Show t j 11 I i t1 1 CZ lis t: tp4 41 i ' 6 Vol 241 No 179 r diiipip Final Home Edition rittulit 4r' 11 i Salt Lake City Utah THURSDAY April 11 1991 200000 Striking It yelorussians Loyal No More USSR MINSK remarkable broadcast This party tries to preserve its dominance over us at our expense" Strike leaders told reporters the walkout would continue Thursday because the Byelorussian government refused to negotiate their polit- (AP) — An esti- mated 200000 workers defied Mik- hail Gorbachev's moratorium on work stoppages and poured out of factories to strike Wednesday in the Byelorussian capital The republic's leaders granted strikers a key demand and let them u read an unprecedented nist statement during the republic's nightly television news program "The Communist Party of the Soviet Union is guilty of the collapse of the economy hes around Chernobyl and annihilation of the peoples and their languages" strike committee member Corgi Mukhin said in the ical and economic demands which include Grorbachev's resignation The strike in Minsk a city of 15 million and capital of the western republic of 104 million people was set off by national price increases It followed a nationwide walkout by about 300000 coal miners that has sapped anti-Coram- the already-wea- economy and k posed a mounting challenge to Gorbachev The Soviet president appealed Tuesday for a moratorium on all strikes demonstrations and rallies warning that the country was beading toward economic collapse He also proposed acceleration of the transition to a system Wednesdays strike appeared to be confined to Minsk but strike committees sprang up in Gomel Mogilev and two other cities in Byelorussia Byelorussian& who are ethnically close to Russians in the past have been quiet and loyal allies of the free-mark- Storm Creates Chilly Commuter Chaos Lake-Effe- Tribune Staff Writer storm classic "lake-effec- t" gave much of Utah a wintry look Wednesday and turned Interstate course at 15 into a bumper-ca- r Point of the Mountain Three inches of snow and gusty winds created blizzard conditions that closed the freeway in both directions for more than an hour near the line separating Utah and Salt Lake counties Before traffic was detoured however scores of accidents occurred including one in which a Utah Highway Patrol A was injured UHP Sgt David Decker said Trooper Mike Rees suffered cuts and bruises when be was hit by his own patrol car while investigating a crash Trooper Rees had parked his patrol car in the inside emergency southbound lanes be strip of P I f ' --- - C 40 ' AP e tik --ple 1 - - - -- 1 tf ' ' 1- ff ' r--- t " 0 '4 - ' - 0"'''' t I 4 - : 41 i kit' a : is‘ 1 A trA 4 1 0 1 i' ' 1 i 2 I fp t'k - i l 7 4 t : l'21'4: '41c:': ‘I1 0- -k - 0 "' i' e it fA r Ao ''' t I r'4i 1s ' 0 - ir ' '' 1") 1't i " - "calls im1putoc Jotool40 r 1 1b c ' 0 A 0 0 PI fsi — ' ti 't4 ir 1441- I- a 'St lk T k - fl14 1 )I NI'"eigeommolifr i c - 1 1::::1t:ki i ''t O - ) 1 f 1 t 1 41 4 tt ''' l'1-- SA11 4 It: 11' I - ' ' : It 41 1 (3t 44 $ 44" 4 0 4 ' ic :c11 At 0b0" ' i "'"? ' '''‘ 8 'et ' ' 1' - 4 1 Ic" Vt 'PI' 411 N 4 k 0 ' V p r- I 1 i) 0 v- 4 1 : ' vA '''' items that took effect April 2 The April robbery of the nation was the last straw for us" Mukhin said over TV "We don't want to have anything in common with Gorbachev and his untalented union government which squeezes our republic dry on a regular basis" Workers in Minsk spilled out of the front gates of the city's major factories — including the auto plant electronics factory and the huge Minsk Tractor Works that Gorbachev visited one month t go That plant alone employs about 30000 workers ' IF - I 11' '41 ' ‘A" ' 4k 04 ' ' it '$ v' '' ' r - 1 - 1) kV e t) "N 1- - t ''4 ' '' 4 4 oes- 7 ' r '''''J- 4 ' 4 i' t '1? )i i i t '' ' - J I 4 1 i it - 1 A I I 11 I rr ' -4 - e - 'A V 4 -- hind a vehicle involved in a fender bender on the icy freeway While he was talking to that car's driver Sgt Decker said another motorist's vehicle slid into the patrol car and knocked it into the trooper Trooper Rees was taken to American Fork Hospital where he received stitches and was released A similar scenario was responsible for the only other serious injuries incurred in the blizzard-induce- d chaos Sgt Decker said A woman who had stepped out of her vehicle