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Show j 1 FRIDAY IB I JUNE 3, 1977 900 Autoj for Salt RC- A- Autos excellent ! TO ISO 799 7S 900 Auto for Sale H ole 74 PIN10 Squrt? Wauon, auto air, tuthjaoi rack WASATCH MOTORS rutNjition S404 TOPf) Gran Torino 4 dr peal Well equipp'd many ex tras 3S0n0m $I0VS Must sen ?M l?8J AS 2504 75 MI A floor 4 steering powtr windows AM fV nl twur imvl ton witvkn defroster still hMkes. r'M dove warranty ii'ire w.ts b urvVr 184 trty stirkoy soil tor v ?iKi $ 76 tft rOPD Mns Gfnrds s 4 is p ikirns M ELITE' Loaded (ail even inns or wee ends V43 KU 75 PINTO owner, 4soeed. stiver witty blue interior 4yl ?ju0 or best otter 79 W6 VI t dr ait so SI 199 smt AMI So Stah 74 MUSTANG rond $7 4u0 T Ghia ) pm, II Gha loaded Icrw m , MUSTANG 74 wtb extras liv 7? $1800 184? 9J 1th So H cond I TD Brougham $1650 Can attr s 56) 8WJ 11 FORD TORINO small VB low m super c'ean $1?95 467 6?16 316? Vj V jin 7? Ford Mirstang Mach t B? v 8 3 str o lat air cond , $? 19$ tmmUond )484 6?n T Bird 71 meet) sound $1 750 call evenings 57. 6250 71 MUSTANG Mach pb, ps auto new radial Hrs fac tape dink Mags t xcel cond J59 0641 71 auto MAVERICK trans radio good running Good buy only $l?88 Sie at Hmckfi'vs T'ucks2KNSo Slate 484 8TS5 71 6 cyl auto MAVFR'fK 4 door owner D s vinyl Ion, spd 2106 . ike new 6vl See to $2 49H 9IVFPTUN MOTOP 5S331 ' SOU1H STATE 74 FtJPD TO wagon air ps rw w tires new ph tinted glass trans I7HOO or bst otter Call 654Jet 521 auo datsun BUICKgmc 77 77 BUICK REGAL COUPE black landau top V 8, tilt, air c runs, chroma whaali, custom interior 3077 etc Grn, List List $7,196.75 71 FORD LTD So trans , 72 1977 BRAND NEW PICKUP GMC 4x4 INT. SCOUT 4 built excel cond , leaving the country, must sel l7 35935?6 '70 FORD Torino convert $1,350 or best offer 561 8376 74 10 mu fliRfi T 69 orr Bs! r ?55 47J) V I. HI? 69 MUSTANG most sell WiM trade $995486 tow 69 LTD Beautiful cond $680 or bfst otter 268 6)17 176 561 4stri ' 0j0 m. . FORD 9 Pass Station Wagon, all extras, good mech cottd , interior good bodv has a fuw small dents $460 56l 496? " 69 FORD VB ditto $495 466 5735 SIMPSuNAUTO 69 FORD LTD WAoON. good condition $55 467 0 88 69 68 MUSTANG pood W'll make dtss lor cond lust att 4p m 798 1370 HO-- 74 CONTINENTAL Mark IV. full power AM FM wtn tap trjiv control tilt Ipafhur ihTior Excellent condition WASATCH MOTORS 261 2621 5668 So Slate Must.iog Convert 65 OOd S4TI CTUlOAt 399 4 otfufj lOW whl 0 is biyr fs bi$l '68 MUSTANr, org trrougxut no Oil. V I Juto Mono mi TOmpg $695 ?6A '74 GMC Sprint air, auto $3195 71 J64 7551 '73 Jl