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Show er L2AD TE3 AND THINK. No comments are necessary on the following news article which came out in the press recently: Joke is fatal to worker, 'manslaughter charges may be placed against one or more employes of the Company, as the result 6f the death of . . ,35 years of age, a fellow-workwho was electrocuted as the result of a practical Jake. The victim, a sweeper, was killed when he grasped the handles of his wheelbarrow upon resuming work after the noon hour. Investigation by and the corProsecuter oner disclosed the fact that the wheelbarrow had been wiqed by workmen who wanted to have some sport. Half a dozen employees suspected of being in the joke werie held for several hours but were released after talking to the prosecutor. All but two disclaimed any, knowledge of the joke, or That one of the two wtere will probably be arrested today on a charge of involuntary manslaughter was the only statement forthcoming from the prosecutor. The deceased leaves a widow and two Toms son: The fire was put out before any damage could be done by the volunteer H Walter hat returned home after viaiting at Bountiful at a guest of Mrs. Sarah JTuttle and Mr. Arthur Rkhards. x Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Pace lfft the firts of the week for tbt Middle Western Statea where thty will visit with Mr. Paces father and other relative and friends for tyo weeks. i Mia Dorothy Evans is spending a vacation with the family of Mrs. John Aagard at Provo. She Mr. W. fire department. , er ................. - non-committ- al -- Wife: Good gracious John, youve put the hot water bottle in the babys cot. Wheres the baby! Husband (In bed) Hang it, I was wondering why the hot water bottlte wouldnt keep still. Two actors met on Broadway. Boy, I wowed em last night burbled the tragedian. After my big death scene they were crying all over the house. No wonder they cried returned the comedian, They knew you werent really dead. kt also spend a few ' will Canyon. PVO dy Mr. and Mrs. James Evans and family motored to Provo last week end. later going to Provo Canyon for a brief tamping trip. Heavy stranger: (Returning to theatre after interval) Did I step on your toes as Yes you did I went out Stranger; Thats right Martha, this is FOLKS WHO CROAK Mr. and Mrs B. Y. Peterson an nounce the arrival of a baby girl born last week. Mother and babe are doing very nicely. Congratulations. Once on the edge of a pleasant pool, under the bank where it was dark and cool close to the thicket where bushes hung and rushes Viola Christensen of Richa guest at the George S. Tay lar borne in Garfield for an indefinite our place. THIS TUNNY BONE. Bob: And your brother who was trying nodded and grasses swung, right where the so hard to get a government job,: what is creek flowed into the bog, there lived a. grumpy and mean old frog. Hed sit all day he doing now! the mud and soak, and just do nothing in Tom Nothing, he got the job. ' but croak and croak, i two-wee- Mia field it . ' ttay. j tu grand-daughte- A dainty one o'clock luncheon was served at which coven wen laid for 12. Special guests wen M-- :. Ray Ad amt. Mn. W. J. Myert, Mrs. Ferdie Barton, and Mia Alice Gardner. Card tablet wetr later arranged and prizes awarded to Mrs. Hyrum Guff, first, and Mrs. T. A. Hansen, consolation. Practically New RCA33 $ wfcr M ?. e-- 11 rate from Magna to; " Grand function $1.35, Green River $1.05 rnt na4 tnO ffik by uunber ar ! ara quiehet. Nuabw Please? e SALT LAKE A UTAH RAILROAD . V F 1 V- TELEPHONE; et5Jhrc::gh .1. .i. m.im. mn,. V- ... " - - V -- - ,, . lW,. VV7HEN you ;VS: e RIDE THE BIG RED CARS of the Wt SHERIFFS SALE la tbe District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, SERENO B. TUTTLE and LIZZIE B. TUTTLE, Plaintiff. Investigating Rtblor Tbs production of reindeer, although a promising Industry la Alaska, Is aot suited to conditions In eny part of tbe United States. Eelnser grazing to limited to tbs Arctic and Subarctic regions. Tbe