Show j’e£is f mt&mat&if THE SALT HIKE TRIBUNE ' and today’s orders make them effec- - PROBE LEADER WAVY CHARGES Oaterhaus in 'charge of naval reserve personnel Ihaa been ordered to duty oa commanAdmiral Richard H Lelgh comman-!(le- r of uhmarm squadron four with der of the battle force will relieve additional duty aa commanding Frank H Schofield aa fleet rer of the submarine base Pearl Har commander Admiral Scho- - bur Hawaii He will relieve Captain field will revert to hia permanentW IC Wortman whose new post has rank of rear admiral and become a not been selected member of the naval general board Rpar Admiral Yates Stlr'ing com 1V) HIGH OFFICERS WARNS MART Captain Hugo W SATURDAY HORNING HAY Vice Admiral Luke McNamee at Hawaii will be given a new mander of battleships battle force command thia fall when tus tour of will assume the rank of admiral and duty there expires — succeed Leigh aa commander of the lines of Por portant flag commands to be effective battle force Rear Admiral J R P railway Pring'e now commander of battle-ttugare to be improved about August IS division 3 will relieve McNamrej 'ship Tile navy some months ago Indl as battleship commander and w)lll American lipsticks are being used 'rated that the changes would occur assume the rank of vice admiraL In Ceylon WASHINGTON May 20 u— For Sdjs Failure to Remedy mal orders were issued today by the 'navy department changing three ira Evils Will Bring Con- State-owne- gress Action (Continued From Piute One) gated the incident for the bureau of of New York state It was brought out that as soon as the Pally News learned the facts — which it should be said were regarded by Levinson and Curtis as disclosing an entirely legitimate friend atup— Curtis ceased to be “Trader” and the Daily News ceased to gwe specific "tips’’ on storks m the “Trailer” column As outlined by Levinson and Cor nelL the facts were Levinson and Curtis were neigh bora In the suburbs and friends Levinson was making big money in Che stock market by his good judgment in buying storks In several instances where Levinson was interested m a stock Curtis “tipped” them repented ly in hi column as good buys Levinson be insisted stoutly in his testimony solely because of his friend ship guaranteed 10200 or morel shares for Curtis m special Curtis account at tus broker’s Curtis put up no money When the stock rose he got a check for his profia running from $037 upwards to $J44H in a score of cases He made altogether $19 (M3 44 between May 3 1929 and March 1930 Nearly all of ft was made during the big 1929 summer boom Complaint Made It was made plain that !h Levinson’s view the friendship was reaL It was pointed out also that Levinson himself thought the stocks were good ones or he would not have bought them that Curtis in “tipping” them was but tipping a stock which alead-inexpert wag buying The bureau of securities received a complaint from an investor who elauned to have lost money by following Curtis tips The reply was understood to be that the tips were speculative and that those who speculated as opposed to Investing made money The third high spot of the committee s day concerned operations in In-- i dian Motorcycle Witnesses wet Howard A EanaelL stock trader Harry Content broker and Norman T Builes president of the Indian company Together they told of the sale to of 100 000 HanselL for marketing share of Indian stock The details were uninteresting and did not seem very important though Gray at each stags grinned menacingly through clenched teeth in which he gripped a dead cigar aa he shouted tolling questions at the witnesses The most sensational feature seemed to be that Hansell made $23 000 out of the transaction and that on A Newton Plummer hinted by Gray to have written over optimistic statement regarding Indian stock made soma $288RH d NEW FARM AID PLAN ADVANCED WASHINGTON May 20 OP— The equalization fee and export deben- -j ture platj emerged from retirement! today and returned to the senate wtthj a farm relief youngster— the allot-- ! ment plan Both the equalization fee and thei export debenture plan have been the 21 Sv1 A' agwfiinfSBr II 10r2 central points of many farm relief Wilbur Okehs Relief campaign in the past The three went to the senati In a For Homesteaders bill approved by its agriculture commute and sponsored jointly by the WASHINGTON May 20 UP— Sec National Farmers’ union the Amen retary Wilbur today approved regucan Farm Bureau federation and thi lations extending for two years the National Grange time m which homesteaders will be The allotment plan ealls tor allot- allowed to prove their claim ment among the farmers of that pay The extension to claim ton of a crop needed for domestic that expired after applied July L 1931 and consumption For that they would be which will expire before December nsured a price equal to production 31 1333 costs The new regulations were Issued Chairman McNary of the commit- because many homesteaders have tee declined to comment on whether been unable to pay necessary fees action would be had before the senate hopes to adjourn for the party Employment In the building trades conventions of France is increasing 5f r 4 Vf TO SELL Westlnghcuse Eke trie Refrigerators Aad Other Electric Appliances Only Producers Need Apply fbnllls C:irp:s 3111 113 East 1st Was So securities Kotex 1 And Wear It With Pride the Live Long Summer p 7g Phone Calls No Deliveries -- No 2 C M I Toilet Goods— Street Floor i 1 1 & Washable Silk i X g Silk Crepes or Piques Pastels or White Stripes— Prints— Plaids Linens — Polka Dot3 Pin Dots on White r 4 Zv y Le r Z C M L pride itself upon ttai reputation