Show 1 RESTAURANT ES AU A r Mrs s. s Prop OPPOSITE DEPOT If yo you want vant- vant a first class meal give her a call I BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK THE SALT LAKE T- T TI TRIBUNE R I I B II U fV N I V E EIs Is a newspaper devoted to the best interests s of the Western Wester slope and par part particularly t to the development of th the Intermountain Intermountain In In- Intermountain country For advertising purposes incomparably incomparably ably the best paper between San Sail FranCISCO Francisco Fran Pran- cisco and Denver t l Dally Issues per year 1200 00 OB 96 col r 3 OO Weekly J 12 pp P per yr Weekly six months 0 Weekly throe three months 75 Address THE TRIBUNE Salt Lake Cit City Utah The n Subscribe for fon It THE BEST JOB OFFICE In Southern ou erg Utah a STATE BANK OF UTAH CAPIT CAPITAL AL 60 Min Main M in St St. Salt Salt Lake L City OFFICERS OFFICERS Heber J J. J Grant President William B Preston Vice Pres Heb Heber r M. M Wells Cashier DiRECTORS DIRECTORS Joseph F Smith Chas S. S Burton Wm H Rowe Nephi W. W Clayton Spencer CIa Clawson w on Fr Frank Y 1 Taylor Elias Morris Philo T. T r Farnsworth Henry A. A Wooley Richard W. W Young Abraham Abra am H. H H Cannon o. o m m. WEST Surgeon n Dentist Dentistry in all its branches from Extracting to the finer of Brid Bridge c and nd Crown yn Work All work warranted Office o of oer er J Jos OS E F Dorius Dorlus fc Jos EPHRAIM UTAH W. W H H. H M M. D. D Physician z Surgeon EPHRAIM UTAH City and County Quarantine Quarantine Quai antine Physician Surgeon ur eon San Pete Valey Valle Valley Val Val- le ley ey Rail Kail Road I Ig uj g Q R G W. W yo R Ih l. l i r y r t. t J JAMES MES P P. FR FRANSE FRANSEN THE LEADING LEAPING D DEALER AJ R I IN L mERC i j DISE If you want vant to trade where you can get the the most goods g for forr the least C cA S' S Give me a a call new v a and d strictly ly first class No shelf shelf worn goods EPH EPHRAIM I AIM UTAH i I I. I THE TRE r CITY CITE MEAT rEAT I MARKET C JENSEN PROP A 6 FULL LINE OF MEATS TEATS AL ALWAYS WA YS ON Ii HAND HAND- IES MD U fLoOR EPHR EPHRAIM I f UTAH I The The H H. A. A Tuckett Ca Candy y Company MAI MANUFACTURING 0 f CONFECTIONERS J Candies Candie Nuts Paper Bags Twine Wine A and Ag is t for or Fritz Bros Fine Pone Cigars Cigars' r. r P. P PO P.O. 0 Q Box Boy 57 Salt Lake City Utah i Noble It No e Co 1 1 I WHOLESALE l i 1 r j t i 9 C ps ii D LAE ti t- t Owners of the celebrated ted Silver Hats Flats a 62 West West'S Second S ond nd South Salt Lake City 1 I I OTTO 1 6 G. G OLSEN E MERCANTILE NIE HOUSE YOU C CAN AN GET THE THU BEST Furniture Upholstery rv Coffins caskets Wall Pap Paper r and Extra Machine Oils All goods at lowest prices EPHRAIM f UTAH I r Enterprise JOB PRINTING HUNTING j Y Is prep prepared red to tOdo do all kinds of A J 0 B WORK WOR Y z F n jt We We rl av th the Best Bas t E Equipped ul ed Job Office H t. t in In Southern South ern Utah T t. t rs V if f A All ails o of Jot gluten eat Donea on i Lett wetter Letter r H Heads ds Note Heads Statements Handbills Handbills is Dodgers Bill Heads Etc Fri Prices ices Reasonable Q able Ie anor and an- an Work or Guaranteed M r eg I 1 4 7 or JOSEPH f F DORIUS CO THE THI EPHRAIM I Gents Gent's Furnishers Are re now selling goods good's at t ying following low holy prices i 4 C Gentlemen's Suits from to 2000 2009 Boys Boy's and Youths Youth's Suits from t to 1000 Fine Hats in any airy style from to Over Shirts all wool and silk stripes from to Over Shirts cheap grade from to roQ Ov a ls riveted and and Gents f fine Cassimere pants from to G Gents Gent's nt's Gents Gent's not not so fine Cassimere pants from to Ge Gents Gent's Cottonade pants at We W also carry an elegant line of Gents Gent's underwear ranging from to per suit SHOES a W E ARE ARB THE THEO Only O ly Firm in Ephraim raim Selling b the W. W V. V Morse Cos Go's shoes J made exP expressly ress for Jor the vestern western tra trade e. e Every Shoe Sho warranted to give satisfaction Misses Ladies Boys and Gents Gent's Shoes always Kent Herat in Stock EPHRAIM P Utah N Near ear Post Office Offices JOHN E s HANSON HASON DEALER DEADER IN INThe The he finest Wines Liquors l eis l S. S and Cigars A AMI full line of Imported ported ted and D Domestic goods goods' Constantly on Hand FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY Everything new vand ne an and strictly first t Class f John THE LEADING DEALER IN General Merchandise BEST ASSOR ASSORTMENT MENT IN THE CI CITY Y I I make a specialty of Boots Shoes Clothing Gents Gent's Furnishing F Goods Groceries Produce and General Household Supplies Best attention paid to the want of customers 1 Pric Prices Always Re Reasonable son ble I also keep the finest line of I To To be e found in San P Pete ere County Agent f for i r th the te Consolidated Implement Co o This SP Space ace belongs to the Utah Cracker Factory Salt Lake City It Y t I ILl E B SHIPP M. M po D. Physician and Sur Surgeon eon Office ce across ro s o f-o from Opera HO House t f EPHRAIM p ur V UTAH r f c |