f P Wagon gurwlr ifrack ak radio VUSTSf A t46 7 p. low tkn pb, mile full pwr , AM radK J95 278 t84? '67 MUSTANG MPt 73 '73 CHEV. STATION WAGON $1,995 drTcvTAuio 74 74 out PEUGEOT 124 258 6 cyt engine, $3,199 dr 6 cyl Vinyl Roof Air Cond Extra Clean GO WOODS CROSS EXIT ON vaJEKKmi 292-841- 1-- CHEV BLAZER 4 Speed, PS, Extra & 8120 4,977 5 To Choose From GALAXIE HTT Cond , Air Vinyl Roof mm WEST AND SAVE FORD 3500 S. 3 Bmf 1 1 ICO itain So T Coupe, Corvette T Coupe, 1976 LT Coupe, air. ZfflSV 24 QUALITY AFFORDABLE CARS AND TRUCKS AT LOW-LOPRICES 1,595 71 FORD 1973 Monte Carlo 75 4 speed, runs great supef low price PLYM. DUSTER Bucket seats auto po steering 72 CHEV. 10 PASS. WAGON Auto trans a'r cond see oe yd tines ready tor summer v at. on 74 MONTI CARLO Landau, auto trans ai- - cr -snows the very bes' of can tj.tr 76 74 , 4 speed Good 2nd j Aitt t ,3 1,995 76 74 A r O PI v ard to find sharp truck 72 CHEV. Impaia Hdtp. RDNAULT, 73 DAkr Wajon '67 BUICK Hdtp , '67 DODGE '66 FORD '68 El Catnino Pickup '69 Charger d. 1 34-To- n STATE 262-74- 1 1 75 Power steering auto fans or a camper fun or hard work C'ri Ciena wheels steel belled I 34 Ton JEEP CJ-- 5 4 speed posiM. tipr. St 3pn an v.e 'be best ir town for the least j 71 Mavenck '69 '69 66 '69 Charger Challenger Chev. Nova r. Ford Gal. 500 Ford 4-Volks Bug 72 Charger S E r. hdtp 71 Plymouth Scamp '69 Nova '68 Volks Bug '67 Dodge 34-To7 1 Fori Wagon 74 Vega Hatchback 71 Ford Torino 72 Pont r. 973 Chev. '8' Nova Custom Cpe., auto. 972 Treino '8' Spt. Cpe., air. 972 G. Torino '8' Spt. Cpe., auto. 974 More '6' Comet Sedan, outo. '8' Grand Prix Cpe., air. 772 rviu ' Cpe., air. 1972 Ford '8' Mustang Cpe., 1977 Vega 4' Wagon, 4 spd. 1977 Monte Carlo 8' S Coupe, oir. 971 Maverick '8' Coupe, auto. 977 Monte Carlo '8' L. Cpe., Sunroof 972 Malibu '8' Spt. Cpe., auto. 975 MGS '4' Midget Convert., 4 spd. 1976 Pinto '4' Wagon, 4 spd. 1972 Pont. '8' G. Prix SJ Coupe, air. T Coupe, Cpe., air 973 Mustang '8' Spt., Cpe., Air. 977 Corvette "T" Coupe, Air. 1972 Pont. 1974 Corvette landau 971 Chev. '8' Malibu Sedan, air. 973 Maverick '6' Coupe, outo. 1973 Camara, '8' Rally Spt. Cpe., oir. 1973 Camara '8' IT Cpe., auto. oir 969 Mustang '8' Sport Coupe, air. "In T!:s User! of fho Sdt rY 44 iWXk pwini 70 1') Cheyenne Ca,riper special duto trans power steering new tires 'ides ire a ca worvs Ke a rj'k Don't miss this one DODGE FORD RANGER XLT 4 wnoe1 dr've, 4 speed, power steerinr dual tank, factory camper '0' 74 CHEV FORD CUSTOM Shor bed 4 whee dr ve pue' steering 4 speed SDec driving ehts Looks ke t has ne.er been of