Show 8D The Salt Lake Tribune Television Fare Bait's Share Ties Cosby In Ratings War Man Anne r : - a a — — - - - ' i tr4-- : 581-299- 263-240- 621-303- 1:14) t31) lid GD Guys Next Doer reo 0 (3) II) Has Haw In ste- Playhouse Q Weicorne to My StuSo Pee-we- stem al) GO This Oki House Q art Wall Skeet Week lo ste- reo (Et ALF 04 Ards Smith and Jones Count et Monte Cristo al (E Biology 0 This Od House Rot House In stereo W am stereo In 30 di Movie ney CD JoY el Floral Padding C11 What 02 Thal Seekers 6 pm In stereo al Rocky and Mends at Greatest Amercan Here WI ant a) ADoePule0 Waned Sceeby CD Sewing Witt Nara Cli) Joe et Pantos Tow Teen Adverdwes al 11 sin CD Captain Planet Water Sports World g) Collectors (1:1 Hometime az American at Beverly cl) How 0 Gladiators HiWin 113) Again Street Smart" Oristopher Reeve Morgan Freeman MN am (1) Movie - "Dog Day After(1907) a Dumy CE News CC PAM el (1C ameba noon" (1975) Al Pacino John Cazate 1 (II New holm 0 km) One by One Cl2 Star Trek The Next Gen-enti- dent 0 3:05 w Mt a) ABC News110Qam 63) pm c2yn (1975) Gere Hacknws Jerriter Warren 205 anL a1 Night Met Witt Wad Wed Mothers-in-Le- US am Movie - "Nktit Moves" CLU aa am Music Report CU Big Break OD A Darkening Sky In am 12 (ft Pune) It U0 Newton's Amite CI (U) Adam Smith's Money World Slurries pm C2) Sahoclay Nighrs Main Event pjft (I) ell Frugal Gourmet Smash Nils 1135 CE NBC News CC Benson GD Saturday Videos Q Cc Lane Rosey C5D Wonderful World ot Dis- (10 Rae CU Preview Next Seven Days 1130 pm West GE News CC AoPartlyt rm Dickens skr 7 He's Fen- 0 GI) The Your Riders In reo 0 Cr) The Uvirw Pland Q ste- In am Lin int stereo Parwahood tOS CL Nekn Enterialrient This Week in stereo ADVERTISEMENT thing" Assistant Utah Attorney General Paula Smith disputed Mr Sloan's version of what happened and said the state has repeatedly asked for proposals to save the businesses Too often she said information requested by the board was made available the day before board meeetings ' - ! t - t 1 1 I 4 (ki ' 4 e -' "- i ' ' Id - ' ' 's --':- :" I ':: ' - A k' '' ' ' --- - 1 - - - - - 9 - ' ( :- : ' etir ' ( ' I — ' - "Z J 4 feedi 4' - " ts 40ø" y mid-197- V 1 P — '—' Injured by Puck Fan Seeks Cash Today's Viewing Iflawilt'r 1 ! Wilson Tribune Staff Writer The Utah Board of Indian Affairs approved funding Friday for more extensive audits of business ventures that some Navajos allege have failed strong No 2 in that time period" By Gail Shister due to mismanagement and fraud to NBC results the tried Knight-Ridde- r downplay Newspapers During a meeting at offices of the pointing to heavy press coverage and Bill Cosby 1 Bart Simpson O Utah Division of Indian Affairs 324 intense promotion this week by Fox In a highly hyped ratings confronS State the board approved a resotation NBC's "The Cosby Show" lution that would also provide fundsneaked past the season premiere of ing for outside legal help accounting Fox's "The Simpsons" in Thursday's services and security guards for such national Nielsen& Cosby's margin assets as boats and buildings h of a ratwas the slimmest: Funds for the audits which will be A Golden Eagles hockey fan who ings point extensive this year due to the more a was with last in face winter the hit was a moral for Fox It victory of First Native Amerinoa filed has misfired bankruptcy hockey puck however considering the network can Corp (FNAC) will come from tice of claim with Salt Lake County reaches only 91 percent of the counthe UBIA's budget damages for injuries she altry over 132 affiliates NBC's 208 seekingwere caused by government FNAC is a wholesale clothing and leges stations blanket the nation sporting goods operation based in From 8 to 8:30 pm "Cosby" had negligence The claim filed by Sandra Gurr Albuquerque that was acquired by an 185 rating to an 184 for Matt said she suffered a fractured jaw and the Utah Navajo Development Counanimated Both family Groening's loss of teeth when the puck left the In 1978 the cil in the shows had an identical 29 audience ice during a Jan 30 Golden Eagles council whose members are elected share During the same span ABC's game and struck her The Eagles by Navajos formed Utah Navajo In"Columbo" had a 10617 CBS's play in the county-owne- d Salt Paldustries to serve as a holding companaa "Dark Avengers" 549 (Each ace for business ventures that would ny tional ratings point equals 931000 "The county allowed the proUtah Navajos TV homes) tective barrier between the players employ for business ventures the Funding anIn Philadelphia (The Cos' homeand the patrons to be installed primarily from royalties the dor maintained in an improper and came town) "Cosby" won easily on ChanTribe earns on oil extracted nel 3 with a 20832 "The Simpdangerous manner so as to allow the Navajo claimant to be injured" according to from fields on reservation lands in sons" had a 16526 on Channel 29 "Columbo" a 12019 on Channel 6 the claim "In particular there was a San Juan County The royalties are split between Utah and Arizona Naand "Dark Avengers" a 427 on gap between the sections of the protective barriers where the sections vajos with Utah members getting Channel 10 Each local rating point 375 percent The money is held in were not properly fit(sic) together equals 26970 TV homes and trust by the state with expenditures went The that gap puck through New episodes of "Cosby" had been hit the claimant in the authorized by the Utah Board of Inface' clobbering "Simpson" reruns since The claim a required first step in dian Affairs season month the began last In addition to funding business filing a suit against the county Fox was gaga "We carried every claims Ms Gurr has incurred mediventures the royalties are used to netto 2 said from 54" demographic cal bills totaling more than $9000 provide health housing and educawork vice president Brad Turrell and expects to undergo future surtional services who added that the network never gery She is seeking damages for According to Harry Sloan an acan overall medical lost and expected victory against wages expenses countant who is acting as chief finanadverindican make "We amount an for many plus unspecified "Cosby" cial officer for FNAC during its tisers very very happy being a rect damages Chapter 11 reorganization FNAC is the only Utah Navajo Industries venture that ever thrived A marina on Lake Powell was destroyed by floods while a printing operation was never competitive because its equipment was too old Television Stations A lumber operation failed to find a market in San Juan County and was KUTV Channel 2 973-300- 0 KTVX Channel 4 972-177- 6 moved to Church Rock NM where KSL-TKUED Channel 7 581-777- 7 Channel 5 575-555- 5 it's still faltering And a shopping center in West Jordan which leases KBYU Channel 11 (Provo) 378-529- 8 9 KM Channel 9 space barely breaks even First NaKX1V Channel 14 537-141- 4 KSTU Channel 13 532-130- 0 tive American a sewing plant in 322-031- 7 KOOG Channel 30 0 Channel One 0 Montezuma Creek lost money until it closed down when FNAC filed for Saturday Stria Otdting bankruptcy in Lawrence Welk a) October 13 COD Collectors Mr Sloan who has been a member Totaity Hidden Video in Saiit of the Utah Navajo Industries Board CO) Reese Almond Fishing 02 Fall Guy 12 pm since January 1989 has managed to N) Bonanza kW am oco Mr Lucky CE — the Perfect Pas GO keep FNAC afloat and is in the proCD At the Movies 7:30 pm sex cess of repaying debts totaling more SW lilt GO Working It Out In stereo CE) College Football (Uve) than $12 million He says FNAC got Farm Report ul CD Crazy for Food into trouble because it subsidized the am Ca Haywire In stereo (11) Sesame Street 0 other businesses CD Cana Candy In stereo Q 1 pm (13) WAIF Superstars of The bankruptcy caused elders (43 Winn the Pooh Q GO The Golden Girls In steWresting from one band of Navajos living on (3) Mused Satin 0 reo Q 11)3 pm the primary oil field in San Juan Cid Hooked on Aerobics 11) China Beach In stereo (1) MissingReward 0 Atattv Canth County to allege mismanagement of co Secret of ate Snake C4) Fantasy Island the trust fund which currently Tuxedo Tennessee al) CO) Evening at Pops Ni ste(T) Victory Garden 0 amounts to about $10 million One of ik30 am reo CIA) Movie - "Superbuct' the most vocal critics has been Jean GO Captain NSuper Mario In CePS stereo 01) (1975) Robert Mat Sal &When 3 In stereo Q Melton a former resident of San BorXese (2 firs) ell Movie "High Noon Part Juan IT Wizard of Ot Q County who is now studying law 1 Pm II: The Return of Wit at the University of Utah and acts as (2) Streannide Kane" (MO) Lee Majors GD NBA Basketbd (Live) CCI) Computer Chrorictes David Carrackne campaign manager for San Juan CEI Nature hi stereo 0 - "Antonio" (1974) County Commissioner Mark Mary-bo- y Movie at Casper 7 1111 tyl Cill Today's Special who is seeking Trill Lopez Hag Larry Olt Movie - "Make Me an Omarl and the Real man a) Ghostbusters During Friday's meeting Ms Meltter (IWO) Susan Blakely 130 km Q ton questioned why the board would Patrick O'Neal OD Garrind end Friends Q Nest In stereo 0 CE Ern want to salvage any of the business30 pnt With CD Feting GM American Oronicles !Castaway es since none of them employ Utah Football (ix) (1) allege Kan stereo Q CO) Reath) Rainbow Q Navajos Streanside 'PAL 2 Pat But Dick Neztsosie executive diOD Carol and Compam (13) Zazoo U In stereo Hometime 0 rector of the Utah Navajo Developa) stereo 41 Sisace Kiddies ment