Show A - 100-4- -- rm- cam bow Used SALES- - preterric Gum money Used SALES- - cars closer AUTO SALES Ever preferred may irm fur jobl 255-489- 4 $1500 SALES Monona es known In fronnelke compenv new en immerge opening Sor on whose sees rrnon Plowmen ot the tire prevention IntlusOry nettle Soiwv OPfleneS tOr hos iftWoOtildt soimpeaple male er heroic Auto sows experience preterred but We selli train quatinea individual otter 35 commission tremendous bonuses paid vocation medicoidernal Insurance end or Mal MOM API in o person I 1 caii Mod hives ot package boned on esperence Awaken token at Ihi Uso ISO West AREMASTER funce a Weser BASE SALARY PLUS CON4MISSION Wow Automotive Green kJ 'sear 1912) STEP1-E- Protection Convene WADE N 2 mas AUTONOTNE GROLF 5500 Soutt Pate Mumay sAv ADVERT1SNG ACUPA SALES PERSON McGraw inc is Ionia to till the position et advertising saes occaunti emscutive ter a leading an Call tOr appointment Ourien 3944000 SALESPERSON to sell UTAH Mauna camping publication I Acura Wad Is locking lor a hard narking indiviaaal wording and w4ang io is4t int Non audia9 veers ass flagerence Conaut Acura aularadadas or Industry and advertising knoweedge are a Mug The cosi We otter tOP comm AS01S hadah insurance bonuses Pon teamwork creative and toiciai InCIVOVOS and aggressive ailing with tor cosooiromont cad Please McGraw use heavy Owe firs en avolient benefits pack trag arias ACA Deliver 459 5 So nil an Intel salesperson at the best compute business in Steeliest ern Idaho provide toisphono auras and support for molar cil env sales of computer hardware and software Must be a cusiornet Be team boor: and atlertion OriVTId AMlucle to anal Apeude ore She nese Invariant qualities experience bus Sind resumes to: Lulea Computer Products PO Box 2711 keno Fans ID 113403 Sr 2064244M and can for Ian Genera Manager a YOU'VE tor inside Scrim Require-mer- EVER SECRETARYEXECUTIVE Mien hano to CEO Must haw excellent WordPerfect Si text Lotus NONA Wan Merle posttlon R RAW mane SUSAN WALKER 5344911 SECRETARY: Type e0 went $Verci Perfect LOW genie Otnal APO In Persen Atnerlodi &OP 451 West 3440 So kr Wei train person for survey wort introduckm new MOW knorave mint building products in the Utah and surrounding areas Work direchy with °emery- NO SONG NECESSARY! Must have OW! co-- and be ii years or older Salary Min comm Coil am between hS!laTRAVEL Tler slies 64 We Pay Salary! SALES IF YOU ENJOY HELPING PEOPLE CALL 4644536 two d memorial We need CounetiOre for our four mortuaries anci Iwo immense If selected trained in a service you ve business Mot is absolutely risme- be tor wry everyone SALES Trend Beauty Supply seeking censed cosmetoiogist for Inside sales position Heavy Phones and customer relations Computer xpo helpful Need high energy and self motivated person Send resumes to: Trend Corp 3001 So Wed Tempe Suite J &LC Utah 84115 Attention: Pam No phone calikplease $500 HIRING BONUS Camera Den WO pay you $500 If you are o quatMed applicant and we hire yeti Photogrehic retail soles Full time Base plus commission Conan requirements apply! Coil or apply at 145 So State hp SALES FINANCIAL PLANNER sciorer antl COMM capport IDS Financial American Express Sereitte Co Sera resume to: IDS Financial 6985 Ss Union Park Or 4000 r Midvale u-- 84047 Equal Opportunity Employer MF SALES Training and AUTOMOBILE SALES PEOPLE NEEDED Due to Increased volume of eases we as currently looking tor 2 hard work ling selimativated indinecesviduals No experience Call SALES HICH COMMISSION SS commissions in the kes- $S Make high holistic intAistry Execulive-levaim Need 20 dynarnk resultearieMed saies 0 mope As tor John tcocci rapid-growt- heatle at t4amteg-1"-'0Not"00- En SECRETARY tor a 1 person office Rion teeing bOOkkeeping ancl payroll Needrid tor Glint Coll Full smoke office S550hr Non time ItY DePertinent Applicant must hove extensive personal siecuritY experience andor invest' and tOtOd enforcement uPgot erlance 3 years experience minimurn interested applicants Send reSunse to: PO box 4000 Pork City Ukth 84060 Attention Security SECURITY OFFICERS al appeiyance required Salary based on experience Good benefits Coll Ms Beverly Denning at SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST tor alter Port lime TEACHER: tersiett Stet ISsw tw Day Came Co cote benefits Cot Lwtzto or Malys TEACHER0AV CARE Fut Pm loather 2 sew aids Sanity Atoltgate TEST PorAogroPhy yrs mximurn enerienoe Leocer Lone Term Arbs cr Sena Resume Tor 3 ca JCE CENIT ER APPlitinta Warranlies IDEAL FOR RETRED PEOkE HOMEMAKERS TELEMARIIING START 151-- Includes light automotive service and repairs General station duties Composts training cl asli tor