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Show Friday, Aurast 7, 1S31 1 Fear wss gnawing at her vltala, even than thSolether Inert bodies. As could not sleep. Her eyes felt as Under the proposed system all stood, blinking, they her very heart with clam- Sabre end wringing were being pulled though they use of these openings, t learned the prisoners would be paid wages, Sabra spoke yet She my finger, apart by Invisible Angers.Shut put their treatment would be more huher voice holding a For suddenly nausea overcame on them, her palm! over them, to manized. tbe choosing of prison of-- 1 because she was of tbe Indiana crouched In the note , little hard to cool them. Nine Ten. Eleven. flclals would be removed from polito keep It from quavering. semicircle near the Came. Tbe man trying unpinned undressed, She Twelve tics and guards would be trained "Hell he In the Mescal tepee crawled swiftly to on of the little the braids of her thick hair, next specifically fur their task. to Big Elks house. They built doors, opened It, thrust his head! for It the night brushed It, plaited It la advocated that no man when be was chief, and and shoulders out Into tbe night! Listhere it waa All the time she listening. should be sent to a penal instituuse It regularly for the air, relieved hla body of ths drugs By still they tening. One. tion until it la definitely determined Yancey showed It to overdose. dress ceremony. to ahe began Suddenly not fit a be Is subject for proFerber Sabra only turned her eye away, , United States Steel Cuts Dividend Rate and Will that Edna roe once, when he drove me out Ungers. with fumbling Icy again Extension of the parole bation." and cleared searching, searching. They she saw She here. hat stopped her on her did put She hair, up system also la urged as tba "best Reduce Salaries Germany Now Is nnder. hla gay and a Jacket She closed tbs door her throat, for her voice waa con- where the boy lay CwriM n tdu Verba. means yet devised for releasing His blanket face was cov. She wondered, striped the husky. locked behind her, It slipped WNUSerete. Sby prisoner from confinement." sh knew. was knew ered, the sound but. Helping Herself. If that Wigbox. The fusedly, key Into the mall Sanford Bates, director of fedstlm body curled In wam offlen Tancey was not there. drum or her own heart beating. well how the bow eral prisons, replied to the WlckThe office waa dark. She shook the She gave a little cracked laugh Its blankets, was nU lay at night ersham report with the statement A asleep. This different sleep, By EDWARD W. PICKARD door, rattled the knob, peered In, that bordered on hysteria. that the government already had CHAPTER XI Continued so but she knew. Tbey went to him,-- ; sound It in the her drum In night th with It unlocked key 17 put Into effect the major ImproveMy faith In GerUnited In theirhasfuture. picking their way over the crouchlavage. handbag. Her heart was pounding, terrible. Sonow been strengthened by my ments suggested. Corporal punup the reins, his but she was not afraid of the darktook the reins from ing figures with the fixed trance-Il- k dm gathered Sol Levy Steel; many In federal ishment has been I I believe tbe present prisons may eyes on the restive ponies. gaze; the recumbent forms generally regarded visit here. ness. sA eyes gleamed at her her shaking fingers. "There la nothbanned, . be asserted,' while Imto see some of thfi dancing from tbe.cats A lot that lay sq atllL She turned back aa the barometer of difficulties ere due mostly to temabout be stay to struck frightened She ing shop. printing Is secured being and th Mescal ceremony. Father American bnslnean porary lack of con fid sue and that proved personnel lino- of poor Ignorant Indians trying to the blanket The face was smiling, by requiring officials ahd guards to says Its very interesting. Big Elk a light No one. No one. Tbe with condition!, went on through courage and renewed conher forget their misery. Come" Per- peaceful, lovely. at machine grinned type civil service and to has invited me. She thought This Is ths wsy I record when the di- fidence Germanys welfare will be enter Inunderschool white teeth. Us Iron arm and haps no man ever made s more its now In a train