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Show tiMES.'MAGNA, UTAH 0U3 eT A. C Mrs. Alfred Ball Sr. and Mr. and Mrs, Reba Richards. Prizes were won by Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Erickson. Mrs. Glenn Peck Mrs. Robinson will entertain the and Mrs. A. T, Club at its next meeting at her home end. in Granger. Mrs. Nephi Howarth entertained Nlns members of the F. L A. Club herePclub last week. The following met last Friday evening at the home were present: Mrs. Ed L. Cannon. of Mrs. Dcrothy Finley at her home Mrs. Vern Newman, Mrs. Ray Jenon First Ealst street Bridge prises sen, Mrs. Don Shaw, Mrs. George were won by Mrs. Jean Strong and Lamb and Mrs. Floyd Adamson. Luncheon was served at one oclock. Mrs. Emma McArthur. Late luncheon was served. Mrs, June Goodman Prizes were won by Mrs. Jensen and will entertain the club at its next Mrs. Adamson. t4tS ewato ttBt H he offers hot the 'Pilot u.ka pur. nt f told, X 4 act nt to o&Uta, setose ut thi Kbit hWort 4n differ. r Churches -- Clubs - Visitors - Parties of This Happenings of Your Neighbors Locality. We Are Glad To Receive Your News - Phone Gar. 6 or Gar l&SW Social Miss Dorothy Hardman was hostLiocng ess to the Basket Social Club Thursffidne Hicks, of Magna and day evening at her home. A social Hicks rTj time was enjoyed and refreshments Cj young. 8011 cf Mr;. served later In the evening. In were j Magna, November 7th In gonday, Utah by Justice of the Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur w. Dimond fa BeHeweli The ceremony entertained at a dinner 'Lea to the presence of Thursday evening, thefamily occasion beand Haslam Cun. Kenneth ing Mrs. Dlmond's birthday anCjegth of Magna. niversary. Roses in a low bowl formi.r young couple plan to ed the centerpeice at the table, &home in Magna tern. covers being laid for ten guests. Those present were Virgil Dimond find Miss, Marlon Samuels of Salt . ft Lak to was pity, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar San-ca- ll hostess . liU fcGtn apd children Wayne and CaroW B A. Thursday s of the Mrs. Minnie Mitchell and Miss lyn. of ."Carl Mrs.. home , lt the fe JififQnd East streets A hot-. GWen Dimond. "Star Checkers were 1 social ater- - - s rtj served and played later In the evening. r ( 5 1 d -- 00L vtmber 1 it the Pirtl- - n Kirin. yt fcbod Juoujh nteneet m. :st vu Little Miss Patsy Deland, old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Delgnd, is In a serious condition at St. Marks hospital, suffering from rheumatic fever. She was taken In Thursday. On 1938 Refrigerators FRIGIDAIRES Special 38 model 38 model 38 model . ot Deluxe . ot Deluxe, New, Emerson $179.50. . . .$159.50 . $259.50 $225.00 $209.50. . . .$185.00 Radios $9.95 up. JUS ESTIMATE YOUR BUILDING -- t Monthly t! I - Magna, Utah. glad to give you estimates East street last Friday evening. Lun- cheon was served at 8:30 oclock. Prizes at five hundred were awarded to Mrs. VI Martin, Miss Allen and Mrs. Edith Breeze. Miss Lillian Allen was a special guest. . I I 1 ft ft Union-by4aw- Shirley Temple, dolls at the Best Shop. Betsy-W- i i Coalville Were guests over the ffiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiii end of Mrs. Wilde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Farnsworth. a A very enjoyable party .was held by the Magna troops of Oirt Scouts s. Friday at the Magna Womens mothers Scout Girl honoring and special guests. Sixty, were present, Club-room- ' ,r- -- Mrs- - members of GET QUICKER STARTS IMSMMIT tommies ts tsioi fJrm BctteSi, Cjnan'daddif Written words can Y take the place of telephone visits with loved ones in other towns... Hearing them is Ttexrhesntrheimnhere; 7 be ay TIE perm ter will be MOUNTAIN W te toll jmm rotes STATES TELEPHONE iwk w loos toii til d triafer-quic- k Soper-powert- (or (tronf I on colJe turn moriliiii