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Show MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH THE MAGNA Publishtd The TIMES By pAGE TV.n Friday, June 9, 1939 Joe White entertained on Mrs. Amelia Sadler of Magna Hus berg and Wednesday for the members of and Mrs. Andrew and Paul of Salt Joan JustMrs. children, Club. the 10 in Peay was a special guest. The Lake City are leaving June lor GARFIELD NEWS Copper Printing Company Edith N. Ridge, Editor R. Howard Ridge, Publisher Published Since 1916 Issued Each Friday morning at Magna, Utah Entered as second class mail matter under the act of March 3rd, 1879 at Magna, Utah Just-A-Me- F. S. Rasmussen, Mrs. A. vV" ell and Mrs. Keith Richards ' MAGNA NOTES Mrs. re Mr. Ernest Paulos is The members of the Finesse" card prizes were won by Mrs. the worlds fair at San Francisco. Club met for a lovely luncheon at d .Bowing anS2 Mrs. Husberg will be remembered the home of Mrs. Clyde Konold gency Watkins. operation for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton an Peay" and Mrs. Devviy as Miss Fay Sadler. apIndicui, on last Thursday afternoon. The last Friday. nounce the engagement of their Mrs. were won by bridge prizes niece, Miss Olive'Dalton to Marvin Miss Orpha Harvey and Miss Mrs. Curtis Dawes entertained Justin Peay, Mrs. L. L. Pullum Harding, son of Mrs. Emily Hard- Lorna MiUer will leave on Saturtertained at a dinner company, on his return from a trip ing and the late Arthur Harding day for a two weeks vacation to members of the Pythian Sister and Mrs. R. C. Parks. i to Washington, D. C. It is gener- of Magna. Monday evening at their Ln California cities. They plan to in- Lodge and their husbands Friday Mrs. George Flandro, formerly Third East .trM" Cov"t The young couple plan to be clude the San Francisco Exposi- i toning after lodge meetihg. Card ally behoved in Washington, he Hannah Spence, was the hon- laid for Mr. and sa idthat the tax will be extended married g June 24. Parties Mrs. Roy tion in their trip. games were played and high score Miss jjil for another year. Niel- - ored guest "at a party given on sen. Mr. A. the nuptial announcement, Mr a prizes given to Mrs. Jack During-hi- s Monday evening at the home of visit to the capitol, are being planned-fo- r MissDal-to- n son- ami Mr,- Mr.- - and Mrs. p u K. Mrs. in Lake Mrs. was Salt Mr. Moffat testified before the Brim McDcrmaul Blenda Cify. Simpson, Mr. and by friends in Garfield and hostess to the ladies of the Sersenate committee on... education Magna. ndMr. and Mm KennrSg Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown of and labor in favor of amendments vice Society of the Garfield Epis- Hazelton, Idaho visited with Mrs. At the Friday afternoon Bridge aker. 10 Wagner act. Extension of the excise Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McFadden copal church on la'-- t TmnMa af- Browns aunt, Mrs. William Gal- party sponsored by the Magna Women's Club, Mrs. J. S. Powell From Washington, Mr. Moffat and daughter, Georgiana of Ely, ternoon. Luncheon v. s si n d to lagher last week. tax on copper imports, w hich ex-- 1 The members of the J0nv won the high score card prize and chers pires June 30, was predicted by D. went to New York City, where he Nevada, are guests at the home fourteen guests. Sewing Club entertained i D. Moffat, vice president and gen- - conferred with executives of Ken-er- of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin. Mr and Mrs. Roy F. Tygesen Mrs. C. J. McFadden of Ely, Nev- a luncheon on Monday at iK. -of ada Utah won the second. manager Copper nccott Copper corporation. home of Mrs, Orem Stewart Mrs. D. L. Under.v md and son and tw o children and