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Show . to the place of beginning. Purchase price in lawful money of " 4 the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 10th day of July, 1931 tf . . L SALE S. GRANT YOUNG, U.U Court of th Third Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. nd for, tb net in By Earl M. Wilsctn, Deputy. .'t L.aVt, State of Utah, Dan B. Shields, Attorney for Plaintiff NANCE. Plaintiff, Date of first publication July 10, 1931 Date of last publication July 31 1931 VS. IL riTNER and IRMA F. BIT-' SHERIFFS SALE HIS WIFE. Defendant!. In the District Court of the Third To he aoid at Sheriff'! Sale at the Judicial District in and for the County et front door of the County Court - of Salt Lake, State of Uuh, in the City and County of Salt SERENO B. TUTTLE and i Ae, State of Utah, on the 30th LIZZIE B. TUTTLE, Plaintiff, VS. 11 of July, 1931, at 12 oclock noon SAMUEL of kid day that certain piece or parcel ETHEL A. HANSEN. i f real property situate in Salt Lake CAMPBELL and DELLA CAMPCounty, State of Utah, described as BELL, hi wife. MORRISON, MER-RILi allows, 0 COMPANY, a corporation: FURNITURE Southwest quarter of the nortb-Ea- THE- - -- GRANITE quarter and the northwest quart COMPANY, a corporation: ZION'S ei of the southeast quarter of Section BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, 31, Township 1 North, Range 1 a corporation; ZION'S COOPERAWest, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, TIVE MERCANTILE lSTiTU comprL.ng eighty acres of land, more TION, a corporation, SALT LAKE or less. GLASS 13 PAINT COMPANY, Purchase price payable in lawful corporation; J. P, HERMANSEN money of the United States. and FERN HERMANSEN. hia wife; Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this HAROLD GLOE and OLIVE GLOE. 1st day of July. 1931. hia wife; T. J. SNARR and MYRS. GRANT YOUNG, TLE SNARR.' hu wife: M. D. Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah SNARR and NETTIE SNARR, hi By Eatl Wilson, Deputy. wife: C. C FEATHERSTONE and w w 2V4 rods; itUiiw. rS L to-w- it: st HARLEY W. GUSTIN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 'vtt of first publication July 3, 1931 ) of last publication July 24, 1931 vs. J. D. SNYDER and NETT ALIA L SNYDER, hit wife, and 0 COMPANY, a corporation. L Defendant!. To be told at Sheriff! Sale at the west front door of the County Court house in the City and County of Salt Lake, State of Uuh, on the 30tb dsy of July, 1931. at 12 oclock noon of aaid day that certain piece or parcel of teal property aituatc in Salt Lake County. State of Uuh. described as to-w- Mrs. Hazel Catten entertained at a surprise party Thursday of last week compliment to her mother, Mr. Sarah Goodenough. who celebrated her birthday anniversary. Fir card uble of Bunco were arranged and prizet warded to Mr. Carl Petersen and Mrs. Olso Landwkk. Luncheon was later served at tb email table. Mr. Goodenough was the recipient of many -- it Remember the Fathers 0 Sons Out- ing at Coona Canyon July 31. The Big Wizard of Oquirrh Stake will be there. A .gala time ia promised to all. Make your reservation now. More information later. hi CLARENCE J. ELDER aid Mr. and Mra. H. B. .Duckworth, MYRTLE ELDER, his wife; GRANITE HOLDING COMPANY, a cor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lontensock, Mr. pontion; A. Y. STERLING, doing and Mr. Ross Anthon, and Mr. and business as STERLING PLUMBlNU Mrs. Joe Stevenson left for the Jack-so- n SUPPLY COMPANY, and SUGAR Hole a BANKING COMPANY, country Friday for a brief corporation, in receivership, and in charge of vacation. -, the Sutc Bank Examiner of the State - Defendants of Uuh. of Garfield jourMr. E. Bennett G To be told at Sheriff's Sale at the for a brief vacation. to CourtAlpine neyed west front doot of ihe County house in the City and County of Salt Lake, Sute of Uuh, on the 14th day o'clock noon of August 1931, of aaid day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake for the County, Sute of Utah, described as follows, Commencing one hundred (100) S4 feet east of thenorthwest cornet of lot five (5), Block seven (7), Plat B't Salt Lake City Survey and running thence aouth ninety nine (99) feet; thence east sixty-fiv- e (65) feet thence north ninety nine (99) feet; thence (65) feet , sixty-fiv- e to the place of beginning; Together with nouse thereon which property is known as No. 3)0 East 8tb South Street, Salt Lake City, Uuh. Purchase price payabtt in lawful money of the United tSates. