Show The Great Methodist Assemblage The second cial Methodist Council Counci met Wednesday in a the Metropolitan Meta opol itan lan church in Washington ton A platform erected back of the pulpit was crowded with distinguished Methodists of this country and England and the body of the tho church held over TOO OO o delegates The galleries gal gal- herbs leres were crowded to t their utmost extent with spectators The morning session was wa opened by Bishop Bowman of St. St St St. Louis Luis who read the hymn from the Methodist HymnaL HymnaL Hyna- Hyna naL nat Bishop Keener of New Orleans then thea offered oter prayer A sermon ron prepared by Rev Rv Dr D. D Athur Arthur of London was then thon read by the Rev Rv Dr Stephenson after which there ther was more mor singing A recess rss was then ten taken Upon reassembling the th officers nominated nomInate nom nom- mated by the business committee last night were vere elected Addresses were then delivered by Bishop John F. F Turner Rev lv James Carlisle and Rev nev George GeorKe Douglas Responses were made by b. b Rev Dr T T. T B. B Stevenson Mr 11 George Green and Rev Abercombie Abercombie- The conference will wi continue till ti Oct Oct 20 2 two sessions session being bing held beld daily and by a D judicious distribution of tickets ticket all al who desire will wl be b enabled enable to attend several times |