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Show The Complete Home Newspaper A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION fifteenthtear; MAGNA CITIZENS MOTHER PASSES AWAY WEDNESDAY Americans To AvoidCoaflict Attomex Tell Americans Many Benefits of Living U.S. . that Americans must avoid a plague, only entering It to defend our country, E. A. Rogers. attorney of Salt Lake City and Urging war Wee former well known Judgg, delivered an inspiring address last Thursday evening at the Armistice program at Pleasant Green Hall Cyprus Post Mrs. Maria Sorensen Nleben, 75, mother of Mrs. J. H. Halvorson and Byron Nielsen, Magna, died Wednes-a- y at 11:35 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Halvorson. Mrs. Nielsen had been suffering from the effects of a stroke three weeks ago. She was well known In this vicA inity. being an ardent L. D. S.' church worker. In addition to Mrs. Halvorson and Mr. Nielsen of Magna, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Laura Symes of Salt Lake City and the following sons, Edwin, Clarence and Ezra Nielsen of Moroni. Utah and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. James Gee, Lehl, Utah, Andreas Sorensen, Moroni and Chris Sorensen, Mammoth Utah, and 17 grandchildren. Mrs. Nielsen was bom in Denmark ' Cyprus Loses try Mr Rogers talk was met with much appreciation as evidenced by the applause of those attending The balance of the short program was carried out in regular Legion ntual and presided over by Perdie Barton commander It consisted of the singing of America, by the congregation, advancing of colors, one moment of silence honoring the dead who offered their lives on the altar of sacrifice, and reading of ritual talk by Commander Barlon, Harry Adams, first vice commander and Prank Peel who took the place of J R Goodman, second vice commander, who was absent. A dance followed the program and proved highly enjoyable to the large attending crowd. Mrs W. R. Macaul-e- y won the quilt that was given by the Legion Auxiliary. The bazaar, sponsored by the ladies, also proved very successful. Chance To Loop Title Saturday Bitter Battle Fought In Postponed Dust Fracas At Cyprus , -- Tooele defeated the Cyprus Pirates Saturday, In a 2 to 0 victory and V'ok the Jordan division football honors to qualify for the semifinals in the high school B" division. The game was postponed BOWLING LINEUP LISTED FOR NEXT WEEK AT CLUB The following bowling lineup is given for pin - buster followers at the Utah Copper Club for the next week- - Monday, November 22: 6 30. Teams 1 vs. 14 and 15 vs. 17. 8 30 Teams 12 vs. 16 and 10 vs. 18 Wednesday, November 24: 6 30 Teams 5 vs 27 and 8 vs. 20 8 30 Teams 9 vs 23 and 4 vs. 24 Triday. November 26: 6 30. Teams 6 vs 22 and 11 vs. 21 8 30 Teams 2 vs. 26 and 3 vs. 28 WOMENS BOWLING Tuesday, November 23: 6 30 Teams 1 vs 7. 9 vs. 5 and 10 vs 8 vs 2 and 6 vs 4 Hitler is one of the worlds greatest dictators but then you must realize that Hitler is not a married man " FOR Groups Sponsor de dust-stor- m opponents The charging and tackling of both teams were exceptionally good and the game was one of the best ever seen here. The ability of the Cyprus ilne to stop the Tooele men when the latter were near their goal line w as re.c ponsible for the narrow margin of victory Cyprus had two splendid opportunities in the third quarter to score but failed. They first recovered a blocked punt cn Tooele's line and shoved over to the three-yar- d and tried a placement kick which was blocked. Shortly after, they recoiered a Tooele fumble on the Tooele's line. A pass to Jack Ridd took the ball to the line There Tooele held and a second attempted placeklck failed and was wide This ended their only serious scoring threat. The Pirates put up a splendid fight and played as good a game as did Tooele but had many unfortunr ate breaks rd AS BARGAIN CAMPAIGN STARTS until then. A large number of readers of the Another bargain is also offered Magna Times and Garfield Leader to our readers, effective this week renewed their subscriptions to the until January 1, 1938 a magazine Wpers as our bargain event got un- offer that is one of the best values der way last we have ever sponsored. Full details Thursday. While the number during the past are on page 8 of this Issue week was large, it was not as much Typical of the opening conversa80 as when the campaign gets fully tion of the subscribers Is I don't under way. Pew of the subscriptions know Just when my paper is out, have begun to but 111 renew now anyway expire as yet. In case you missed the explanatory Tiuring these bargatirdaysrthose