Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS v MO i a domce I 1 3 LAKE CITY utah jan J an 8 ekx bricf IS N 1 C I 1 omon omen post c anee address la Is ferron emery cou con ity utah I 1 as a made application I 1 i I 1 li I 1 accor accordance dAnco with the Ir Ire emente ments of chapter i laws of utah 1103 to appropriate nix six 6 ible feet per 8 second cond of of water flowing in perron ferron cr je per branch ranch of on ort n iziver alln almer county utah I 1 art of bald water will be diverted by an ditch known as its the I 1 empi i ditch at a pol pot t which bear bears north 8 degrees 12 ruin uto utes west ost 2181 2184 3 feet from front the tile dutli q i trier i rf c f sweetlon 8 township Towne hip 20 so ill rix ibe eabe b it lako baso ana rine ridi tu a d the ren ni 1 dor der will be diverted b bs an all el exi t ng a dit h ki 0 vii as the tho ell king aig ditch at a splint wl wile id a beairs north 48 degrees aj I 1 ill it utes vest 2300 2390 4 fret f orn the above de scribed cori r from which point points it will bo be coave convened ed 9 all and d fly io feet respectively ant an 1 there nom april to october it 11 ol 01 bealh or to in Iril gat a res of 1 lan an I 1 embrace I 1 alln in sections section 8 ship 0 souta flangel its salt I 1 ako baab and meridian A 11 p orests against tl III e frantini Krant gr antini lne of 0 bald a application stating the reasons mastbe must be aadot affidavit in duplicate a 1 in this office within thirty JO A da a after t tl I 1 e completion of the publication t this notice laloli lall K state engi leer 7 date of drat ft rat publication tob kob ard dato date of completion of auw |