Mr. A. Tyge-so- n w last home week after returned Eve-lyoring Mrs. Miss Olive Hansen was hostess George Underwood and with friends and a visit presenthda3r Twelve a pleasant Pullum have n tumul from guests were to the members of the Hearthside Mrs. Newell Wood, Mrs. Nina Rich-f- u Club at supper at her home last weeks trip to Los Angilis. Cali- itlatives in Spanish Fork, Mrs. Jay McCallister, Robinson, Id and Elsinore, Utah. FIFTH Mrs. Elvin Jenkins, Mrs. Parley Friday evening Bridge followed fornia. Enroute homo thi visited Los at .aid Nevada Vegas, First prize was won by Mrs. Edith Brjce Mrs. Keith Richards, McCleve, Mr and Mrs II A McMaster CODE CODE Mrs. Carl Dallin, Mrs 'Ellis John- SALT LAKE & TOOELF , Breeze, second prize by Miss Ren Canyon. ' iclatives in Richfield over Orton and consolation by Mrs. son, Mrs. Ruth Weaver and Mis. i STAGE LINES eolation Day HO. Thelma Singleton Mrs Verl Perkins entertained at a Ruby Mr and Mrs. A. V Duckworth . . be will the next hostess of Cushing party honoring Passengers and Magna and Mr and Mr and Mrs D J Thompson Ibid to the club. Express Mrs. Emma Lou Erickson on last Salt Damron of Garfieki rctur id SunLake Depot nd familv spent four davs visit-- 1 Magna Deptf Mrs. at Eric afternoon Thursday from a motm trip to ig tin nds and relatives in Duch-- i Union Bus. Mr. and Mrs Jessie FloytTare day sons new home on 14th East 77 W. S. Sta. Rasmussen Gann California. While th re they visitstu county last week Temple Phone Gar 111 the receiving congratulations upon street in Salt Lake City A one ed the San Franci.xeo Fair and moTIME TABLE arrival of a baby son born to o'clock was luncheon served and tored down thecoi-- t to Los An- TOR SALE-- - Bassinet m good them recently. Leave Mapu geles where they u- - tid v ith C condition S e Hattie Hainsworth, jfive hundred played. The honored Leaves Salt Lake 7:00 a. m. was a with L. Duckworth and Lund t (guest 9:46 a. a. presented lovely .011 Center Street, Magna 11:00 a. m. gift for her new home. residents of Magn.i 1;4 P. m, 4:00 p. m. 6:40 p. a, Thomas It Joni s of Rack Springs Mrs Millie Beath entertained at 5:00 p. m. 7:40 p,n Wvumn g, visited his mother, Mrs. 9:00 n. m. l on luncheo afternoon 11:10 Wednesday pb Marg.mt Jones and other rela- for Mrs A. N. Fredrickson, Mrs. tives in Magna Wednesday. Iiuiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiuiiiii,,,,,,,,, Announcement is t idt t p t u Mis J A Monsen returned v annual party of th V A will m Mt Pleasant where she iiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiii..,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii,l,IIItIi fn be held Thursday, Ji, m in S nt Lake City. A spurn! Sal! I.aw i.il M.nau.al Day and visited 1 I WEEKTooele bus will In m n.m fm it a nds and ri latnis women at the B A (. R u at Mis ILrrv Ini son and daugh-- t BAY 45 a m. for m r g m ICE CREAM, qt. . .4fc I that vicinity. Men tuts lu n K sM.s'Bitti' Larson of lavs An-- E Pack Ice Cream, at 25c I former well California, Magna w ill be piei u! i p m, i i.nn ow a Our were Magna lesidenK, Try Slierberts, 30c quart, for hot weather street. eiii sts on Widnt silav at the home treats E Summer Hard in Dalton -- D.D. MOFFAT v , SEES EXCISE TAX EXTENSION hon-orin- Max-Jense- n, er. jfc TyK. ( . al M.-.- n I pint no. 447 '.ri 446 house-warmin- Mi-- fkn g , ten-da- v i ini-ru- MACNA NOTES Fn-da- 11 01R SPECIAL THIS 1 1 vv ANA-PiNEAPPL- i i Frank Mrs W haby daughter at a Salt Lake returned to their h 23 GEORGE SHUV COOK Incoming Ileshlent of The First Chuich of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, .Massachusetts. 