Steph TELEMARKETING Ficri lime evening hours HOURLY RATE GUARANTEP0 or COMMiSSiOn EARN MO WEEKLY or more For more into 5619524 2601013 57246911 opportu- ease:matt-ner- "Ci — SIX Date: Thursday April 11 1991 Place: WardleyBetter Homes & Gardens Corporate Offices 660 South 200 East Suite 400 Time: 6:30-7:3- 0 pm Buffet Served STEEL FABRICATION Steel Shift Simpson Day needs structural and plate titters cub Must to warn tram stop blueprints and pass drug screenMg test Anon at $5411hr water products Eve sign avail Call weekdays TELEMARKETING: Magazines tional Paid training an hour er 9 Plat Say ito :0116441-- &UTOMOBILE SALES HOURS: salary guaranteed Call TIRE SERVICE PERSON rood service ever Giant tire eiRer heipful aid large truck necessary - emissions TIRE Technician and skite impection certified APO( it person' B & R Tire 2950 5o 300 West TITLE Receptionist neecied tor busy office Some escrow experience would be helpful Call Craig TRAVEL AGENT Experienced maitre full time salaried Travel agent needed Cruise cmd tour experience essential Ann or Ann 2719908 Coll 2 years onlerlTREE TRIMMER enCe required TYPESETTING South San Lake printing company WAITER WAITRESS Pcridaroe Luxury Senior Ants Day sht t Full or part time Coll 5370100 --- - -- WAITRESSWAITER Needed immediately easy going graveyard Wol lerWaitress Apply In person at 2333 West No Temple See Dell or Dona dealership is looking for a few We offer training retirement benefits health care and career advancement Earn up to 50000 a year Call Pat at 364- for an 2100 or Jeff at 532-633- 3 appointment at good people MARK MILLER TOYOTA I 5:00-9:0- 0 Must be 18 or over Downtown Location Hourly Guarantee and Bonuses Utah's fastest growing Toyota Idea fruit or Call Neil IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 322-101- 0 I71010dmmiF 8:30-12:3- 0 and 4:30-8:3- 0 cornpuler ASSSTING DENTAL ine peopie skiNs TRAVEL CAREERS Eider growth Industry Tit BRYMAN SCHOOt is AMERICAN TECHNICAL CENTER 1144 West 3300 So SLçUTI411Q STOP LOOKING! We need 15 ambitious different posManA me NSTIRJTE Otters Carew Programs °COMPUTER PROGRAMMING° COMPUER REPAIRING DATA PROCESSING ASSOCIATE OF VITA HEALTH So 900 East Suite 210 1:30- - 130 y RACE YOUR COMPUTER SCIENCE CIASSFED AD DEGREE 7:00 AM tor holu "when on Grants Student Loans and Job Pkocement 0311 to 8:00 PM at 466-659- You Domestic Out e ate ate - To WI who "Domestic Out stil - tt Call institole Universal EL art part time home tor your Includes $7 per day chileren lunch snacks Marlene WOULD love to watch your children my Farmlogion home Easy ac9 cess Reasonable RELIABLE Child e In my Sow House home Fenced yard easy freewoy access 4874981 CHILD CARE licensed sm chikfren or irdonts hot lunches DAY CARE Former Teacher West Valley S9 a day Cassie 9554746 ar CHILD CARE incl 3200 West 5400 So NOTICE in The advertisements appeorMo this coiumn may involve the otter of o searitv or a business opportunity as denned by Utah sow It is possibie Mat ihese odvertisernervis or the of tics on which they ore based may or Indians possible violations of The Utah Untform SectrIties et sea Utah Act (Sections Code Ann) or may require the filinti of certain information Mtn the Inah Division of Consumer Protection Pursuant to the Utah BUSilleSS OPP OrtUrith Disclosure Act (Sections et seq Utah Corse Amt) Advertisers and potentiol advertise rs ore (Wised that transactions and adyeritsernents InvoMno securities old business opoortunMes WI certain rights cmd respons care Hrm HOgne tor 'twit cooked meats loving care tic- - by slate Holladay area Terry FREE opt rent to mature person in exchange tor part time cook tor disabled mature lady 24 HOUR personalized care tor el deny in private Ho Watt home For appointment call ELDERLY CARE in my home 24 hour supervision LIVE-IFOR ELDERLY MAN 4674797 or PERSONNEL EXCEL 3200 APPLY TODAY South 7 00 Rs! Suite 100 ALL SEASONS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Call itw best!! 4874171 Lists "dtiJob Sale $35 000 US GOVERNMENT Port lime own hours processing e FHA refunds No experience necessary GULF AND OVERSEAS Joe LIST Over 400 Jobs listed Sonsaction Guaranteed Send $ 1495 tcr RAN Box 174113 OgSUTIPSOn 8 Assoc den UT 8402 US MAIL JOBS $1175 to $1490V2 Fee Now Hiring Vote Areo experieme Necessorx ext 4103 1 OpportunMes Nue NO RISK NO STRINGS! IT'S at groceries Receive 875 wo-t- h monthly at the store of vow choice kg oniv tea No cosmos involved Show others how and earn continuous rnorthilv income No fine print! No sales! CALL JIM home work Recording gives deSotis ond FREE BONUS CAT COO rove S344726 ext 31 READ Books to Pay SlOO Der the Free recoraeO rnessooe reveals