Show J J 7 i f The Campaign Is 01 1 I W u. u 4 And every citizen who vho has the welfare r v. v of his country at heart will vill v want to keep i i i 1 posted on onIT i I The 01 ift the Day ay J c IT rr MATTERS NOT f I r I Whether you are Den Democrats f ts Republicans F. F t a Populists Silver Men or 07 Gold Bugs yo you l will find below papers that advocate your principles 1 es i. i t T l NEVER BEFORE has such cheap clubbing rates been bee l offered in Utah You ou f ou can get THE r v. v ENTERPRISE and your choice of the i k ki i L named below belo for 1 j t papers one year at at I R Yi Y i prices opposite name of each paper il t 7 i 1 43 rs r a s. u J Salt Lake Labe Herald l weekly Semi i l 1 2 Salt Lake Tribune weekly Semi J St. St Louis week a Republic A H I St. St Louis Globe Democrat Weekly Semi Semi Semi- Tee ly J I. I New vy York oik V World rIl ld Thrice aYO YO k f l. l P t Ci n ati TV Enquirer 1 r d t r lt Owe Oatt Job ok i I Ii j N r Is Is complete and our aim aim is is is to turn out out neat t. t and accurate work Our patrons patrons' have hav hava a aS aright jd S right to be satisfied satisfied Its It's our to o our J f j satisfy them Give Gl e us a trial order o der Rates Rates k 7 t iJ 4 or estimates furnished on application t. t 1 f to Address The Who h can think anted An W a Idea An-Idea Idea of or some gome simple thing to patent ff Write Protect C JOHN W ir EW J uv lu i wealth Attorneys nays Washington D U 0 C. C for their D 1 lJ O offer fh goto f and Sh list flat or two hundred Inventions wanted In a recent letter to the manufacturers Mr V. SV F. F Benjamin ed editor tor of the Spectator It may be a pleasure to you you to know the high esteem in which Chamberlains Chamberlain's medicines medicine are held by bythe bythe bythe the people of our own state where they must be best known An aunt of mine mine who resides at De De tr Iowa w was was s about to visit 11 ii ue e a few years since and before leaving home wrote me asking if they were sold here statIn if they were not she would bring a quantity wit with her as she did not like to be without them The medicines referred to are Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Cham Cham- cough remedy famous for its cures of colds and croup Chamberlains Chamberlain's Chamberlains Chamberlain's Cham Cham- pain balm for rhe rheumatism lame back pains in the side and chest and Chamberlains Chamberlain's colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy for bowel complaints These medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century The people have learned leuned that they are ire articles of great worth and merit and unequaled by any other They are for sale here by H. H P. P Larsen Druggist R Read our clubbing off offer r. r I Several ANTED Several trustworthy gentlemen or WANTED WANTED Several ladies to travel in in Utah for or established reliable house Salary and Steady position Enclose e reference The Dominion and i self I lf Company addressed s Thi Third stamped Floor envelope en en- Omaha Building Chica Chicago Chicag IJ III 2 ff i. 1 I EPI HOUSE I MRS J ULIA DORIUS Prop The most centrally located hotel in the city city Best nest of accommodations Reasonable rate rates U AH St k t af 1 n J. J IO f I i 1 11 1 t il 1 t t 1 t rs 1 i i I to r ri i Takes Take's s the Cake CaKe i r. r li f t. t e n P 1 r L' L UG l M The The largest largest piece of good goo d tobacco ever sold for 10 io cents and The 5 cent piece is nearly ras last rase large fare e as you get e t of other h trades grades for Tor 10 io cents bents cent Santa Fe Route Ro te f Rio Grande Grade VI Midland Atchison Topeka and Santa ganta Fe Pe Railways x T The only line lin which r runs ns Pu Pullman 1 an Palace palace Sleeping pf g Cars i v between et net veen Ogden Salt Lake City and Chicago without change and Pullman Pa Palace ace Reclining Chair Cars between Ogden Salt Lake City Cit Denver and and Chicago Chicag THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED ARE YOU GOING EAST If so be sure and secure tickets reading over over the SANTA FE ROUTE Grandest t and Greatest Railroad on Earth tar tT Leave Ogden or Salt Lake Lake City on the Evening Eve ning Train in in order to see e the most Beautiful Scenery in Ame America ica J.- J. Tra Train n Leaves Rio Bio Grande ande We Western tern Depot Ephraim ac aL 1224 p p. m. m H. H C C. C 8 RNETT General A Agent Passenger Department wo Jl HoMey Dooley Building Salt Lake f f 4 x dJ p t I II II I I abou the t whole story i I AK ADD MW HA l fR SOP SODA I q 0 mat I Co CoI Costs no more than other package soda never spoils I I eit A 5 flour our flour universally acknowledged purest In the world I Made lade only by CHURCH CO New York Sold by grocers everywhere TV Ito for Arm and md Hammer Hummer Book Bool of valuable I F J FIELD CO 3 MANUFACTURERS OF THE R E FARE asio W WAREHOUSE F ING 6 MILLS DUSTLESS GRAIN SEPARATORS AND LAND ROLLERS long These been Mills used by and the Separators I tit I me Millers Grain and Seed Dealers DO- DO 1 n throughout ut the United States who 5 l i i the i u as being ti j V ever made ai L 3 Mry for Cleaning and Grading Wheat 1 Barley Oats Corn and Seeds or every description t They do the work more thorough thoroughly i o r ly have greater built I and heavier and better stronger fine fin h by than any other Mills Six different sues sixes two for Farm i IIse four for Warehouse elevator levator r Millers fillers use a The Land Laad Rollers are the BISP f and CHEAPEST for the money i ALL WARRANTED TED Write for tor Circulars and Prices beI ba be wt J I fore buying r We dye cm sin vouch ouch for foi the reliability ct tins a I 1 I f |