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Show w. b. s. COMMISSIONERS' MEETING Board of county commissioners met in regular session last Monday, all members being present. Communication from Wm. T. Reid, county juvenile judge, concerning appointment ap-pointment of probation officer in the county and expenses was considered and, on motion, it was resolved that the juvenile court commission be asked ask-ed to appoint Wm. TV Reid as probation proba-tion officer In addition to judge if this may be done, and, if not, that the sheriff be appointed a probation officer. of-ficer. Resignation of W. A. Pettey as Just-Ice Just-Ice of peace, Emery precinct, was ac-wpted. ac-wpted. In relation to the Green Rlver-Hanksville Rlver-Hanksville road it was resolved to ask 'he state road commission to designate desig-nate and survey the road, with the understanding un-derstanding that the expenditure of no fund on said road be asked for this year. If the road is permanently located lo-cated there is considerable donation ork which will be available. Road Commissioner Mart Jensen was instructed to defer action in removing re-moving the bridge over the Huntington Hunting-ton river at the Johnny Jensen crosses cross-es until further orders from the board. He was further instructed to ut!e the most rigid economy on the county roads the coming summer. ' The matter of law suit on taxes collected col-lected from coal assessments as per action of board last May was taken up ani it was decided to leave the fight UP to the attorney-general's office, and that their assistance in the matter be urged. Matter of continuing Ephraim-Or-"ngevllle road work was takea np and c'erk was instructed to urge the early completion of the road upon the sec-r'":Ty sec-r'":Ty nf agriculture, petitions now "In ''Tculatlon also to be presc-ntvl. |