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Show r ed for pjj. erxity bitur The Complete Home Newspaper re. foasant trij, she vttitej Glenn T A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION FNTY-FQURTHYE- iruce. Killed lu Motor Crash : Man Local Students PlansDrawn Graduate From COMMISSIONERS For Legion University men were Two Mt Pleasant afthurled to their deaths Monday of a father a one Magna ernoon, their . light truck jan, when on the Moroni-y- t jtnick ldhSe gravel Pleasant highway, plunged and overtover an embankment ver. Read It in The Times or Leader MagnaUtaK Friday, June 9, 1 939 SEWER GROUP MEETS WITH Father of Magna -- Number GARDEN CLUB LAD FALLS TO HOLD SOCIAL 120 FEET AT MONDAY EVE GARFIELD Plans Progress For Elaborate July 4 Festivity A special committee of the MagThe following local Tuesna Civic Improvement The regular semi-annuCompany day received degreespeople Robert Brewster, Under the able general chair party from the the representing of the Magna Flower Garden dub boy, was reported in only Magna sewer University of Utah: of deputy sheriff P. A manship proposal, met Wednesday mornwill be held next Monday even- condition Wednesday from Bachelor of Science with indication points to Hanks, every Diploing, 11:00 a. m. with the Salt Lake ma in ing at the Recreation building in juries received when he lost his one of the biggest and most elabElementary Hul-d- a Education: Definite plans are being com- the Utah Copper county commissioners and defin-itel- y H. Ahlquist, Community footing on a slippery piece of shale orate celebrations ever conducted Garfield. pleted for the entertainment of Park. All members and found out that the county others in- rock and hurtled 120 feet down in Magna for Magna and Garfield Bachelor of Science with high Legionairres and their' ladies of terested are invited to will maintain and operate the school urned. attend, a steep mountain slope west of citizens on Independence Day. certificate: Lois Evelyn District No. 3, American Legion states Mrs. William Gallagher, Garfield Sunday afternoon. Peter August Lindberg, 75 and sewer after it is installed. The Schultz. posts and Auxiliaries .comprising president. The General Committee met Carl Frederick Kolstrom Jr., 59, committee is composed of George School of Arts, Science BacheThe boy, son of Mr.1 and Mrs. last Friday at the Firemens Hall Bandy.Murray, Binghartv Union on the refreshment thrown from the car as it Smith,. Claire Huffaker, B. E. Mix, lor of Science: Grace Serving ityere ' Matilda Den- Coalville, Park City, Heber City, committee are L. R. Brewster of Salt Lake City, for their regular meetlng and dis- and Howard Ridge. Mrs. areened out of control Mr. Kol-atroDorothy was found two hours ton; Annie Eileen Taylor. Grantsville, after the ac- cussed the many and varied asJorSalt Tooele, A meeting of the Board of DiLake, was dead by the time Smith, Mrs Mary E. Nielson and Bachelor of Science in Metal- dan, Midvale, and Edith Cavelle Mrs Ezra Day. Mrs. Agnes Wil- cident by members of a searching pects to celebrate and observe the reached his body. Mr. rectors of the company consisting lurgical A Engineering: Joe S. Ya- in Magna by Cyprus post No. 38 liams is party organized by deputy sher- day. program chairman. Lindberg lived five minutes. Both of E, J. Gardner, J. V. Philpot, W. mamoto, Garfield. W. and iff was named J. Broderick Matt Reynolds. A program will be presented Auxiliary next Saturday, B. Boucher, Jimmy Duke, Verl offered broken necks and fractSocial Work: Bernice S. Matz. June 17, announces lad committee. The the of down chairman A. the sports plunged and Harry refreshments served. ured skulls. Mr. Lindberg was the Haws, Claire Huffaker, C. R. Naywill include 2 p. m. while he mountainside local commander of the of the at Events Adams, day of of lor, George Smith, Frank Pehrson, Rudolph Lindberg father Post and Mrs. ,Agnes Williams, and his cousin, Robert a parade, sports contests, comB. E. Mix and Howard Ridge was Magna. head of the Auxiliary. were hiking in the Gar- petitive events including many Delaney inin the held Tire marks gravel Monday evening at the Utah field hills. All Legion men and ladies are types of races, baseball game, dicated the car ran along the Copper Club. to his softball and dance. There will alasked to register at the Utah Coprushed Young Delaney 151 road for of Mr. George Haley, county surfeet ahoulder jibe aid, but was unable to move him so be many amusement devices per Community Park, 12:30 noon. before rolling down a seven-foveyor, reported to Mr. Mix, chairand then set out for help. It was to delight the heart of every child, A business session will be held It overturned once, man, Wednesday, that the county1 embankment some time before the boy could for the