after an accident was struck by the car when it was hit from behind While her injuries were minor he said the Midvale woman driving the second car suffered a broken ankle The slew of accidents and lack of visibility prompted the UHF to close about noon North bound traffic was forced to exit the freeway in Lehi while southbotmd trafSee A-Column I By Mike Gorrell trooper ''' ' ' Everything is a mess in Byelorussia which until recently seemed so stable sensible and reliable Now passions are red hot- the Communist Party newspaper Pravda reported Wednesday All 15 Soviet republics have declared some form of autonomy from the central government Georgia proclaimed full independence Tuesday The Baltic republics of Lithuania Latvia and Estonia have been trying for months to secede The unrest in Minsk combined with the strike of the relatively well et 4 4 ct paid miners indicates the Kremlin can no longer take the support of any republic for granted The Byelorussian strikers want Gorbachev to quit and his entire Cabinet of Ministers out They demand the resignation of the Byelorussian parliament and the transfer of power to I coalition government They demand repeal of a 5 percent national sales tax nationalization of Communist Party property and legalization of private ownership of land They also want higher wages to compensate for the huge increases in state-se- t prices on most consumer Kremlin -- i 4'"orti Steve Griffsn'Tbe Salt Students at the University of Utah were all wet Wednesday unless they came prepared with an umbrel- - 2 ribune la like this woman Meteorologist William Alder said the lake effect turned an April shower into a blizzard Waste Not Want Not: Canada May Dump Trash in Utah Report Says Bottled Water No Better Than Tap Kind to trash produced in Utah East Carbon Development received a permit last year from the Utah Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste to develop a giant landfill near East Carbon City Carbon County It would consist of a series of specially designed disposal cells that meet both the existing and proposed regulations for this type of landfill The developer's original goal was to fill the disposal cells with the ash from municipal waste incinerators but the facility is also authorized to accept "municipal solid waste" — a fancy name for household waste Mr Creamer conceded Wednesday the company has not had much success at convincing incinerator By Jim Woolf Tribune Staff Writer Several Canadian cities are investigating the possibility of loading cars and their garbage in raih-oalandfill in shipping it to a 2400-acr- e central Utah "There a number of cities in Canada that do have disposal problems" said R Steve Creamer president of East Carbon Development Corp "They have contacted us but we are not in any heavy negotiations with any Canadian cities It's a potential d market there" He said the company is also seeking garbage from several unidentified cities in California in addition ---t 151668003 Total Christians: Christian Roman Catholic 80721:100 I 461"413331 I 1121000 Protestantl Baptist Methodist Lutheran Pmsbyterian Pentecostal C3 ta 6116000 EzD 005000 6042000 MORMON 2467coo 1769000 LDS Church of Christ Jehovah's Witness Seventh Day Adventist Assembly of God Holiness-Hol- y Unitarian n Congregational te Church of America 4030 Four Square Open Bibie 14000 ' 402000 Only 2 percent refused to reveal their religious identification and only 75 percent said they had no re- Jewish 446000 t 0t 3127000 877000 Muslirn-isiam- ic 4424000 t'rt41' 41 I 722000 436000 Buddhist 364000 Hindu 1322000 Bahai 28000 214000 Taoist 23000 t 351000 14000 Brethren :21106000 Rastatarian Discipies of Christ 1144000 Wicran 8000 New Apostolic !1117000 Deity 6000 Woriciwicie Church of God 0116000 Agnostr Russian Orthodox i05000 Charismatic Wesleyan Reform Eastern Orthodox Church of God estant 125000 I 649000 i Chnsban Science Chnstan 20th-centur- 11000 I Iilopoo Greek Orthodox Ouaker-Mennoni- 16000 Covenant esk000 I 600000 Again Church of God Dutch Reform 1111000 a usiopo Nazarene Evangelical-Bor- Christians continued 31160M n Episcopaban-Anglica- 141100o in Christ Fundamentalist ligion Richard John Neuhaus editor in chief of First Things a monthly Journal on religion and public life said it should come as no surprise that