Show Indianapolis Street Car Strike Over The strike of the employee of Ui tho 0 Citizens Street Railway Company of I In In- In a- a which has resulted n in com complete a con a- a tie up of all CJ- CJ the tho different system was declared al off lines huts ot of tI the a e on the strikers ot Ti The lie consented to return to viding President work pr pro O Grenzel would hear t committee e of ot the brotherhood a a their grievances and relative to t in the tho aL event even t of a Ia Ii we ure by this plan the matter tai sel tied was to be a it- it by arbitration set ted After much had been brou brought ht to Ater bear pressure re upon el he be finall PresIdent Preside ut finally consented to the tho altion The strIkers Prop 0 throughout throughout the fig g acted honOrably l y |