burets of biological survey to making detailed investigation! regard-tvfood reeources of Alaska t .UJ to these animals; also of t ctnegement of practices that a "t ccit Successful, . and ' of th c: and parasites of reindeer. tor, highways. T Tat Call Long Distinct ti. -- i , MAGNA TIMES Ml B. CLEGG Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of fitst publication Date of last publication ED yearatLehi, August 12th, 13th and be a Gala occasion and large crowds will .This Hth are expected to attend.. i Avoid the dangers and discomforts of the crowded - AD Electric $25.00 Each - Cash EGAL NOTICES Commencing one hundred (100) u will be held this 7, Tube trtnbUHm utti ttjnko tv it sistln Itstta ur English teacher: Correct this sentence, The only way that you can get thoroughly Before any damage could be done, the fire with the Plant Safety Rules is to familiar was put out by the volunteer fire departRule Book. the read mnt. feet cast of tbe northwest comer of lot five (5), Block teven (7), Plat B Salt Lake City Survey; and running tbenct south ninety nine (99) (65) feet feet: thence east sixty-fiv- e lhence north ninety nine (99)feet: west sixty-fiv- e tbencc (65) feet to tbe place of beginning; Together with bona thereon which property is known as No. 310 East 8tb South' Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Purchase price payable Unlawful money of tbe United tSatea. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16tb day of July, 1931. S, GRANT YOUNG Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Uuh i eat THE ANNUAL BEET SUGAR DAY AND RODEO -- RADIOS Cost $80.09 FRIENDSHIPS tell--in- follow, lg TWO f to-wi- t: t IE EE t. a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meredith art. tbe proud parents of a baby girl born Mn. May Haute bad ait guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruffnogle last week. Mother and baby an doing ': and daughten of Lincoln, Nebraska. fine. - If. For Sale - at . and Mrs. Feno Shaffer, Mia Gardner Bert Gourlry and Mr. Gardner. J , A blackbird yelled out, rSay, old toad, a sweet symphonic ode are you in incoinpat&bility. thats Aint it a crime th way wimmin dress grief or pain' or what! The frog replied these days! Mines an awful lot, with nothing but dirt and mud and slime for me to look at all the When better cigarettes are made, the time. Ita a dirty world the frogs voice , question is shall we have td walk farther broke, and there he would sit and croak and for them! croak. Youre looking down the blackbird Teacher: Now dont you think your Look at the flowers overhead; look said: is daughter voiee improved! bees and - butterflies ; dookatirthe the at not but it's cured. Father: Yes, and glorious skies. Look up, old f el- grand bless low1, diswhy your soul, youre looking The father's reproof: You're a great hole. And then with in muskrat a down of appointment to me, my son four years choke the blamed old sound and a gurgling best is this the and chemistry at college . would croak critter only ' liquor you can make.A wise old turtle who lived quite near, Gotta quarter fee a room tonight, mis- said to the blackbird Friend, see here; ter! the tramp asked the well dressed man. dont shed sad tears on him, for hes low No. was the reply. down, cause he wants to be; hes one of No. "Gotta dime fer a ham sandwichl them guys who think everythings bad and. Gotta - nickle fer- - a cuppa coffee!1 likes to be miserable-lik- e g and sad. Im No. that aint no joke Dont yousomething Iluh, youre in a heluvi fix, ainttcha ! waste no time on folks who croak. ETHEL A. HANSEN, SAMUEL CAMPBELL and DELLA CAMPBELL, hi wife. MORRISON. MERRILL ti COMPANY, a corporation; FURNITURE GRANITE THE COMPANY, a corporation; ZIONS BENEFIT BUILDING. SOCIETY, a corporation; ZION'S COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, a corporation, SALT LAKE PAINT COMPANY, a GLASS corporation: J. P. HERMANSEN and FERN HERMANSEN. hia wife: HAROLD GLOE and OLIVE GLOE. bia wife; T, J. SNARR and MYRTLE SNARR, bn wife: M. D. SNARR and NETTIE SNARR. hia wife: G G FEATHERSTONE and his ALMIRA FEATHERSTONE. wife: CLARENCE J. ELDER and MYRTLE ELDER, his Wife; GRANITE HOLDING COMPANY, a corporation; A. Y. STERLING, doing business at STERLING PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY, and SUGAR BANKING COMPANY, a corporation, in receivership, and in charge of the Sute Bank Examiner of the State - Defendants. of Utah. To be told at Sheriffs Sale at the west front door of the County Court-beoia the City and County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, on tbe Mth day f August 19)1, at 12 oclock aooe of said day that certain piece or parcel of teal property situate in Salt Lake County, Sute of Uuh, 'described at b , n- Not a day 'passes but my wife shows her -L- Mr. and Mn. J. Alien and Mr. ArMr. and Mrs. Parley Peterson are Mrs. Jea McArthur was bostca returned to Magna o the L. F. A. Club Thursday at thur Lucbesi have rejoicing over the am vai of, a small motor trip after an enjoyable her borne. After the bustnea pf the ion born last week. vit-and Oregon evening, a social was participated in. through Washington Mia .Wanda Anderson, Mia Del-m- a by 12 guests. Cards and refrshments itbg relatives and friends. j Anderson and Robert Taylor are were later enjoyed. Mr. am) Reel Paul Mn. Mr. tad friends relatives in and visiting - The W. B. A. Lodge jheld their Mrs. George Little and Earl Day southern Utah for indefinite stays. Black regular meeting Monday evening in joyed a swimming fart yit late A Rock eupper the After evening. B. rooms. Mrs. Tuesday Mr. and E. Mix. daugh- the Womens club served afterwards at the Pen! ters Josephine and Janice and ton Ro- business of the evening, a social was I bert. have returned borne after a enjoyed. Hostesses were Mrs. C F. home, weeks vacation at .Yellowstone Park. Wcstphal and Mrs. 0. A Son. Card r, Mrs. G E. Fickts and tabla were arranged and prizes won a Elaine Jarvis, are spending Mia Bclva Coos has returned home by Mrs. Robt. Ridge, first and Mn. brief vacation at Midvale visiting relafter a very enjoyable vacation spent Fred Barton consolation. i atives and friends. at Fish lake. . Friends surprised Mrs. Ed. Gardner Mia Grace Farrow it visiting at at her borne Tuesday evening. A wafFriends entertained at a patty Wed. Pleasant Grove, the guest of relatives fle supper was served an da lovely gift evening in compliment to Mr. nesday . " and friends. present wen Mr.' and Mrs. G E. Mra. Harry Bletaacker, A swimand Those presented to Mn. Gardner. was enjoyed after which Mrs. Feno Shaffer was hostess to Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy Keller, ming party delicious sapper was served to 12 a her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Naylor. Dr. set out to buy tires, dont you really want the most miles and the utmost ia safety at the : lowest possible price. - Ibis feet expressed year j thzt year by.: f I Goodyeari great IcadrrsHp Is ccs cretely toU again iathe&idlscicf aa That being your objective, which tire should you buy?. If the experience of 20,000,000 mo- torists means anything you should certainly buy Goodyears. . Dot if you try to puzzle through the welter of stostics on thicki nesses, weights and diam- SUCCESSFUL SUMMER are th proper lngr dlents to make a successful summer? If th young people who betake themselves to the seaside or mountains were answering this question, they would probably Boxibreathlessly enumerate: CI7HAT ng. dancing, golf, hunting, hiking, motoring, swimming, tennis and (Other outdoor sports. Plenty of sunshine and good weather. And, oh, yea, of court good food." J That last itam would probably com first If th question were answered by the responsible older person who has to make careful wlaas la orderto besur that the wtod to good. On of the most --SBctont ways to bo sure of this to to take along an adequate supply of canned foods with you. and, 'tike a good general who guards hi line of supplies, to leavs your address with your grocer, and maka a note of