article last week, we are forced to subscribing will receive the paper false the subscription price from 91 for less than two cents a week for to $150 per year, due to the rising .the entire year, tost of For those persons whose subscripnewsprint and other factors However this is not effective until tion has not expired, their time will January 1, 1938, so all subscribers be extended a full twelve months may take advantage of the 51 rate from the date of expiration No War For Me w Magna-Gar-fic- to stop it. Kim McIntosh, Magna man has a hunting story that he can substantiate. goose For he shot a last Thursday in Skull Valley while hunting the wary ducks. Not only is it a rare accomplishment to shoot a goose because of their craftiness, high flying and scarcity, but it is seldom that the wild ones weigh 8 McIntosh is assured . gocse lor. .Thanksgiving Mr. or other ise. The truth is that we have so many things for which to be grateful that we can not always think to recognize them individually. Neighborly News I understand that Mrs Delbert Madsen is planning to open a ham- burger stand across the street from C. Penney store, where the old bandstand used to repose. The bandstand was removed by the Cyprus High school and will be used by them The best of luck to this energetic, ambitious and lovely lady She does well whatever she attempts. J. Interest Seems as If women take more interest In their husband's work and social occupation In the past several years than they used to There are far more auxiliaries today than ever before. Legion Auxiliary, Firemen's Auxiliary, lodge auxiliaries and now comes the Order of Railroad Conductors Auxiliary, organized here the first week in November . All are worthwhile organizations that should better acquaint the rabbit hunt to provide meat on Thanksgiving for the needy poor In this vicinity Is scheduled for Sunday. November 21. Deputy Sheriff P. A. Hanks Is making arrangements for about sixty local men. The group plans to travel to ei- George Schaefer Arrestet ther Snowvllle In Boxelder County Wednesday As Accom- ' or Vernon laTotle county. Se ye rtil buses will be chartered to plice To Murder t leave early Sunday morning. TransGeorge Schaefer, Bacchus powde portation expenses will be paid by the men while shells may be pur- work. was arrested Wednesda, chased wholesale. evening at his home In Bacchus All desiring to go are asked to Deputy Sheriffs P. A. Hanks an1 leave their names at the Copper W, J. Reynolds, as an accomplice t Printing' Company or see Sheriff a murder of a man In southern Uta, Hanks. almost three years ago. Bchaefe These hunts have proven very readily admitted to Deputy Sheriff Hanks and Reynolds that he alde popular In the past several years. Charley Bosshard, 25, of Enterprise Utah, In removing C,e body cf Spen cer Malan,' the slain man. The slayer had married the deaf mans widow In the meantime, According to Information release), by the deputy sheriffs, Bosshsn confessed to the murder In Enter prise Tuesday night. Bosshard read, ily admitted the slaying when con. fronted with a story by deputy sher Iff of St. George, pieced togethe from rumors resulting from the d:s appearance three years ago of Mi Knowledge Magna Prisoner Fires Cell In Escape Attempt Tommy Keith Saved From Death By Heroic Work of John Huff Tommy Keith, 27, Oarfield aviator, was saved frqpi poeslbledeath by strangulation and burning Saturday evening by John E. Huff, fire New Homes chief of Salt Lake County Fire deIf you would like to see a lovely partment No. 2. when the Keith lad model home In Magna, drive up Cy- attempted to burn down the Magna prus street to 3rd South where on Jail. tfielf hubafid's and social. the corner is problems-lab- Her i or situated the charming Malan. ; According to Bosshard s confession he killed Malan at the lattera rsncl home, three miles northeast of Enf terprise In Washington county, whe the latter. In a drunken rage, attack-edhiafter a dance which the two with Mrs. Malan and her brother George Schaefer, had attended to Enterprise the night Of March 17 1935. Bosshard, according to the sherthe four returned to Malang home from the dance in Mir lan's automobile. , iff, said Keith, who was lodged in the Magwhite home of Mr. and Mrs Molly na bastlle on charges of being drunk Salm. It is one of the Bosshard said ha had a sheep ' and tastefully arranged homes in and disorderly In Garfield. . was found unconscious Chief Fire near their home and had ridby camp Magna, in my opinion. Several other new homes that are Huff , surrounded by burning blank- den to the Malan place on horseets which he had set