Council said many Navajos GD Film Slurries 710 kni 1:1) Twin Peaks In stereo Q to save the businesses although want Newton's CU) Apple 0 CID Preview: Next Seven GD Rict Mors In Grave 30 pm there "may be a question of whether In stereo Hi Days 0 Do II for Yourseg those were worthwhile expendZoobiee Zao OD Austin City Limits In stea) OM Swam One Tv itures" Abandoning the businesses at reo Ahead Tracks al this point he said would amount to Aix - "The Return ot 1:11 College Football Mind) at Suberbur 02 BOWS World In stereo (1979) Robert "throwing the baby out with the in Comic Strt Live at Dragon Warrior Mart bath" 130 pm I km 3 pm Prior to approving the funding for CD Kid IV Play In stereo (1) Atrierican Dreamer In CD A House for Al Seasons steno more extensive audits the board Beetle! GC) Q CFI) Secret ON V Pit heard a plea from Mr Sloan for bet(I) Teenage Mutant Nell C3) Movie - "Yes Giorcao's c2J C4D CID Nevis ter cooperation from state officials Tulles 13 (1M) Luciano Pavarotti OD New Country Video In in his quest to save FNAC and its Sesame Skeet Q a) Kedtryn Harrold gem subsidiaries CR Nam et Taste It itm (13) American Gladiators (13) Tom and Jerry kids In "I guess I'm really disappointed in WIM Rich ihe Rama C14) Neon Rider stereo the attitude that's been demonstraand Famous KO Navy Log trt Inaedible thelk ted" Mr Sloan said (73 Louisiana Cookinl In st1030 NM Lain em Mr Sloan who has been running On Doctor Who CD atomics Go to the FNAC since it filed for bankruptcy trit Hablamos Espanol Movies i stereo Q Attack CS Big 4 Pm in July accused the board's lawyers 1135 11111 C4) New Kids an the Block CU Best al Nahanni Geoof shutting down the Montezuma (2) Reninglon Steele gt) Victory Garden Q graphic Creek sewing plant which employs Court (11) Attack ot the Killer TomaNight C53 Preview' Next Sevoi a) about 30 Navajos Mr Sloan said he toes In dem MO ant Caws wasn't consulted about the lawyers' e ant CID MASH GD Ada Odd and More decision to notify companies owing 11 km CD Saved by Ile ad in stComm the sewing plant money that they em Ca cri Arsenio Hag CIL French in Action shouldn't pay the debts Without CI) Bugs ?mart awl TweelY 000 Crime Of Stoppers t30 pm those accounts receivable the plant a) Mod Gourmet In stereo Gig Hennessey11115 kilt had no operating capital he said ci m a Tots Excellent 0 Adwritures "I feel bad the sewing operation is GU Movie - "Been CO) Ales Gule CO Ad of Astdey Jadtson shut down I think it could still be Darkness and the Davm" 1 pm CC Begone (1985) Elizabeth Montgoing" Mr Sloan said "Because of Memories — Theo and () Now gomery Dorothy ftF Woockyrkdirs Shop the actions that were made in the deMcGuire mand it just killed it It killed everyal Moslem Pi o In stereo CC News 1130 PAS one-tent- - 4: 16 - Approves Audit Funds By 14' W 00910131011PWFK Indian Board Saturday October 13 1990 r'' ' i'Y ': - : i'''' ': 4 : : r4 ' r' '4 1 '7 i ) 4 ' 117"' ''' - '4' ''''''' ' - i 1 —tribune Stott Photo by Jeff Allied Pete Suazo aide to Mayor Palmer De Paulis chats about anti-dru- g program with Ma- - Teens h:i' ' I ria Miera left and Bryan Lopez They at-tended pilot session at community school1 :Say':' ::Y::s((i4iiiiDiiig Progr41! By Walt Schaffer Tribune Staff Writer Some 140 junior high youngsters from four school districts took the time Friday on their day off from classes to attend Piensalo! Stay Smart! Don't Start! a conference on alcohol and drug prevention targeting Hispanic youth and their families come true "As teen-ager- s they are at the point of making some important decisions" he said "I'm impressed these kids are taking part in this meeting on their day off They are a core of good people and when they return to classes they'll rap with friends about problems of drugs and videotape messages from national political and enter tainment figures lunch and recreation were all part of the launching of the national campaign at Salt Lake The city official said people need to recognize that the Hispanic community is still a community at risk ' "We are still faced with a high student drop-ou- t rate youth gangs high numbers of youth and adults in- volved in the court systems and high on the list of those hit by AIDS Mr Suazo said conferences and programs like the one launched Friday will help get needed information on serious topics to the Hispanic community Jose Martinez executive director of IHRD urged the youngsters to "call" when you need help "We're there for you" he said Taped messages on alcohol and drugs by Dr Louis Sullivan US Secretary of Health and Human Services and Dr Antonia Novellio US Surgeon General were shown "Outreach to ethnic populations is Speakers Community High School Salt Lake City was chosen as one of 14 