1 HIRAM WALKER & SONS, PEORIA, ILLINOIS ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m m i: 1 1 1 1 Right or Wrong? Mr and Mrs. Mailmi Taipei f have returned from a hum pm n Mis F S Rasmussen entertrip to California ai d an at lion i tain d at ;i drimr party on Sunto their friends in i nale Wl Mis Tuio il ty for Mi , nd Mrs S Simonson in California, Mr a O dt n at d Mis Martina Peter-- s in visited Burbank end ime i v other places of 1 1 1 1 1 1 m inti n st n 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 i m ;; 1 1 ; are you? ParcoOij or Clear and Golden Oil Permanents, i E 7 ReguIar$3.00, now Duart Oil or Clear and Lois Fair, Regular $4.00, I. To place station-to-statio- j Phone Mur. E 2a 512-R- in d.iughti r. with tie ir il' mi Wilde and familv A Mystery BUT A Fact! rl i M..v 2f'th It a i d Mrs R C SHOP Miss Bernice Anthon, operator I 't Insurance for Less E. J. Gardner Local Agent 1. SLLECTIVE RISKS 2. LOW SALES COST Pone 3. IJMITED EXPENSE 4. COOPERATIVE PLAN - 11 inter- - Foilr Reasons : Parks spent vvnkend visiting in Logan U ty ingivid fishing in Logan fin Kundav Miss Harriot ,nd Rngir Paiks ri tinned home1 with th, m having fmished the1 si ho, vi nr at the U S A C. at1 On in t Tuesday Logan Roger " a i e for Fort Funston at S; n Franiisio California fofsixweik ti iinni with the Reserve Office s E Tout, mg corps Rog r has hem active m Military circles i n thi Logan college campus th, is Seiis Farmers Automobile ar 97J Aduuntg Saving to Careful Drivers J. Rex Hamilton, Agent 4963 South State Street Phone Murray 165 LEARN TO PLAY ACCORDION THIS EASY WAY H The average time for making long distance telephone connections is 3 minutes. RICHTQ WRONCQ NOT n iting I Riiiiiiiiimmtiiiimiiiiiimmiiiiiriiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimmm 2. Faitsvvorth Th, nn mbi is nl the M & II club dli.i t.ij.'u d ,ai ,i .liimhi'uii n isn la n di.s sbai.vir honoring Mis Stanii Longfi it at the home t M's Maigaut Ckmrmnt on 40c Hunter, Utah -l A2EESHS-- ' -- " $1.25 Y ki nd - . . MARSHALLS BARBER-BEAUT- V. . hir sdav aftirnoon The sts n c li (li d Mrs Gi oi gm Pi Mis Ardi th Ashton. Mrs Ce-- i lia Rogus, Mrs lb len Poulson Mis M me Jones and the honored east Th, mariiage of Miss Ilard- m aMi Lnngfilt t(,ok place . Contoure Facials 1 n calls to other towns it is necessary to know the out - of - town telephone number. RICHTO WRONG :mmiiiiimiiiimii!i!imiiimmiiiiiimiimi,,mjj p k ....... Eugene Permanents, Reg. $6.00, now Zeno Machineless, Reg. $6.50, now . il. ( t 53 00 5 Revelon Manicure E ot Mavwoud California i : SHOP SPECIALS! Yucca Oil, reg. $5.00, now E Ilium PETERSONS i now How good a gucsser Consult Us For Your Party Needs Yi ii d Mis Giii, P racr of E ml Fa t.stnit ar i iijo mg a ip to tiu Sail Piancisco World's in Exposition i 77777.7 7. .$2.00 1 E parties Jack Nu Ison W 1 1 1 I BEAUTY S a i1 in M E Frcter '1 Mm v wl - m j The answers are shown lie low and here is the answer for tjuiek, satisfactory communication. hen you want to reach someone in another nown, for business or social purposes, telephone! It not only takes your voice to the person ou want to reach hut brings hack an immediate spoken reply. The operator will he glad to tell you any co oc w 3 O JD TC Xu 4 oc m in CkO D 5 - O A) . cl 3 m c S t; Tl 1 C g 4) C 5 o T) C z v o 3 o--- 3 O O Z 2 - c oc O fO 3 S DC 1 0) o . o v L. Ql c d 0) 0) 8 Si ! PARENTS! KEEP YOUR CHILDREN OF F THE STREETS THIS SUMMER! Give Them an in our 2O xc li - hJ DC no 3 s - opportunity 0) - Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. 1 5-W- eek We furnish a beautiful accord! PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 5" frm ' : l 6: Wedn!!day' 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,ii,iiiiIIIIimil(llllIlll(IIIIIljlIIIIII,iiiii Iw r |