Backed br the ct auafanu today. ii i ' f ntwrutcu. Sees 65' Nt OTHER GOODRICH BATTERIES AS LOW AS Oui Is onj truss I TEIISKAN COMPANY k-- Play aa(a. Rida on the new Goodrich Silranown with the a manna Life.Sare 1 read that actually tiritt n. wet I r I i roads... ycyi the quickest re seen.stops you non-ski- d i ,v.v t See horns. no red goat, Frank Hayda, Shields Addition. er WWi Pntf Gar. 1 82 I We shall be LOST ey and Mrs. Nephi Howarth had Mrs. Maude 8. Laker entertained as their guests last week, Mrs. Hew- at a party last Sunday evening hon- arth's brother, Loran Shaw of Los oring the memory of the birthday of Vegas. Nevada. her father, the late Bishop H. T. Ideal gift sets all In beautiful gift Spencer. A supper and games were boxes. We have a special gift comer enjoyed by thirty guests. at the Best Shop. Ellen Marlor was hostess to the Pythian Sisters and partners Saturday evening. High etsy score prizes at cards were won by Mr. and Mrs. Val Garfield enter- Mary E. Nielson and Tim Hansen tained at a buffet supper on last and consolation favors to Sammy Marsh. A Monday evening for members of the Marlor and Mrs. Arthur Walker-HinInsurance Agency, late luncheon was served. who are sponsors of Paul Schultz Mrs. Jacob Coon returned Monbowling team. Twelve guests were day from a two weeks visit with present. her son, Leslie Coon and family In Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. at entertained Larson Mrs. Carl a birthday party last Wednesday Coon and family. evenlnghonorlng her daughter, Mrs? John Smith of Murray and Mrs. A. Shop early remember the Best J. Breeze. Five hundred furnished Shop for the BEST bargains. and the evenings entertainment prizes were awarded to Mrs. Earl Coen, Mr. George Lamb and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E, Fullmer. A midGarfleld was night luncheon was served to twelve. -- . Mrs. ...Wanda Wood of the members to luncheon at hostess guests. of her Five Hundred Club last 171-dafternoon. The guests Included Darling little velvet bonnets, only 98c, $1.25 and $1.49 at the Best Shop. Mrs. Gladys McAllister, Mrs. Nina Robinson, Mrs. Mildred Jenkins. Mrs. Pearl McCleve, Mrs. Emma Lou the Miss Ren Orton entertained Hearthside Club at her home on 4th Erickson. Mrs. Donna Johnson and Payments cheaper than rent SALE--Whitn- Bulk-le- Snow-Whit- e, UUCTION. Wicker baby FOR buggy. Very reasonable. Call Garfield 75-- J. , Tues-3a- . NOW MAKING FHA LOANS REMODELING AND NEW CON- - ARE R. Wodfenden, Mr. ft El-1- .... 1 ' ATTENTION MILL WORKERS $600 Will buy a nice 3 room Home in Magna. ' bags, scarfs, flowers, eveGloves, Mrs. C. E. Pickett was hostess at Only $100 down and Arrangements are being made for Mrs. S. R. Nelson entertained at ski caps at the compacts, bags, ning a luncheon for the members of the another balance on easy terms or dancing social for older" a birthday dinner last week for her Magna Ladles Bridge Club, at her people next month, sponsored by the Best Shop. will take $500 cash. Call daughter, Miss Blanche. The guests home In Salt Lake City last Friday Oqulrrh Senior Class: A definite Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powell at- Included Mr. Leland Orton and Mr. or Writs afternoon. The bridge prises date will be given later. tended their card club on Saturday Bill Edwards of Salt Lake City and awarded to Mrs. V. U. Gutters. vje Mrs. MILLER & VIELE evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Searl Harmon of Magna. AfJohn Loutenscck, Mrs. Rue Packard Mrs. M W. Alldredge, assisted by Mrs. Ed Cedarholmes In Salt Lake ter the dinner the guests played and Mrs. Norman Weggeland. 