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Show EDUCATIONAL CONTEST COULD THLU2 EATPLN TO YOUt STATE FAIR NEWS 1) The National Safety Council have listed (Continued from page (Continued from page 1) with other some strange accidents, based on claims of out direct competition Washington Bicentennial Commission an insurance company. Some are as fol- bands sad. t the close of the fair, for information svgarding the contests will award prize to all members of lows : w to be conducted in the schools during A steamship company wired the captain of one of ita ships: Move heaven and earth and get here Friday To which they had a reply the next day: liaised hell, and will get there If you were standing on a dime, Bill; would why you be like Woolworth at' Bob; Why! Bill; Nothing above ten cents. Lady, could ye gimme a quarter to get where me fambly isf Certainly my poor man, heres the quarAt de mo ter. Where is your family f vies.' Ted: iMy feet burn like the dickens, do you think a mustard bath would help them! Doc: Sure. There a nothing better than mustard for hot dogs. - WHAT SAFETY FLLST 1HLAT3 TO HE (Turned nfhy some anonymous writer) What safety first means to me or anyone else, can only be estimated. You cant weigh its value, neither can you figure its worth, but the more I use it, the more it pays me. Safety first should not be looked on as a for it helps all. When it helps tme to avoid accident it keeps me iri the productive field to produce something for others and also to keep my earning power. I dont believe there ever was an accident that cant be traced back to where someone, somewhere along the line failed to use safety first. To fail to inspect is suicide, and to hide a defect is murder in many cases. Not caring for other just so we get by, is brutal. But if we use safety our with methods feliowmen, that is first we and 'feel good when we love, brotherly think that iwe helped someone to avoid danger I believe that the person who knows of a danger and does not report or remove it, with the result that someone gets killed on that account, isnt much better than a .murderer. Safety first is a friend to the rich and poor and should be our guide. lie is a pa) of mine and I cant estimate its worth to me, but if I obey him until death claims me, folks can say old safety first allowed only a natural cause to take me and not old man accident We should remember always that it takes . everyone on the job to make everyone safe. One careless man will disrupt a whole organization. er, ( WHY FOLD UPf The most comfortable way to sit isnt always the healthy way. Proper posture, while at work or at home, has direct bearing on health and efficiency. Incorrect posture influences general health and produces Leading physicians now elaim that correct posture in sitting, standing or walk-- ing, will tend to prevent tuberculosis. The slouchy attitude, while it may mean momentary comfort, is bad business in the long run. The lungs and heart often become affected. Contracted chests and displacement of abdominal organs result and one becomes an easy target for serious disease. Erect posture pays, not only in looks, but in general health as well. Nature "made most of us straight as an arrow. Lets stay that way, and keep fit while living up to Natures fa--tig- "rulesr A man lost his front teeth when the baby broke them with a milk bottle. Another man was injured while attempting to lift a horse onto an operating table. One individual swallowed a tack when someone hit him on the back. Swallowing false teeth while sleeping accounted for another mishap. A farmer broke his foot while kicking at a recalcitrant pig. A bottle, while being scalded, exploded, burning and cutting the one cleaning it. An executive broke his hand by pounding too emphatically on the desk. One man brought a elaim on behalf of his daughter, ,who poked a sardine can into her right ear. Two men had ribs broken through girls hugging them too vigorous- ly. Another swain held a young lady on his lap until his legs were numb, they gave way when he rose and he sprained his ankle. A male dancer lost his when a hairin old of an the head fashioned pin girl pierced it. A man and his wife apprehended the house dog in the act of stealing a roast chicken; both grabbed simultaneously to save it and a carving knife in the hand of Bethe wife cut off the husbands finger. lieve it or not a man received a sharp elec tric shock