committee plans to make Maryette Rich Waldron of Mor- at the Utah Copper Club at 2:30 commissioners had agreed to oper- gan, Utah, 76, widow righting itself. locate his cousin. He was located this primarily a day for the enof Joseph a Drum Corps demonstration at The accident occurred about a ate and maintain the sewer after T. at 4 p. m. by Joe Hawkins and joyment and pleasure of children. Waldron, died Monday after- the park, 4:30, followed by a dinit was completed. Mr. Harold Wal- noon at the home of a mile and a half east of Moroni. Dr. Philo T. Farnsworth, assist- Neldon Bezzant of Garfield and The general, committee and daughter, ner at 5:30 p. nv at the park. The two men had gone to Moroni lace, county attorney, was instrucMrs. J. K. Hillman of Logan, after ant superintendent of Granite found lying prone between two members hope by their efforts to A trip will be taken through school district since last fall and large rocks. in connection with Mr. Kolstroms ted by the commissioners to write a brief illness. She was the mother provide such a full, complete day the Utah Copper Company mills for 12 the Sewer Comrfiittee a formal of Ernest Waldron of Garfield. to plans to build a house, his relatof entertaining-somethi- ng years an employe of the By means of a stretcher, the and Garfield plint of the Ameri- district, was named as its ives said. all at will agreement on same. everyone-thstay please super- boy was removed to Garfield, can Smelting and Refining Com- intendent Mr. Lindberg was known as a County commissioners had re- - A daughter of Thomas and Tuesday night at a placed in a Utah Copper company at home to celebrate a "sane and Pack rctta Mrs. of artiibos, maker Waldron pany, followed by a parade on meeting of the board of trustees. Rich, builder, gardenthat the following letter safe Fourth of July. ambulance and rushed to the hosbe published in orJer that tax was bom December 10, 1861 at Magna Mainst,sect at 7:30 p. m. Dr. Farnsworth succeeds Dr. pital Bom in Sweden September 13, payers and property owners here Richville, the first white girl to of the Drum idtps from Murray, Friends will be happy to learn Mr. and Mrs. Brewster, Mrs. DeS. Smith on July 1. He was Calvin be born in Ihe that and Salt local Lake 1863, he came to Utah in 1893. the condition of Mrs. M. J. that group. community. condimight fully understand all two-yetwo term. laney and boys had been visit- Brady, who was operated on MonMrs. Waldron was active in L. The concluding feature will be hired for a Surviving are a daughter, four tions whereby the sewer will be Horace A. Sorensen, president of ing with another son of the Brewinstalled if water conditions were D. S. church and social work. She a dance at the Copper park, 9:00 the ions, two grandchildren and a sistday at St Marks hospital is very board, said it was planned to sters, L. Brewster of Garfield, ac- good. A was m. times to several er. open tlje public. president of p. speedy recovery is wished satisfactory (perfectly satisfactory the Mr. Adams and Mrs. Williams eliminate the office of assistant cording to deputy sheriff for her. Morgan L. D. S. Relief society. according to the Public Service She taught school while her hus- believes that this will be one of superintendent, now Jieldi by Dr. Commission). band filled a mission to New Zea- the biggest and best district con- Farnsworth. land for the L. D. S. church. He ventions ever held, attracting over Gentlemen: J. V. Bolinder, only member of Relative to your request that died in 1934. three hundred to Magna. Local the board to support Dr. Smith SCHOOL the Board of County CommissionSurviving are five sons and four merchants will cooperate and dis- during the controversy which culers sponsor a W. P. A. project for daughters. play placards welcoming visit- minated in the five-ma- n boards sewer improvements at the uninMUSIC Sympathy is extended to the be- ing Legionaires tb the town. refusal to renew his contract, call- Softball Hendrickson vs. Harry Powell; SOFTBALL SCHEDULE An Auxiliary meeting will be ed for a vote of thanks to the vetcorporated town of Magna, Salt reaved family. Earl Clegg, bye; H. Dalton vs. held at the Utah Copper Club at eran educator for the work accom- Next Week's Schedules Lake County, the Board of ComJack Johnson. A wonderful June 12; Valentine Appliance vs. 2:00 p. m. District president Violet opportunity is off- missioners beg to advise you, that Lower bracket: Grant Wilkin plished during his 10 years serered the people of Magna and the Board at a special meeting Lindbeck will preside. Many dis- vice as superintendent of the dis- Firemen, 5:45; Eureka Vacuum vs. vs. Curly Sandall; Max Wimmer Woolfendens, 7:00; Garfield vs. vs. Harry Quayle; A. C. Ensign surrounding territory to have the called for