16 Exchange Place her daughter. Mrs. Alta Dayton of City. "Chinese checkers. Mrs. y Salt Lake City and June Salt Lake City, Utah - Mrs. W. B. "Bouther left last y of West Jordan, entertained at a Was. 8894 for Los Vegas. Nevada, for a miscellaneous shower on Thursday iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii two weeks visit with her daughter, evening honoring Mrs Chiron 1 1 Sun. Was. 8373 M Mrs. Clay B. Sims and family. ANNOUNCEMENT who recently returned with Was. 858 R. her husband from a tour of Europe. E work to s cook The members of the "Finesse Club Prizes at our require won were Mrs. by games were entertained at luncheon by six days per week. John Herzog. Mrs. R. Daines. Mrs. Mrs. L L Pullum at her home in Ruth Vaughn and Mrs. Etta Per- jjj E We cannot have a cook to come out Garfield last Friday afternoon. First kins. the evening Mrs. AllDuring from Salt Lake City for one days work , prize at bridge was won by the dredge gave a travelog of her trip hostess, second prize by Mrs. Clyde to Paris, In England and therefore, we will have to close one day a Kondd and consolation prize by Mrs. Europe, andpoints displayed objects of art i week each Sunday. This new ruling will E E J. S. Powe.l. that she and Mr. Alldredge had coll- E E E December 4, 1938. into effect go ected. A late luncheon was served to Mrs. Beth Brown of American Fork forty guests. The affair was held at We trust out patrons understand our E E is a guest at the home of her sister. the M. W. Alldredge home on Louise 1 position. Mrs. Hugh Wurzbach. Avenue. MAGNA CAFE 1 . ' E of Wilde William Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Melba Thome and Miss MarBy Andy Dallas, prop. I weekgaret Jones entertained at a miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs. 2 Stephen Newton, formerly Miss sbeth Harrison, whose marriage was recently announced, at the home of Miss Jones on the B & G Row. Bridge and 500 were enjoyed and prizes awarded to Mrs. W. E. Heff-erna- n, Mrs. Lee Seif and Mrs. George W. Smith. A late luncheon was served to thirty guests. REG. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clements entertained at their home on Center street Sunday at a social evening complimentary to Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. C. a meeting. i I. Rev nfl PAGE FIVE Friday, November 25, 1938 se GOODRICH TIRES AS LOW AS OTHER GET i i i h i QUICKER I HEAT Waffle Iron combination . and relish tray. add more zest er , feet, back aeat Heater, your car la i . "heat conditioned front and beck! OTHER GOODRICH $AS5 HEATERS AS LOW AS V t " 'Prices suljtci to change witheut notice to the cooker's tasty products. SPECIAL AT a occupants. Yea when you ride with a new Goodrich Model "81 Cooks, The relish tray serves the things Regular $11.95 SEALS ITS PUNCTURES $9.95 Hammernail into this amax- - Beautiful new Electric ing new tubes Toaster of latest design, Save time and trouble. bargain trt GOODRICH Ithoiditheairl $ According to on unbiased $2.98 . survey of independent stores sponsored by leading distillers. SEAL-O- . , 1 t -- j MERICA S Alarm Clock. Self start- Biggest-Sellin- g Whisk ey that's TEN HIGHs amazing record. Made possible because TEN HIGH for the gives double-valu- e Because TEN HIGH mqney. Priced sensationally low. Available in ing. jL oJA, e package TUBE Ivory plastic cases. Brown case. 1H I tef high Bourbon W proof really does Double Your Its flavor Is doubly-satisfyin- g, doubly-ric- HIGHs perfectly balanced be- cause all Rough Edges are kept out. Strict methods of distilling 1 discover for yourself why TEN HIGH is America's favorite Double Your Enwhiskey joyment today with TEN HIGH. You can buy TEN HIGH at stores and taverns all over the nation. Hiram Walker & Sens Inc., Peoria, Illinois. . . . h, smooth control in the world's largest d istiJfery'are Th es ecrerof TEN" bourbon taste. T.lagna f.lotor .Sales Go. Magna . -- Utah i :ii $&v: New Telechron Electric ,l$ voun. DEiuxn or I Passe niter's feet, grills, fries or toasts on one set of grids; bakes cn another. ' |