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Show "" " . !, i California Cities to Gel Cheap Water From Colorado River j Alaska's Tankandlo "Little Stories ,,,, Jor Bedfim cA u " . ! E ft! -- ,i &' . , . W j t, nimble a pity rlwitsIS always are used In wrong ways. when But they often are. It la so with Glutton tha Wolverine, and It la Incky thing for the Uttla people ot toe Green Meadows and the Green Forest that ha Urea only In tha Great Woods of tha Far North. Otherwise they would hava far more troubles than they do now, and goodness knows they hava enough aa It la. As Buster Bear said. Glutton ta very smart, and Busters eyes twinkled as be prepared to listen - -iS - Geographic Harter en Southern Coast of Alaaka Peninsula. at Its wharves snd a protected anPrepend bp the National IX aoototr. Weahlaatoa. 0.) chorage Ahat could accommodate of Colonel and lira. the largest battle fleet The shortPLANS to fly to the Orient est aea route between Seattle and and their first reported inten- Yokohama (the great circle route) tion to fly westward focuses atten- lies practically through Dutch tion on the air route to Asia along Harbor, and. It may some time beAlaska's southeast panhandle," the comes aa important coaling and great Alaska - peninsula - and the provisioning point. The Aleutians were born of volAleutian Islands, all under American Jurisdiction ; Kamchatka; a part canic action, and the activity Is not of the Soviet Union ; and the Kurile yet spent Boloslof Island, some 60 1 glands, northern extension of miles from Dutch harbor, la continually changing Its form, rearing Japan. The route la an ideal one aa far one smoking promontory after an- as landing places are concerned for other above the wave? and withplanes fitted with pontoons, for drawing others. It la in truth a while most of the ground Is rough, submerged active volcano. Volcanoes are to be found In the there are Innumerable coves and hatters among the Islands and In Aleutians In every stage of detheir indented coastlines. The velopment: young and aged volcaroute was first shown to be prac- noes, active and dormant not only ticable by the group of United cones whose symmetry rivals that States army flyers who flew around of Fujiyama, but also the Jagged rld In 1924. 'the-wostumps of mountains that have been The first leg of the route, after blown to bita by recent volcanic exthe United States proper Is left, plosion. Vulcanologisti consider It leads over the straits along the one of the best known fields for the west coast of British Columbia, study of the problems of vulcanlsm. Trappers Are Forever Trying to In-- d Attu Is the easternmost of the Catch You Who Wear Fur Coat." then over the land Passage of southeast Alaska. Aleutian Islands, 2,700 miles from to what Honker the Goose had to Beyond the northern end of the In- the coast of Washington state. Beland Passage comes the open wa cause the International Date Line tell him about Glutton. You know had stopped Just for the ter of the Qulf of Alaska until lie Just beyond Attu, an airman, Honker Pond of Paddy Beaver, .In the fromnight Island Is of the to continue Kodiak Island reached. South rising deep In the Green Forest,, and was the Alaska peninsula. It is from hia flight, plunges directly Into an"news from the Far North, the tip of this peninsula that the other day without the lapse of any full ofwhich he bad Just come. 1,500-milcrescent of the Aleutian Ume.. Thus, If be starts from this 'from You gnow those trappers who Island chain sweeps off toward Asia. westernmost American station Monre fprever trying to catciyeu peoThe Aleutians are volcanic, a fact day morning, he will be flying a made plain by. the first and largest few moments later in the morning ple who wear fur coats," began Honker. of the "stepping stones," Unimak. of the day that to the Eastern I. should say 1 do!" growled Although It has an area only a hemisphere Is Tuesday. little larger than Ithode Island, so Buster Bear in his deep grumbly-rumbl- y Traveling In Kamchatka voice. I never could unThe Aleutian route strikes the many craters occur on Unimak Island that there Is often a great deal mainland of Asia at the coast of derstand why these men folks of confusion as to the location of Kamchatka, 450 miles east of Attn. can't be content with their own the various eruptions reported. This peninsula and the country coats Instead of trying to steal Mount Shishaldin, often reported north of It to the Bering atralt ours." Honker chuckled. "I've always active, is the most striking and contains a large area of tundra or beautiful of the eleven major crat- Arctic plains ; soft spongy morasses said that a coat of feathers waa er! of the