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this 1 6th day of July, 1931. FASHIONS at-1- Smart Woman t; f thy youth SHERIFFS SALB la th District Court of th Third Judicial - District ia and for the County of Salt Cake, State of Utah, LYNN SMITH and ANNA G SMITH, Plaintiffs. VS. ROSCOE S. ANDERSON and ETHEL ANDERSON, his wife. Defendant. To be sold at Sheriff Sale at th west front door of the County Courthouse ia the City and County of Salt Lake, Sutc of Uuh, on the 30tb day of July. 1931, at 12 o'clock noon of aaid day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate in Salt Lake County, Sute of Uuh, described as t: follows, at a point 455.19 Commencing feet eaat of the aonthweet corner of lot 2, block 16, A, Five Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey, - and - running thence cast 41 feet; thence n'orth 287.1 feet ; thence weat 4 1 feet, thence south 287,1 feet to the point "of beto-wi- ginning: - esglee," the metaphor undoubtedly originated la the known longevity of the eagle and the fact that even at the present time an Infirm or ailing The at eagle ta hardly known. elect were superstitions In thela veneration of thla bird, and endowed It with many supernatural, powers which do not exist In 'ictus fact. ' e Beautiful Prayer was the Robert author of a prayer beginning Whoa the day returns." The complete prayer la; When the day return, return to us, our sun end comforter. and call us up with morning faces and with morning hearts eager to labor eager to be happy, If happiness shall be our portion-e- nd if the day shall he marked for sorrow, strong to endure It" Louie-Stevenso- Memory of the Deed The grata, wrote J, Petit Senn, Is a eruclbls where memory la purl-flew only remember a dead friend by those qualities which make him regretted. d Anyone who admires the brie flared frocks of French children will adore the saucy lines of the model od the left. And the best part of it is that the skirt and cape collar stand out most attractively and stiffly when made of washable cotton broadcloth for instance, a Copenhagen print, with plain white cape collar. For the alluring model on tbd right, featuring armhole ruffles and slenderizing, pointed seams, a flat If the seams are crepe is suggested. not used to effect contrast it may be made entirely in the new tone rachel. First Model r Pictorial Printed Pattern No. 5623. Sizes 2, 4 and 6 years, 30 cents. y Second Model : Pictorial Printed 5551. No. Sizes 14 to 42, Pattern 45 cents. face-powd- er of Philadelphia, Invent-e- d a practical folding machine In 1 An craft chief from Jr, bers, 1253. Delviag let th Peat We read the past by the light ei th present, end the forma vary Cf tb shadow fall, or aa the pel of vision altera. Froude. ja fS. ! th " -t rllON 3 FAS for v- !; 4 SiiAkr Woman B E A UT1F U L Form f Aircraft "ornlthopter Is a form of airheavier than air, deriving lta aupport and propelling force flapping win gw e e NEW FORD Abbreviation Joined Cwt" Is used as the abbreviation for hundredweight because Is th Roman symbol for 100 and wt" I n shortened form of weight ay - e 'Measure of the Great There are but few great men In hlatory," said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, and none that I recall has the honorable pi earn re of personally realising his own greatness. Washington Star. The Turning Worm moments w visIn ualise th time, not' far distant, when men will have to organize and campaign