gooperation. restored." know Yonr father your rector at their In tb courageous gesture, for the little should look st him If he were her at shook hand tauntingly anGerman The government ing! Like this? meeting In New ONE of ths moat strongly light With a sodden pre- sensitive Jew was terribly fright- dead." Then, "He Is dead." Ths Oh. yea. He cast a alight, an wavering York reduced the nounced tb formation of tb AcAll boy lay breathing quietly. ran to Yanceys desk, ened. ahe monition ever worded handed oplnfons bank end Guarantee room was an atmosphere obllqn glance at her hand on the In th tbs about blackness, quarterly dividend ceptance he which Uncertainly, in drawer the opened down In a prohibition case, the wheeL Her hand dropped heavily on common atock with a capital of $48,000,000 to fathey made tbelr way toward tho of reverie; of swooning bliss. If I hla holster and Immediate financial United States Circuit Court of Apto her side. He spoke to the horses. kept aharply from $1.73 cilitate tb now that Osage had become so dram beat Nearer and nearer, tbe Indiana looked st all st Sabra, of attacked to Elk tb severely off. Chicago transactions of Big were aqd country peals Ruby to $1. The new They them aa unes- londer and louder. And yet all st tbe Jew, at tbelr efforts to rouse f of all tha tactics of dry agents In enlooked straight ahead. She bad ut- effete as to make possible tb tbe boy. It wax with tb eyes oft dividend raten make of dress. article sential They were tbelr and Tb offenders, Reichsbank turned declaring German banka trapping tered no word. Sabra amount to $4 Their Ups were , Yanthen not that there. She knew shock to "a bs tbe to methods walked hack to the house. Tbe hot ahare inatead of $7 and la the low- and eleven other leading Goman Sometimes tbey gently smiling. had obgone. , cey sense v of Justice end n banka guaranteed the credit to the courts tears blinded her. She was chokest paid by tb corporation In little. Tbe sacred r a swayed "an-evInand Doc Yalllant She dosed new bank. serving that there la ing But her pride spoke, even locked year. leaped orange and scarlet and gold, j similar after tb redoor of her, not stepped kitchen .to the In must the addition You then. creasing frequency go removing At tb same time the directors Old Stump Horn wielded his eagle reversed th way. That Indian girl will see you. out Into the quiet blackness of dealt with tb wage question strictions on banking activities cases. The opinion feather fan, back and forth, back' Inavenue. of five Doc Valllant Pawhuska of conviction You must alike. Dr. Hans sal-arall policemen go They are throughout the country. through a recommendation that and forth. Tha quavering cadences , would" would He were with He last found who her,go Reichsyear around by the front way. Pretend dianapolis of officer and employee be Luther, president of th tb Mescal song rose and felt of office But his out there. a to women this drive her protect it Is nothing. All those bank, and Chancellor Brnenlng said guilty of conspiracy adjusted, leaving It to the manto the accompaniment of tbe gourd room which at the rear, afternoon. Perhaps 1 am making a and th agement to determine the amount they hoped the new bank would speakeasy. rattle and tbe unceasing drum. Tb reno was was forth to his a there "That shouldnt gave over closed dwelling, fuss aso conspiracy the Why nothlug. help In no was There of reduction pay. whits man and woman, frail both,; Durmstaedter nnd National bank, violate the prohibition taw, there bs take tbe Indian girl out to the sponse. Gone out somewhere e mention of readjustment of wage ' tugged and strained st tbe inert wooden Down the no case said or can be tbe an now and hour save reservation doubt, rickety banks and small other Appellate stop and .the official would not comfigure of th boy. build brick of the two The and the see to courts dances the opinion. steps conspiracy ment on the possibility of this ac- tottering. Oh, Godl" whimpered Sabra., I In a moment the stood She His face His face tng. ritesf . , , One Important step taken by the was conceived by the three prohibition, but In some quarter It was so heavy. What shall we. Hes servthis and when he saw her in that dress. that way street, looking