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Show r The Complete Home Newt paper year; rty-th-ird SPORT bier Vard fbs Anneal GI-IOT- S. Oqnlrrh Stake Basketball S Unding: W L Aver. 2 0 1000 Pleasant Green 2 0 1000 Granger 1 1 500 8pencer 1 1 .500 Garfield 0 2 .000 Hunter 0 2 .000 Everything Being Arrang Magna . Glen Coon, with 14 points, was ed For Usual Outstanding high man In last Thursdays M Men basketball games. He spirited the program vicSpencer boys to a hard-fougba--and jr Hunter Ward homecoming tory over Garfield 34 to 33. The 1 and 2, will be held December game was a thriller from start to an and Friday, finish and a large crowd thoroughly MXt Thursday fall feature for resident a pleasant time. enjoyed to an an- There will be no further games g this vicinity, according Kunoement made this week by W. until December 1. due to Thankschairman. giving holiday. j jcnei. publicity will be Thurs-- 4i opening grand lie afternoon at 2:30 p. m. for a I am surprised that so many of the wardhouse. fellows who love to hunt the wily (hlldren s jubUee In the IWs 111 be followed by a chicken waterfowl restrict their sport to the the Relief Society opening day. I have spent many jinner served by 8:15 it 5.00 p. m. and vaudeville at pleasant hours at the club during the month with not a single day a m. past the followi- that I have not bagged two or more tie formal program athlnice greenheads, mallards, spoonng day, Friday Includes an m. 7:30 and bills, canvasbacks and several other at p. etic presentation m. varieties. grand ball at 9:00 p. There will be, booths of produce, Lea Nielson and I bagged our limwing, candy and other miscellaneit Saturday morning In several ous bocths for the enjoyment of hCurs hours that were Just as much neryone. sport and fun as I have ever enjoyed incThe vaudeville program will In hunting. lude a reading by Mrs. Marba Tls a pity that local nlmrods do joeephson; a and b trumpet numbers not take advantage of the many Tomlin; ventriloquist, hours of pleasure and many tasty by Keith pi.tn Watts; vocal solo, Mrs Blaine dishes that are available at the Utah Watts; comedy skit Granger Ward; Copper Duck and Pish Club. comedy reading, Del win Metcalf; Betwixt ducks and those delicious cUt, students of the University of fish that were enjoyed last summer, Utah; trombone and violin duet, LaI for one, have received much for Mar Loutensdck and Parley Hanson. little. The athletic program includes Del-m- ar of BOWLING Fait banks and his group The American league, Judging from tumblers from the Jackson School their play last Monday evening, are and Sid Terris and his strong men, and somewhat Jealous of the A performing feats of strength. specthe To time. their grand ball follows the athletic tators, it seemed as though the supposed-to-be top bowlers were endeavoring to have a little fun for a DEATH OF MAN change. Their scores were not anything to write heme about. In fact, AT GARFIELD the entire set was probably the lowest for the season. ACCIDENTAL- I understand that almost every team In the American league now has a backer. The merchants who Francis Joseph Franklin, made this colorful addition to eld Park City WPA timekeeper, who, have the league certainly should be given died Monday as the result of In"Thank You. The new wedding g hearty juries received during a Garfield Trading, a solthe party at Garfield early Sunday shirts of have nothing to do came to his death by ac- id black color, morning, in the standing cidental means, a coroners jury with the position is the holder-upper- s.) 