the highway VALIANT Doer auto trans power steering air cond Room q' op 'an w th economy & comfort '65 5716 SO, 2,495 PACER DL 76 973 Monte Carlo Spt. Cpe, oir. d. DODGE CHARGER S.E. The family sports car at a family budget price cond. 1 sha-- p 2-- low Aito oro.se oontro an lord Jo" E or tn.s ne all the extras a a low low price 76 FORD GRANADA 4 door auto trans , an cond Ford s big seher at our low pr ce 74 74 '8' air. Cpe., air. IV, Cpe., 1972 Chev '8' Malibu Classic Coupe 1973 Dodge '8' Dart Sport Cpe., 2,995 PLYMOUTH DUSTER Auto trans., 6 cyl,. air 1,395 70 trunk 74 price 1,495 5 SCOUT wheel drive, 4 speed trans A go anywhere any time fun car or 3,295 VESA WGN. speed economy plus 73 VOLKS Pop Top Camper Van, sink, stoe reaoy for the family vacation 2,695 34 TON GREMLIN X The Levi Package spawy economy 3 speed trans 73 DATSUN 610 73 974 Nova '8' Sport Coupe, auto. 974 Nova '8' Sport Coupe, outo. 974 Thunderbird '8' Land. Cpe., air. 974 Ford '8' LTD Hdtp. Cpe., air. 974 Maverick '8' Sedan., air. oir 1973 Olds 8' Cutlass Sup. '4' Hatchback Coupe, Auto. 974 Cedilloc DeVille Cpe., air. 974 Chev. '8' Impaia Cust. Cpe, air. 974 Monte Carlo '8' land. Cpe, oir. 976 Chevette 974 Camara '8' Rally Cpe., air. 974 Pinto Squire Wagon, air air. '88' Hdtp. Cpe, air. 1973 Lincoln '8' Mark Sunroof. 974 Monte Carlo '8' L. Cpe, air. 974 Camara '8' Sport Cpe., air. Civic Cpe., 5 spd. T Coupe, '8' Ghia Sedan, 97S Dodge '4' Colt 4 Dr. Wagon, 4 spd. 97S Ply. '6' Duster Cust. Cpe, air. 975 Hornet '6' Spt. Cpe., outo. 1974 Datsun '4' 210 Sedan, auto. W snort Bed. 4 Wheel Drive, Power Steering, 4 speed, big tires & wheels oir. 197S Olds '8' D. Royale Sedan, 1975 Corvette 975 Nova '6' Sport Coupe, 3 spd. 975 Nova '6' Spt. Cpe., auto. 97S Pinto 4 Runabout Cpe., 4 spd. 975 Merc. '6' Monarch 2 Dr., 3 spd. 1975 Olds '8' D. Royale Cpe., air. '8' D. '4' Town Cpe., 4 spd. 975 Malibu '8' Classic Cpe., air. 975 Malibu '8' Classic Sedan, air. 97S Granada 1976 Gremlin '6' Spt. Coupe, outo. 1976 Gremlin V Hdtp. Cpe, auto. 1976 Honda '4' 22 Coupe, 3 spd. Coupe, 4 spd. 975 Nova '8' Sedan, air. 97S Nova '6' Sedan, air, 1976 Ply. '8' Volare Pram. Sedan, air. 1976 Datsun '4' 8210 Spt. Coupe, 4 speed. T.1PG HIGHWAY 2- -2 975 Monza d. EPA RATING '6' Sport Cpe., 3 spd. '8' Classic Cpe, air. 976 Monte Carlo '8' L Cpe., Sunroof. 