Show THE ENTERPRISE E I W WEDNESDAY b r w- w 4 When you yon want a a. good gl glove gle e ef f ot th Store rY t r Before leroe buy ing vinegar for tor pickling arpp that h t. t at the the- Junction Jinio o Coop Co All Alt sizes fruit Jars at Junction Junction junction Junc Junc- tion op Co Friday Grain taken in exchange exchange- for lor merchandise at the Cash Store All kinds of s school hool supplies at the Arcade met ind Stationery Store tore Another er gr grand nd ball v given at Larsons Larson's Pavilion Frida evening September loth One new dance will be introduced Tickets 50 o cents cent Ice cream free Principal N E. E Noes Noyes and Bp Dp C. C c. c R. R Dorius returned home from Crom a t trip ip through Sevier Wayne Vayne and Piute counties in the interest of the S. S S S. Academy Tuesday morning First class vinegar 9 9 ea per gallon gaiton at the drug s sore oe you ou can can sav sive save mOM by buying your winter supplies at athe atthe atthe the the- Cash Store Threshers can save money by r buying their axle grease at the junction Co op Ope Academy students students every every student buy buy your school books at the Arc Arcade de Book Dook and Stationery Store A Axle le grease castor oil oil and turpentine at reasonable prices can be found at th the drug deus I store Mrs Grants Grant's dancing classes at Larsons Larson's p. p pavilion will open for 1 adults Thursday ev evening ning September at Ladies 25 c per lesson Gents 25 cents per lesson Childrens Children's dancing class for or boys and girls Sc Saturday aft afternoon after r. r noon at Soo roo per per month four lessons consisting o of ball room and fill fancy y dancing Si Single ie admission 50 so cents cent per couple Still exchanging school books a athe at atthe the Junction Co Coop Co op Un 1 i f Or Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening and healthfulness Assures he the food against alum and all foams of adulteration common to the cheap brands Royal Baking Powder Co New York For the stron strongest est an d best gloves call at the Junction Go Co op r i-r A good stock O of en and md school supplies always ys on at I th be e. e drug Tb The Cash S Store or oris is is AO now V prepared ta n fill fm any apy orders in mens men's furnish furnish- jag goods at the te lowest prices Peter Greaves Jr is having a great sale in ip underwear r. r Childrens Children's tine fine ne- ne woolen underwear for 15 IS cents ia t suit Come early if you want t these ese goods They are going goin fast ast A A. fine fine- fine brick brick house having three rooms good city lot lor with full ull w. w water ter l' l right will be sold for or Any Anyone ori one wishing to purchase same call ill II on or address Annie Spring ring City Utah Utah- y L. L DI M. L I. I A A. ual Dat On Tuesday of next week the thY Y L L. M. M I. I A A. of af thi this city will c cele celebrate celebrate le brate annual day in inan an appropriate manner In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the following program willbe will willbe willbe be carried out at the tabernacle Singing Choir Prayer Prayer- Paper Sophia J Song SonK Ida Peterson Recitation Julia Instrumental music or Agnes Tb Thompson o m Quartette v So Song Laura Frost Recitation Hannah Jensen Reading Christensen Budget Box Dox Fannie Green In the evening a grand picnic ball will be held in ill Larsen's pavilion Booths where ice cream and lemonade lemonade lemon lemon- ade will be served are to be constricted constructed con con- and every arran arrangement ement for fora a good time will be made The fund und secured from rom the he- he party will be given to the general fund und of the Y L. L M. M I. I A. A Everybody is lS s invited ed to the exercises Tickets exercises Tickets 50 o cents for dance The genuine Duck Buck gloves gloYe at the Cash Store A Awarded l Ugliest Honors Worlds honors Worlds World's Fair D I lt J EAM MOST PERFECT MADE MAlJE A pure Grape Cr Cream of Powder Fre Free from om om Ammonia Alum or ny other adulterant 40 i YEARS TUB ST H. W Do you ou Keep ep House Houf r t. t If so o you can cannot carnot ot afford aford to be with without out Jut a bottle of Parks larks cough s syrup ru where it will be hand handy Unequalled in croup Whooping cough the disagreeable colds 10 to which c. c children chit chil I dren then are subject S Sold ld by JIP P. P Laren Lanen druggist r A Agricultural legs Co Logan LOlan r Opens September 20 zo 1807 Courses Cours s of Study Study Agriculture Agriculture re civil engineering me mechanical T gin e ing domestic arts book keeping keep kep ing and general science Manual lanual T Training Training Farming Farming dairy dairying dairying dairying ing blacksmithing and mechanism carpentry cooking and and ng ng- Tuition free ree Entrance fee 5 Board oard to Ck k A Address Audress J. J M. M fANNER TANNER President nt University of Utah Ulah and the the Normal Sch School ol Salt Lake City The Tc Academic year will begin September September- 1897 7 Courses in General Scie Science ce Liberal Arts Mining lining Engineering Normal work Kindergarten Training Training Training Train Train- ing and and Preparatory studies s are ar offered offered For Catalogue or full particulars particular concerning these courses entrance requirements Normal Normal scholarships Rs etc etc apply to 6 J. J T T. T President