for equal rights. Toledo Blade. i low-apirit- THE COVERED SHOULDER FOR SUMMER , ' Fashionable young women of all , Arabian Schoolroom As Arab sckinl is conducted out The children and icadn er sllke s!t crosslegged on 1 grass Bach child mat on. tbs ground. carefully removes his shoes and places them behind him before t school begins. ages will be cool in sleeveless frocks this summer, but if they are very, very fashionable, they will cover their shoulders demurely In tb r st Paris manner. Miss six to touiu. r wears a dait,y frock of n. gantlic, with a yoke of t Dm material, which extendi over the shouJcrs tin frilly capclets. Her grw.-.is equally irrei;tt:ble in a frvxk oi white linen printed in brrwn, ,.i a . wide white collar to ca ti? A brown paten, Rather bi t c.rric out the color scheme, which is or.e of the smartest of the season. n CONVERTIBLE. SEDAN 3,53 DE LUXE TUDOR e e Would Make Leap Trail It has been estimated that U the annual earning of the people of the people of the United State bill and patted were In In a strip, the would reach 8.500,006 one-doll- ar mllee. CABRIOLET 3 L "ipe Iwlt OD The most striking fine car types ever offered at such low prices are now being presented by Ford dealers. These are the cix newest de luxe creations of the Ford Motor Company. They are designed and built to meet every need of the" automobile buyer whoso desire for metoring luxury and outstanding perform ance is tempered with sound economy. Get the facts about these fine cars. Compare their lithe, clean-cu- t stylo with any you have ever created in your own imagination." Learn about the de luxe " materials with which each car is trimmed and uphol atered, and how1 carefully these are tailored. Sit and ride in the wide, restful seats and yon will realise that just as no restrictions have been put on mechanical performance, so no limits have been placed on comfort cad beauty There is much to interest the careful buyer a choice of eparkling colorsa variety of rich uphol atery materialsf Rustlesa Steel, safety glass, Ilondallla double-actin- g shock absorbers, welded steel wheels, Wanting windshields, and many other features whit h make the Ford a happy investment. one-pie- 45c Here ore three very smart tree's ore perfect (pr inmedo jJ wear. They are yen easy to mo' too, and require but of material. which I icnl wl ns foe -- thel . A Tips Ladle mi ad tit at es -- 'V .! d A wen i can ashed damp d pa-tin ht oust ce - ' Why risk Mtional Rdfic eoasf mermaid fom Me who hold? most faord in "S. GRANT YOUNG Sheriff of Salt Lake County. Uuh By Earl Wilson. Deputy. SOULE 0 SPALDING Attorney for Plaintiff. Da t of first publication July 3, 1931 Datt of last publication July 24, 1931 : fQTz Jwimming loowrdf roamife or later . gOONERto let worn tirei are go. That jnay be dangerous. - Chepf riui s&&ta et ihes L-- Y all PATIinNSi low prices oa COODYEAR M Honestly now, is it worth taking the chance of going into a ditch or having SHERIFF S SALE c. In the District Court of th Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake. Sute of Uuh. llalloraa Judge Trust Company, a Plaintiff corporation. a With b&ene w A PACE "fHE OPTION VS. IS FRANCIS D. HEATH. Lulu, G. Heath, bi wife, and Uuh Music Company, a corporation ' defendants, Sale at the weat Sheriff be told at tn funt-doof tb County Courthouse ia the City and County of Salt Lake, f ate of Uuh, oa th 7th day of of ngp't 1931, at 12 oclock noon wA tfey that certain piece or parcel of it 4 property situate in Salt Lake Ok t'r, Sute of Uuh. described as WHO W ILL COM6 IN SECOND- - due to a blowout, whea can fine you new Goodyears like get these for so Ettle money? smash-u- p mym. mmmm vomwziwmK? V If you have any doubts about the condition of your tires, drive in. Wie Trill look them over and give you the You can believe what we we couldn't afford to be any say thing but on the leveL We know, that as well as you do. low-dow- or V -- - V. n. ' It Mf I 4JS.2 m.t " AM U r tua IIS tsj.r . CM 2ftM test ... SiT......x7-- M7 LS&. vi, tnwit society at th Southeast corner cf Lot 4, Block 37, Plat B , ' Jt LMe City Survey; North 7 rods; 21 3 rod; South 7 rod; Eaat O AcoG ri V : x VVo- '?' 