in the bath tub, slipped and fell out of a window. In spite of admonitions of every sort, regular accidents over the country are increasing, to which are added the weird ones like those listed above. ear-dru- m the winning organization. Tbia week, a letter from Herbert M. Schiller of the executive committee the Bicentennial Celebration. The series of educational contests is one of the activities open to all students, for of the mate fair hoard i going forward it includes declamatory contest ia the to all euperinteadents of high acboola schools, essay contests in elementary ia Uuh inviting them to lend the the Schools and oratorical conHigh tcbool baad to the fair. It ia the prt tests in the colleges! lent plaa of the board, according to Mr. Schiller, to award lilver medala to Cope rating with the U. S. Georgs ah moaiciana ia the winning band. Washington Bicentennial Commission The conceit throughout will be infor- each state George Washington Bicenmal and ahould afford an opportuntennial Commission ia appointing a ity for every one of the better acbool State Educational Contest Committee banda of the Kate 10 win the coveted to conduct the contest in each tute. prizes. Throughout, the Uuh State Fair of 1931 will offer an exceptionally fine darn of .entertainment and am uiemeata win be is progress most of to time. Then, children and grownup, wi. be uir.,led and entertained a.t y Wiiu ..r.ua acts and gymnastic team re,, among them Lohse 8 Sterling on the Roman rings and swinging trapeze: the Six Dccardos, the "Jumping Jacks," expert tumblers; Four UNIVERSITY NEWS These two men and Hack Davis, V High are the outstanding caaJ.. Garland Pusey, Kean Westphal and for the posts mentioned. Wtst-shows fine ability Bob Sonne, art slated to figure promi-mentl- y sophomore, ia the scramble for the vacant much it expected of him this moot alland the next two year. position. The graduation of two and Watkins, Utter conference' aura. Pusey is a good defensive player but High pbenom give the his ability at catching spiral heaves is more than aa even chance of breaking not so pronounced aa with Sonne. into the Redskin lineup. These boy are bosom pals and they Sonne raw considerable action last will doubtless be pulling for each other, even when the success of one will year, falling only a trifle thy of winunder-pua- u necessitate the others remaining on die His his numerals. speed ning and his abality to snag forward bench. This type of sportsmanship expasses won him along with Sherman plains Uuh Us corner on the R. M. dark, the emergency nod when the C grid situation. (Continued ftom page 1) The following appointments for UAh have been reported to the United States Commission. Hon C. N. Jensen state Supt. of public instruction. Salt Lake Gty, Uuh; Dr, Georg Thomas, president of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Dr. E. G. Peterson, president. Agricultural College of Uuh, Logan. Information may be had from any of the aforesaid committee in regard will be inHaas Brother, aerial acrobats; Ander- - to the contest. The contest in Uuh. featured sous Animal Circus with performing terestingly school student may enter dogs, ponies, moneys and mules; the evetpofular dog races with speedy Whippets and Greyhounds; the usual fireworka displays at night and the s, entertaining midway attractions, side-show- THE ESSENCE OP SAFETY. etc. The essence of safety lies in the concenThe, crowning feature of the entration of the various faculties in your pos- tertainment program, though, will be session into one main object, to keep the the engagement of the famous Capt. many parts of the body out of danger, when Dobbeie," the great radio entertainer, engaged in any particular work. There are ia perron, with his company of sixdangers all around you, not only on the teen, afternoons and evenings for five plant, but at home, in the street, in the days, beginning Monday, October 5. country; hazards exist, no matter where Captain Dobbsi has millions of folyou go automobiles, street cars, grade lowers oaTthc radio who bear hi pro crossings and anything that moves, may be gram every day. Hi appearance in per a source of injury to the unwary. on at the Sate fait will enable thou Those who think of the safety of them- and of his admirtrt to tec and bear selves and others are always on the alert. him at cloae range. An absent mind, even for the shortest space Ia other departments of the Fair of