dept IOS excthno letolts S458 WEEKL Assemblicy products at Nome Recorded messdPe reveols details 4684732 Dept UT5 The Best Borgoins ore sr ADSI Todoy's WANT DIAL Pt GROUNDS CENTRAL FREE a NOR THPARK VILLAGE APTS 2 BDRAA5 GAS 12 BATHS 500 SQ FEET 3 LeEL TOWNHOUSE AND MORE 3 STARTING AT: Fontein welcome owe cowered rm Nu family Wm $506 ond oi) 2 Odn'll Po& TH I 2250 So S E NU-262433 E TM Vet 3S7O So 3rd 2624117 or JUST LARGE BORK $a25 1 $295 Office 555 644 So Got Paid covered parking OO East 202933 trs N1 Sat MandaV-r-riO-- 5 Stcraest Or (1640 West) ROYAL GARDEN APIS RECIEVED MIDVALE'S WET BEAUTIFICATION AWARD LIKE NEW BORK FREE HEAT CLEAN OUET FREE HOT WATER FREE CABLE TN Compieteiy carpeted and draPod dIshwosher disposal coImaP wo- NWdryer covered PM0 auto- matic outdoor lirOttno No pets can for aPPt 2544639 BEDROOMS Boat Mut ado aaraons Poot Ara karpe oilooms amp closet bung ccrport Ono mammon FROM $285 3560 SOUTH 300 EAST 2664954 El 151 1HIS CUM 0-EC-K Al $160 MOAS 1 VALLEY PARK Super large 2 beings starting at $209 Pool air tennis playground Covered area laundrY III:Wage heditUDS easy access tO 115 bolt mahout fireplace ig patio bedroom GAS FREE AIR COVERED PARKING Of CLOSETS? 192 FT — 1460 2969 SOUTH 900 EAST 2926936 1200 SQ YOU IN BEDROOM APT Firsokint tangs rstrie covc:rn dishwashor disposai parting knotty morn spa pool and club house MUST SEEM 11T7 SOUTH 200 EAS1 siS 21S6 SOUTH SOO EAST osS 2964 SOUTH 200 EAST 01114 4S641931 4074729 9724442 3620 So 2200 West k SELLS rr ALL Sets g amtlimaktrzt : IIcoPdt I as 111111 PeaksExcelsior April Wednesday Hotel 730Oxo- inn 90th So Thus April leth 730pm call tor into Mr Grant LiMiTED number of Protected iron-Otlerritories available providing mandated fire protection services to existing cirsxxim 1 Min Investment of $10000 Training of rzornams Immedloteour source occounts and opportunity to build equity Erni Potential in excess of 340000 For further info: I: rilltop Valittliri!4"Iv A (Since )972) Mosier Protection ComPanv i Ial I ' — I I L III 10 - Jim A - 'ow- ) Dryers Guitars Typewriters Desks Stoves Refrigerators Freezers Lamps Electric Trains Barbells Chain Saws Camping Equipment Snowblowers I 1 - ------ - 2 al 711111 CY FIREMASTER ‘ ) - BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Earn per hour in vow home Part time or fulf time Compete training ter obtaining clienls billing one full charge tookkeep log FREE 2 HOUR SEMINAR Thursdov April I IM Pm Saturday April 13th 10 Next Cases begin Arsil 16ftl Cali on kr reservation Of RESTAURANT Excellent location Top S potential tor right person( Sectis 49 Bus and eauipment $70000 (DAOU) Norma Mooning 53413896 Wcrdiey CABLE TV OWNERSHP Take cavantage at surging new markets in wireiess cab TN If PreftOs vou rnissea otiliukt phone don't miss ihis boom License ownership minimum $5000 CALL MBC Drum Sets Drills Pool Tables Motorcycles Exercise Bikes Patio Furniture Sailboats Tape Recorders High Chairs Baby Beds Firewood Trombones Camping Equipment 1 tr- - iew-- - "ac4sp a$0 - 41" -- 4!' ‘1 a -- -- '''' ' Ip 1!I U PARIS STORE near Wasalch Fror tar ick Estabilshed base 5000 s4 ft building goad business tunny Lcrge store Approx S60000 beginning ectunv 1 timing ing available on remaining Buzz Janet Space Heaters Pets - bro- chures and into Unified sealing Universal Accounting Center 339 East 39P0 So Suite 104A OPPORTUNITY Already esloplished accounts Low overheod high profit ingrain Make between S30000 lc S50000 inper yr Moderate t:lutes all epinpy invokes In To get started Call Tor °pot Olson's Oossk Mobile Power Wash U p)Ir-Tr- Golf Skis Clubs Pianos Grandfather Clocks Antiques Chairs Toboggans Washers tI countries and territories Komi will prove to break recordsli You con participate and earn income by referring peopie you know in Korea Sweepers' Vmaocpueudsm - - Excellent opportunity io heip Koreans be pert of world Mae business expansion (home core products) in over 52 AlreoXPV successful SALT 260 West 1 11111 KOREA 17Th Projectors sear' nelP in directing your inquktes 7 SoeBinoculars 3 respect PROV0-- Dinette - 111il- Sewing Machines Bicycles Accordions Televisions Stereos Lawnmowers ) mentioned acts It you are in doubt as to the nature al a conterrpiated transaction consun your attorney or with reSQCt to s k rA-Swin-rINI USE CLASSIFIED for sales service & results! Ilip Oat edit Wawa DESEELIET -- -- TOLL-FRE- E email) -- t viiaea S I - illit3 P-- NIEV" AkTANTIAD 237-200- 0 t gob400 - I o?pkoeaorto‘A&4141m1004'4s011ttli&044114LowolyAtotobdow"-'114mdta0enro1toop- a APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL Of created by the above ities LOV1NC icc Employment Wk Agencies a SPACIOUS 