Show The Salt Lake Tribune Sunday SI 1959 po©ai PJDsejnno OR CHAISE LOUNGE PADS min jras THICKLY PADDED PLASTIC PAD COVERED May Assorted prints and colors from which to choose GIRLS' JANFORIIID COTTONS STRIPID DAN RIVIR PLAIDS AND patterns and front colors tailored waist 14 to 3 Sixes pockets POPLINS-Assor- ted YOUR CHOICE ’ (xl mi n ivlL V Ilf i C!J2J grain 1 f m ! ' £ - fXl x COLLAR BRASS BUTTONS RED 7 SIZES s Cy “ written on as an autograph coat 'Sr' - - 4 TO 14 Can be REG 695 i 11 I cX “ r?i) 0CU srann pons tut' By SWIM KING-- DE LIGJHTWEIGHT WHITE MOLDED RUBBER co Size-R- EG 198 pniiim o PLAV LUXE Adjustable Straps— Small UW )klw ms GC©nVG SOXIR WAIST Ml fabric print calari Stack up and far sarnmar at this law PB sf prica Sixai IS manths and 3 Rag Stc 4: vivM Vv sup- 10 89c REG ui ) aW bullt-l- n porter Sixes 1 to -? lastex STYLE 3h St fet--i BOYS' BOXER OR BRIEF Dan Rlvor poplins V' r - iy ixii'A 1T ‘ 1 rM ®0- DUCK U Choice 9 i ny ip of cptfoji and plastic reversible r plaid and loop ard reversible Ideal for taking to the canyon the beaoh to the ball game Folds up compactly to use as pillow Can be used as rain capo as beach robe as table cover and many many ether uses WHITE WASHABLE ta ta X 34 S v LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO Medium Size REG Large Size 249 REG 269 Extra Large Size REG 298 200 JAR ItEG 0G G0DPG REGULAR OR JR SIZE In casa Reg 39c ADORN i HAIR SPRAY with free comb and ing booklet 7-o- x Q handy plastic carrying © hair styl NSW REG patterns 150 STYUS COLORS Light waight taya doth Cannon carefree cottons or chenille assorted colors and REG riorrs GAPS 29e ONLY TWIN OR CREST DOUBLE TOOTH PASTE ECONOMY BED SIZE CU TUBE— 69e VALUE WASH AND WEAR EASY REG 498 57t REG REG BUBBLE BATH IS ENVELOPES- -5 SPRING and SUMMER COTTONS IN 4 YD LENGTHS CREME RINSE By HELENE 16-O- Z BOTTLE-2- 00 CURTIS— VALUE 7 159 Prints Or I solids In drip dry or polished cottons 4 REG COTTON FRAGRANCES 25c REG CARE collar stays short sleavo assorted stylos Solid colors and prints Sizes small to oxtra largo sown-l- n 116 REG' 49c YD 149 YD CUT i s ! ' YARD ’ |