Show resignation of strong man of russia said to be in the czars hands n moderate circles the fall of count witte at the present time would be regarded as a catastrophe bt petersburg since the sitting of the council of the empire march 19 at which premier witte made an enig statement which was inter prated by many members of the coun as a virtual declaration that his ca reer as breimer was ended and that be would be succeeded by privy caun allor former minister of finance the premier has not attended the session of the council and his con linued absence adds color to the ru mors ot his retirement at an earl flate it Is positively asserted that the premiers resignation based on the grounds of ill health is before the em geror this however is riot admitted at the premier s chancellors chanc ellory the gen eral belief in high quarters Is that it count witte retires it will not be M but M Gorem former minister of the interior or general count ignatieff leader of the reaction ary party who will succeed him the combination of the reactionaries is un der stood to be M Gorem tor pre mier and general Ignat iett tor minis ter of the interior in moderate cir cles the fall of count witte at the present juncture would be regarded as a catastrophe |