Preside I clothing a specialty a athe at atthe I I the thc Cash Store What Tommy Said Uncle John Well Vell what do you yo mean to be you get to be beman a aman aman man Little LttIe a doctor docto F like pa a. a FJ Uncle Ind dj and which do you ou intend to be an n or a Little Tommy I dont don't know V O what them awful big words mean Uncle John Johnj but that dont don't make no difference cause I aint going I to be either of em Im I'm just going t to be a family doctor an give allI all I my patients Hoods Hood's cause my pa says that if he is a doctor hes he's to own up that at Hoods Hood's Sarsaparilla is the b best st family medicine he ever saw in in- l his is life I I I The new tea sets at th the Junction op Co-op are beauties beautes A Cure f for Jr Cone Resource Serven Co Go Gi G I have been subject to attacks c f fbi fbi fbi bi ious colic for several se cars colic olic cholera an and Diarrhoea H medy is the only sure relief It acts like a charm One do dose c gives relief when all other remedies fail G. G. G D. D Sharp or I-or sale by y H. H P. P Larsen druggist The Thrice a Week E of the New York World is first among all weekly papers in size frequency of publication and the freshness accuracy and variety of its contents It has all the merits of a great 6 daily at the price of a a. dollar political news is prompt complete accurate and impartial as all its readers will testify It is against the monopolies and for tor or the people It prints the news of all the world having correspondence from all important news new points on the globe Klobe It has brilliant illustrations stories by great authors a capital humor page complete markets departments for the household and women's work vork and other special departments of unusual interest We offer this unequaled newspaper and THE faa ENTERPRISE together one year ea for 75 Barley and chaff forks at the I I Junction Co op Ope Owing to over overcrowding crowding and bad ventilation tion th th air of the school chool schoolroom schoolroom room is often oCten close and impure and teachers and pupils frequently suffer from lung and throat troubles To all such we would say try Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Cham Cham- Cough remedy For coughs colds weak lungs and bronchial bron chial troubles no other remedy can compare with it Says Says-A SasA C C. C Freed Superintendent of schools Prairie depot Ohio Having some Having some knowledge knowledge know know- ledge of the of If Chamberlains Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamber Chamber- lains lain's cough remedy I r ha have hae e no hesitation in recommending it to all who suffer from coughs lung troubles etc For sal sale by H. H P. P Larsen arsen dru druggist gist 0 Y Nobody has lias better underwear I than the e Cash sh Store H My I Iy boy came home from one day with his hand badly lacerated 11 ed and bleeding and suffering gr great al pain says ays Mr E. E J. J Schall with Meyer Bros Dros Drug Co St. St Louis Mo Mo- I dressed the thc wound and applied Chamberlains Chamberlain's pain balm freely reely All pain ceased and in a c time it healed without with remarkable short out leaving a scar For wounds sprains sw and rheumatism Si I know of no medicine or prescription prescription i it I consider it tion equal to a household necessity The 25 and t 50 cent sizes for sale by H. H P. P Larsen druggist i It Saves t The Croupy Children Seaview Va We Ve have a splendid splendid plen- plen did sale on Chamberlains Chamberlain's cough coughren ren ed edy and our customers coming from far ar and near speak o of it in inthe the have said highest st terms Many that their children childr n would have died of croup if Chamberlains Chamberlain's cou cough h remedy had hadnot not been given Kellman The z 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by H. H P. P Larsen druggist j- j Notice of or Appropriation of Water and Cl Claim lm of or Rea Reservoir lr Site Notice i is hereby given that we the time undersigned residents of Ephraim Utah claim and appropriate the reservoir site located four our miles north of Ephraim Utah en n north side of what is known as Sand Saud Ridge also all the time water waler flowing through h river mer at at a point e east st of Moroni Utah rl ne-jr ne r what is known as Moroni Roller mill And Amid it is cur our bo boni in tied fled intention to construct construct con con- a canal to convey said water waler into the above described reservoir there to tp store the same for lor irrigating purposes and further w we intend u using ing the w water ler upon our lands land located in township 16 R 3 E E. E. E S. S L. L M. M for or the purpose of raising grain cern It-cern etc J A. A ANDERSON ANDERsoNjR JR N. N F. F N HA fANs I-fANs S C. C JENSON P. P C. C ANDERSON I D. D C JENSEN JENE J. J P. P FRANSEN SN T. T L L. E. E G. G 1 DEN JENSEN LEWIS A ANDERSEN DERSEN P. P T. T PETERSEN CUR IO Fust Se September S 8 S. S 1897 1857 d if O 0 OF F. F DAVIS Laud Land Mining Attorney 1 Attend to all matters before r tin 11 L t S Jand Office F Find proof oft Contest Kir t d ami aud l. l j t. t Office 1 15 LX South strut CITY UTAH T a A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE An Laxative and NERVE TONIC SOld Sod by Druggists or sent by roan malL and per package Samples free tree tV Ya f mo The Favorite n the T tU and |