time, has the tendency to bring regret notable exhibitions have already been for the pain and misery caused by the lapse arranged. Ernest S. Holmes, manager, from watchfulness. says that gratifying interest bat been NEVER TAKE A CHANCE that ia the shown in the livestock and other dekey-noof safety. partments, particularly since the anDo not depend too much on mechanical nouncement that the fair bad been conditions aa you find them. Criticise them designated by the American Jersey Catrather than put yourself in a dangerous sit- tle Club as the western regional show. uation. It will render slight consolation Mr. Holmes, however, again nrged when something of a serious nature happens, that prospective exhibitors in thi deand you and others are injured, to reflect send in their entries at once, that had you kept a vigilent watch, or had partment to expedite allotment of space. not let things go as they were, you would have been saved all the misery. Nothing M. I. A. ACTIVITIES can restore sight to the blind, replace a lost limb or put life once more in the broken The M. L A. activities fos the body. Money cannot compensate or ap- Oqeirzh Suite commenced Tuesday pease the agony of the loved ones for the loss evening in the Pleasant Green, Magna, of life, especially when careless or thought- Granger, Garfield, and ib Hunter less actions have been the primary cause, wards for the ensuing year, Aa usual, alert the be the on during Always days the M. I. A. meetings had been dia corner. lurks in for continued in the earltummet mouths. every work, danger Think twice before acting once. Danger is Each ward opened with interesting on all sides to victimize yon, if the greatest programs which were followed by thought and care for yonr own and others dancing. welfare is not uppermost in your mind. An the n From outlined program other may be the careless one, and surroum be on to the of maindcr premia year you in a moment with danger; therefore, entertainin both the of yet biggest your first duty is watchfulness. Keep your ment and educational value, The re mind on the first law of nature,' are you gular meetings will be held in the theiv and not until-theWards every Tuesday evening. practicing the often taught safety laws. Slower procedure is better than speeding. Each class has definite work to be In the end it will cost less and be safer. I: accomplished and plan ate going ( is better to lose time throngb precaution and ward in strides so a to be complete have your life safe than to take a risk and for the Fall Conference of the L. D. .spend the rest of your days in misery and S. Church which it to be held in Salt despair through impulsive action with lack Lake H October. All industries are hurt of forethought. when men are injured, both suffer in conseSHERIFF'S SALE quence. By practicing the safe way of dobecome ing things, the rules of safety-firs- t In the District Court of tb Third realities instead of ornaments. Judicial District in and for the County te ADDITIOMAL CAN OF T3 caancl -O .- Prfetis4Lw CoMtoewtloNfkyacs cf CLIZZZt at the regular price, preset cotpoe C Enamel below, and you will gal AN- fJAP-A-LA- t-- e ur !. OTHER CAN, same size as year ordinal purchase for for your woodwork, for furniture Now is the time tn gst or other arCcles that you detire to enamel 21 colors to choose from. Dries In 4 hours. No odor. Come in today. JAP-A-LA-C Its Good to Hear Your Voice r to chat friend b with If next best telephone to actually ibalnf them. Typical day How pleasant I f out-of-to- statlon-to-eta-ti- i CINT COUPON JAP-A-LA- C Uviaf I M m twe el abMMMMlfla. at JAP-A4A- C SWtaUm-Sh- St L prim, I aatMM le aa KuMi rate: 7' San Francisco Seattle fath I InTOs u4 - U-- S2.75 ula tmtm nee toweft Rabmubbera DoCuo'a , , TGLkPMOWS- , Selling Fast! : Genuine Goodrich Tires X V as low as e T A each S4.80 in pairs i Quit worrying' about what other people are thinking about you. They do not know aa much about your cussedness aa you do, and therefore they are not thinking that which you know they have a right to think about you. Listening to the memorized solicitations of some salesman, and the broadcasting of the average soprano singer, has had much to do with the converting of many to the silence ia golden idea. around as much at you Ilka come here to see people buying tiret. No wonder, when they can get genuine Goodrich Tires, made by the oldest and moat experienced tire manufacturer, (or