Show 4 THE H ENTERPRISE 1 01 F. F MURRAY a CO pugs FOBS I rt 1 PUBLISHED EVERY y p l SPA JM f t F. F Y pd dl 9 r. r t MEMBER E UTA YTA PREss PRESS A ASSOCIATION y yi i- at t the post pest office ce ip P Pk k iman y fete fee County Utah matter mauer CLUBBING BATES ATES TJ THE TISE E ENTERPRISE rE r E offers the follow pg remarkably low y clubbing dubbing rates to f. f its s subscribers ers E ENTERPRISE ERi P SE lor or r an and Salt SaIt Luke e Herald i 8 2 Salt tL L Weekly ko OSe Weekly geml-Weekly Tribune une 40 fit fit- A Louis A J J 75 St t o I yee l ye kly ly f 75 A Yeek i Y ew York World Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer 40 The above bove are are the die cheapest rates r t. t Lever ever eve offeree offered Jn in Sanpete county ty pe ocr ts republicans silver shyer men end gold bugs can get a pap paper r to r. r suit their taste in the above list Now ow is the time to subscribe so you youcan can keep in touch with the coming I campaign which will be the most hotly contested political b battle ule sine since the war t t. t Y J TIK ET 4 FOR MAYOR J. J JP J.P. P. P HANSEN JR t fOR OR COUNCILMEN e PETER JETER GREAVES JR ALFRED BAILEY 1 A A. A L. L ANDERSON JAMES AR ARMSTRONG A. A C. C ANDERSON ra r fd FOR RECORDER ft R N NIELSEN ELS FOR POR MA MARSHAL N. N P. P Sq ENSE aSi FOR OR TREASURER I F. F V. V JENSEN TC pf f the PEACE PEACE xiv t FOR JU JUSTICE J. J J. J P. P CHI J STENSEN f i Hows How's This I i We offer one offer one hundred dollars dollars reward for any case ase of Catarrh th that that cannot be cured by Halls Hall's Catarrh at h cure F. F J. J Cheney Co Prop Props J Toledo O. O yf J We the und undersigned have known v F. F J. J Cheney for the last I 15 rs 5 y years rs and believe him him p perfectly ho honorable i in all aU business transactions and rid financially able to carry out any any obligations made by there firm 4 t. t West Vest Truax Wholesale druggists druggists druggist Toledo O. O Walding Kinnan Kinna tS Marvin larvin Wholesale Druggists Druggist Toledo O. O n r II Halls HaH's Catarrh Cure is taken in internally intern internally in in- tern ally acting directly upon u the the blood and mucous mucous surfaces of the system Price Trice 75 c. c per l bottle y Sol Sold bv by all U druggists Testimonials Testimonials' free JT t A Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the people in Hoods Hood's Sarsaparilla If a medicine cures you when sick if Hit it makes wonderful cures curca over O cl wh rethen th beyond ell all question that merit Made 1 That is just the truth about Hoods Hood's Sar- Sar Wo We know mow it possesses merit because it cures not once or twice or or ora a 4 h 1 tn times Umes but in fn thousands and and tJi th I of ot cases We know it ft c cures aLn aL lj permanently when all othera others res f fail to do any good whatever We repeat repeats repeat's H Hood jj iJ s 's Sarsaparilla Is the best best Iu hi tact fact tie the One True Blood Purifier H Hoods Hood's 00 Pills Pill ss cure nausea o S S Z scants cen Y ute Cc ox oxe A AY e le leELY'S leI o I ELYS ELY'S CREAM CRAM BALM Is a Apply Into fete the nostrils It Is quickly absorbed 50 cents at Dru Druggists tl or by mill man lOc by byma maC i ELY mY 68 50 6 Warren St. St New York I CATARRH q is II a Q LOCAL DISEASE f YS and Is the result of colds and r sudden changes r cy Ry It can be cured cared bya by a plea pleasant ant W remedy into which the g nostrils is I. spelled applied lG lIdD Be- Be di directly di fo 3 fi absorbed gives it relief at once c Elys Ely's Cream Calm Balm Is I. acknowledged to bo be the tho most moet thoros h cure core for Nasal Catarrh Cold in Head Stead and Slay liay never Fever of all remedies It opens e and cleanses e toe passages allays pain nl and inflammation ft heals beats the b air sores cores W pro protects ct the mem membrane rano from colds colde re restores the senses Of f taste and innell Price COc Me at or by mall mail ELY C to 66 Warren Street Ns York L 4 r. r I Ii i I o f A CASE IT W WILL Ill NOT CURE agreeable An Laxative and TONIO I IBold Bold Sold by Druggists or sent scot b r Oc I and per package ga Sa free The Favor Favot m I POr th l p 1 T L f. f a t T iA c 0 S. S z J p 1 f i r n 7 4 b r y 5 Watch This Space For Next I Weeks Week's ek's eks Announcement L c I U v- v T i- i tt v Vv jA j- j h ii air vY i A A- A J v t i J pc- pc 2 r r Y r r I Iq q f. 1 r L A FURNITURE HOUSE O r ALWAYS Lv rS f A 2 n z T AND Nj u UP TO 0 Ti t f f IS Tf-lB Tf Pit ACE TO gUY BUY UY YOUR tou COO GOODS OS I Th The Most Progressive J 4 5 5 C aud and to date dale I e- e up Est Establishment t i iu in Sa Sanpete pete r Coun County y where yo you can get everything you desire desiVe in inthe inthe il f the line of Furniture Carpets Stoves s P Step Ladders Wall Vall Paper Screen Doors Washing Machines 1 Pictures Etc Etc is S Anth Anthon on H. H Lunds y i r The TJ W ite Sewn e and d andI I II I I am am selling the finest of 1 BABY CARRIAGES at greatly reduced prices Scotts 9 s i Emulsion is made up of the most essential elements that go to nourish the body Where the appetite is varying or lacking lacking- it ft in increases increases increases in- in creases it and where digestion is weak it aids it to perform its function in a n more vigorous way It enriches the bood blood makes manes healthy flesh and cures chronic coughs and colds by making making- it possible for the body to resist dis ease Our friends tell tellus tellus tellus us IT lIlT WORKS WONDERS but we n never ver like to state over the merits of our remedy even when it has bas b been cn tested and tried for over twenty five years If you wit ask for fot it we will send you a boot book telling you more snore about the subject than we can put in a few fey words 1 Go to your druggist gist for Scotts Scott's Emul Emu sion slon Two sizes size 50 ets and tOO SCOTT h BOW BOWNE E C K tw New w York f j rII r- r Tn 21 PA JR R BY Y II i 1 THE I. I THE OVERLA OVERLAND VERLAND N D ROUTE A Af f r The Shortest test Line Lane The J attest Time Time- r i i t I 4 f The Union Pacific is the Shortest allot ami r 5 i ii Fastest vastest Fastest lino to nil East ic 4 A 1 r- r t points w I 6 r OXLY 25 23 nouns From Salt SaIt Lake to Danner O r L-r 33 HOUR to tote t-bs Rn RI ONLY 48 to The Tho Unton rune runa Through h P rn-n rn to 1 chanKe The Tho only onty line to t all f n It 1 Tho f Car LI Line fro Lake ty c 1 T i i i cL I I jj a |