Show morgn or a n of accent anc ent saying say ng A popular explanation of the drigin 0 f the express on ever thing Is lovely and the goose bangs hangs high Is this that it comes from the south ern country ani an known knon as goose pull ng A goose its neck carefully gluckel 1 and veil greased was hung by its tee fee to a branch of a tree the men bould ride past at a gallop flying to catch it by the neck and pt pill 11 its hea heal I 1 off the better the goose was in doag ng the greater the fun when the goose hung high so that the con pet ors had 0 stand in their stirrups to grasp it the joy was grea est another suggested origin 1 is that it defers to the fac that wild geese fly I 1 sh gh in clear weather this ey would change hangs to honks |