363-965- 5 meta call Elderly Care ' - Business Opportunities Wanted do house and office deanong Recoonobie roffis LOV1NC DOORS SECURITY "Dor WILL Day Care Whoever your moon we vAt fit a oxWorlabOo vow noom w OPICI solving You'll kroo vow new D or 03 So Pont something opt Mos with your Inky Week In Truck Training since 1971 for "CDL" lir-- and cert Financkw CAC 3rd Party "COI" Examiners Call tor appt 4664311 Positions - chow of oconwv TENNIS SECURITY GUARD 14764152 Wombat-ran- East 3900 MA TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING 4 a THEN VISIT ASPEN HILLS APTS 2 Accounting So 6104A 339 FAMItY! Maybe you nowt Oat a woo KAI mos MOM Novbo you Han Tor P001 RENTING APARTMENTS con compete in 24 weeks is wise WE OFFER KING SIZI COMFORT Week WITH YOUE Apartments place and read BOOKKEEPINGACCOUNTING oft to have references and a compiete understanding of all duties pay times-o- ff length of service location travel airtcre environment and check Caution tic 5714700 trot THE SIZE EAST $OD DO unett 90' Ond UPhOiSteri TIRED SOUTH SOMETHING 5 YOU OFPIM HOUIM 04 Sourdav Monc COMMUNITY keret Unfurnished ond LOTUS r $340 344D DIET CENTER FRANO9SE Toning tatibes RESTAURANT 9th and State for lease seals 34 7772471 Frank COM SNOW CONE BUSINESS PLETE 56090 NIGHT CLUB for tale New Sugar House 10000 sq ft EXISTING VENDING ROUTE tor sot Sell oil or CUSTOM Farnham and cabinet shoo wIth terms avail piacement WORD PERFECT OM COM AT APARTMENT 3 e STARTNG 467-202- 3 waited doing $1200000 a yea Coll Jock ARE wiTH PATIO YARD LARGE BALCONIES VILLAGE BAR FOR LEASE 3646172 (rays) VENDING Machines Coil the rest - then dial 9433065 tor the best RESTAURANT Southeast loc well Hill ReHarald Hill $317770 est BUSINESS or more STO4 FREPLAaS a STARCREST cash Vending business Bre part or tut time Min Investment So975 No letiing 14904454752 BE tow Own BOSS' GTE 2225 Pay Teisphone Business Excellent lw come Cat MAT J ROBY'S YOGURT Fronctiew Denver Colorado excel mail lo cation 14214290 root AIR a PLAYGROUND BEAUTRI ALL 140045S-011- If AT FREE aNFRA1 THE rae CCOPet a COME RE for DAYCARE CENTER—Licensed 75 Best buy in the Low down mattes this a must see VR BUSINESS BROKERA32-153YOGURT SHOP - A motor tram-Ma-o with nwleeplo avatar ant or ale Very pood WITS VR BUSINESS BROKER 5321530 AT PHILLIPS JR COLLEGE Can lived Small classes Personal °Petition Hanes Cr training Real worta Pails at State" Okill Er CHEM—DRY COVERED PARKNG banning tornkies prohibits 14254432 ESTATE Lioutdoleonl Must soil commoner piaperty Bat Coolly Excellent Mame Price 00rAingl ratio 144012220-363AUTO PARTS—A ported busTness tor mechanically inclinea Seller wit finance to freebie party V1 ausiNcs5 BROKERS TEE $HIRT SHOP—A fun business it overate Groat location Good terms Vy tow down 141 !MANESS BROKERS 532530 DRAPER moo oft of IN 14 housemeern0 100 comapancy 5714917 & TOWtOkES inervere ac floceiveNes etc 14C000 cores CLASSES STARTING SOON Call now 4854221 NOTICE U(4000 merle terror Incl COURT DELI Crossroads Mat WO stab Excellent opportunity No agents 2724079 &M GOURMET COFFEE end Candy N ose Mall must Shop CERTED CAREERS We how tun and we SSW Poser:ins are gokp fast Apply In Person ask for Doe at t L-tti- tome Cad 41- - IA-- oft Potential or 14004500 per week Hourly icommission Health and Energy Co No ewer necessary WII pay $o train FRIDAY VP BUSPCSS BROKERS FOOD ANIMOCOS MONDAY - barn barna anbeitevare terms VP BUStRESS BROKERS WHOLESALE Food Sus APARTIVNS wen children andor handicappe0 persona or Intention to InCOMI any such preterence disaimManott" This newspaper will not knowingiy accept row advertisement tor rentals which Is i violation of the law Our milers ore hereby Worms° that ALL "'Mots advantage! in this newomper ore waked on on Equal OpportunitV basis franchise Rated oil by Enirepronoir Marmite 2964125 RESTAURANTMoir and Lounge for sate in the Twin Fails 10 roe Financial aid available tor elluible students lo 81 pawl DAILY 11900 PLUS Call exillosian CALL TODAY co needs DAYCARE SUGAROUSE AREA Must Ages 2 Kris expo typesetterdesigner have exam: on Ilek typesetter in MEDICALLY TRAINED Excellent design layout Poste uP s14Iain9 refs WVC location and burning negatives Starting pay: 141t1 Slithr Moll resume to: 653 E Jame FENCED Yard learning Wc of 1 East 33rd So References spointe Dr rt 20 Murray 84107 Perfect for Retirees and OTHERS enthusiastic hardworking from a that cares! and 0 SPNIALIST 975-700- No Excellent opportunity for an positive person 8:30-12:3- Mg Pigeons 8 NO QUOTAS S450hr Telephone Sales Building Circulation of Salt Lake City Newspapers : oma AUTOMATION TELEMARKETERS ATTENPONI Itionted Son Lake's very best teteCHILD