Show NOTICE HORTH DITCH GO CO notice is 13 hereby given that a special meeting ot of the stockholders ot of the north ditch company one of 0 the ca dal belonging to the huntington cinal and arid Reservoir association will be held IQ in the co op ball 10 huntington em in cry er county utah on monday the 2nd day of 0 april 1800 at the hour of I 1 0 clock p in said meeting will be held heldor for the pur pose ot of rone cons dering a proposition to ex tend the te to of 0 the north dita from its present location for a distance of about t two 0 m miles ile s moro or lese or to a point that may way be decided up dpn in at said meet meeting rig it I 1 is s nr iviry that a t ano 0 thirds vote of the S tit LU i i said canal be voted in favor of 0 the change to make the exten a 8 on and under such conditions aa as the s w kiy decide by order of 0 the canal trustees trust pes J W V BRASHER chairman W A JR Secret secretary arv dated hur Hurt burtington ington march 17 1006 |