that purpose has continguished guests are expected to trict. The vote was unanimous. Utah Copper Club, 8:00; Hunter vs. Rue Packard; J. W. Ridd, attend. Progressive School of Music, Salt sidered the matter of such imbye; The vs. Douglas-BurkDr. Smith commented: 9:00. Lakes finest musical academy, provement in your section of the The dinner at the park will be Paul Garside vs. Jerry Dunn; Jay as a choice wise e made as 15: Douglas-Burkvs. board start a branch here. June Counserved by the Auxiliary with Mrs. County; and that Salt Lake Richardson, bye; Keith Barton vs. No home is Lillian Haws, chairwoman; Ivy possible in hiring Dr. Farnsworth Firemen, 5:00; Valentine Appli- Bill Larson and Joe Lewis, bye. complete without ty has no money wherewith to the ance vs. Garfield, 6:00; Copperet-te- s music and anyone The first round will be from Burris and Anrabelle Gormley in for the position. I hope that wishing to stu- make such improvement, or to under his addistrict vs. White Star, 7:00; Hunter June 6 to 15. Second rount,-45- 4 progresses dy the accordion will now have such in of and Laura improvement. charge participate registration The annual June conference of more than it vs. Woolfendens, 8:00; Utah CopSorenson MMH&gnes- Williams on ministration even 0 23, 24 to 26, 27 and 28 and opportunity without investing However, in the event that the the L. D. S. has progressed in the past" church M. I. A. and the . , per Club rs. Eureka Vacuum, B.OO. fbr finals.-- ' any money in the instrument committee. citizens of Magna desire that im- Relief reception inA great deal of commendable will held in be Society Salt Lake's finest instructors The committees for the Legion The board ruled against em- terest is shown each provement, the county of Salt Salt Lake Monday and will come to City this Friday, June include L F. Welcker, refreshTony Lewis defeated Paul Gar-sid- e married women in the Magna every Wed- Lake will sponsor such a project, ploying reresidents of to 9th, information by according Thursday evenings for the May leg title MonFedentertainChick Hoffman, nesday and give private instructments; will make application to the that announced appliand district ion. Enrollment will be limited eral Government for approval of ceived by local authorities. Amel Elder, dance; Ray E. cants for the newly created posi- Magna, Garfield and vicinity in day evening when. Paul hit three ment; A reception will be held at the that popular sport softball at the balls out of bounds on the last so all interested are urged to take the W. P. A. project, and will proWyatt, registration and E. J. Gard- tion of superintendent of buildTabernacle grounds from 8:00 to Garfield park. .hole. Tony won, 1 up. advantage of this fine opportunity ceed therewith upon the condition ner, reception. and transportation ings, grounds 9:00 a. m. followed by registration. to study the most exno to a at be interviewed be would the special of all put that County popular Ladies Golf Thirty-tw- o dancers from Oquirrh Last weekends play will be instruments. meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in pense whatever; that all of the Stake will later participate in the The first directors cup play carried over until next weekend Students may contributed South State that aside from the district offices, costs the F. at' register ever held at the Utah Copper Golf on a full handicap blind bogey. contest dance at Saltair. A Peterson street. residence, 2984 4 East by the Federal Government be Club for women golfers started Inasmuch as so few played last Mutual Relief The and Society Magna, from 1 to 6:00 p. m. every paid by the citizens of the localtenin meet different districts on the will Tuesday morning with ten ladies week, special arrangements have A hearing groups and Wednesday, beginning June 14. ity, that they furnish all the sewer rooms. at held the be will playing matches. Two matches been made to carry over the event tative budget enpipe, materials, finances for next regular meeting Tuesday, were set for Wednesday and until June 11. gineering services and any costs B. B. ORGANIZED 20 at 7:30 p. m. in the dis- Thursday. CLUB June incident to the supervision and An entrance fee of 10c is made. trict offices. material all The pairings follow: of for the purchase The club will match all fees and The B. B. Club was organized Comfort Alta Wilkin vs. Marge Gwil-liam- s; the money will buy gallery tickets to be used on the project whatWoman met at 6 when it Most ordinary Americans, unTuesday, June Muriel Sandall vs. Verness for the Utah State open. Utahs soever, this to be entirely with- the home of Mrs. Nettie Clark and less they have to dress in stiff, Valeria Snell vs. Carol most important golf tournament Larsen; out cost on the part of the county. her daughter, Miss