Show cured her rheumatism deep valley pa oct ad special there Is deep interest in green county over the cure of the little daughter of I 1 N of rheama cism she was a great sufferer tor for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried dodd dodds kidney pills she began to improve almost at once and now she Is s cured and can run and play as other children do mr says I 1 am indeed thankful tor for what dodd a kidney pills have done tor for my daughter they saved her from being a cripple perhaps for life dodd s kidney pills have proved that rheumatism is one of the results requite of or diseased kidneys rheumatism Is caused by uric acid in the blood it the kidneys are right there can be nc nol uric acid in the blood and conse quentin no rheumatism dodd dodds s kid ney pills make the kidneys right BABY ONE SOLID SORE could not shut eyes to sleep spent on doctors baby grew worse cured by Cuti cura for 5 A scab formed on my baby s face spreading until it completely covered her from head to foot followed by bolls having forty on her head at one time and more on her body then her skin started to dry up and it be came so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep one month s treatment with Cuti cura soap and ointment made a complete cure doctors and medicines had cost over with baby growing worse then we spent less than 5 for Cuti cura and cured her signed mrs G H tucker jr greenfield ae cilwa milwaukee akee WIs NOTICED IT A young lady from new berv put her wits to work coffee gave me terrible 5 of moll which coming on every week or so made lav inv life wretched until antil some one told me that the coffee I 1 drank was to blame that seemed nonsense lon ion sense but I 1 noticed these attacks ased to come on shortly alter atter eating and were accompanied by such ex cruc lating pains in the pit of the stomach that I 1 could only find and re ilef by loosening my clothing and lying down if circumstances made it imps sible for me to lie down I 1 spent hours in great misery I 1 refused to really believe it was the coffee until finally T v thought a trial wold at least do no harm so I 1 quit coffee in 1901 and began on pos turn my troubles left entirely and convinced me of the cause brought no discomfort nor did indigestion follow its use I 1 have had no return of the trouble since I 1 began to drink it has built me up restored ml m health and given me a new interest in life it Is a joy to be well again name given by co battle creek mich read the little book the road to Tell mellville ville in each SAYS AMERICANS ARE LF ARNING LEARNING HOW TO EAT in america eating Is becoming more of a fine art as well as a pastime and accomplishment every day americans are learning how to eat they have passed the stage of civilization where anything and eve every ry thing will go and are becoming par ocular eaters nothing but the white heart of the wheat berry pillsbury a vitos is NOW good enough tor for those who have tried this cereal breakfast food it Is the most economical and it Is actually the meat of the wheat sterilized nothing added nothing taken away pure white in color it serves an ap pet peptizing izing breakfast dish made in the greatest mills of the best wheat and by the oldest miller PILLSBURY ahn Is your guarantee put up only in two mounil airtight packages look tor for the words meat of the wheat A package will make you twelve pounds of substantial family food and can be purchased at your grocers tor for ask him today he ile will gladly fill your order because he knows he sells you satis fac tion here Is rel ef for wo women men mother gray a nurse in new york dis covered a plea pleasant gant herb remedy for women a 5 ills called australian LEAF it Is the only certain monthly regulator cure cures female weaknesses backache kidney and urinary troubles at all druggists or by sample mailed FREE address the mother gray co leroy N Y LOSS OF APPETITE f I 1 i i cold sweats twitching nerve nerves and weakness cured by dr williams pink pills nature punishes every infraction of her laws and careless habits babits easily lead to the condition described by mr wil liam hain browne of no 1019 lincoln street st joseph mo mr browne is an ex pert tinner in the employ of the national 4 biscuit co lie ile gives the following ac count of a trying elpe lence in the spring of 1902 he saye says while I 1 was regularly working at ray my trade I 1 grew somewhat careless in my habit eating and drinking and finally found that my iny appetite was fickle a bad taste lingered in III my month mouth my lily nerves twitched and were beyond my control my kidneys were out of order and cold sweats would break out over my anybody body at odd times perhaps while I 1 stood talk ing with some one this trembling of the limbs and prof profuse use sweating and a severe chill would awe me I 1 became alarmed at my conation and having read an all endorsement of dr williams pink pills I 1 got a box and began begau to use them they helped me at once after I 1 had used one box the twitching of the z nerves i er ve s t the h e tr trouble 0 u b 1 e w with i t h ade the st stomach omac h a and n d t the he c cold 0 ld s sweats w e a t s stopped 0 p pe an and d have v e not reappeared and my appetite is good I 1 have told all my friends that dr wil hams liams pink pills cured me lile and I 1 recommend them to everybody dr williams pink pills cured mr browne because no nothing thing can strengthen the nerves except good rich red blood and dr williams pink pills actually make new blood chev don t act on the bowels they don t bother with mere symptoms they drive from the blood the cause of an anaemia vernia indigestion ner tons disorders general w weakness and the troubles of growing girls and women the pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or harmful drugs coldby sold by all drug druggists gisto or by the dr william williams medicine company schenectady N Y TEA I 1 wasn gasn t it dread dreadful full yes I 1 i 4 did she know it 4 probably not it tasting TEA tea is a whole oc P cu pation coffee another the taster picks out your tea and puts the price on it la in every package oc of baul ing a best tea tos ir it 0 booklet how now to make good tom DON T A large 2 oz 02 package cited crosa ball blue call 5 cents the russ company south bend I 1 ina do it now it if you are about to make a trip any where let me know pleased to bivil you ion full information as to low rates plenty of em this summer train ser vice etc the santa fe trade mark Is the sign of safety speed and ease geni abt A T S F ry ity salt lake city utah TEA q what is the tea mood I 1 Is there a tea mood 0 A contemplative mood would a little hur hurta t I 1 write for our knowledge book A ach ling jr a company sun ban franc frane cco mo piso 9 cure tor for consumption la Is an infallible medicine tor for coughs and colds X W samuer ocean grove N J reb 17 1000 4 there s TEA p plenty lenty of money to smooth the little difficulties that happen they do happen tour grocer return returns your money it if you don t like alk achl ling unit a beat best TEA b isn t it queer that solomon didn dian t know tea I 1 |