afire. Mr. Huff back and gone to the dance with really worthwhile Is the novel brick home of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Nay- was going by the Jail, which ad- them. He said he went to the corral house, when he to get his hone when Malan came lor on East Main Street and the joins the out of the house and attacked him,' smaller stucco one next to it, also espied smoke. The cell was opened and the pros- Bosshard said Malan was drunk. constructed by the Naylors, the Mero trate Keith dragged out before the He said Malan forced him Into a Harvey home and the residence beblaze caused any damage to the comer and In desperation he (Boss Belva on Evans ing built by Jimmy hard) picked up a short piece of Avenue, the homes of Dell Anderson building Keith had been thoroughly search- pipe and smashed down on Malana and Ed Cannon on Louise Avenue, remodeled borne of Mr. and ed before he was placed in the cell head. Bosshar satdwh-he-oeuA special meeting will be held at the Mrs Lyle Hendrickson on the Main but passersby had evidently given not revive the man he called Schae-- f the Utah Copper Club, Wednesday. that makes it almost like a him matches through the cell win- fer from the house. They loaded: November 24. for all Interested men Highway, Malans body Into the automobile, home. new Ive watched that house dow. to formulate plans for a Club male drove up the road toward Modena one room Into a beautifrom grow He was revived by artificial rechorus announces Ed J. Gardner, and dumped the body Into an old' ful home that shows forethought club president. spiration by Mr Huff and put back abandoned well, Bosshard told the' from the beginand wise planning In the cell He attempted to again The meeting commences sheriff. ning to one of simple but lovely bum the Jail down by surrounding beauty. him 'elf with the mattress and setMrs. Malan who, according to' Magna Girl Wins Its inspiring to see these homes. ting it afire never knew her husband Bosshard, Over May each one hold all the happiness Beauty had been killed, obtained a divorce have was He the capacfrom removed human a the Jail beings that a year later on grounds of desertion. sreond time and taken to the county She later married ity to cherish. Bosshard, who Jail in Salt Lake City. told the sheriff he felt a sense of Miss Dorothy Philpot, daughter Cannon Trial was held for Keith Monday responsibility toward her and the of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Philpot of One of every three children bom In Justice Parleys Olsens court. He son of Malan, now 11 years old. Magna, was adjudged second place in the "world Is Chinese statisticians was given 25 days for the drunken, The confession was signed and winner for having an outstanding to Just Japanese provide disorderly charge at Oarfield. 27 ad- Bosshard guided the sheriff to the1 coiffure on her model at the Fourth report bombers with plenty of targets ditional days on a charge of mali- well in whclh he said Malans body Annual Convention of the Utah AsHave also noticed that Germany cious mischief, charge of attempting was dumped. The sheriff had not resociation of' Better Beauty The conhas decided the name America is to burn the Magna bastlle, and on turned late test was held in the Rose Room at of Teutonic Wednesday afternoon. be to' origin, probably the Newhouse Hotel Tuesday eve- used as basis of Its claim If Hitler failure to pay a $25 fine on a drunk- The well, he reported by telephone, at Garfield a had caved In and It will take con-- 1 ning. Little Miss Patsy Kuk Miss decides to annex the western hem en, dlordcrly charge month jigo was resentenced to15 siderable digging to reach the bot- -i philpot's niece was the model isphere days making a total of 67 days to tom. Miss Philpot was awarded a medserve at the County Jail He was reDame Rumor The first rumor that Malan may j al for winning in the competition moved to the Sait Lake jail have been killed and had not left the It has often been said "An idle over two hundred and fifty contestcountry, as was originally believed. ants. all students of Beauty Schools rumor is never idle," and I verily beaccording to the sheriffs, was traced rumors is I've heard true in the lieve that Miss Philpot is enrolled to Schaefer. Schaefer asserted y told eiery one different- - regarding the Quish School of Beauty Culture his wile of the killing, the story emploj merit here that I wonder spreading until It eventually reach- where they all originate fiom. ed the sheriff. notIt's a peculiar thing but I've A murder charge was signed iced during the past five years, that Bosshard. against in the these