cities to start the program "We're excited we were picked to help start this nationwide program" said Pete Suazo Salt Lake mayor's administrative assistant and conference keynote speaker "I believe part of the reason Salt Lake was selected was due to the effective networking by the local Institute of Human Resource Development "Another factor is Salt Lake is a city not so infected with problems that we can't work to correct them" Mr Suazo told the youngsters they need to believe in themselves set goals and all their expectations will Law Officers Raid Downtown Bar In Cocaine Bust officers from seven police agencies conducted a drug bust at a downtown bar Friday night arresting 11 wanted people and suspected "street-level- " dealers Police rushed the Chances bar 917 S State at about 7:15 pm "We've had complaints from citizens for a while" said Lt Bill Shelton commander of the Metro Narcotics Strike Force" The drug sweep included officers from the strike force Salt Lake City vice and gang units Salt Lake County vice and narcotics unit the Utah Adult Parole and Probation department and the federal Immigration and Service Drug Naturalizations Enforcement Administration and Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Thirty-fiv- e Firearms A short power outage in the area reduced the number of customers in the bar during the bust but it also made the operation more difficult "We like to have light because suspects drop things when they learn it's a drug bust" said Lt Shelton Among those arrested were three illegal aliens sevesal people with pending arrest warrants and those found at the bar with drugs Officers seized several bindles of cocaine which they valued at between POO and $1000 A small semi-automat- hand- gun was seized from one suspect who will be charged with carrying a concealed weapon A revolver was found on top of the bar "The involvement of the bar itself remains under investigation" said the lieutenant If bar employees were involved in drug-dealin- g police will petition the city council to revoke the bar's license he said alcohol" one of my major priorities as Secretary since minorities experience a disproportionate share of health problems which can be attributedin part to using drugs including alcosaid Secretary Sullivan "That is why the Piensalot think about it campaign is so important We are all affected by these problems" "Stand and Deliver" a movie with starring Edward James Olmos who also played a leading role in Miami Vice was shown to the students Youngsters attending the confer ence were also given specially and booklets with ! - printI-alcoh- ol from various drug messages celebrities conference hosted The day-lon- g of local CII by IHRD and a long-lis- t sponsors was designed to bring together Hispanic youngsters from some 20 Utah junior high schools The youths were out of regular school classes because of the state wide Utah Education Association conference IHRD is a organization set up to strengthen Hispanic families The organization' administers 12 programs and helps " over 700 families non-prof- it a Plan to Buy Creeper Derail As Owners Nix State's Offer t t By Sonni Schwinn Tribune Correspondent HEBER CITY — The owners of the Heber Creeper turned down the Utah Department of Transportation's $11 million offer to buy the historic steam railroad Clark Ashton general manager of ' New London Railroad and Village Inc which owns the train said the company negotiated last February to sell the terminal grounds and rolling stock assets to the state for the appraised value of $1269000 "The state has basically changed its position and desires to acquire the entire business which includes all of our inventories all of our food and beverages all of our vehicles tools and equipment at the same price we were agreeing to sell our appraised assets for" Ashton explained "We hand them the keys and we walk out" But he said the company's accountants and lawyers said if the company were to agree to the $1130150 offer it "would essentially be broke" New London is offering the following alternatives for UDOT to consider: — New London would sell the terminal grounds structures rolling stock and equipment for $1269000 — New London would sell the entire company from the grounds to good will and business records for $1450000 plus the state would agree to waive $109000 in lease payments claimed due — The state would fund a rehabilitation program for the railroad right of way which is owned by the state and install all the ties purchased with state funds last year a new lease agreement between New London and the state for the right of way would begin at $10 per year increasing to 5 percent on gross ticket fares when there are 100001 