Americans are so pervasively religious Neuhaus said the one surprise for him in reading about the survey was the researcher's conclusion after accounting for language barriers In the poll that Moslems represent 05 percent of the US population or I 4 million Americans "I think over the last five years most of us in this business have used Neuthe figure of 3 million plus haus said Wednesday The finding mclicates that half of either have Christian origins or convened In Amenca About 40 percent of the Moslems are black but only 2 percent of the blacks surveyed are Moslem The survey also found that most s are not Moslems Buddhists or Hindus but Christians And most of those who say they are of Irish ancestry are Protestants not Catholics -Another surprise was the way the new religions were much said smaller than we antic:hated CLNY Lachman professor Seymour Arab-America- ispoo 21000 Humanist WOW 20000 New Age i40000 Eokankar '18000 33030 °tiler 32000 unciassiter1 No religion independent Dnisch “c2ofw Pta Four Square Gospei 24000 ediasted 1186000 45000 Szuentotogy 27003 no ClerCornirlatiX sJppik90 U I P 11 fin nna 4031000 answe— tor unosmounts otJe to lavaage Asian-American- 1 problems Alisiclatad Priss Ccapiu Written comment on the proposed change will be accepted until May 10 Letters should be mailed to: Dennis R Downs executive secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Committee PO Box 16690 Salt Lake City Utah 84116-069- 0 Ralph Bohn manager of the state's solid waste section said he has "no problems" with amending East Carbon's permit as long as there is an opportunity for public comment "We've already told them they could take waste from out of state Extending it to Canada is not that big an extension as long as they meet all the other requirements" be said US Keeps the Faith Albeit Many Kinds NEW YORK — (AP) New religions and immigration from the Far East and Arab world have barely dented the overwhelmingly Christian composition of the US population a 13 month survey of 113000 adults has found Study director Barry Kosmin of the City University of New York Graduate School called the findings the most extensive religious profile y available of America The survey found 865 percent of Americans identified with Christian denominations including 26 percent Roman Catholic and 60 percent Prot- 33'96114" L'10101110001POJWWWWWIWOOOMMOMPOVIMINIMMIPSOMP4 owners to ship their ash to Utah "There is not the amount of ash) out there we were lead to believe there was" he said The company has not signed a single contrad to accept waste at the site He said the lack of interest in ash disposal has prompted company officials to more aggressively market the disposal of household garbage to cities running out of space in their landfills Mr Creamer is proposing to amend his state permit for the landfill to accept waste from both Canada and the United State The permit currently prohibits the company from accepting "waste streams from foreign sources" dean for community development The researchers estimated that 20000 adults describe themselves as adhering to the New Age spiritual movement which combines mysticism psychology and holistic heal-mg This is not religious affiliation These are people's perceptions of what they are" Kosmin said "If I want to call myself a duck I'm a duck even though I can't swim and haven't got feathers" Jews at 2 percent made up the largest group with more than 3 million adult adherents Other adult estimates were 46 million Roman Catholics 34 million Baptists 14 million Methodists 9 million Lutherans 5 million Presbyterians 3 million Pentecostals and 3 million Episcopalians Inside The Tribune Tribune Telephone Numbers on A-- 4 Asim us Quiz Business Classified Comics Crossword B-- 7 C-1- B-6- 7 C4 Editorials Entertainment Foreign Intermountain Jumble Lifestyle Local National A-1- 0 B-4- 5 A-- 4 C-- 8 B-- 1 -- 48:C-4 A-2- 4 Obituaries Public Forum Sports Star Gazer Thies ision Washingtf C-- 4 A-1- 1 7 7 - n 4 Toclav's Forecast Salt Lake City and vicinity — Cold with morning snow Highs lower 40s Lows trad20s Details B-2 b WASHINGTON — While consumers pay 300 to 1200 times more per gallon for bottled water there is no guarantee that what they get is any purer or safer than ordinary tap water congressional investigators