his so that you can replenish your stock ot foods at any time. The Csssntlal Foods Aa adaquat supply ot pood milk Is, ot course, essential. You can take this along la th form ot dried, evaporated or condensed milk, ail ot which comes from cows whose health haa been tested and certified by Govyrnment experts. Unsweetened evaporated milk to now more and more widely used tor babies,,,, as we have th authority of such scientists aa UcKhn Harriott. M.D and Ludwig Scboenthal, Drjfed and many others that from the nutritional standpoint It is the full equivalent ot pasteurized or boiled whole cow's milk. That point settled, how about the vegetables? For quick and In expensive preparation you should take along toms tomatoes, peas, corn and be ana Asparagus, beets, carrots and spinach should also he Included. Why not depend on the local products? Tbe pick of them, as yon must know, are now shipped to the cltiea Aa tor trull peaches, peart, pineapples and apricots should head your list ot them, but there are also lota ot othera that you may want to taka along. Finally you ahould have- tome fish espemountains. cially dp in th Canned salmon, tuna, codfish, mackerel and aardlnes are all r lodlnt tasty and valuable content, and a few cans ot meat will help matters, too. They Make You Independent Thus prepared you need not hesitate to work up aa big an appetite as you pleaay. When yos come In hungry from n long hike, a strenuous tennis match, or many holes ot golf, it's mighty convenient to havo n can ot Irish stew, sausage, veal loaf or roast, or eves beef ateak with onions all ready to bo heatod and eaten np. Her are some recipes for th use of some of tho canned foods which wt have suggested. Remember, too, that they save time and labor, and enable yon to spend your days outdoors with the others instead of painfully perspiring over th hot stove In your summer 'cottage or , bungalow. Th following recipes art both quick and economical, and these dishet will go far toward filling . th aching void. Economical Recipe Macaroni and .Tomato: . Boil of a package ot macaroni for-thel- . one-thir- d eters you lose the main until tender. Then drain. Simmer the contents of a No. 2 can ot tomatoes for tea minutes etlli one-hal-f hay leaf, two slices onion, on teaspoon sugar and salt and pepper. Remove bay leaf and add to the macaroni. Thto will serve three hungry people. Donble th quantities for six. . Poverty Peat: Drain a No. 3 can of peas. Melt one tablespoon butter, add on tablespoon flour, and stir until smooth. Add tho pea liquor slowly, stirring until thick and creamy. Seaton to taste with salt and pepper, add peaa and heat thoroughly. This will err tour hungry people. Beat Sated Corn Pddlng three egg yolka well, and add to three cups of fresh corn cut from the cob or whole kernel banned corn. Mix one tablespoon sugar, one and one-hateaspoons salt and one tablespoon flour, and add one and one-hacups milk. Add three tablespoons melted butter and two chopped pimlentos. Fold egg whites ia three stlfily-beate- n and pour Into a battered casserole. Bake In a medium. 250 oven, for minutes, or unthirty to forty-fi- r til a knife comes out clean. It overcooked, it will separate like n custard. Serve from th casso role. . Thto serves eight. A Fin Fruit Recipe Peach and Cottage CUete Salad : On n large chop plate or salad plat arrange the required lettuce number ot Individual d Beats. In each one place a op. peach half, cut side Pile cottage cheese lightly In th center ot each peach, and garnish with oroettes, or maraschino char-rtoand mayonnaisa. lf lt issue and are as much at sea -- 3 as ever. and only reliable guide for you to follow is the seasoned preferences! the public; tThe one And that preference is over-whelmingly- fdr Goodyear. There' th only buying guide that OOODTEAB im i! AUtWBATnnn CTnSS 479-1- 9 -sbe Other sizes ia proportion Goodjggg tm&f low, wfcy not mn yessslf cf long mUesge, safety sa4 tig rooj , looks that Lsrg eaJg GooJrtst rtpotadoa? rv well-ehllle- AcaC (, 1, i |