0, Ise thei r ,.r inently displayed dress that is av leftover from last season. Conn-r- ope i an the; PICTORIAL PRINTED PATTERN- SUnless she la wen ad vlsedL promwoman often will purchase tt tha ale ' Home. . t VICTORIA rpo 5707 50c evo-- y summer wardrobe needs a f ,v new frocks about now, and it is an excellent time to moke tp soms hinq new, for fabrics ore qrcally reduced. yd. hoi ARENT YOU A BIT TIRED OF YOUR FROCKS? Almost x s:-.- h 5701 d ay chr.-laers- out-wit- DE IUXE SEDAN TOWN SEDAN The Next Move From th Private Diaries of Sir Algernon West: Asquith (British prim minister) told ns of a blshon of Cork, In full rig and gaiters, who, seeing a little girt trying to First UiiuJi Pii , .rul Printed Patreach a knocker on a front door, tern No, 5594. Size 6 to 14 years, 35 went to her assistance and knocked cents. for her. Then the said: Now wa Printed must ran like the devil, as he ab n Second .. ,, Model ; Pictorial 14 ta U S'.ict comes a Stick." j I5 cents. ways City Tiroes. - -- t books and newspapers was performed by hand unta Cyras Cham- MORE FLAIR FOR FLARES Also, Commencing at a point 496. 19 feet cast of the southwest corner of lot 2, block 16 A, Five Acre Plat 'A'. Big Field Survey; running thence east 32 feet more or less to the west line of the Salt Lake and Jordan canal, tbenc north 2145' east to a point on the north line of taid lot 2; thence west 112.681 feet more or less to appoint due north of the place of beginning; thence south 287.1 feet to tb place of beginning. Also together with the improve menu thereon. Purchase price payable in lawful money Of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City, Uuh, this 1st daf of July, 1931. , Level Chllcoot fa moo Th p through the coast range In southern Alaska between Dyea and the headquarter of th Yukon, la 8,502 feet above sea level. Revert Order f Color The French do not refer to tht eolors of their flag as red. white and blue," They reverse our and say, blue, D;a and red." Betray Himself A trickster," said HI no, the so sage of Cbipatown, Is often desirous of appearing clever that be defeat blmsel, by exposing .hi wn tricks." Washington Sur. First F aiding Mochlj The folding of printed sheets for Sa Far At lovely gifts. Commencing 280.59 feet east from the southwest cornet of lot 5, block 27, Ten Acte Plat 'A', Big Field Sur trey, and running thence north 262.1 feet; thence eaat 96.82 fetu thence 22.66 aouth 220.85 feet; thencsf to the feet; thence aouth 41.25-faouth line of aaid lot 5: thence weat S. GRANT YOUNG. 74.16 feet to the place of beginning. Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. Purchase price payable in lawful B. CLEGG Attorney for Plaintiff, money of the United Sutec. . Dated at Salt Lake City, Uuh, thil Datt of first publication Date of last publicatlon 1st day of July. 1931. S. GRANT YOUNG Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Uuh King David Metaphor . By Earl Wilton, Deputy, The lnterxatkmal Critical ComS. J. QUINNEY, mentary of the Bible says with r Attorney for Plaintiff. DaDate of first publication July 3, 1931 tpect to the vers where King vid makes reference to renewing 1931 of last publication July 24, Datt like the that m ? Duckworth Tuesday. Mr. Larson is a nephew of Mr. Duckworth. Mr. Larson, who 'waa a former announcer over "radio atation KDYL of Salt Lake, and the original Uncle Ben of the kiddies hour, flew by airplane from New York. He will reyiain in Salt Lake and vicinity for two. week. wife: SHERIFFS SALE In the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, AMERICAN BUILDING 0 LOAN COMPANY, a corporation,' 'Plaintiff, fallows, FEATHERSTONE, ALMIRA Mr. Ben Larson of the Nation! Broadcasting Company, was a guet at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jly tf |