charged Wednesday "Despite attractive packaging and visual imagery of waterfalls glaciers and lakes on the labels this product is not necessarily any better than water coming out of most faucets" Rep John Dingell chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Investigations Subcommittee concluded in a new report Dingell a Michigan Democrat began a yearlong probe of the bottled-water industry after the marketer of Perrier water withdrew its products from the world market following detection of low levels of benzene a known carcinogen Americans gulped down about 17 billion gallons of bottled water in 1989 more than three times the 488 million gallons they drank in 1979 and most who buy it say they do so because it tastes better than tap water is safer or healthier or is free from contaminants according to industry surveys But the bottled-wate- r industry itself acknowledges that as much as 25 percent of its products consists of nothing more than ordinary tap water drawn from public drinking water systems and then treated according to the General Accounting Office the investigative arm of Congress In its own report to the subcom mittee the GAO said lax regulation by the federal Food and Drug Administration and a confusing and conflicting patchwork of state regulatory schemes had left the consumer vulnerable to unsafe water It said the FDA has failed to set any standards at all for "mineral water" and was slow to adopt for bottled water the contaminant limits already imposed on ordinary tap water by a second federal agency the Environmental Protetion Agency "As a result bottled water including mineral water may contain levels of potentially harmful contaminants that are not allowed in public drinking water" the GAO said The subcommittee and the GAO "discovered that the FDA has been inexcusably negligent and complacent regarding its duty to provide the basic regulatory structure mandated by Congress" Dingell told a subcommittee hearing "The regulatory chaos leaves the consumer with little confidence in the claims that the product is pure natural and unprocessed" he said According to the subcommittee and GAO reports copies of which were obtained from the subcommittee the FDA issued 22 bottled-wate- r recalls from 10 producers last year Preliminary data from a 1990 FDA survey of the bottled water industry found that 29 percent of the products examined failed to be in compliance with good manufacturing practices Official Truce Takes Hold Today As UN Peacekeepers Get Ready UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Officers from the five permanent Security Council nations will serve together for the first time in the new 1440- member I: N force that will monitor the border officials said Wednesday r Twenty-seveother nations will Britain Join the United States France China and Soviet Union in the patrolling force whose advanced guard led by an Austrian commander was to arrive in Kuwait City on Friday An official cease-fir- e in the Gulf War will take effect Thursday at 10 am EDT diplomats said as long as council members have no objection Members of the council received copies of the Iraqi Parliaments decision on Saturday accepting the Secunty Council's conditions for a permanent cease-firThe Iraqi statement simply said that the body accepts Security Council Resolution 687 passed April 3 which requires Iraq to pay Iraq-Kuwa- last-minu- 6 D-B- Reuter News Agency e two-lin- e for war damages and destroy its weapons of mass destruction The council had been prepared to on Tuesday declare the cease-fir- e but at the last minute decided it needed to see whether the Iraqi Parliament had expressed any reservations or conditions Austrian Maj Gen Gunther G Greindl who commanded the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus from 1981 to 1988 was officially confirmed Wednesday as leader of the Observation MisUN sion called UNIKOM Greindl and the other advance members of the UNIKOM team arnve in Kuwait City on Friday but the main units of peacekeeping infantrymen military obsPrvers and combat engineers are not expected 10 days to two weeks fof Headquarters for the force will probably be established at Um Ciasr an Iraqi town in the dernilitarized zone near the outlet of the Shatt-al-Ara- b waterway Iraq-Kuwa- it I (i |