Show The Chilian Chian Refugees on the Yorktown York York- town Secretary Tracy has received a ca er t- t cn from Commander Evans of th the 0 gunboat Yorktown at Valparaiso saying sayin that the tho last of ot the political g refugees wt who La have bave been under protection at the ho different it legations at Santiago were Santago safely trans tran erred to the Yorktown on the tho t. t There Tere were seven of ot these refugees I ho he to says five at the United States legation and an and a two at the Spanish legation They we were o accompanied from Santiago to the the- Santago Yorktown York York- t- t town by the American Italian and Spat Span Lish L- L ish ih minis ministers and will remain on the vet ves vessel ves- ves sd sel until the when they will wU be bo tran transferred trans trans- B. B to t the Pacific mail mal steamer sched I- I to sail saI for Panama on that date route for lor en n rout Europe The dispatch says nothing in regard I to the therefore condition of ot affairs In Ia Chill Chili It t Is assumed that there is nothing I to Lo report on that subject There t nally fourteen subject were Orf ox-i g- g org refugees at tho the different it legations when the tho present n came into power Five of these were sul al allowed owed to leave in peace sub p The ie remaining nine Te are now on the Yorktown a. a |