rumors never, parlance Salt Lake County will take adof the day, pan out," according to Birth Announced vantage of the provision of law CLUB but quite a differthe which enables It to extend the when the ent aspect is presented final pajment of property taxes Friends of Dr. and Mrs. Vera AnAn ek barbecuc and dancc Wlll be proper time comes. from November 30 to December derson. former Magna young man, &t the utah Copper Clubhouse 20 according to J. R Jarvis, will be interested to learn of the arEnthusiasm WwJnesdav Nowmber 24 This is county treasurer. rival of a baby boy at the L. D. Enthusiasm' at s football game is porored jo.ntl-This extension of time is be- Hospital October 4. The Dr. Ander- -t Uonal Avocitlon and the to be expected but the enthusiasm sons reside In Bountiful. This is' ing generally put into effect thru-oUtah Copper Club states E E Mc- that bubbles over so much that manstate the first child. their Carty and LaMar Sandall secre- ners and sportsmanship are for1 8ome-is commendable. not the gotten separate organizations taries of of enthusiasm did not This will undoubtedly be one of how, thisto type the 'appear advantage of local the outstanding events of the week, game boy.s at the Cyprus-Tooenovel entertaina will and provide To or '"Vapors from the oven hovering alT" about the house a floral beThanksgiving'" Orchids ment Tor the eCe decked table the gay laughter of happy people a typical 1937 Members and partners will be adEd Turner, one of my favorite perThanksgiving! mitted only sons His dry keen wit and even The Magna Time and Garfield Leader issue of next week will be plasociable temperment finds a perced in the mails Monday evening. Instead of manent place in anyone's affections the customary Thursday afternoon, carrying specials for your Thanksgiving table and of Railroad home. Magna and Garfield merchants want Conanctors Auxiliary to remind you now that er. Sam Taylor was demolished everything Is ready Dinner Give To or making this a grand Had they been traveling at a higher rate of speed, the consequence' Thanksgiving. Flocks of unsuspecting gobmuch Tie Ladies Auxiliary of the Order blers are stuffing themselves In would probably have been preparation orof Railroad Conductors recently for your table, assuring you the worse. finest, fatturIn a is also of test giving birds Magna, Garfield ganized Lorian Memmott youve ever tasted. for the So whether It for your own general public escaped without serious injury Sun- key dinner family or November 23 at some other, Magna and Oarfield merchants day evening when he hit a horse by Tuesday evening, will be Dinner Church. made have the it . for possible Baptist economically everyone to have a rous the Hunter School. - The sheriff's office asks the coop- served from the hours of 5.00 to 7:00 ing good time on this 316th Thanksgiving Day. next Thursday. November 25 eration of all owners of cattle in p m. at 75c per plate Watch for this special edition, carrying messages from your home the highways. Everyone is Invited to attend. keeping them off The Auxiliary had a membership town merchant for this Day of Thanks. Wonderful bargains that will be There are county ordinances stat- of sixteen at their first meeting. in effect Tuesday and Wednesday. lng that the owners of cattle are All news and advertising copy must be In our offioe by Mohday able for damages of an Injured per-T- They will meet at a date to be anDont miss It! nounced later. son. a best-plann- ed fire-engi- ne S Prize ' Field Of 250 Fodder --Fui thermore, remember that no major nation approaches this Geth- clean hands Even our ADULT EDUCATION own landw ith is at fault. We could have done much to prevent war bv enCLASSES BEGIN couraging world trade from 1920 to the present Instead we passed the THIS THURS. EVE Havley-Smotariff bin crippling .our own farmers and forcing " The first Adult Education class, slarvatlon on tlie ave-nots" among Parent-Teachsponsored by the Cyprus nations Your own good United Asociation, will be held this States helped raise Hitler and MusThursday night November 18 at the solini to power just as did England The Cyprus High School, 7 00 p m. and France It helped cause the classes are free, and w 111 be held war in China. And even our own every Thursday evening Roosevelt and friend of Agriculture The teacher for the school season Wallace have done nothing about will be Dr. Philo T. Farnsworth, who that tariff It is a has won recent distinction at the word to use in connection with milFarns- - lions djing But it concerns food and Columbia University Dr worth is recognized as one of Utahs earning a living, and