as little IOOK ' as 4.98! Less than a five spot, (or the size that cost you eighteen or twenty dollars Jen yeara ago. Weve priced them to end depression and we're certainly doing plenty o( business I This Goodrich Cavalier is the handsomest tire you ever put on pour ear. 26 more mileage, more traction, by actual test. Join the parade! Come in now! ? of Salt Lake. State of Utah, JESSIE SMITH. ... He: Darling, what did you do with Plaintiff. those narcissus bulbs t vs. She: Why, honey, Im so sorrybut I LIZZIE J. WARRENi Defendant. thought they were onions and you ate the last one yesterday. Sale at the West Sheriff's be told to af Rag Merchant; bottles, ladyt Lady: Do I look aa if I drank beer! Well, vinegar bottles, Rag Merchant: Any-bee- r ladyt L Street. n, UP GOLP. I gave up golf. .If you had my tragic experience you would give it up too. For years I was a duffer. I paid out hard earned dollars to learn that easy, graceful swing the pro uses when he sends them down the fairway 250 yds. or more. I couldnt master it. If I didnt miss the ball altogether, she sailed off toward the sidelines where the rough and bunkers lie. jDo you know anything about chopping them out of a bunker into a sand trap, and then from the sand trap back into the trap again t Have you ever taken ten strokes to reach the green ona par five holef And, on the green, when I finally got on the green I never took the rest of the more than three putts foursome wouldnt let me. I am not easily discouraged. I could have endured the advice of well intentioned friends showing me how they hold their clubs. It was the downright cruelty of fate that made me give up. It was the realization that I might have been a success. I might have been even a great golfer. I might have won cups in tournaments if I only had seen one thing in timer- ' It was an advertisement for a golfball that would do everything the balls I used couldnt do. These are the words I fondly remember: Leaps from your club. Soars Never flops like a duck bunkers. the over in the lake. Buns STRAIGHT to the pin. What couldnt I have done with a ball like thatt And to think, when I found that advertisement it was too late. The company making the balls had gone out of business. Kl from Magna to: n, 7 I GAVE L Nome. on front door of the County Courthouse ia the City and County of Salt Lake. State of Utah, on the 8th day of October. 1931, at 12 oclock noon of said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake County, Statt of Utah, described as THE FUNNY BONE. Teacher: What eow is best known for follows, "The south half of the southwest the amount of milk it gives! quarter of Section Ta (10) Bd the to-w- it: Johnny; Teacher: Johnny: Magnesi Magnesia!! Yessum, all the drug stores sell milk of magnesia. SUPER CAVALIERS CAVALKH3 west halt of tb northwest quarter of Section Fiftcea (13) all ta Town ship One (1) South of Range Two (2) West. Salt Lake Meridian; lest a strip of ground Fifty (30) feet wide on each aid of tb center of the track of the San Pedro, Lot Angeles i 4y!y uZf A physician says that success depends upon the functioning of the glands. The sweat and Salt Lakt Railroad at formerly located and aa described ia that ceri glands! " of Mortgage at tain Book "3-B- She: Lets go for a walk tonight, dear, He: Walk; what for, when I have got a -- car outside 1!! She: Its doctors 'exercise with a dumb-be- ll orders, he told me to every day. At last, groaned the elderly (diner, Total paralysis of the left leg I have feared it for yearaL If it will relieve your mind any, whispered the sweet and more or less young thing at his left, it is mine that you have been feeling. -- She: He: yeara. page 381 of the Records of Salt Lakt County, Sutt of Utah, and also sub ject to easements to the Uuh Power and Light Company and tb Mountain Sutte Telephone it Telegraph Com-- , pany for their pole lines as now across said land. Together with all and singular and tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the rents, issue and profit thertof. Purchase price payable In lawful money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9th day of September. 1931. S. GRANT YOUNG. Sheriff of Salt Lakt Cbunty, Utah. Harley W. Curtin. J -- What do you know about love! tt Plenty, I drove a taxi for three Pint Attorney for Plaintiff. date 9, II, 1931. Last publication date 10, 2, 1931, publication Goodrich. Cavaliers rJrrJrJrr -- ip if TT-- 7 |