government was tbe appointment tion agents, who enlisted the thought the directors were authordo?" They bent again, tugged with efa more bathed her eyes, powdered She struck her palms together In conof She to ices asauma Hermann of Schmiti decoy, to Lyle, In a move the first program ising all their atre&th, lifted but could her nose, changed her dress, came kind of agony of futility. She that would be extended to labor In trol of all German banks during fectually accomplish their object" Into not carry him. a she had If hone would alone who govthe the Horace go was controlHe kitchen, made crisis. smiling. Lyle, the unmanaged case this became apparently We must drag him, Sol said,; She at one could rent Theresa and Is ernment a and strucbuggy. ler the financial of Jump proved clumsy operated speakeasy. countrys avoidable, President Hoover adat last stable. But would what mixed unteacbable. herself the haa who Sabra livery ministration took occasion to re- ture with power to draft plans to notorious colored dry spy Tbey took an arm each. 80, and served the pineapple and they think those men at the been Indicted for bribery and arg atop the flow of funds from the vapent Us plea that there be no dragging, tugging, past those rapt marshmallow salad, and though this stable? They were the gossips of of wage scales in key Indus- rious banking bouses. Herr 8chmlts rested several times for drunkentil) forma, past those mazed smilnovelty proved a great success, the the town. It would be all over Osage, tries and of living standards, and has been closely Identified with ness. faces, tbey struggled with blm ing over Cravat Sabra the was of all county. It. chemical Industries triumph serving spoiled , the of great President James A, Farrell of the to the door.'. Tbe little beads of1 Into out She alone the for Sabre. off bundled the labor trouble Is lot a of prairie driving girl Steel corporation Germany. United State THERE sweat stood out on ber forehead, East In New York 0 at six, after the dishes were done. In the middle of the night Somebaa been regarded aa oue of tb on ber Up. She breathed In chokahe eouidnt to set she honae Well, the help began Wearily workers In ths mens and chiN S1DER thing op. stanchest supporters of this policy. ing gaaps. Her eyea were wide end CO to to to had but She had go. Yancey came home that She rights, The reduction In salaries. It Is ble Interest Is ldren's clothing Industry went on taring and dreadful in their deter to confusion him. e of and chain get on from orders the Washwill strike be into In effect Amalgaevidenced Understood, put mlnation. The rattle. Th drum a the Toward odor stable, past squashed pillows, livery Amermingled Workers of mated aa can be as soon the adjustment Clothing ington In the politof perfumery and coffee ; a Utter of the Blxby house. A quiet little fig- If My Son Is In There I Want to beat The high eerie song notea, worked out The proposed cut will ical future and ica. Tbe objects of the strike, acwordless: cake crumbs, bits of ure rose from the blackness of the Take Him Home Now. be applicable to all salaried emplana sf Henry P. cording to union officials, are to silk, and crumpled tea embroidery The blackness of th outer air; all the where Hla through day porch napkins. ployee and will average about 10 Fletcher, veteran prevent a return of sweat shop contb two towering motionless-blanket- ed past men sat silence. and clutframe loafers about that about darkness, the traveling ths Only moving bugs per cent it la believed. On rudiplomat, who has ditions and to pnt an end to gangfigures at the door. Dragchairs tilted and room back tered sitting rattle and beat made these fem- with their against pulsing cry mor Is that some of the higher exJust tendered to ster's Intimidation of union work him along the earth, through ging coal inine red remnants bis like walL tbe of seem The ridiculous. tbe through pounding night dgar . officers. and ers ecutive! will accept larger reducHoover President the tide. What If he la not there? tbe trampled weeds. The two unfona in the textile in The disorder of the household Irked was an eye In the darkness. tions. President Farrell himself Is his resignation as "We cant lift blm lbto the bug him. Worst