island. It has one of during the few months of summer; better than a coat of fur. They d .the most nearly perfect cones in frozen, wastes la never try to trap me." the world, seeming to float suspend- winter. In the higher land lmpene No, but they try to abbot you ed In the air above its cloud-gir- t treble underbrush springs op In to oat, and thut Is Just as bad, base. summer. What little travel la posgrowled Buster. What Unimak Is Like.' sible at this season is done on the Honker stopped chuckling. Tbata true, he admitted. "Ive Despite Unimak's size and ' its backs of sturdy ponies a ho must separation from the mainland of wade up the shallow streams or been wondering if It la quite safe Alaska by only a narrow strip of plod through the sticky swamps. In for me here." water. It Is of little Importance. Winter travel Is easy. Teams of Perfectly safe, for tonight anyThere are no good harbors around dogs and reindeer whisk laden way," growled Buster. Now what Its shores and only one settlement sledges over the frozen surface of was It you saw Glutton doT", Well, began Honker once more the streams and across the snow Cape Alslt village, is listed. Cod fishing on the great banks of the tundra at a rate, under falittle while before I left my to the south of the Island, which vorable circumstances, of 75 miles summer home In the Far North one of those trapper-me-n are similar to those of Newfound-lnn- or'more a day. came to live and the mining of small quanIn the summer the curse of the on the shore of the lake where 1 tities of sulphur and pumice stone moist regions of the north strikes lived and built a queer Uttla house are the principal Industries. The the Kamchatkan country; swarmi there, ije made it out of logs and inhabitants are mostly the rem- of mosquitoes snd flies thicken the put a roof of bark on It. When be nants of the original native tribes sir and make life miserable for all bad finished that he took a lot of found here by the Russians la the living things. The nomadic flee traps In his canoe all around tbe with their herds of reindeer to the shore of that lake and back In tbe Eighteenth century. Like its sister Islands, Unimak is sea coast, where the breeze gives woods and alon; the brooks that flowed Into tbe lake. Ha bad ever In general desolate and scraggy some relief. d lower The Kamchatkan peninsula proper and ever so many traps, and If along its rocky, slopes. It Is treeless, and, except la about 750 miles iu lengt brand took him days gnd days to aet all for its heavy rainfall and fogs, has the distance from Its roots to Ber- of them. I could see him when a delightful climate. Summers in ing strait is an equal distance. be was at work close to tbe shore of the lake, but I never could find Unimak are cooler than places far- Kamchatka lies lu the same latither north, while In winter the tude aa the British Isles, while the any of the traps after be bad set weather Is milder than that of Ten- country north to the Arctic ocean Ihem, though I went straight over nessee or Kentucky, twenty degrees is in the latitude of Norway. The to the places where be had been at of latitude farther south. The Kamchatkan region is bathed by work just as soon aa ho had left. warm Japan current, which creeps cold Arctic surrenis instead of the Sometimes I found tbe food be had up the coat of Asia and around the warnr Gulf stream,' and ita climate left there to tempt the little peoAleutians, gives It a January aver- is therefore much colder than that ple for whom he tad aet the traps, but I never could nee the trap age of thirty degrees above zero. of Britain or Scandinavia. themselves. He waa very smart, Grasses of ail kinds grow in From the southern tip of Kamwas that trapper. atundance on the lowlands all year chatka the Kurile islands -sweep . Of course, 1 told everybody round, but the climate Is too damp southward to the major Islands 'of 1 met, bnt you see, I sleep at whom to mature grain. Although the soil Japan. This distant string of ,4a rich, being composed of a vege- storm-lashe- d Islands Is table mold mixed with volcanic the mosf westerly group of tho of the ash, the land Is rugged and there north Pacific's bridge of Islands. Technical Bets are no places where farms of any Like the Aleutians, the Kuriles are .'1932 Olympic Sports size can be made. Small though a string of volcanic peaks, dead and the Island Is, the interior has nev- alive, whose smoking beads ? proer been thoroughly explored. trude above the cold and stormy Unimak and othe islands of the waters of the North Pacific and Aleutian chain, believed to be the stake out the Sea of Okliotsk. route by which man first migrated Thus, they form a haven for the to the Western hemisphere, should Japanese fishermen who swarm be better known. to the world at over this Island-gir- t sea In summer. large, but they are on the shortest Stretching between Kamchatka and route between our northwestern the Japanese island of Yezo, they states and Japan. The great ex- have long been known to tbe Ruspanse of the Pacific and the curva- sians, who exploited their valuable ture of the earth plaees Yokohama furs- .