'Trading ifGarfltld here decided Thursday.' the clearjcut, clean --looking team, the book length Conducted by Justice of the Peace InWalker-Hlnrepresstate the with of the Olsen, Parley insignia Attbe sported ented by Chief Deputy County surance that could only orney Ray Van Cott, Jr., the hearion big brawny backs, the Denton In fact, ng brought out that the fatally InGarage, the Arthur Store jured man had fallen on the floor each one lends a distinctive part earlier in the evening during the to the notsest, fastest, greatest fun the world. party at the Garfield hotel. loving group of fellows in Dr Robert T. Jelllson, who performed an autopsy following the That highly respected and much have man's death, said the fall could loved sportsman, Mr. A. C. Ensign, caused the basal skull fracture which and his bowling team made history evecaused his death. In the Federal League Friday record for game set high Other witnesses Included Mrs. H. ning. They 812 men pins for four the season, Bateman, who left the hotel with set a great aso smart. They Pranklin but returned for something Right 2284 series to give the rest she had forgotten and came back masterful at. the league something to aim outside to find the man had fallen. of a set McCleve One Pete Barrel" On Monday he was brought to a of the In way himself records Salt Lake City hospital where he few a 211 game tops with a 570 series, died. with averages individual tatad high Douglas W. Mander. Howard B. wiu fate 180 Perhaps sometime, Smith, Mrs. H. C. Sanger and Mrs. team ahd "Gussles on Pete Clara Grow, other guests at the put No. 5, then pit that team against wedding festivities, also testified. perthen and boys, the Weggeland possiteam might some other to lead the leaCLUB haps UTAH bly have a chance week. one gue. If only for memPROGRAM GIVEN All the members, except are raising 5, No. bers of this pesky Owen FOR DECEMBER a fund to buy medals for the took points which Jacobs team Misters" In the league. The following program has been from the MR. Jacobs. work, Gocd released by E. E. McGarty. secretary o o of the Utah Copper Club, td Include league is rebowling National The events for December: most to be the closest and Tuesday, Decmber 6 Final day puted group organized competitive for casting ballots In election of highly local keglers seem to be exbut the Club Officers. even their own record. Wednesday, December 7 Smoker, ceeding team. No 6 1 00 jack Mayberry's leadandhave p m. an early into Wednesday, December 14 Dance. jumped three teams held It quite awhile, but Adolph Brox orchestra. top standthe for tied are Friday, December 23 Christmas at present 14 wins and 8 losses .700. with Tree and program for Kiddies up to ing are Dick Moss D years. m. They 1:30 13 p Program starts at Is right behind with 31 New Dewey Moss December week Saturday, Each .650 average. Tear's Eve Dance. (No guest cards and 7 for a hot-shsome 111 7or! be issued for this with H. D- 240 or more score now fkey" merly Tubby" but Earl Hall and Jack Sch rolling high same tor the sucDR. JONES cessive weeks. Young Mr. 1e? LOCATES barely missed the high 627, highly a posting 633, of ord Announcement was made here this teams game record for . No eek of the opening of ctfloes for Mayberry by ago fcheral medical practice by Dr. John aettwo weeks was lettered squad of 2622 pins, Teem No. T Jones In the Swenson building, Mag- Richardsons Dec.l2 Bazaar In a Thank giving proclamation President Roose velt said, We have no selfiih designs against other nations." . In the formal statement that presidents issue annually designating the last Thursday in November as a day of national Thanksgiving, Mrr Roosevelt ais A period unhappily marked in other parts of the world by strife and threats of war finds our people enselfish joying the blessing of peace. We have no against other nations. ' , Who do you suppose gets mSre mall than anyone else In the world? 1 i Clark Gable? No. Mae West? No. Rudy Vallae? No I It Is a man who always gets at Death of Mrs. H. B. Duck- - -least a million letters a year; and Shock To All In one year he got three million let- worth Great That world. ters from all parts of the In Communities means more than eight thousand letters a day or twentyeight letters A pall of sadness and grief was while you are reading this one sen cast over the communities of Magna tence. and Garfield Sunday evening when He has received letters without the Grim Reaper summoned one of ' any name at all on the envelopes; the towns most prominent and well they were merely addressed- To the beloved residents Ann Agnes Brown beDuckworth, 59, wife of Hyrum B. Biggest Liar In the World.