976 Monte Carlo '8' S Cpe, air. 1976 Dodge '6 Dart Sedan, air 1975 Corvette T Coupe, 1975 Olds & Aspen Sport Coupe, Coupe, air. 975 Monte Carlo '8' L Coupe, air. 975 Comoro '8' LT Coupe, air. 97S Camara '8' Sport Cpe., air. 975 Monza '4' 975 Monza '4' 1976 Chevette '4' Hatchback Rally, 4 spd. 1976 Chevette 4 Hatchback Cpe, 4 speed '6' SX 97S Chev. '8' Impaia Spt. Sedan, air. 97S Monte Carlo '8' Land. Cpe, air. 973 Vega '4' GT Wogon, oir 97S Comoro 1976 Malibu '8' Classic Coupe, air. ASPEE5 FOR . - Gars Low-Milea- ge 975 Malibu 1976 Nova '8' Concours Hdtp. Cpe., auto. 1976 Nova '8' Concours Spt. Cpe., air. 1976 Chevette 4 Woody Hatchback, outo. Sedan, automatic transmispower sion, steering, radio, power brakes, Forest Green Sunfire metallic. 7146 conditioning, loaded priced for a quick sale 0 975 Pont. '8' LeMans Safari 6 pass. Wogon, oir. 975 Pont '8' Gr. LeMans 9 Pass. Wagon, air. 1976 Camara '6' Sport Coupe, auto. 1976 Camara '6' Sport Coupe, air. 1976 Dodge Air 521-410- 975 Buick V6 Skyhawk 2 - 2 Cpe., air. 97S Pont. '8' Catalina 9 pass. Wagon, oir. d. 976 Mustang 2 - 2 Coupe, 4 speed. 1976 Pinto '4' 3 Dr. Runabout, 4 spd. 0 WOltZi S. Main 976 Olds V6' Starfira 1976 Corvette 328-49- 34 ,., W-10- pwr Used Car Downtown 250-631- 6 SK1LJ VQD DODGE auto., wmdowslock, 976 Thru 1 973 Models 1 74 (UN. 77 Caprice Classic Sdn., air cond , p s. , p b , Paris 4L Labor Included 1011 1976 Maverick '6' Sport Coupe, Auto. 1976 Maverick '6' Sport Coupe, Air. FORD 76(iu;. Monte Carlo Londau, oir cond , p , p b., auto, trans., tinted glass, tilt wheel. 5 To Choose From $995 W. Wq Specialize In 5,996 500 351. PS. PB 1976 Ford '8' Elite Hdtp Cpe, air. 1976 Ford '6' Granada 2 Door, Std. 72 76 OIDS LICENSE 445 4 1976 Camara '8' Sport Coupe, air. 1976 Camara '8' Sport Coupe, auto. 77 ASPEN qki.s Foaory "UTAH'S LARGEST VOLUME DODGE DEALERSHIP" BRAND NEW , p b , vinyl top, Expertly Reconditioned 1976 Comoro '8' lOfelPG B epe air . air CutlcjsL Sdn . cond , p s , p b , au tomattc trans , V 8, tiH wheel SYSTEM 100 So. Main 328-493- V $ Air Cond. PoGi)F 0 C1EVJ top, PROFESSIONALLY MAINTAINED SERVICEDj UseJ Car Downtown 1 P , outo HERTZ 1976 Olds Cutlass "S" Sedan, Blue 1976 Pontiac '6' Sunbird T Coupe, 5 spd. 1976 Mercury '8' Monarch Hdtp. Cpe, air. YOU CAN DRIVE A I At 1976 Olds Cutlass Brougham Cpe, Blue ILG'D (IDS , vinyl Mu' bu CUibsK cond p95 Factory warranty 1976 Olds Delta Roy ale Sedan, Gold ffSDI p b , tomofK, 4395 cond.. 1976 Olds Toronodo Brougham, White Ds p SALS Low Miles 4 dr PS, V ALLEY 5 Low Miles, Worranty, rape 350. 1972 WEST 15 air CORDOBAS Clean $3,495 $3,385 air au coupe, coid '11 $4,495 4 paint r T5IMPI, WAGON Low Milos, T month AM FM uto $1,795 $2,995 $2,999 Roof yi 486 Cunium 450 V6LARE n nnn iNv- a' ?7rvq sh.irp $475 111V .xlv tmtwd 11 FORD Galaxte, low mi , very cond , new tires $300 266-3or 377 562? 