Show F Fort rt Duchesne Utah Oct 3 It It is reported here that Chief Red Moon loon of the he who it will be remembered re reo spoke strongly against allotment al- al un Tuesday last is still sull trying to his people to lb resist the commissioners commissioners' commissioners commissioners' commissio commissio- ners' ners efforts He is going from camp to camp speeches and trying his best est to down efforts Several of the meddlesome White Rivers are re assisting him in this labor and seem to o have made much headway Notwithstanding this unfavorable cor conj of rs the commission is stil of ultimate success and is making strenuous efforts to counteract these liese evil influences Chief i u is not at all fearful of his prestige e and is conflUent ol of ruling the he n next council on Tuesday next Additional facilities for or the transmission ion sion of news from Ouray are to and the tile public will get the full report of oi the he meeting which is o of great importance tance ance to 10 Utah Utah through through the medium of The Tri un TL-un un |