- Not until recent years have almost due oorthwest of Seattle, If the Japanese become interested in one follows the most direct path,' these next door neighbors. Handicaps for Flyera.-- ! Plenty of Blizzards. The American world flyers reThe desoJste Islands are "a member Unimak as part of one of cradle of blizzards, hazards to tbe the most difficult stages In .their mariner and aviator alike. Storms trip. Port Moller, the and squalls spring np from nofogs bag tbe wacommunity to which Major Martin where low-lyimade bis way on foot after his ter's surface in spring and summer, plane crashed, is about 150 miles hidden rocks lie In wait for the farther east. The district present- unwary navigator and swift cured the same pitfalls for aviators as rents race through narrow straits Unimak, conical peaks and sharp However, the lost sailor may tell ridges rising suddenly out of when heTs close ty the vast fields tundras and of brown seaweed or. kelp which dreary marshes. Portage Bay. where a float on the water. Old salts who forced landing was made. Is on the can smell the beach"when near Appointment of William M, Henry mainland opposite Kodiak Island, land are not alone In this useful but is similar to the few Indenta- ability when Bailing these foggy of Los Angeles as sports technical director of the 1932 Olympic games, Even landlubbers know tions of Unimaks shoreline, with waters rocky cliffs and treacherous sand when tbe Kuriles are near by tha one of the most Important posts acrid sulphur fumes which exude to tbe managing personnel of the 7 , shoals. International gomes, is announced The Aleutians, however, hare an frora-ma- ny of the smoking volcawlllie-wnqsnoes The roar of sea lions fight- In Los Angeles by the Giymplc added .handicap In the cyclonic winds peculiar to ing for their harems, land birds organizing committee. This department. noder Mr. Henry, will take the region and probably attribut- flying over the sea, and the Increasable to the meeting of the cold ing coldness of the temperature are rare of all the precise technical winds from the north and the warm other signs of danger. preparations for the fifteen sports breezes from the Japan current Many of the island are not so In tbe games la consonance-w- it h Unalaska. a hnrittmt wiles far-tb- inhospitable. Yetorefn, ;tlie largest, Jbe International federations gov. east la the second largest of has a Japanese settlement in addi- ernlng those sports. It will also the Aleutians.' On It is situated tion to the Alnus There children save charge of stadiums, auditoriDutch Harbor, port of call for ves- In uniform go to school dally, are ums, water .courses and other sels plying between Seattle and taught Jujutsu and wrestling, and daces where the Sports ,comperi-lon- s will be held. Nome, This harbor has deep water learn tc fnce and to awlm. 0orhl t" 5 r A ! ? I I - : 4 Island-studde- i ' WHAT GLUTTON DID r s (' Ifargass Wolverine Is very imirt, " A feet which no one can deny, A pity tie his wimble wits la better ways he does set try. A " - e - eternal conflict Yl witij tho desert Is soon to have another epl node, one, which will be enacted In Southern CaliLos Angeles fornia by and IS other cities which make np the metropolitan water district These towns Anaheim, Beverly Hills Fuller Burbank. Colton. ton, Glendale, Long Beach. Pasadena, San Bernardino, San Marino, Santa Anna. Santa Monica. Los Angeles and - Torrence have joined forces In the metropolitan water district of Southern California, n special governmental nnlt ere ated by tbe etate legists tore for tbe purpose of solv lng the regions acute wa ter problem by building a huge aqueduct from the Colorado river. momentum Tremendous has been given tbe project by tbe United States Sn prems court action In Arizonas suit against Boulder- dam, a structure of vital Importance to the realization of aqnednct plan. Already tha government bas obligated Itself to tbe extent of 149,900,000 on the giant structure. Already steam abovela and pneumatic drills and blasting operations are disturbing the primitive quiet of Boqlder canyon, along tha rushing Colorado, It has been estimated that It will coat the average taxpayer lesa than one cent a day to buy tbs worlds largest aqueduct It will be 2Cd miles long and win cost $200,000,000. It will take six to eight years to build. The aqnednct will carry ' water from Parkers Intake on tbe Colorado river some 2G3 miles across deserts and mountains to the 14 cities In the Southern California coastal plain. 