for fair and honest dealing Under no consideration will w resort to shady or doubtful tactics Oar advertising In absolutely reliable When we say an article Is a regular value worth a certain amount It is Just that To do otherwise we feel would be reflection upon the judgment of the Salt Lake public Positively at Z C ML 1 there la no misrepreexntation no marking up no fictitious values 00 Pure glove silk satin stripe Shorts and Pan-tie- s pink and white All regular sizes formerly priced 250 Z C Girls New if I Silk Underwear-Secon- d Floor Sheer Dresses a 2000 Pairs Today! Evory young grl will want of these new sheer Dresses for the closing of ¥ 'N f i school Dainty organdies batistes linens and fine dimities Some with cape collars wide shhIips pleated skirts in pastel and dark shades lace-tnmme- d voiles I V Sizes 7 to 18 & Our Entire Stock of Girls’ Spring Coats nX! 1-- 3 w if I Children’s and Juniors’— Second Floor n r U ale! hosiery Chiffons Service Weights Nets All Sizes to Select From Tlierp’s no time to lose if you would get your Summer’s supply of dainty stockings at a saving Today you will save considerable on our famous perfect quality Z C M L Hose All weights— all styles of nets chiffons and all colors Z C M ' r S f a pair I Hosiery —Street Floor OFF Z C k L r S3 one RANSOM ALIBI £1 2 A CURTIS PROVES Cool Summer Undies titf Final Clearance SX lavestlgators Absolve Boat BuHifer of Taking Cash From ‘Jafnie (COBtlnmd i From Pact One) through newspaper Bgned “Jafsie" advertisements Police also made known they CS ex- pected to take Dr Condon to large rogues gallarie m New Jersey and) Philadelphia He already ha viewed the likenesses of several thousand criminals in New York City and West Laird Schober Shoes Chester county New York in the hope the Scandinavian of Identifying named “John” with whom ha dealt in the raiwom payment Inquiry was being made direct from Hopewell regarding the new York taxi driver who during the course of the Condon negotiations delivered to “Jafsie” a note from the supposed kidnapers Arrangement were being mad for tna cub driver also to view the rogue’ gallery picture araea bt Argument Dr Condon motored from New York Cty grand jury chamber to police headquarters at New Rochelle N Y-- where he engaged In a heated ar gurttent with James Curley director of puhtia safetv there He refused to answer several of Curley s questions and merely shook hi head when wkad if the man he sought to Idem tjfy wm connected with the Arthur (Dutch Schultz) Fleigenheimer gang As a sidelight to the Curtis angle a letter received by the clergyman’s mother in England told of his gaming information from two gangsters “I got all the Information I wanted from two gengsters with whom I1 tanked” said the Dobson Peacock labter “and it all fit in with the plans we have made If successful you will read of us tong before this letter nMteJw you Anyway I have done Dobson-Peacoc- At New Low Prices New spring styles in Laird Schober Shoes white blonde and blue in attractive beautiful pumps and slipChoose from these pers i You remember our wash silka last year! Good weren’t they? Potffiess yourYet they were as nothing compared to these self of at least two— and go in for a more stylmh Two and Summer at smaller expense three-piec- e happier Z C if I Ready-to-Wea- r Half Price j ’ Fs Delay SEATTLE Wash May 20 OP— Da Monday or Tuesday feted Browne New T irk Eipr waiting her today for compieton of for hi proposed Seattle to o tow pressure rew were reom-?eon hi planned ro’ile to di ut nt 'f untilC Nathan ('-a- T'-kv- T'-re- e d Below Previous Prices New Foot g50 Formerly to 2350 Formerly to 3330 Smart coni beautiful new crentiona’m pumps ties slippers and sandals in white and very attractive Spring Chooae from these colors perfect-fittinshoes Regu- g Aa invest aatlon was launched by Commonwealth Attorney John M Arnold to see whether the shipbuilder and cotulon leader could be jailed tor attempted extortion obtaining money under false pretense or via lauoii at the laws whlrh forbid giwi mg newspapers false information A parallel investigation of Curtis activities wa on foot headed by federal agents who were checking on the piwuhiLty at charging him with Viotauan of the postu oroiubitlon revenue or ether federal ’law la Flight to Japan V Delight Shoes — Second Floor 2000 Smart Hats May 29 (UP)— ciate Air Pilot 25 J50 Deeply resentful of the unsavory advertising that hag came to this enn-- i sercauv southern city Norfolk au'harlties twisted by federal agent prepared today for the pos-aprosecution of Jonn Hughes Curbs author of the Lmdbergn kidnap hoax on stronger charge tnan those preferred by the Now Jersey offi- I — Paris is talking eyelet Batiste and we have so many to choose from k my level best” Va C styles at— - NORFOLK 4 larly priced $10 00 White Slippers and Sandals Hats with flattering1 brims for matrons new brimmed felts brimmed Cellosport3 hata of knitted wools phane rough straws soft packable fabric hat3 — better be here early today even hundreds of hats won’t last at Half Price Z C It I 85 Saturday only a wonderful assortment of white slippers A pumps ties and sandals special purchase lot regular 7 83 Z C M Millinery — Second Floor FREE PARKING to Z C I Shoe Salon — Second Floor Every single Coat in this sale is Newt Every Coat was made to our own specifications in the styles fabrics and colors that have proven Smart! At their sale price these coats present an unusual value opportunity Z C M L Saturday Canmtloas A Dozen 49c Coas — Second Floor JI I Customers— Auditoriu m Garage Richards Street Z C 5f T -- Uoril Dept — fstj-np- t Poor XXL r ‘ I |