1974 FOX 1976 MERC COMET SPYDER '73 JEEP CJ5 new 504 Cord A ' 995 SEDAN Ml 1973 CKEV CAPRICE 4 d, V8 Auto PS P8 Alt 4 cyl 4 Speed Extra, Extra Sharp $4,395 FIAT LTD $4,295 1974 AUDI and white special two tone, fully loaded $2,495 76 GMCinsideViandTON $3,985 top red CENTURY LUXUS $83.21 month " tinlmd gltivfc V0LARE good Styleside Pickup V 8 4 Speed PS Long Wide Bed 36 month lease end $2 400 50 4 dr 400 Engine PS. PB Air Cond Vinyl Roo 76 CHEV. 14 TON 44 BUICK 400 Engine $151.91 $2,399 2 door hardtop, dark brown, white vinyl top 10 pass dr " 3,395 11 5163 467 0279 57 9 71 Mf W( Wtoon whifi brom Srowrcxim ennti 16 0f H CAIPI SALE -- $. 4vy d0 sar runs well $350 532 9llU $32 25tLi after 6pm 67 MUSTANG must sell, excel cond otter 164 6664 V 67 MUSTANG bucket soatsT excellent cond $995 262 9749 66 Mustang convert , V 8, 3 spd , rvw top. good cond , $1 ,295, 484 66 Aj'' s Ath TtK ( At f of 01 Vmi Nme Mt vt n $2 2 IV f wti condj $4395 7T) 4W tfl xtras mrtect $7900 GOV VON 11 74 1035 T'VXj 71 HI MARK must vll thl Grtrxl cond fully CkBr rk. ludm tc.tflnd yptMVl control offer over $2,7U0 266 3898 exmT L INC Ol N, '70 rond bml Of K;r 467 5486 it? 2083 4 door 61 I INCOI N CoufiiMnM New paint m (jond cond y595 48. 2M6 and morn1 Rich bur cm n tn atwrm wtfi Must red 865 ?V 00 Mr t i ry rowtf AM f M r vl iK p1 m itht wv- -f Piv rrplu rrn nf Fttufk 77 &!9 75 Mf WfUKY MotirtfTh r.hi.1 4 4,r df Aryl, jmr Iff 4nWf IP 5 $445 Inw milts $.'-961 4911 So MAlA 76 Wrtgoo hiauttu( cruiv alloy whiy, Landau too civ $7 oaflt-- CnflOwtKr 596V f M I Continent 72 77 LfNCOL N Town Count vvtwy axtra fWautih)l gold ittber mt Whoh cond 7000 xplo pr ice $30 950 9432 i!9 Mart" IV 75 CONTINENTAL Lunroof CONT 2 ? air," good 68 MUSTANG eond $850 Cal' 363 7851 68 I TG uood cond PS P B . air $500 or hst otftf 571 4386 XR7 good cond 68 COUGAR $1 095 299 1610 aft J5 wk days 67 MUSTANG Convert 2H9, pT Fully restor.d Collectors car NEW 1977 PS PB AM FM PW Quad Tape Power Door Locks, Tinted Glass Landau I uury Group J6 month lease end $3 0b0 610 CPE. DATSUN Vinyl $2,650 $4,480 LTD LANDAU 1976 FORD P S air. deluxe extra nice interior 292-842- 6 dr, 9904 J59 USED CAR BARGAINS 8 auto V like new Like new dr excel cond rrtlU CLASSIC CORDOBA USED CARS Classic. $900 364 8979 or ?50 7429 Hill mstrumenia 70 MUSTANG tmn p s , new tires good cond , $950 or best oHerf ?92 764? Good Fasthack 70 MUSTANG cond $850 or best offer jl67 5741 '70 MAVCRICK, 2 eng reout AM-F- 5,545 loaod red Fasthack P S, inside and good c vl , $395 6 BIRD, auto, ps., owr windows, air, vinyl too Excel Interior Easily