of relieved I I Is all, thought Sabra. Sabra, What thla are What Sabra In this latter category. The exact chairman of the dustry at Paterson, New Jersey, She ran back to, We cant gy, now to waa of her guests, free "Sol In roadpour yen- doing running around at this the Levy palled np which are affiliated with the Ameramount oLhls salary has jtever tariff - commission, She door. the two at tho out him all pent-u- p the upon wrath, hour of 4b night?" way before the trampled yard that her hands before th one clasped ican Federation of Labor, had been made public, but one guess effective on called and shock of the past few Sol Levy, sitting there In the held the Mescal tepee, round, to vember 15. Being scheduled a strike for August 8, anxiety, places It between $100,000 and hours. Ruby.'Clra. Theresa Jump. Oklahoma night, a lonely little fig- typify the sun, built of wood, Joe Yellow Eyes. She lifted her was hand a forced but their II $150,000. r. by Interviewed, white, agonized face to him. "Help The reduction of the dividend Fletcher said tersely: "My plana premature strike engineered by the Peyote. Osage. If hla own father ure, sleepless, brooding. He bad larger than any other building on me. Help me. 8he made a futile allows auch will what peothings were the called The reservation. horses Sabra. never before her more , conservative rate affects more than 200,000 are Indefinite, but I certainly dont radicals, and the of lifting. no Stockholders. Steel stock la owned Intend to go Into a convent There ones were compelled to quit work ple ay of nse trying to make Sol! Sol! Clma out at the frightened, restive. All about In gesture looked at her a moIndian The something yourself. the blackness yon heard the stamp ment with a and traded In throughout the were rumors that he would seek earlier than Intended. Thousands reservation. Somethings happened. dead, unseeing gaze: so with Yancey, of other horses hoofs, beard them usually quoglib world Wall Street took the news the Republican nomination for tbe of workers walked out and tbe I know. I feel It" Flecks of gold and yellow danced, tations from tills or that sonorous of the directors action quietly, Pennsylvania senatorship aa suc- mills were stopped. He did not scoff at this, aa moat crunching the dried herbage of the reflected In the black pools of hla panage of poetry, said little. He men would. He seemed to under-stan- d antnmn prairie. With difficulty he thougo It haJ hoped the dividend cessor to Senator Davis, but this eyes, and died there. Leisurely, did not eceji try to cajole her Into rate would he placed no lower than he (Willed. Also It was thought be her fear, her premonition, groped hla way to a stump that wordless, he walked over to where IBA- humor CARLOS a hla better with as served and tied flattery, hitching post, it with oriental fa$1.25 a quarter. might be appointed governor-genera- l boy lay, picked blm up lightly his cbnrra, his tenderness. HU' eyes and to accept the horses. A he helped Sabra the e: , of the Philippines talism, la bla , t dictator of and great arms aa though-hhi were unmore hand bloodshot, down her knees g suddenly bent, and were a sack of meal, swung him bold aviators What do you want to do? In view of I ClbBe.'wlHi held hla experience FOUR morecrossed than usuaL He had been steady Take me out there. -- Hitch up he caught her as she sank. Ob! the Atlantic of Mr. Fletcher la the diplomatic ( owe "throughout all drinking even more than was his and drive me out them Ctms got Its all right. Stiff, I guess from Into tbe buggy seat He turned, ocean, though the first pair were service and the fact he served as the I.a she knew wont, that at once. By the buggy. He went out with her th ylde.lt She leaned against him then, and went back to bla place far from reaching their destination. ambassador to both Italy and BelrewiutioBi of last no means drunk (she had never at tbe door. He Hd not ask where Yancey a moment, then straightened deterHugh Herndon, Jr., and Clyde gium, there Is talk that If any year, has fallen at seen him really drunk no one had Tbey drove back to the town of her He arm took firmly. was. He asked nothing. Go home," minedly. Pangbom took off from the New change should be made In the