CARE—Connecticut prates TRUCK DRIVING CAREERS marketers we wont professionas sional coup seeks affectionate aid and 6 week COL Fitianacial and witt Pay Inc 034IW Cabinet 'nature energetic person tor one avail It gualtlied Call ptecement 9 2 business Coll between Year COMMitMent to care for 1400429-SEPA- I National Training om-noo- n ask for Joann fantastic kids-- 7 yea- old 01 and boy June stmt Ex WE are taking abolicalions tor sailTELEPHONE SURVEYORS ing instruchans 'Learn To saw celtent salary and benefits Pribet 4 pm4:30 pm vate waterfront community- WEEKEND HELP WANTED s Beach pod boating tennis Near NAIL SCHOOL Exper Licensed meded for Telephone survey-pal LDS Chwch can collect MonPri The Noll Studio 2724020 Meal purvey day 711 pm EST or ofiY time NO SELLING weekends Easy-To-Lea- m E BROADCASTING Sc 700 West e orbors Ora— WOOLS Put yam avaltve talents le work Na- TELEMARKETiNGSoies Reps Looking for career oriented people to fill lull time soles posttions for video distribution co Experienced only Bose solarY $SW per month plus extras APPiication occepted at 311 West 3000 South SLC Utak PATtTERTIE Pl!SETLIONS Enter Building From Top (3rd) Parking Level 1436 LAB ASST )4 0 Ask for Rick trol) Coll Cindy Bennion Utah 84127 pm retired Living quarters on 5320 HALLS CARPET CLEANING PERFECT 4 ctrin0 Peek Royal Sitxtios BLAND BROTHERS INC 5 Monday-F- ri 1630 So Redwood Equal Opportunity Employer maxx Person who can enloY WANTED: CARPET CtEANING Tokeded and ever ente TELEMARKETING piece Starting at 85 per hoar Utah Services Child Protection and up Genets Loth term situaNeed skilled empioyees to sell tion Apply gags and ribbons Wort your own 79 West 4500 South sit Imes call Monday through Fri day Tony or Anciroo at SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Now hiring experienced Sewing TELEMARKETERS needed 5425 Machine Operators lull and pert $O S on iwur base illoY with time Also hiring night shift with bonuses Days or evenings avaiiabie Call 2554123 supervisor Please call FITTERS 3 BONUS Sal TEFHin °AN WORD PROCESSORS Word Perfect SA Or We owed Li skills type SO amid paying ion Sheet sermneries so perm positions Unit01r Cali Joy 5394040 Cencor temporary Serulats e43 So SOO East No Feta We pay Sokry - and LANDSCAPERS Supervisor and assistant positions avail Commercial experience required Apply ot leg GENERAL TELEMARKETING TELEMARKETERS plus bonus Soft AUTOMOTIVE cabinets we prefer the 2 years is at one lob Applicators y from )0 wilt be 'Oaken to origin EMPLOY tritiNT SERVICECotortna I the agrkultwo and ninth and Con be kirtinerylPiOvelt scouts MEDICAL SECRETARY Rear Than Average tamer Growth ever am FOP LEASE 1EST DOWNTOWN 55 SEAT RESTAURANT AND 4C SEAT LOUNGE WRITE: COLLINS COURT PO BOX 480 ELY NV W301 r HOTEVMOM MGMT BEDROOM Reawal Fair Housing Action of MA which MOOS it Petal to °Overlies "any preterence tog or cesariminallon bond on race coke rttaton or notional SPORTING GOODS STORE—A NOW arecializea stare o were sears Imam Soper rico and expanding wc ever Enthusiastic boogie needed so set benefits Coil amis Notch plus bonus SERVICE Station Attendant Expert-ne- e SS TELEMARKETERS SS In tire repair and truck molt Can make extremely good money Apply: 413 So 300 West tioUrtY wage IS 10 lw easily bassi-be- e Will do whn bon(s) Pnhanent SEWERShop Assistant sewing and sates in trampolines SO Coil time days lir $550 SEWING Jain She WOOD WORK iNG - Wood product monutochoner needs wood work14 So 300 West ers WOOD WORKER assembly Some heipful WOODFinisher must hove ot least 2 dors 111(401 in wood finishing or portal TELEMARKETING PLUS EVENING CLASSES & MEDICAL ASSISTING WELDER ptagerty kicL suitable tor single SoHOUR '901s6 TV10 rentals tra vertised lit This illosPoPr art sulked to the There I Turn Kay 21n430-742- FRANCHE All award vas OLAN mas posMons woke tor photo SAL DAY It needs wrinnoweve disount coupons roservations etc berteM padtages Flexible afternoon ovenim and weekend hours attest comm in town tor wry lefts wort Dolly bonuses and incentivos ftooKi In person 24 oftt at 426 East 3300 So or call awl Several Utah 14123 CAREERS fitters 2 years ever Skirl 073154310 Also need submerged arc aseo weicier 2 years ever 4315 So 300 West between TELEMARKETING Smcd growitua conmarn en people to WI Weirs perfect VILIA PUBLISHER'S NOTE: In rang tart Mar be torierred end firiOneidNy sorra Ease ht New SON good West Orr rt pro ores Ovate investors le 15 fli loan re prelIcSpole WE00046 burner In Orem Ire Cern briar end tonna wear snap Salo anó Poore PIPS cantor decorory rma catering tar 194eider APPLY IN PERSON 3 ISO SOUTH MAIN ST EOM OPOOrtUnitv EMINOVer 1:2 pkge It i4 easer Stare