passengers annually (60000 passengers during the past year) less the percentage for sales tax New London would pay sales tax on fares and the state would not increase property taxes The total cost to the state would be between $250000 and $300000 Ashton said the company would prefer the third option He said the company's desire never was to sell everything to the state of Utah but-ha- s always been to change the leases: under which it operates and to im-- : prove the track He said if UDOT will agree to any of the alternatives the deal can be closed in a week or 10 days The bill passed by the Legislature' during its 1990 session appropriated $16 million "to purchase the terminal grounds and appurtenances together with various items of railroad rolling stock and artifacts" At least' $329850 is to be used for improvements and maintenance That leaves $1270150 for the grounds equipment and artifacts Before the bill was introduced' Lowe Ashton president of New Lon-- : don wrote a letter to Sen Alerik Myrin (rep) who authored the bill: saying he would sell the grounds: real estate and structures for the state appraised price of $561000 although his private appraiser set the value at $112 million He also agreed to sell the rolling stock and equipment for $75000 He further agreed to a deduction I of $46000 to settle the current sales tax dispute with the state and up to $40000 for state lease fees due With the dedugAshton would have accepted - $1310140 UDOT's offer adds $300000 to : $400000 worth of inventory to what New London had agreed to but for : the same sale price Clark said He said he draft offer also mea- unacceptable sures" "We basically indemnify (the state) for time and eternity" be ex- plained If no agreement can be reached New London would "liquidate the assets of the train and move them out of the state of Utah" he said City OKs Rezoning Despite Neighborhood Objections By Russell Weeks Tribune Staff Writer The Salt Lake City Council unanimously approved rezoning three areas near Ensign Peak on Thursday opening the way for developers to add up to 155 homes north of Capitol Hill Mayor Palmer DePaulis also said he will proceed with a land trade that city officials contend would give developers enough land to go ahead with the project while preserving Ensign Peak Nevertheless the mayor had to defend his position before neighborhood activists notably Hermoine Jes who told him after Thursday's public hearing on the rezoning and land trade that he had achieved nothing in his effort to protect the peak The bearings were another step in Ensign Downs Inc's plans to build 155 homes between Capitol Hill and the Ensign Peak The city Planning Commission approved changing the 1981 master plan in August to allow for construction if the City Council OK'd the rezoning The commission still must approve land plats and address other issues as the project develops homes will be built in Eighty-tw- o existing neighborhoods or areas targeted for development near the neighborhoods But Ensign Downs Inc also intends to build 73 homes in planned unit developments The company sought to rezone sections of an area at the end of East Capitol Boulevard west of Ensign Peak and south of Dorchester Drive to build the three planned develop ments Previously the areas were zoned for single-famil- y dwellings The council's action Thursday could allow Ensign Downs Inc to cluster housing in the three areas But the master plan OK'd by the Planning Commission requires Ensign Downs homes Inc to build single-famil- y said William Wright deputy planning director The major advantages to the Mr planned unit developments Wright said are streets don't have to meet city standards and Ensign Downs Inc must build them the city needs only to provide police and fire service and access to the foothills by d vehicles will be cut off Moreover the city's land trade with the company will add 66 acres to the nine acres the city owns on Ensign Peak The city also owns land off-roa- next to the land it will acquire so the entire package can be used as a e nature park with roughly trails for hiking and bicycling Preserving Ensign Peak was the central policy aim of the trade Mayor DePauhs said But none of that kept a majority of people at the meeting! from criticizing the rezoning and the land trade Several speakers decried Ensign Downs Inc's plan to erect a gate across East Capitol Boulevard near the planned development there They said the gate would divide the neighborhood by creating an enclave of people who had no real stake in the entire area's future "The idea of community doesn't' mean someplace where you wall yourself off from your neighbor'' Ensign Downs resident James West said 150-acr- p 1 1 |