ofClma body leaned beavlly, last The man of Osage. he was seemingly Incapable of made their way they York municipal airport with the fice of secretary of state, be would hi head lay as he reaching a visible state nfrtrtinken-ness- ), he said. Walt on your porch. Ill Together destiny," against slackly her; d wooden tepee. In her the and comefor you. They Intention of flying to Moscow and be a logical man for the post Fola like little styled tilmirif. lap, boys. One he was In one of bis fits of get my Tig see Two great, silent blanketed figshouldnt yon. Do you want thence around the world. All the lowing the election of Hoover In a boo faced wltl) a popuaching arm the held firmly Thos moody depression. ure at which the door the greet home roe to through with first? go across was flew ocean 1928, he you the mentioned freely for blm from -- slipping way they lar uprising that shoulders sagged. - no, Im Hot afraid. Im not fitful flame of th sacred fire flared. him to keep o Thesplendid was "all arranged. floor of the buggy, so that through dense fogs and they were secretary of state and head lolled on his breast He afraid of The figures did not speak. They to the It ceased anything." to Great Britain and to ache and beIbanea resigned , verbally compelled to land In a farm field Carlo finally seemed sunk in gloomy thought stood the The there, way. barring So! Levy had two very fine near Cardigan, Wales. They went to France, tang a friend came nutnb. Thedawn came, and Just before the gen She felt that he hardjy heard what trem-hlin- g Jewa Sabra arm felt little on to Londomand. .continued their of President Hoover, he accompanover the prairie. eral striker The congress promptly she a as saying. She herself could horeesrreatty good anlmatsrThey In his hand. He peered up Into then the sunrise ied him on tbe ood-will won the races regularly at the loIts red meeting the red of the Okflight from there. trip to accepted the resignation but appareat She a nothin!. set him for plnee the face of the silent, immobile lahoma Russell Boardraan and John Roearth, so that tbey drove ently withheld the Safe conduct out at the dining room table and cal fairs. The little light rig with figure. a fiery furnace. lando, who left at the same time of the country which Ibanea asked. plumed down before him a dish of Its smart rubber tires whirled bethrough "Hello Joe ! He turned and from the same airport on She had been quiet enough until h. y Therefore, In the early morning the uhsurd salad, a cup of coffee, hind them over the red dusty Ok- to Suddenly, Yellow Joe Sabra. Ita Eyes. now, with a kind of atony quiet. lahoma prairie roads. Hla alim flight to Turkey, were more sucof hours th overthrown dictator, acr sand cake, a plate of the bands were not expert with horses. He was In the. store only yester- She began to sob; a curious dry cessful, for they landed safely in Americas most etn by his wife and three wit hes, their edges curled dismally companied r Istanbul, heating disHe was a nervous. Jerky - driver. day. Say, Joe, the lady here Mrs. racking sound, like a hiccough. U but "financiers army officers, fled frota toe palace thlar he said. left tbe town behind them, Cravat she wants her son should . Now,- - now, said Sol Levy, and tance record established by Ooste leant Tbey In a motor car. At Los Andes they and at present and marshmallow salad. 1inenpplg come out and go borne made a little comforting oolse beof France. boarded a special train for Argentrustee of the Bank With Ituby gone and all. I didnt were swallowed up by tbe prairie. The blanketed figure stood silent tween tongue and teeth. So bad of New York and tina, and It la considered unlikely get anything for your supper I The - reservation was a full two This It isnt What did the bt Sabre thought A. LINDBERGT1 lo, he Trust company, anthat any attempt wlH he made to was so upset all those women hours distant Sabra took off her la Suddenly eOL. CHARLES ridiculous. went out to see tho sights on tbe Mrs. Lindbergh started nounced that he hat, The night air rushed against bring blm back to Santiago for She loosed her arm. She took a reservation and try what It waa her face, cooling It A half hour. from Washington on their long had accepted a post