- and lieve It or net, the Post Ofice deliv- Duckworth, master mechanic at the ered them to Robert L. Rip.ey! Utah Copper company mill at Armaking a makes living by thur. Mrs. Duckworth died Sunday Ripley people gasp, showing a letter written at 5:15 p. m. at the Duckworth home on a piece of human skin; and a in Arthur of diabetes. message that a man had written A She had been ill at various periods him on a single human hair. some time but it was thought she he for until friend couldnt believe It better. Her death put the hair under a mlscroscope was considerably to all. shcck was a Just deep message and then found the Mrs. Duckworth was bom In Salt as plainly aa If It had been written finLake "The City August 15. 1879, a daughsaid, on a piece of paper. It Walter C. and Ann Evans Robert of ter est welcome in the world to Brown. L. Ripley." Mrs. Duckworths death was such The story of Ripleys own life Is cartoons. sad shock, due to its unexpecteda as his Incredible as almost -first She had been very active Sun- ness. the Ripley was fired" from and several pies three newspapers on which he work- da morning, baking and also took care of Mr. ed; yet he Is making more money a roast own the Duckworth who had been confined today than are the men who to his home for a week with Illness. , him. newspapers that "fired" of Mr. and Mrs. Duckworths Ripley never studied drawing; yet yui and a brother of Mrs. Duckcar. children Imitated he Is the moat widely worths and, wife of Salt Lake City, toonlst In the world. Inwere been present when Mrs. Duckworth Bob Ripley has always wrote died. tensely Interested In sports. He a book on Handball, and another on Mrs. Duckworth had been promlife to Boxing, and he started out In Identified In L. D. S. church inently be a proferional baseball player. work, principally In the primary. A He was signed up by the New York "Her virtues were while poet once said. Giants; but he broke bis arm few." expressing the faults many, her pitching; so he gave up baseball and opinion that Mrs. Duckworth was started drawing sport cartoons. held by all. Her many kindly deeds, 1918 acts of charity and extreme sweetIn We have been fortunate in devoting our enerOne cold December day ness were known to all. and exactly one week before Christmas gies and our resources to constructive purposes she was an Ideal mother and had think to office trying he sat in his or a splendid example to her dauuseful works. We have sought to fulfill our obligation been hour of an Idea for a cartoon. An the and three sons. to use our national heritage by common effort for twq slipped Jay. He couldnt tholnk of ghter Include, besides her husSurvivors a thing. The deadline waa approachcommon good. a daughter, Mrs. Mae Naylor ing. He had to draw something; so, band, B. The harvest of our fields have been abundant Jew of Magna, three .sons, Hyrum In desperation he picked up a Donald B., blessRaymond Jr.. the and many men'ahd women have been given astonishing facts about athletics and Duckworth, Mrs. cartoon which he called, B all of Arthur; two sisters, mri stable Q. of Carl Mrs. employment snd Welch B. Ardella ing iChumpe and Champs. He didnt five Lake City; Salt of both Let us therefore, on the' day appointed," forego Larson out and crossed it like the title, so he Willbrothers, John D- - Walter C.. wrote Believe It or Not. our usual occupations and, in our accustomed places Brown iam A.. Harold J. and Clyde of worship, each in his own way, humbly acknowledge was the turning point of his all cf Salt Lake City and a grandThat and life. One little Idea on a dull, dreary child, Joyce Naylor of Magna. the mercy of God from whom comes every good -- broon afternoon" and' presto! he-w- as world-wid- e Brown r, Archie perfect gift. the way to a sensational thers and a of success. But It didn't come Immedof Farmington, Mrs. Ethel Udy of Brown James Farmington and iately. He drew a "Believe It or Not" carLos Angeles. Funeral services will be held Suntoon once a week for ten years, and, believe It or not. It attracted little day. 1 :00 p. m. at the Pleasant Green , attention. For ten years, the feature Ward with Bishop L. C. Ue&ly i In the tottered on the verge of failure. He charge. Interment will be once said, You work and slave for salt Lake City cemetery. will be ten years, and then become famous Speakers at the final rites H. and Lake City Salt of minutes. Josh Selly In ten MusiGarfield. to of Claude Anderson That Is about what happened him. For one day, In September, cal numbers will be also be given. 