people fight be foie they starve leading educators. Dr. Farnsworth has taken as his This is not clear thinking It subject, Psychology of Adolescence." is much vlearer howryer. than the discussing such important and vital It muddle with topics as Teen Age Problems Sex clear enough that ' and Vocations fighting will not help the, Learning to Use Leisure Time. The mess. The richest nation in the Adolescent and his Companions world trading with all other naUnderstanding the Adolescents and tions might be an entirely difBoy and Girl Relationship ferent story. It may be too late Citizens of Magna and Garfield for it to help much now, but it are invited to attend. is certain that it would help more than committing another wrong. But war with these Uiuled States of ours engaged can be prevented. WUl you do your part? ot COUNTY TAX DATE EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 20 -- ELK BARBECUE, DANCE WEDNESDAY AT COPPER ' uth y ion-Yo- tale-beare- rs a " ut 5 THANKSGIVING EDITION le THREE MEN MIRACULOUSLY ESCAPE CRASH DEATH IN AUT0-H0RS- E Order Turkey ed " Admits 1 M The affairs of the world are in such turmoil (hey cannot be solved by any nation. What if millions are going to die in other lands! Adding the. lives, of a million American, boys, to the sacrifice will not help in the long run. War does not bring peace. It lays the foundation, for greater and more terrible wars cf Bacchus Lkn A We are often called ungrateful. People frequently say we do not appreciate this, that, and the other thing. Our political servants are always intimating that we take no interest in their work, and that nobody ever says an encouraging word whether they give us an honest deal 2 ORGANIZE MALE CHORUS NOV. 24 We may see a million English and French boys doomed to die, but we haVe watched thee countings thousands In the lands they rule, and we never thought of sending a sailor or a marine Magna Man Shoots Goose Oh Duck Hunt pounds , b m-- Ungrateful ld themselves, said Victor J Duke in speaking of the European countries If Americans have gone there to Owen Jacobs, ow nor .of the GoodInvest. I feel that they should look to the country where they live for rich Dairy, Nowell Taylor and Clifton Clark, all of Magna miraculoustheir protection. evee ly escaped death last Thursday Scoring propaganda, one Legion-alrrwhich Mr. Taylor pointed out that the common ning. when the car soldier never knew what he was was driving, plowed into a herd of occurred at fighting for. With regard to the pos- nine horses The accident 39th South highsibility of America's being involv- 11:10 p. m. on the ed -- he said, I believe It can be way, above the Cyprus High ofSchooL them worked out where we will not be Three horses were killed, two owned by Ted Harding and one by Involved." Puck Seay pointed out: For de- Glen Reid. The three Magna citizens Buffered out us to want fense, yes. for aggression, no. I bestay and, fight that out to minor scratches and bruises. smart stay enough lieve we're of car, owned by Mr. Taylors fath- Let them work it out among of war." it o School Contest Say Veterans Most of the men however, stated that they would be willing to fight a defensive war. but hoped they would not have to. Some were reluctant to talk. A few admitted that after he got in a war, there was a snap to it man liked, it that any ewas the getting ther- and the rehabilitation that was awful. The following opinions were not meant to express an official opinion cf the LeglonThutTo get a cross section of the feeling of local men. W. W. Allen: Nothing doing! I think we'd better let all of them 6 The Magna and Arthur Mills of the Utah Copper Company will For a number of years I approach- close for Turkey Day, November 25 ed Armistice Day w 1th a certain sat- as well as the following day, Friday. isfaction. It was a symbol of peace--- a November 26, states officials. heroio remembrance of the beneSome employees are planning to fits that come to individuals and to take holadvantage of the two-da- y Each School In Thl Vici- humanity by its blessings. But last iday by Visiting relatives andTWends nity To Have Individual year and this year, it has not been in other communities for Thankssuch a happy occasion. There are Prizes giving However, the larger portion dark clouds on the horizon. Great will remain In Magna and Garfield In order to make the public, in- powers are stalling for time and to quietly celebrate the day of thanks for positions. And In the at their own homes. cluding adults and children, more Jockeying minds of people right here In our safety conscious the own country is a fatalistic