trial. He sat looking down at the slip- me drive, will you, Sol? tat e forward, her profile sharp and Ilk to eat this dope stuff this and perhapa perilous aerial Jaunt on the finance step When Ibanes fled, Pedro Opnzo, on mass hla plate. His great pery Without a word he entrusted the clear in the firelight "I am the peyote. Say, when I waa a boy 1 to Japan In their big scarlet and of the president of the senate and vice arms were spread out on the table reins , to her strong, accustomed woman of Yancey Cravat the one did lota worse." The first hop, League of Nations black seaplane. president of Chile, became acting before him. The beautiful hands son Head. If bands Buffalo call of the who one my which was Intended to take them and would sail for bad you a not few bands; seem did 8be but lasted he to only president, pay much were opening and closing convul- come of ea far aa North Haven, Maine, Europe almost Imof horse Is In there I want te take him heed to thla, but It must bare penhours, for the people 'were conSo a mastodon might have lovers. Thegenerations sively. animals sensed the home now. It Is time Where is tbe summer home of Mrs. vinced he had aided Ibanes to esetrated ber numbed brain at last, mediately. Ills first looked at a worm. and change. They leaped ahead In the Sore take um home 'replied for presently ahe stopped the painLindbergh! parents, ended In business there will be to attend a cape. lie, therefore, stepped out In marshmallow salad, "Pineapple he repeated, darkness. The tight buggy rocked tbe Indian that Sol had addressed ful Flushing bay. New York, In tbe conference on European credits favor of Juan Esteban Montero, sobbing and looked down at th thoughtfully, almost wonderlngly. and bounced over the rutted roads. as Joe Yellow Eyes. He stood aside midst of a thunderstorm and heavy which will open August 20. He will who presumably will be chief exlovely smiling face in her lap, tbe be back threw the magSuddenly Sol a little downpour of rain. The next day then take part In a meeting of the ecutive until a president Is elected. nificent bead and began to laugh. Sob asked her nothing. They drove Blinking, stumbling long lashes, like a girls, resting so In silence. Presently she began to and Sabra entered tbe crowded fragllely on the olive cheek. Montero da one of the countrys Ieal after ' they proceeded to North Haven, finance committee early In Septemof Herculean peal v talk, disjnintedly. Yet, surprisingly Mescal tepee end then to Ottawa; He wanted to go. I wouldnt let ber. He wiit return home lu Octoleading lawyers. laughter. "Pineapple and marsh The ceremony was almost at an blm. Is It too late, Sol?" Th tour of the L'ndbergha will ber, and will not be obliged to reenough, he seemed Intuitively to Chile hailed with approbation the choking, the tears down running understand to fill in end. With daybreak It would be take them up across Canada to the linquish any of his business Interr, - Go? Go where?" announcement that Pedro hla cheeks. Sabra was angry, then his own Instinct and the gaps with finished. Blinded by the light, SaFar North, across Alaska and to ests, In this country, as the finance Imagination. Colorado one of the most popular men frightened. For as school 'The of mines. suddenly as h What she said sounded absurd; be bre at first could discern nothing Japan by way of the Aleutian is- committee fif the league la called In Chile, had agreed to accept the bad begun to laugh he Geology became serifixe and th central figknew It for tragedy. lands. Tbelr Lockheed Sirius plane together only three times a year, post of finance minister. His bread ous. He stood except the "Too late! That kid there! Dont one hand on th . . . pineapple ure crouched before 1C Yet her talk foolish. September. This Is has been equipped with every de- each meeting as a rule, continuing and water policy during his eight-da-y table. Then heup; seemed to hia pull mallow salad . . vice needed to make the trip safe for only a few day. eyes went this way sad that, the time to go. It Just starts. Sure term as premier haa been acwhole body, together like a tiger kind of searchlnf for blm. Gradually her hell go." thing . . and successful. Mr. Davla la entirely familiar cepted by most