1928 he drew a cartoon that startled million readers. CENSUS furore SCHOOL REMINDER He created a nation-wid- e A EDITION EARLY when he said that Lindbergh was Schools To Close GRANITE man to make a the Christuntil just thirty days non-sto- p flight across the Atlantic We are publishing this week's mas and Its time to think about rose up In Indigna- SHOWS Ocean. People edition of the Times and Leader famfor the entire extra an gift demanded may readers that he retract order and tion that early In be Influlie. ily. over the Thursday, November 24 may and Insulting Census figures which may his paper their Impudent or enjoy of not send the Times program Brown Why In orout that building officially designated and proand future ence the But pointed holiday Ripley Thanksgiving one year to the fam-l- y. for Leader showing the across claimed as Thanksgiving day. but district, school flown Granite der that the Copper Printing or to and Alcock had In your son or daughter to Magna, Garfield, Granger and staff may also enjoy Atlantic years before Lindbergh was where the greatest Increases company whom friend or will It some neighbor Enoccurred of during the Bacchus school children did this and so, day school population ever heard of their turkey on and you want to favor especially? be turkey day and the beginning with thlrty-on- e dirigible 4 the past year, were compiledoffices Thanks. glish for and now order school the when Place tkhool holiday, state so1 German to the of two-da- y did forwarded men aboard; and Issues of imtoo $1.00 we will mall 52 L. Johan-so- n, books may be laid aside with ZR--3 wtth thirty-thre- e Any nes that Is received Wednesday by Mrs. Anna dirigible with home-tow- n newspaper be will your weeks the paper was statistician. this really for district late punity. men. So Lindbergh all the home news and also mall of next Dr. Calvin 8. Smith, superinseventh. The Redwood road and Plymouth published In our edition sixty card. said inschools, a pretty gift tendent of Granite Thursday. William Randolph Hearst saw that school area shows the greatest schools more district all than week he 102 So last pupils cartoon and was entranced. crease, with would close at the end of class draw a Be- last year. Next In line Is district that Ripley Insisted would of RooseNOMINEES GIVEN periods Wednesday and followlieve It or Not" cartoon for one of No. 3 Including Granite high. an with schools not open again until the Lincoln and velt every day. his papers Succumbs Salt Lake, South FOR 65. In And Ripley started skyrocketing Increase of ing Monday. 40 more pupils were registered this to fame. ELECTION .. Information by Dale Carnegie year. runeral services for James Samuel CLUB Fire Cause Damage citiand In the Holladay area, where Visitors Distinguished Jones, 73. of Salt Lake City Mag-n- a, board the to zens recently applied County Fire Department father of Mrs. Amy Gourley of Salt ! InI understand that two distinguisha Dre at Ferdie Barton, E. J. Gardner, of education for establishment of the at conducted Sunday at 12:30 were No. 2 answered a call to a were present ed guests a H. F. growof and basis 3rd on Ellis the school Johnsch S. Hanks, D. cumbent. L Twenty-sixt- h the residence of Floyd Stake Senior class party last high records show an p. m. in the were named Tuesday as canEast street Thursday, caused by at P. O. Hall, Senator ing population, the ward chapel with Bishop Floyd L Lott evening Friday the of last year's ballot than official more the on stove-pip- e. was