subdrAde-k- Cns1b4"1111550 TECNt CAletSTITUTE 114119 WEIDERFABRICATORS bite Print working conditions 1100 So &LC Elrod A FULL MEDICAL PROFIT SHARING EMPLOYEE DISCOLINIt 2 WKS PAID VACATION EARN AS YOU TRAIN Position Excellent nities and knoll SAIARY E and 44 ITT Good Moth Skids To Si hour Abbott 41 Fletcher Empioyment )e Agency benefits way Oita web Ted COrresany Send resume Or OWN in person tst DAW TE0494010CRES 2700 South 900 West NOTIC1 wIrrldIngs- - tor RESTAURANT OPPORTUNITY Murrav WEIDER liTTERCUTTIR excelient opportunity Weider must be bertMabie and obit to reod must be ebbe to hod rrtmooCulter SWOON Focal Froncrate tar cialaJLOCI 210440111001 NAVE Part ON land want to C9 Apartments I Tint rowan' columns ei this fewapapir serve boin edoetlisor or read" IMO" otters ninon" now no "ace in 'hese columns Pisa" coil 1374995 ociii end any on:whoa Pont" oars Through commerical meal soonobso wilt be sound in "hose Cuiunint Thom Commies ere in "MAO Stitorpist end itiot readOr mod be "vote "at e ton mow be involve° when ailing ihne Wades ter helix stablished Ova Succasstal 263-331-3 Personnet needed Will 1min $OSO SI-Ored C pet hour WAREHOUSECutter Apprentice WANTED MATURE PEOPLE TO WORK 2145 HRS PER WEEK Evenings 44 oriel Sat S Sang SWI wall CALI TODAY WARROUSE SEARS woirt PA GEORGE Dee oat EVfille 00S05 Finance Ate tot Elea Students bocteaors Degree le Electra I : tool Colt NAMING Mean° telt I 152e2 AZ pontonnoti vnadirtmsmirovlacticel on pWUr artin-Senotdin WS Prim TRAINING APRIL 11 1991 200—Unfurnished Apartments SS VENDING Nowiv COMPUTER ADED WilirErSOUSE MANAGER veers einenence ir Minimum centersoctlies er OW Prelierred Supervisors locoed in Caret Project ado Nevado Soenv la corionensuree wilb experience Sena resume Carlin NV SIC PO ban ged22 dim Ns Sexton WAREHOUSE Sedum individual tar delivery wareitotwo AM UAW tiC3Ve datiere diving tali tor 9 cuiLot dual I $$ NEW WAY EIECTROIICS WAREHOUSE DELIVERY warehouse UP& Fiat tenors mods delivery person $iLSO 'how to 4004116 tor gin Wort C1 oniv Friday SeRVia GROUP Wit Breactorp Rd e345 Tempe WAREHOUSE: 5 position Swgries Co THURSDAY 111190—Business Training mart BUTLER 1030 Ft Ilene warehouse 'new Edwards Pot est Se 7IX) Wee Pe peon rewires reading seeing dein e kes win medium la heavv ring gring warn twasipv lane references Ineween e ran la 4 ant bong e dolt varier and age le work well vele colors a must Schools IP TECHNICIANS 120 West Fireclav Ave Qualified applicant must be (1295) experienced with busy multiple fine phone direcfing and so AwnTEACHERS ing itiephone coin Must be comWAREHOUSE puter literate and work well under Learning Tree hiring teachers and Pressure head teachers Advancement years secelorkil IMPORTXPORT aPportunglosi Top pay tor experiexperience and professional wore (meanie 6 OPPearance a must Send resume to: Dry goods Full ti enced workers MC: Vcrious duties (Inventory ConPO Box 27558 Holladay: We're PACESMING Real Estate in Utah! Check us out first! (No cost or obligation — just information) 530-162- Wert) Cif Mr c2" SPRINKLER Ind s Need erehusiceshe peopie for Wanted male or male Very pres- irso deem ofivetehoe worrieshon for tigious Security Officers tor tug The Marriott WOO EXper Me pref 0 or and part lime work Must have MoodilyFridge goad public relahons skills Curpen Cal Chris Houohion rent USW Unarmed Sectrity cense a plus Good pay with benefits tor lull time employees Meese call Mort through Fri TELEMARKETING Do you Ike so e on She phone? No seeing am to 4 pm al 2374721 An Equal Opportunity Employer Guoronteed $5 ihr(seter ti) In training pen Polly cosh bonuses Advelising supplies Coil 2444375 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT SECRETARY-LEGA- Downtown litigation low firm IS loolting for a Legal Searetary 2 years previous lifigarion experience required WaPPerfed 51 proficiency knowledge of DOS commands typing speed of at least 80 wpm and excellent grammar necessary Strong organizaticmal skills and profession- OwswettStat imam schoR ac- most respected used car SHIPPING CIERK dealership needs a sales person INSUMCE AGENCY Local firm needs lull time shiP0k141 Will train Enthusiasm and clerk Duties include: packaging are all that molter Apply in domestic shipping and material SECRETARY person at Motor ON 7755 South handling Apply in person: 4505 Slate see Greg Excellent position with atiractive South Wasatch Blvd Suite 100 SALES benefits In growing deportment at 124 food Position $300$800 WEEKLY COMMISSION large pomPanY SIDING INSTALLERS GArdees Gourmet F0004 Is looking requires intermediate computer for a very responsible skilis with wordprocessing and Top Pay Lotus experience Type $5 WPM person to