Show i n 1 CASH FURNITURE SALE T v. v I have purchased Peter Greaves J Jr's rs r's entire stock of furniture furniture furniture fur fur- and on account of the sale of Lars Larson's Larsons pavilion where the stock is located I shall close it out at greatly reduced prices K Bed Room Suites Chairs Baby Wall Vall Paper Carpets Tables I Stoves Ranges l' l Washing 1 and Everything in the Furniture Line The h t 1 fly o b Stock luck Must IIa Go I This is of a lifetime to get cheap Opportunity an fu The Th est stock ke o to select i is the largest in this section of this section of the country and aud comprises the best grades of goods on the market An Au investigation will convince you that you can save money by taking advantage of this great furniture sale G 1 WILL RESERVED Everything must be sold If you will examine the goods good and learn the prices you are sure to become a purchaser La en Pavilion Y aj I es c mCA Ii O EPHRAIM UTAH s I 1 T TIME AND W i are practically annihilated S I f fl l 5 j 1 c f ry EJ E I ii by the ocean cables an and d 1 land C b telegraph system t I f which now v belt the circumference cir cir- Clr- Clr of Old Earth in t many different directions Foreign parts are no lender leader e 1 foreign in the ol old meaning of of the term Europe Africa Asia 1 f ire a-A next door to Us What happens there to-day to we E morrow to-morrow morrow to-morrow-if we if-we we read THE CHICAGO RECORD whoso Special Cable Gable Correspondents arc are located in every im important b- b city in in the world outside of the United States No other 4 American newspaper ever eyer attempted so extensive II a service j ja a d it is is supplemented by bythe the regular foreign news service I of T The e Ass Associated Press Fo For accurate intelligence of he the t r stunts events vents which are shaking the nations of nations of wars and j t j jors rumors tors ors of wars wars wars-of of the th threatening e dissolution of old governments governments governments govern govern- ments and and the establishment of new new of of the onward sweep of f i the race in all parts of the world world the the one medium of the most satisfactory information is the f enterprising up to i American newspaper THE CHICAGO RECORD A large map of or the world on Mercator's Projection about 23 1 i P PUE R E E Inches in size beautifully printed in colors with a scale large may mal of Europe on the reverse side will vIII be mailed to any address free tree of or charge on on receipt of request accompanied by two 2 cent stumps to over cover postage and und wrapping The maps Illustrate clearly how comprehensively th thi special cable service of THE CHICAGO RECORD covers the entire civilized world wold A Andress An- An dress TUB TILE C CHICAGO IC GO RECORD Madison street Chicago I i I l' l r I U t 1 |