4 ANS A irtf Thoruf oriW J in-- night, aofc didn't see many. Every once In ahlle that trapper would go all around to look at his traps and kill tbe poor Uttla people who were caught, if they were not althe ready dead. Then be would aetfood more Tat and again traps there. It was dreadful." Traps always are dreadful, growled Buster. One morning I happened to look over the shore, and thero waa Glutton the Wolverine. I swam ove to teU him about those traps, but he Just laughed at me, You cant tell me anything about them," said ha In that ugly way of 11 his, T know more about them you ever learn. Guess be did, too, for what dd yon think he was doing What?" cried Peter Rabbit, who was listening with aU his might He waa following that trapper all around, eating np tha food at each trap and then, pulling op the trap, leaving it where everybody eonld see it There wasn't one of those traps hidden so that he conldnt find It and pnll It oat without getting caught In It. Buster chuckled. "Didnt I teU yon that Glutton Is smart?" said he. "Td like to have seen that trapper when be came around the next time." I did," replied Honker. J. O, Lloyd.) W NO Service 0 br O - r iJ 3 area , Ferdinand Widal, a native of Algiers and professor of tha Paris with Chaute-mess-e In his early work on preventive vaccinations against 'typhoid fever, and made bis mark bjr bis discovery of bacterial agglutination In 1895, and Its application In tbe diagnosis of typhoid. Sir Almrotb Edward Wright, professor of pathology, made typhoid vaccination practicable In 1&96 and 1897, Inoculating over 3,000 soldiers In India Aetl-Typbo- f-J-- - Explaining Glacial Period glacial period was caused by the expansion and southern movement of tbe great Ice cap located In the Polar regions. Due to varying conditions of atmosphere and temperature In the Polar regions, tbe Ice broke away and spread, covering everything In Ita path and obliterating a great many of the traces of former geological periods. Motorized Germany Honors - - The In 1S98. Soldiers y fc -- vi e ' , ii f ETS have s plenic. Who will make the sandwiches 7 . That is ' the question usually asked until by the time the picnic season Is well advanced tbe girl who has the reputation for being willing to make plcnle sandwiches wishes that picnics bad never been . invented. Sandwiches seem so easy if you dont have to make tbem. But why bother --with oaadwlchea, anyway? To be sure they provide bread and butter and something else In a conventional form, tut thete are Just as many disadvantages about, sandwiches aa there More and mom are advantages. History ., For one thing, butter soft enough to bo spread without breaking the bread ia far less appetizing than batter that starts off to tbe plcnle as hard as the refrigerator will make It packed in a tightly closed Jar containing broken lc& Most people like a little lettuce In their sandwiches, but It becomes hopelessly wilted If the sandwiches are made an hour or more before they are to be eaten, i So Instead of sandwiches let mo suggest for your next picnic sn adequate supply of rolls, a Jar of butter In Ice and the necessary spread of fillings carried separately. Theso may Include a Jar of mayonnaise slices of bam, chicken or other meat wrapped In oiled paper, well chilled whole tomatoes, small cans of potetd meats and well washed lettuce leaves wrapped In a damp cloth, then wrapped In waxed patin per and carried In an 4 with a little Ice. Newipapcr Sradioat.) 0 ltSL UeClar WNU Service. air-tig- ht t ' Red and White Stripes (f J THE SCHLESWIG SKEEKS when special expedition was sent by the American Museum of Nutty Natural History to capture a few specimens and complete Its biological classification. The scientists found that It was a very difficult animal to rapture entire, as the skeeks bas anywhere from one to f jPJ j: J.j habit ST MBBN MBVTOM known ot this LITTLE was after the war, i ) experienced picnickers and campers are getting out of the sandwich 'It of the massive memorial which has Just been unveiled In Berlin In honor of the troops of motorized devices, such aa iiAa, autos, motor cycles, etc, who lost their lives In action daring the World war. A VIEW trtfT- -- . EATS FOR THE PICNIC - grass-covere- ," By Betsy CaEIstef Nutty Natural , I. Year HcBis and Yoa ' t.y -- fog-hidde- n - collaborated d, globe-circlin- tan aqueduct faculty,-- snow-covere- -- Our illustration shows an artist's conception ot what the