restorable. $725 or otter 261 3643 '64 FORD V8 $195 SIMPSON AUTO 466 5735 49 000 mi , all '64 Falcon covert recond , excel $995 484 5163 MUST SELL leaving town, 68 FORD Galaxie $650 or best offer , aft 6pm Sierra Grand, all moldings, sliding window, 350 V8, auto, trans., P.B., P.S., extra tank, rear step bumper, tires, radio, etc jrtST Estate '70 TORINO mmhaniraMv 254 1V6I ?6nd0?1 door 2 transportation 70 FORD L TO 4 dr air cond , rood $H95 or btsf othr, 65 $3,394 '77 tuily STATL ul E SPECIAL SALE 5,194 low miles, RIVFRTON MOTOR SOUTH 7677 radio, outo tteel belted whitewall gauge , SPECIAL SALE wheels VY7B 1976 OPEL NEW tires drive chrome radial tires, low 466 3179 jOO FORD GAL AXlF VB V8 auto air SPECIAL OF THE Wf f K Torino Squirt trans os air I kf F D S $44$ 486 load 71 71 FORD GRAN TORINO auto vinyl ton, spike whl ps, p b ,Looks covers impeccable owner Make offer 261 3641, Rick $5,951 Deluxe iport coupe, List $6,201 4 wheel 4 East $1 heautitul $4,989 BUICK CENTURY '75 BRONCO ?060 hrs ed new 5810627 $1,600 SPECIAL SALE 7 door, gold, white vinyl top, P S , F B 3029 air till, steel belted radials $ rodiolt. 2141 5,980 77 , an 2946 P S , P B , bkd ! SPECIAL SALE $ 6, auto 4 door, tilt, cruise, 7189 t TO AA(ON 71 71 T BlPD tolled 51 (W mi 7 immar ! owner $3 200 S8? 5567 71 Pmto Good looks pertor manre mtleaqe price 583 IJ65 71 PINTO Station wagon deluxe Air cond 4 new steel belted radi aK 39 000 miles, excel cond SKYLARK red, V m $l 00 2?8 74 FORD Gran Wawon V8 low miles $? 99 So 5dtP ?61 4VJ1 9J3 8JI9, MAVC RICK 70 auto Aufo$ lor Sole 9C0 Auto$ fer Sale 90G 900 Aulos for Sole Autos lor Sole 900 900 Autos for Solr 7? OPAN loruo 4 dr I apprw 26? 107 7 II 74 f OPD MUSTANG 4 cyl 4 speed NIL I ( AP 74 ott(r or $ 8S0 87 84 owner mint cond SJ50C takes 553 V464 74 MUSTANG auto , PS, air cond $76900 277JW7. 6 cyl 74 MAVfPiCK brone color Nearly new tires Excellent cond 484 69S5 atl 6 P m 4 MAVfRICk whol salr urite I or Sole Bird ong owner Best Of Ralnitf ( WKi E 3UDS.1 l TMUNPf RftlRD, ctyrvl vrel ailr l6? 255 E Call T 7? . 2623 7M S6o0 74 T BlPD. excel cond fully sunroul S4,SVS equipped S1 05tl 14 Torino V? nq Good mi Good conn 4&5 ?047 74 THUNDf WBIPD, ?7 000 mi. mint cond $5 0 278 W eves '74 PINTO 4 sod ?000cc Must sell! 11 ,900 or best otter 79 JVII 15 I41O Fir. tuto mre TOPD Ghia V I auto trans air cond p s , vinyl too stereo radio, sharp Yours tor a low rw r Set at $47t8 only ktn.s Trucks 2i09 So Slate, 76 76 FORD GRANADA Auo POO Autos for Sale 90(V ELckc Valley" ""x isczirjLiea.Gir SOEVOGG GALGG G2Z0 V7S5 3C3 "O air. - 9 p.m." a 299-022- 1 i 8 - |