join OUr Health inurance soles team Soles background needaccurately and short hand Experience only need DPW ed Coll for Responsible experience Own truck and toots Ordering office supplies Good Mike aganizational and communicoSALES tion skiiis with exPerlenal answering the phone Sakey based Part lime Sales postlion for beauty SKILL INSTRUCTORS Won experience- OnlY lissle with products avallabie Apply in per these qmiltication should aPPY Work Mg vetth autistic youth Betray-M- r son at Robyn Toad insiae Foothill at extension 333 Lorry Village No phone calls please management skills needed Several posMons University and SALES MANAGER for telephone Rose Park area Vcriety ot schedSECRETARYRECEPTIONIST 'cues company Travel Club ules but must be Resists Start Membership Experience re $550 UP TO per hour Year rourbd and in manquired telephone sales $17000 Summer work cordials APO agement Degree preferred Good Ernoovw Pays fee Professional im TURN 535 East 400 South Proied pay salary or comm with Oge very professional dress must be maiure Enthusiastic SALES ACCOUNT MANAGER needed for phone voice WordPerfect 51 SKILL INSTRUCTOR type minimum 60 with accuracy cellular phone eQuiPMent compaAbility to work under Press of For residential program serving disny Computer experience neon deadline and demanding situaabled (Otitis Own transportation sary Salary plus commission tions Team player long term CALL BOB AT 3654518 a piu6 20 hours per week StErt S5 commitment variety of duties per hour Work weekends during SALES the Ouy AMIN: Proiect TURN 535 very stable company beautiful ofImmedlote positions avail for fice outstanding benefils CompaEast 400 South dedicated enter sales people ny needs now Cali May Klein SOCIAL WORKER MSW wonted in ExtractrafxrY Potential Frequent 4874127 All Seasons travel Time Management rural Sc Utah 6307318 Employment Agency Boss inri Inc RSVP: SUSAN WALKER TEAOsER-reodin- SEaRITY international Company Is now cepting applications tor they hove o92aSS7 East at 1GHT Thinking About A Career In Real Estate? e detail oriented Ful: time Send Muffle $0: 34 SO 600 Utah 04102 item SECRETARY cA Of 40 men and for professional women tO sell (Ace equipment Must be sett motivated Sakey immediote opening in Sores Departrnent o icirpe Consoration APO-Cuplus commission It you need a Should hove 3 years secrechallenge and love compeetion tarial experience Wang word to: send personal resume processing pius andor WordPerPO floe 901 Sandv UT 840914901 fect requirea 0 plus wpm typATTN: C Marshall ing welt accuracy Excellent teleSALES phase and communication skills SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS The fastest growing temporary ernrequired Responsibilltios will SPREADERCUTTER ployrnent co In Oah has on opentyping filing making trawl Expopositions Excel benefits ing in our commissioned dericol arrangements taking customer Dot and twining shins 00 Orders oornputer input of foresoles dept Benefits securtly plus tor cletalis much mare Call castsbudgets and monthly tw- SEWING LABOR SERVICES INC ills repork along wtth other Experienced power machine opera1160 South Moin 3284567 tors only Single needle and penoral secretarial duties Will Full time work under Vice President of SALES: COULD YOU USE AN tour Sales and sales mancigers SHEET Metal insialier-- 2 year ewerEXTRA Tiara Excellent salary commensurcge in heating and air cond Ekciusivekolasswore needs youl ience with experience and skills great 25 Must have tools Wort own hourscloys benefits pkg Send resume to: Comm same day you wart Metal SHEET help Will 175 400 South Bide Box 013 CASH! No Invesimene share press and grind Call SIX Utah 84111 Close dote 419 SALES Sait Lake's SALES sary SECRETARY SALES Looking EtsAPIOYMENT South East 6400 Ktocssoa vocdpviict 51 type must have ex perience M (leafing with executive types Commission only ACHIEVE SUCCESS AUTOMOBILE SALES 0 Mc &MO Hansen MATRIXX MARKETING INC o RdPldIV glowing end OxPaneling SALES Car soles experience amerce See Co when yCu bemetro auto dodo-shiis locking SS Apply for 3 aggressive and soltslarling preferred 14ig1 traffic top come part et our team ot success In person: 4100 South Stole tut sales people Day and evening sales posuplotoraund out our sales men positions wcsilable to market long SAIESAUTO stance sesoprone service 25 Aggressive Pay Plan We wont only the best Con you sell Medical and Dentai Plan sesm tuele rewired Otter hour lois of late model used oars? Are Poul Vacations and Holidays ly woo bonuses and incentives Self Starter You- - Amonive No experience nocesscry CA!! 2652500 FOR AN APR Protessionor? Do Quick Contact Grog Basildon at OR COME TO 1 you have