Show List of Letters remaining g unclaimed in the postoffice postoffice post office at Ephraim Utah August 31 1866 C Elise Christensen Christens n Edgar Eakle C. C J. J R R. Hall Mrs M. M Hansen Hansel I Mrs John Joh I. I Hayes I Mrs neil te dow Mrs J. J N. N Jensen J. J C. C Larsen j tj if 1 r is Miss Serina Serino Larsen Larsen- Mrs 1 Mali Marie Ra m s en Chas A. A Short Miss A. A M. M Taj Tal Taylor lor r If the above letters are not called for within 30 30 o days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Leller office Appl cants please say ad advertised H. H P. P LARSON P. P M i |