Nola Clark. formal clothes for special occaOlsen and Afton Hart, bye. Funeral services for Mrs. Fred If the money and the materials Officers and a thriller from start to finish were elected and refreshmuch more comfortLower bracket: Mary Reese vs. June Thomas, 66, widow of Fred Thomat Fort Douglas. are furnished as herein set forth ments served. The members of the sions, wear than used to. The able attire as. were Amy McCarty; Thelma Quayle, The gallery tickets will enable loconducted in Malad the County will then proceed with club participated in the prepara- men havent yet they got summer clobye; Ann Eckersley, bye; Agnes cal people to witness the event the improvement, if granted by tion of a luncheon. Jhird L. D S. ward chapel Tuesto few ounces the down thing Williams, bye. day, in Malad, Idaho. The tickets are worth $2.00 each the Government, and will proenThe club is formed of girls which the ladies wear, but they All the ladies are requested to and through special club arrangecommencing the with ceed project in Association Mutual or She is .survived the contact-thei- r dont wear such heavy clothes opponents and play ments, one out of 5 entries will by three sons with the disposal plant and work- tering folLast week was annual report nd as many of them as their fathers Continued win a ticket. September and includes the next before daughters, including Mrs. Tuesday. laterals along back running for the Utah Power & Light Coming banford Peterson of lowing girls: Nola Clark, Betty did. tournaments will be held each deMagna. the streets as proposed, it being Lou and when the accounting Shaffer, Lucy Mae Wooley, Men in the south dress for hot pany the Sympathy is extended. Tuesday morning and matches team Nibley Parks ten-ma- n distinctly understood that Barbara Nielson, Alice Johnson, weather more sensibly than those partment finished stacking up the played during the week, further no Sunon course the federal will and 1938 proceed the for Copper plays reports County in the north, though it can and o o whatso- Farrell Silcox, Leta Wright, day. A special invitation is isstate regulatory agencies they Nettie does Mrs. than, and do no work and hot in and Augas July Dorothy Spencer get sued to all Nibley players to come Men's Golf an even yard. ever except as materials, super- Clark, advisor. ust in New England as in Texas. measured incident event costs The June leg of the Directors out and enjoy an inter-clu- b vision and other ready-mad- e wear men Most orthe reports of cup play for men follows: Dr. J. at the same time. No word has By comparison hostess thereto are paid for by your Mrs. O. A. Sonne was clothes, and I suppose there isnt 1932 were piled alongside and H. Jones vs. Russ Magleby; Frank been received as to how many ganization, or other organizations to the W. B. A. Monday evening as much profit for the makers measured six inches. Gwilliams vs. Matt Broderick; D. are coming out but all local playexactly be formed for the purshall as Women's Clubrooms. and dealers in cotton goods as in Be 24-2"Quite a difference, exclaimed W. Hatfield vs. Howard Ridge; ers are invited to play the Nibley or materials at the Magna 5 were played and high the wool they still try to clothe Miss Harriet Cannon, stenographpose of raising funds Card games H. F. Lott vs. Deb Johnson; Abel fellows Sunday morning, 10:00 a. for this project, and that the pro- score prize given to Mrs. Fred the men in in summer. er. funds Larson vs. R. J. Corfield; Vance m. such as soon Mrs. A will stop as conference-conventioThe men, however, have achievBarton and consolation to n of jectmaterials the in used up are emanThe volume of reports required ed a considerable degree of Julia McGill. Lyu'r SLike Union meeting will or The County" also insists held June 24 the general adoption by governmental agencies is conby cipation m sewer and 25 at the project to contributing be obligated to put the of the soft, unstarched shirt with stantly increasing, R. H. Jones, tLa!f nt Green hall, states au- - that any parties be informed of these front of their property, if, and in attached collar as proper wear for assistant secretary and treasurer this it s A detailed project program will contributions the event there is not sufficient all but the most formal occasions. of the company, said. In 1938 it given m a later issue of this facts and that any be binding funds and materials for that pur- not 8610 separate made by them will Paper. They still wear too many folds of reached a total of and that they In hot reports varying from simple one necks their the County, around cloth upon General VPraI Board members which will be U1 bo them time. They page statements to veritable book but are not in any way to be misled Another condition One man said he would miss