belief Lions Club and the General that war will come to us if other FAREWELL HONORS Safety Committee of the mills and i nations are involved smelter, are sponsoring an art and great LEGRANDE SADLER essay contest for each school in this Such fatalism makes me mid, vicinity including Cyprus Senior and for It U the subconscious effort SUNDAY EVENING, Junior High, Garfield and Webster. of a people trying to steel themCash awards will be given to the selves to a cruel sacrifice. IneJ winning contestants, according to dentally, it is the opinion of a Gordon D. Lee, chairman of the majority of the people of Use encommittee. The contest opens now tire United State. And yet nearand closes December 17, 1937 ly all of these will say that they The contest Is on the general oppoje our beys being sent to subject of Safety Consciousness as oilier lands to fight. Some qualify Related to Automobile Traffic Cash it by saying they do not believe will in art be awarded the prizes in peace at any price, but their and English departments for the stand is dear enough. And while best poster in art and best compothey are saying the! things, sition of 300 to 500 words in English nearly an of them believer deep 00 $2 The prizes are $3 00 first, in their hearts, that the United second and 91 00 third in Art and States will be drawn into the next in English The contest is within World War. each school and not between the separate educational institutions It will be if belief continues It is the purpose of the contest to to grow in the that as much as It future bring Traffic Safety Consciousness has since last November 11 I do to the children, .parents and par- nor ugree' With any such 'bener'ThM; ticularly to the employees of the country can stay out of the next mills and smelter. For this Reason war, and it seems certain that oy it Is suggested that one of the points is coming It may mean that we may of in Judging the efforts the children have to sit and see a million idly should be effectiveness with which innocent Chineseby slaughtered, bit the poster or composition might millions of them have starved ?jd Elder LeGrande W. Sadler carry the message to the reader we did nothing We may have to s.t The following four points for Elder LeGrande W. Sadler, who idly by and watch millions of Russjudging the posters and composition ians killed, but that number will leave In the near future for a nearly are suggested: wt.e starved by their government L D S. Church mission in Texas. 1 Oiginahty or effectiveness. A farewell testimonial was tenand we did nothing but talk. It may 2. Organization. mean that we will watch a million dered Elder Sadler Sunday evening 3. Content. German and Italian boys led to the at the Magna Ward A large crowd 4 Technical perfection ' slaughter pens, but tens of thou- attended. It is also suggested that each sands of them have been murdered principal arrange for the judging of in their own concentration camps the work of students within his own and we did not send a single soldier COPPER CLUB TO Legion Men Interviewed Believe America Can Remain Neutral During nineteen years, since the fining of the Armistice on II, 1918, a war weary world has fumed to a war hating world and a Portion of the American sold-- r have banded themselves togeth-to the American Legion, an organ-atio- n which constantly urges peace nd war for defense only. At present, a world situation has arisen whlch makes warnotjmprob- With this in view, some of the Members of the Cyprus Post of the American Legion were asked their feeling toward America's Into another conflict. h opinion was unanimous against kar. In mtick ths Editor has Her say By the Editor er many renew subscriptions 25-2- RABBIT HUNT SLATED FOR NEEDY POOR CHATTER TVYO DAYS, NOVEMBER Will You Prevent It T Thursday duetto a state-withat prevented the players from even seeing the ball. A fumbled punt by the Cyprus safety plan and then a recovery the end zone gave the White Buffaloes their lone two points near the middle of the final period The Pirates had steadfastly stopped drive schooL after drive of their much heavier er Teams Read It in The Times or Leader Ifumber MILLS TO CLOSE Lions Club, Safety sponsored the entertainment. Mr Rogers related the many benefits of living in the United States and the protection Americana always January 13. 1862, a daughter of Sereceived. He stated that the United vern and Elsie Sorensen. States had never entered a war for greed as Japan is Engaged in against China but rather to maintain policies of freedom or defend our coun- 3 8 30 -- Magna, UtaETErlday, November 19, 1937 Speaker Urges In 1M . he |