Chileans as a great who Is about to spring. He stood Elk Om . vision cleared. The figures within with European finances for during step to rid (he nation of Ita ecoThey drove through th yard, thus a moment, swaying a little. . . . . the tepee paid no attention to over Sabres carefully tended grass, peyote career hla be has nomic distress. up by distinguished Actum est de republic." CHEERED Intruders. white two those They of which she waa so proud, right Jump been a member of numerous interWhat? said Sabra. sharply, I see," said Sol Levy, soothing- stood there In tbs doorway, be- to the edge of tbe national commissions and conferporch steps, and love. PineapC'RIDAY saw the belated dedlca-ing promises and my Latin, tatin, ly. "Sum Well, sum The boy wildered, terrified, breve. so, dragging again and palling, ences. In 1920-2was be of la marshmallow Tt salad! and of tlon at ple column themarble predictions will be all right. The boy will be In the center a crescent of earth they got him In, undressed him; of stale. Minister all over with th Republic." She all Prime Ohio, memorializing the six Inches high curved she washed hla dust smeared face.' Well. Yancey you know about right MacDonald of shoulders her Hazof Commodore Oliver impatientshrugged how be le Yancey. Do you think around a fire built of sticks so arI guess "Well," said Sol more report haa come from victory Great Britain, Seca like turned, stiffly, ONE Wlckersham commission. ard Perry over th British Id the ly. Yancywalked be has gone away again? I mean ranged that as the ashes fell they I go and open the Levy. store and then of State out tbe room, of retary soldier, In of Lake Erie 1812. battle The within crescent second s formed gone? have a good cup of coffee." -SUmson of t h It deals with the American prison t shaft has been completed flkked his whits sombrero off the I dont know." Then, Yea." ths other, A man squatted, tendShe put oat ber hand. Her lower United States and system, which It condemns as In. absorbed-lyfor 15 years, hut the ceremonies hall rack and put tt on at the usual Three oclock end after. They ing this fire, watchfully, lip waa caught between her teeth, other eminent efficient, antiquated, falling to rewere put off from time to time until Jaunty angle, went down the porch came In sight of the Osage reservaIn tbs renter of the crescent, and tight 'ner face was dia . statesmen, form the criminals or protect sostair with his light, graceful step, tion, a scattered settlement of ster- upon a little star of aago twigs, (ay sharp Qee the present torted absurdly 1th her effort Dot unas and brutal and to and the many worked hard the street, sidewalk ciety, using up Dedication addresses were made ile farms and wooden shanties the mescal, symbol of the rite. Fac- to cry. But when be would have week the to measures: arms during justified disciplinary by Senator James Hamilton Lewis the great head lowered, the sprawled on the bare unlovely ing them was the chief. Old Stump patted her grimed and trembling rescue herself from Hsrr- - Schmitz, -- Muclr"or tlTsrTeporCls a of Illinois and Gov. George White aw inglng despondently at hla aides. prairie; Horn, in the place of honor, the hand with hla own. In e gesture of financial collapse. tlon of prison conditions, characof Ohio. Among others on the proSabra went on with her work of of office In hie nands emblems Darkness. The otter darkness she caught hla hand to The distinguished visitors were re- terixed as- "almost Incredible, unwere Webster P. Huntington house. Her eyes that precedes the dawn. Stillness, the rattle, the wand, the fan of comforting, the gram tidying up her tips and kissed U. ceived In Berlin with uproarious der which men are Imprisoned in of Columbus, constricted. AH was about tbe tepee president of the burned, her throat Th Bound of the horse hoofs except for the thud of tbelr horses eagle plumes. demonstrations and were the chief overcrowded cells without sufficient Perry's victory memorial commis- Men ! Men I Clm off with - that flying hoofs and the whir and crouched or lay blanketed motion- died away on th still morning air. confer-ence- a and modat or fresh or of benefit air figures banquet! light sion: John H. Clarke, Cleveland, sqnaw. Yancey