present. dial teleThe Magna-Garfiel- d a contract weather be asgive will that be will the of accounts County as the girls. that necessary free compilations length in the belief the yet may pleasant voices of the operators conphone system made its bow to the under and statistics. be given to the County in the new systemalthough instalWednes11:00 a. m. at local Pajamas public He said that nowadays every sideration of the County did like to dial numbers. Still he of what know I dont proportion or portion day replacing the former operator another man lamented the fact ling said sewer system, old activity and business operation of to the men stick comwill were American the varied and water the company is reported in this system thereof, that sufficient shirt; probably voluminous ments made to a reporter of this that he was just getting familiar to get the inspection tag be supplied for the operation and fashioned night Car ovvnTs group of reports. Failure with the old numbers and now if one could must have their car imagine than said more of the for paper who interviewed a number would have to learn others all and flushing maintenance, topees hy next June 15th ac may cause serious trouble Pa store. a in one to buy of people at random to obtain accident, or system. Jhisgrgement to be he tried cord mg T(j'UtaH taf,J6WR r toin case ofwith emmova. FrankO.HaymoncUr state laWi law. the theifreactkmsto-t- h is -- unusual over again. the furnishing the company comply with failure for this in wear Pagdirectories with only To Receive sleeping for tion invention brought to a small town. 47FU Degree CAR INSPECTED! water: YOUR Magna-Garfiel- d numbers and means 'GET ('ciuipment safety on 4u this country. PRO- 0 PLAY SAFE AND HELP Trusting that we have made to telewere for she said sat and instructions One 'Shways woman reduce will given are which pronounced of some IN For students the 2,500 the number Pajamas, of serious and fatal MOTE HIGHWAY SAFETY matter clear to you in this letter rein the earlier customers the ten with minutes over Hindu phone in the tongue University of Illinois, including will pyamas accidents. . local and that no misunderstanding OUR FAIR STATE! for week to ear Arthur the her ceiver Purdum, by the originwaiting we name, of Mr. son get Frank whence O, and Jr., be had concerning the same, con- - ated in the hot lands of India, and Mrs. Haymond, to Number, manager. query, Frank O. Haymond of operator you that if any matter One of the easiest numbers to two simple cotton garments Magna, the climax of years of Please? until she realized - she heroin i, not clear to you where is the emergency fire a dial and remember now was under wiUi a middle system string, matter tied in the study will be reached within the that we desire to have the can next few days in the activities of had to get her own number. A alarm, 2000, for Salt Lake county all that anyone about are up before the application even for dress-uSenior week and commencement number of people had like ex- No. 2 fire department Probably to the Federal Govern- stand, of administrators annual Com- periences, one Tnan reporting he the other number on the exchange The sixty-eight- h English The we ment for the W. P. A. project, cam- sat for some time, jiggling the which will prove to be less diffiUrbana adopted on the mencement Coon Indian government the Fire Was Bishop matches. with , are, speedily extinguished lounge pus June 12 will end with the con- phone up and down to get the cult than any other Is the telelocal department, pajamas as a eve Very truly yours, affairs ferring of more than 2,300 de- - operator not of ky firemen of Salt member of the for mentioning, of phone of Mrs. L. C. Healy, 2121. Lav stag strictly time the clothes was not home at J. R. Rawlins but 2 County No. But all agree its great fun to the will receive Department course, words, he was jiggling on hot Indian nights. They grees. Mr. Haymond . Chairman, Board of in the America from at the home of Bishop the alarm. , . P meantime. twist the little dial in his the under breath Science of degree. Bachelor a to England. dam came rs- - V. B. The fire did not cause any County Commissioners, Coon at a wood-- 9 e caused by children playing age. Convention al ra ob-jerv- -- ot Mother of Garfield P.T. Farnsworth Man Dies Monda y Named Head of Granite Group Hen-quest- ar PROGRESSIVE SPORTY EVENTS OF HERE MUTUAL SLATES ANNUAL MEET e, IN SALT LAKE - 29-3- 00 Today ,3 Mother of Magna T omorrow Succumbs 0 UP&L REPORTS INCREASE IN SEVEN YEARS Oqiiirrh Stake nion r liY Meeting June DIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM BEGINS HERE WITH AMUSING ERRORS s JUNE 15TH IS LAST DAY! i -- 6c 5c Fire Extinguished at Firemens Home Sed Home With Little Damage; Fireman Not fSde p. semi-form- W 8- - al |