completed Boulder or rather Hoover dam will look like, the work of man being sketched to scale on photograph of the thousand-foo- t canyon walls between which the Colorado river rushes. la tbe foreground and on the face of the cliff are hydroelectric plants which will generate millions of horse power. Behind tbe dam .will be Impounded 250,500,-00- 0 acre-fee- t of water In a lake 110 miles long. A portion of thin great Inland sea win reach the 14 cities of Southern California through the metropoli- - tef. eprlnkle with sugar and cinnamon well mixed and aet to rise. ten distinct sections ..that at the Bake when light f danger will slightest warning break apart and scurry la ail directions for shelter. After the danBanana Dessert. Is over the skeeks with the Slice perfect bananas lengthwise ger bead will whistle gently and the Into halves, spread with raspberry rest of him will run to Join up Jam and put together sandwich fashion. Lay on glass plate and again. Tbe one shown above assembled serve with whipped cream sweet- st the museum from parts of sevened and flavored; garnish with a eral creatures raptured on this trip cherry. has a, peanut head with sectional bodies of small filberts, Tbe ears and feet are spilt navy beans, and Cooling and Refreshing. r Take plenty of oranges and lem- the legs, neck and fall are cloves ons for lemonade, they not only 10 Matropotttaa Nctrppaptr Svitoc) (WNU Bcrvie.) cool and refresh tho body bnt are (I rich In vitamins. When tbe chilChinn Wall Net Uaiqno dren tease for a cake or cooky, Recent explorations In Asia by Dr. five them ripe banana or an or ange, this will satisfy tbe hanger Sven Hedln Indicate that there without spoiling the meal soon to were other great walls In the Far East besides the famous great wall follow. of China. (0 111. Waatora Nkimmi Caloa.) -- SOME GOOD HINTS THERE is no more tasty luncheon bread Ihan-Graha- Gama. m -- To one cupful of sifted graham flour add one cupful of sour milk, one beaten egg, half a teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of soda, two tahlespoonfuls of soda and three tahlespoonfuls of shortening. Bake la gem pans. Rocks. Cream on cupful of butter or sweet shortening, add one and one-hal- f cupfuls of sugar, two beaten eggs, two and one-bal-f cupfuls of flour sifted with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, add spices, dates, walnuts - all together, making a cupful. Drop by spoonfuls on a baking sheet , " V ' French Send Silver Plane to President ... Simple Dessert. Spread a layer of shredded pineapple or any good flavored fruit In t glass dish, cover with cake or cooky crumb. add more fruit and finish to top with crumbs Over ail heap whipped cream sweetened and flavored. Serve cold. ' Coffee Cake. Warm three-fourt- h of.U cupful of shortening, teat three eggs, stlt In half a cupful of sugar and a cup ful of raisins, mix all with the shortening and add to five cupfuls of light bread sponge. Mix well, add flour and stir until as thick as the spoon will mix. Sot In a pan to rise end when light spread In shallow pans.' Cover wllb soft but- - , miihaii J ADE entirely of silver, this MTu model of Ue (Itut . This new and attractive frock U of bright red chiffon with encrustTbe ed stripes of white chiffon. Jacket la of matching lyona velvet lined throughout with white peau da sole to make It crisply stiff. O Old Gardener MADONNA ihles should be If the bulbs ran be obtained, but if not, as soon as they reach the stores. Amateurs often make the mistake of waiting until late In the fall before planting the bulbs of this Illy, supposing that they require the same treatment as most other lilies. Tbe fact la, however, that tbe madonna lily, which Is atso known as the ascension lily, St Joseph lily, tbs annunciation Illy, and lent Illy, has a distinct habit of growth, coming np in the autumn, although not That Is blooming until spring. why It should be planted early, and why It should go Into the ground inonly three or four Inches deep stead of six or eight fbches, like other lily tnlbs. It will thrive In any garden soil, either in full sun or In partial shade. Its pur white Dowers are exceedingly attractive especially when grouped In front qi evergreens. SMVte (Cop right ) WNTJ ) transatlanu plane Ques--' tlon Mark is offered to President Hoover by the French flyers, Dlendonne Coste and Maurice Brllonte, as a mark of their America Opportunity appreciation for the cordial reception giver, them on their tour of tli United States. America is a fortunate country. The model was brought to Washington from Paris the American She grow by tbe follies of our Ea mayors who hare Just concluded a tou. of France. by rope&n nations. Napoleon. |