angry because she bnmp of the buggy wheels. Then, less figures. Some sat with beads She looked down at Clm. Sha "Britain's confidence In ern plumbing. former associate justice of the had given him thla very feminine as Sabra slowed them down, un- bowed, others gazed fixedly upon thought. Ill take bath, and then deIs It attacks also tbe system of United States Supreme undlminlshed, Germany What waa the certainly, undecided as to shat tbe central mescal button. AM had have some coffee, too. court, and dish of Yancey haa We are prison discipline described as "traclared Mr MacDonald. Edwin A. Scott president, and A. use of pride, what was th use of they might be: do, they heard It been eating the mescal or drinking gone again.-H- as left me. I know filled with admiration for Germany ditional. antiquated, unintelligent W. J. Flack, It had In which a ambition for your children, your the weird wavering cadences of th brew of the Casteeped. that How do I know tt? Well, and we are 'firmly convinced that and not Infrequently cruel and In- nadian Club ofsecretary New York, .home, your lown If Ibis was all It Mescal song, the of Now and then a figure would slow- nothing inor can happen to me If she continues her efforts. If she human." Asserting these ' methods amounted to? Her work done, she the gourd rattle shaken vigorously ly draw the blanket over hla head now. I have had It all, and I have exerts all her Intellectual,-mor- al, contribute to the Increase of crime CAM G, MAJOR, representative In allowed herself the luxury of de- and monotonously; and beneath and sink buck to receive tbe vision. borne It Nothing more can happen and economic powers to g on her by hardening the prisoner," the the went And storm on, of the liberate and song shaking It and around cleansing and above the Seventh Misatl. reverto me now, beat-hea- t feet again, without glvlDg way to commission urges they be changed souricongress from ' (TO BH CONTINUED district died In Fayette, Mo, tears. berating, haunting, ominous, the of the gourd rattle, the despair, other nations will help by law. The of air drum. of buckskin the some bearof the buckskin dram. Through In the She heated and the oclock. Eight Republican majority her and not suffer her to go under. Outlining what la considered the next house waa thus restored to of the afternoon coffee and drank the still, cool night alr-ef-- the tbe room stifling, the Toom ItEarly Virginia Dnel . A free. ideal, the commission asserts seg Germany There are record-o- f very few for Mr. Major was a Democrat kitchen table. She prairie it came to them to the self scrupulously clean. two, at the Indispensable." regatlon of the diseased. Insane, one of the twelve in the At Intervals around the wall, and duels prlorno the Revolution. One went out on the front porch. Dark- overwrought woman, nd to the litpresent Mr. Stlmson. before leqvlng Berand hardened crimiMissouri delegation of sixteen. He ness had come on A wot Septem- tle peaceful Jew. Barbaric sounds. almost level with th dirt floor. of the earliest waa that fought-b- y lin fer London, issued a statement nal la one of the first requisites. was berevening. The crickets squeaked wild, sinister. She pulled up, the were aperture perhaps sixteen Edward Stalling and CapL WHIIam years old and waa In which be said: It holds fortresslike prisons of the electedsixtyto two and ground away In the weeds. horses. They rat a moment, linen, lm lies equare.A IMUe wooden door Ejtpes, In 1(110, at Daudng point fifth bis term last The American people have faith Aubure type are unnecessary save She was conscious of an aching lng. Listening. The drum. The was abut npon most of these. Near on the James rDer, the fonter la tbe German people Dd believe for tbe worst types. j Waster Ifi. ItlL weariness In all her body, but she savage sound of the drum. t each lay figures Umper, more soent lng killed. Mwaear CilM.) ,, News Review of Curren Events the World Over arron cv 4 aud-den- ly THE sleep-walker- stx-tee- er - te two-stor- y t low-erln- 30,-00- the-ton- f tent-shape- --N- -g- Latln-Amerlc- a. Norman left-ove- com-mitte- 4 Blan-qule- ... ... -- 1 under-secretar- y Put-ln-Ba- y, 330-foo- N left-over- er w-- a g drug-addicte- d so-tam- M 7T s. 4 |