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Show M. November 19, 1937 Maharajah Celebrates His Golden Jubilee the Current News Scenes and Persons in SAGA OF SILK Lowly Worm Achieves Its Moment ol Glamor PICTURE PARADE Not s pretty thing itself, the silkworm contributes te the werMs besuty by spinning the rsw silk for stockings to clothe lovely legs like those of Jane CUlre, above. Below, the Picture Parade marches through a silk stocking factory. v" k Xtt: vr De-Ic- Promotes Air Safety er ' i of highness the Maharajah of Bikaalr la shown riding on an elephant through the crowded streets to accession of fiftieth the to service mark the attend Maharajahs the to anniversary thanksgiving gguir of India. gc throne of his Rajput state. Be Is one of the wealthiest princes 01s champion, shows how be husked LS at Marshall, Mo. King Carol sen. Prince Michael, after the crown prince was bestows a fatherly kiss on his sixteen-year-ol- d of the International Poaoo lieutenant in the army. S Lord Cecil, chairman of the First NaUonai Congress In London, of recently. the congress the at discuseions to opening listened bo Campaign as " of Minnesota, newly crowned national iRay bushels of com in I hour and it minutes at the national contest corn-huskin- g HUMAN ALARM CLOCK Raw silk, as spun by tha worm, arrives la American factories from abroad, braided as am little girls' curls. It is unraveled from the tight, individual bundles and once more becomes lengthy strands. 80 Million Year Old Footprint Rn! Tomato Barrage for Swarthout in New Picture Gladys Swartbout, opera star and sctress, wipes tomatoes from her features following a barrage ef fruit tossed at her during a scene from 1 V- -' AO . I V" ..Alih jWUh.v This enterprising man on a bicycle starts on his morning rounds on the Installed on Isle of Thanet, England, with an A mechanic shows a section of the new type of electrio beU attached te the end of V. A. planes to prevent possible forced landings and fatal crack-up- s a pole which he places outside his tubes se to ice Three of through on the the transports. wings forming customers windows and rings until treated rhich the air is forced 47 the seconds specially causing every Be an acknowledgment. 4 covering to raise a distance of an inch and a half from he gete doesnt say who wakes him up. k sing may clearly be seen. rs MdtiM Dr. Barnum Brown, curator of fossil reptiles of the American Museum of Natural History, Is pictured with the largest reptUe footprint fossU ever discovered. Found in a coal mine near Cedaredge, Colo., on his recent expedition, the footprint of this monster dinosaur, estimated to have lived SO, 004,004 years ago. Is S4 inches wide and S4 inches long. RACKET SMASHER her newest picture. She was playing the role of an unappreciated amateur. Note tomatoes on Miss Swar-thou- ts 12,600 dress which she were for the scene. t Gijons Conquerors Stage Victory Dance acket-- c rushing, crusading young Dewey beams for the era after his recent election as rict attorney of New Tork as a fusionist candl-- e se the same ticket as reform fsr Fiorello LaGuardia he was ted by a landslide vote. "as E. conn-Runni- Almost magically, the strands on the bobbins cf the ma- A group ef hunters painting numbers on their dogs before the chase chine operated by the In which members cf the Virginia Fox Hunters association participated man and woman on MX" in the above turn Into flat, recenUy near Petersburg. Note the pained expression stew "Brunswick with were served hunters the chase the woven silk. Coming center. After ont of the machine, cooked In a huge iron kettle they are the exact else of the finished stocking. The stock ing Is folded and sewed, heel and toe sewed on separately. Hymn Without Words Sung by Deaf Mutes of Gljon, the Nationalist rebel troops of General France Dancing and singing through the battered streets victorious march through the Asturias te capture this their celebrate as of women the they city are hailed by important Loyalist stronghold. ' PRIZE WINNER sft 1 In v jf i' , Ml , r . wmsnfa T. a J isonndr V U , rs V W f kOnM of the strangest church service, held anywhere In the world akesplaceeveiy Sunday " - churrh in Cincinnati, Ohio. It Is a service for deaf mules New My God te Thee." Not a word Is spokenjhroughoul of Uie choir of six a. they "sing" frtcc, the sermon being delivered in sign language by Rev. August H. Staubits. ! - 3) - A 1, 1 the stockings. queer sight are the metal driers which shape Big Apple TT When the stockings this factory have been dyed, dried and shaped, they are given accurate tests for strength In the machine shown above. Then, before being boxed for the stores and the legs they are once more inspected (left). Heres the Original A'-- l i ' ip This is the picture that won both the class prize of $500 and the grand naprize of $1,000 in the newspaper tional snapshot award, for Edgar T. Cleweli, bakery machinist of Far A pieture of his little danghter. It trae adjudged the best. Dancers everywhere ere doing the "Big Apple, bnt few knew about the original which happens to be this unique country cafe and ballroom near Wathcna. Kan., tbe capital of the apple country. ) |