the killer instincts? Butteratid ForsA MATRIX X MARKETING Prove to us that you're She best 995 W LEVOY D514500 Sa) arid we will treat you the best of monthly bonus S thousands Lots SALES MANAGEMENT Customize your pov pion USah lie Automat Chain has a Law Make your own schedule SALES SECRETARY rare OPPOrtuntly kr cm intelligent No flooded floors Concessive cmd experienced cluto Quick advancement motive Sales Mancver Desire ter We are ADMINISTRATIVE ASST expanding ond will provide crewel and proven tradt record a iole model fully recondose) )00oars Excellent office monogemeai Pais must to Weil 5 Soles &honed DISCRETION ASSURED rewired Typing 60 wpm Re person staff 4 positions available APPLY TO GENERAL MANAGER guirel: WordPerfect 51 Full time loot years W2 form Firma Your PO BOX 25188 $625 per hour Apply lh person: wilt you interviews being held at SIX UTAH 84125 Onlversgy Pork Hotel USA Motors 3805 So Stole 460 Atakora Way SLC Utah 114105 SALES SALESPEOPLE WANTED SALES Earn up to 50 wtth Avon UNIOLf CAREER Flexible hrs Coil Robin ACCOUNT MANAGER insurance license reaulred but SANDWICH MAKER for Neetted custom busi not like illititanCO Mornoriol is rep nem forms computer and cooler annual Lliting required Pull time SundaY Counselor thru Eve:thermal territory ter benefits Full Thursday Larry 451 West comet fringe 500 North Kwik Vending it oistiteci accounts Far more Hon Security Notional Financial Wo contact Glen SES interview Thorsday-P- ri No Fees We Pay Wary SECRETARYWORD reaRy worlh coil about our Eike Licensing Special ond bees Training SALES No Fees! Joy at Cellar Temperate Services 3644535 tcr testing and Coil atwit teach utast Papal Ea bockpround 1100- SuL Caw Mont Moan Ffl 24 SAID e to: Send Eric b Jamison WESTERN CONTROLS PO Box SeOSOS NO Sat Lake LIT 1 SALES Oases 415 AP CAN DO THAT' NOM YOJR CHANCE! YOU "Wade o wheat decese or equivalent sales experience in etedricai distribution exception written and verbal commaam hoe skit compaer and technicai aratude ond C commttment to customer service on technical dory automaton products 64111 LIT SECRETARY lake advareoge of No best Real Egos Market in almost o decode! oneoes worAed So be it you 's independent AND corn What eremite of factory Automaton equipment We an inareaate swine Windt requeot Clft al tkerwav UM bountiful construction company So tram HA eilit7 )01 mods amatory tor AM and Alt 10 ikre anti typing' Maio Non mak $ALESReoi Ego Or Hours itS $5301v 2921741 UTAH WESTERN CONTROLS SALES IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY COMPUTER SALES POSITION not 4pc201Lnliorrect 00 Ell"-'33- State SALES A wise and access Salt Lak Atm Support TEACHER Needed - Must ing ' tit 100—Help Wonted 100—N1p Wanted help rooded tor Theo Pet 5RRETAR y Snows PO time and some tub ims potential Knowitiope of LEGAL SECRETARY topics fish vial help VOW Fair raweetenoed lobe videoanti Canonwoott Mali& 2724211 Hieing badmen° pram to rallied tory SALES illiteracm ceennearow row ow Earn UP ID S42000 Solon plus itra ono Ian IMMO& MO Mat commission soiling susimss Mao 3 years raponence mowed teseorione swami training cold Send resume ett benefits Call S114X4 Wont PO bow 4Sabl Wawa SALES SIC Ube pesui high tech Wanks needs tainooroctic A tuner sales pews tor FCC Lb rosporabbe oranualoseic peraerom stock broker esperience lead son weed worra won weir ores-K10001 COIIWTD'01 and avlboare supenralon SALES - Larry's Used Con neea 2 Must hove goad Wibe on° EOM peopla LIP to 25 COMM Noe SO own mosses Wie newt Excellent Ses Orson with ponenes hours per or Don 554 So Stole Murray week pee Pow olto bonus-lod- e 0 SALES: Downewra Gortortg Rent a Car hiring tuN time gCRETARIALtGEN1 rental sal weft APPIV wins Offia 13tia Wow North Min 3 is Temp workmen Vera 40 SALES wont PecrePortoce rano phones WOMENS Specialty store tull Aottoce ta muse Sono resume to Coon COM In owe ot Pet nramooassociate sonars commission pee PO Boa 45834 Sod Lora Wroth' 35C4955 ON UT 14145 SALES ASSOCATES Equal OppiunNy Nutritional produch SECIIETARIAL Cob tor interview 6 Require working knowledoe of SALESAUTO GLASS WordPetect 50 or 51 good Full time postaord wake) Immogrammatical skids DACRI 4 and e area No diukily in the Lofts geiptut Sena arson to necessary anode enlace-leEconomic Deveiopment Cord Came ioin She exciting old& 215 So Slate Stv Suite $RI gease indualry Required icor the positien a 4:euege deoree V equivokont Ii media Nies and a minimurn et 2 or moil resume tot MCGRA INC 7050 Union Pork Canter Suite NO retinal UT NWT AIM Advertising Saes Assistant No an CONS accepted 100—Help Wonted SALES 255-0- Great money - 100—Help Wonted 100—Help Wonted Wonted 14 - - - in UTAH |