in six pupils didates of Oshcosh only overheated Wood officiating. Interment of offi- and Mrs. Pasaemon election Club extinguished total. was Utah Copper quickly The fire cemetery. County who enjoyed the hospitality of 810, the City District No. 4, comprising Magna cers. Ballot boxes will be at the with an estimated damage and hilarity of these present Destable offices of a Smith. Time livery owner Arthur Garfield, continued In Its gradand Chief Roy Jcnes. and Mr. Fire to Magna understand that pressing according I further and cember 1 to December 8 Inclusive. of the past several years decrease ual In Salt Lake City for many years before the died of and duties took them away with a loss of 72 children of school Mr and Mrs. Joseph Humphries later of a taxicab service, after- Bingham and Garfield Railway will evening was over. son a paralytic stroke Thursday year. Total Inthe Garfield Improvement members announce the birth of a baby Twould be very nice If we could age during141 pastand or foremen to their girls In the home. h Lak boys noon at his turn in ballots oftener. crease of Friday morning at a Salt box at have more of these parties ballot the present the In the districts child, them brings second five la their R. and depcsit pltal This cast on or A son of the late William school population to 9256. hrst being a daughter. Mother and Sarah Ann Wright Jones, he was the club. Ballots must be Of the total enrollment 4807 are CYPRUS Late before December 6. new arrival are doing very, nicely. inborn January 21. 1860. In Salt boys and 4449 are girls. Principal 12 D. S. have been L active an nominees 6 vs. 4. was 2 and vs. He from 8 following The students City. 6:30: Teams MEETS WEDNESDAY creases are noted In h vs. 3. H. P. Enare church member In the twenty-fourt8:30: Teams 1 vs. 5 and 7 given for years and up while decreases resided later Notlce-t- be B. 33 years, and J. and ninth ward for Heffeman seventh, Special William sixth, io the National League: sign, ward. A meeting of the Cyprus P. T. A. jjiivy from In the twenty-sixt- h Mageleventh years. Jones. For Board of governors, Cam-manand Nofollowing game were postponed evening. s, Wednesday held be will A. widow. Mrs. na Plant, nominees are P. Thanksgiving Day: Surviving are his vember 30 In the high school audiE. Facer and O. M. HenH. Mrs. Elsie Burrows of Bingham daughthree Saturday, November 28: 8 va. 4. Mace Jones; Caroline torium. Consultation of teachers will for Arthur Plant nominees Magwas of a guest at the home of Mr. and derson; 8:30; Team 8 vs. 2 and the Gourley J. followed by m.. 8 7 to Mrs. Al-lAmy p. ters. be from 7 vs. 3. include John same Mrs. Dan Cameron for a few days the position 8:30: Team I vs. 5 and Mrs. and Carter oclock. na Mrs. Annie J. program promptly at 8 JtUM William 1: and Barratt She also visited Mr. and a December week. last Ralph Lake City; team are Bert Thursday, The complete program will be preMary J Stone cf Salt 1 va. 3 and 5 vs. 3. The B & G and Garfield Haws. Mrs. Howard Bate- new record-breakiMrs Team 8:30: Francisco; school San of Harold son James C. M- sented by the Junior 8 vs. 6. Mr Richardson, captain, of Salt Improvement Company nominees 8:30: Tesm 7 vs. 4 and E. wyaw a brother William R. Jones 28: - H. D. Moss and Bay November McCleveHendrickson, eron. Vance Mrs. Mary are Parley American League, sister. a and to attend. Lake City 5 vs. 2. W, B. Reynolds. and P L. Williams. 6:30; Team 1 vs. 3 and Sims of Salt Lake City, 6. vs. j. 8 4 and vs. 7 8:30: Team Nov. 25 Federal League. Friday, ht out-rwti- ng .$ , oo , 0- oo en fun-rolli- ng ar t -- -Sur- vtvlng-aUw-are-two-half half-siste- Gem-Empre- ss er 00 COPPER JUST sixty-seven- IN th JUMPS Thanksgiving V R-3- t -- Father Woman Magna UTAH COPPER ot JOHN HERE P. T. A. "jKjh Jones has been practicing In Salt Lake City for some thne. having been formerly on a ..Mill. staff in an eastern state for 'veral years. He Is a former Magna ident. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones of this city. Dr. Magna and . an Led-lngha- ro. ng S.SS oo S . |