Show ANOTHER pa 9 N A on friday morning of last week the spirit of 0 justin C wixom passed into the other life and the aged body went to its linal final rest the cause of 0 death was pneumonia with which mr air wixom IN ilont h had ad been afflicted about one week the eged man maii lived alone declining tiie the pleadings of his sous sons to come coma and matte his bis home with them for lie he said lie he wanted to take care of himself and be a burden to no one ile he got along fairly veil until a week previous to his demise when he contracted a bad cold which developed into pneumonia ills his son S C wixom with the lid aid of the physician and ills his automobile took his catli rather r home and watched over him night and day until the end on wednesday ills his condition was much improved and the family thought that the crisis had passed and mr wixom would soon be himself again but his age he was 74 years old was against him and on thursday his condition became more aggravated and he suffered greatly all day and through the night passing peacefully away at last a few minutes past nine friday morning justin C wixom was born in in log creek caldwell county mo alo dec 3rd ard 1838 during his early youth he experienced perien ced some of the dr ivings which the saints were subjected to previous to and after the martyrdom of the prophet and patriarch arid and vien when at the abelof 7 tears died his tather rather renia remarried aled and f the family came to utah in 1850 locating loca t ing at salt lake ahe city and coming on to brigham city two years later in 1863 lie he departed for a mission to great grea britain and labored as a missionary in the cheltenham conference tor for nearly and a halt half years part of the time presiding over the conference in 1866 lie was married to ann jackson of england wilo who emigrated to utah for tile the gospels sake and by that union seven children were born 4 having proceeded their father to the other world when the sunday school was organized in the dox box elder eider stake mr wixom took au an active part and was tile the second stake superintendent being appointed to that office jul jelv 27 1879 a position which he held for twelve years in those days there were no plans outlined for the schools but the matter of study and progress depended largely upon tile the stake erin tendency and the local tendencies cles many of the middle aged men and women of this stake today recall with pleasure their alsoc assoc associations I 1 actions with elder wixom lit in sunday school vork tork and many of 0 the men arid women who iho are now active workers worker s I 1 in n that organization received their first training under tile the direction of superintendent J C wixom one of the cardinal principles of ills bis life was to be punctual and lie he was continually affy urging the schools to be prompt in their exercises and the students to be punctual lit in their lives lie ile was an example of the noblest work of god and honest man the writer was so impressed with a statement that emer ehler wibora WI nom made in the tabernacle when lie ile was released as stake superintendent of sunday schools that it never I 1 has been forgotten lie he stated that he h did not one a man on earth a dollar and if there should be any ia whom hom he OWE owed d and had forgotten it it if that person sar would present his claim it would be paid immediately that principle was carried out throughout his entire life fire A number of years ago ills his wife died and then his hearing bearing gradually left him film until he helas was all but deaf an affliction which caused him much annoyance and sorrow for he was a man who delighted to converse with his friends and exchange experiences ire he leaves a daughter mrs birs louie W peck of cove oregon and two sons J A wixom of garland and S C wixom of tills this city besides a number of grand children to mourn his loss funeral services were held monday in the second ward meeting house hour bishop blackburn pr presiding eiding the speakers were elders R L fishburn jr T IL 11 blackburn peter baird 1 J I IF P merrall Merrl ll pres L A snow pros pres oleen N stohl and pres james ol 01 sen each of the speakers referred to their long acquaintance acquaint ence with the deceased and the influence his labors in the sunday school had had on their lives many abany 0 of his noble traits of character were testified of and his bia we life was commended as an example to his bis family and acquaintances the musical numbers sung by the ward choir were 1 I need thee every hour when first the glorious light of truth and nearer my god to thee the prayers were offered by elders elder david kees and peter knudson on account of sickness neither of the sons were permitted ta to be present at the services ills his daughter 31 mrs rs ack came down from her home in oregon and was present A pr profusion of 0 flowers covered the white casket all and a tho the stand was draped in white and flowers the remains were entered in the brigham city cemetery the grave being dedicated by john burrows Dur rows |