editor of the AP accepted the award on Anderson's behalf Elephant Manure Is the Pits Unless You Own Peach Trees MADISON OFF Misses' Zpiece dressing in rayon challis prints from California Krusti Reg 2395 to 34 95 (1 7247) The ASNE inaugurated the awards this year to coincide with its focus on the First Amendment in this bicentennial year for the Bill of After Wait Satellite Hitches A Ride Into Space ar NCE ENJOY INCREDIBLE SAVINGS WITH THESE GREAT SATURDAY-ONL- Y DOORBUSTERS! Embattled Neil Bush Goes Job Hunting 3-Ye- NEY! DAYS sis-mou- th ar WASHINGTON (AP) President Bush's son Neil has left his second oil company and is in the market for a new job Neil Bush 36 resigned from the Apex Energy Co of Denver April 1 associates said "He's looking for a new job he's selling his house" said Donald Dwight a spokesman for Wood River Capital Corp Wood River and one of its subsidiaries invested $23 million to start up Apex Bush's second oil explorafirms which were tion venture The two venture-capitcontrolled by a longtime friend of President Bush were able to draw on federally guaranteed money Apex was set up in May 1989 shortly after Neil Bush left his first unsuccessful oil company JNB Exploration which also had outside investors well in So far Apex has one producing natural-ga- s northwestern Colorado Bush has been "interviewing with lots of people" and has received several job offers said one associate He said Bush is exploring job possibilities in the oil and gas industry and in other areas both in Denver where he still lives and elsewhere Bush has battled for more than a year with federal regulators who accused him of conflict of interest in his role as a director of the failed Silverado banking Say Wnfl - 10- 01- Editors Honor Famous Authors Cry Fraud Captive On Writer's First Effort Colleague E ment" trade By Edwin McDowell New York Times Writer - LAST 2 DAYS TO SAVE! fats would cost 110 million according to officials One OTS lawyer has already taken the offer today is his last day To be eligibi employees must be at least 50 years old with 20 years of federal service 01 they can retire at any age with 25 years of service There is a 2 percent reduction for each year the retiree is under age 55 Although other federal agencies must get early-ou- t approval from OPM (based on a major reorganization or layoff) and cannot offer anything like the pay sweetener many will be watching to see how the thrift office plan fares lilt succeeds it could be extended via legislation to other agencies Ofsalary fering employees a payment would be considerably cheaper than bills on Capitol Hill that would guarantee workers fatter lifetime pensions it n- A: Provocative Retirement Offer Catches Washington's ye WASHINGTON - RmiwtlwNremg El 4- - tkkiri-61 1 4 - 2117 sorni 1100 - LAST 4637267 r t ' 111140Pdp14 116 |