Show trial when buying locae coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin how do you inov what you are getting some queer stones about coffee that is sold in bulk could be told if the people who handle it grocers cared to speak out could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use the leader oi all package for overa quarter of a century if they hid not found it superior to all other brands in purity strength flavor and uniformity this popular success ol 01 LION COFFEE can be due only to inherent merit there Is no stronger proof ol 01 merit than con linued and popularity the verdict ol 01 MILLIONS OF housekeepers does not convince F you of the merits ol 01 LION COFFEE cwi iwi i Wi it costs you but a trine to buy a package it is the easiest way to convince yourself and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER LIO COFFEE is eo d on in 1 ib ed package and reaches you as pure and t left our factory lion head on every package save these lion heads for valuable prem urns SOLD BY GROCERS everywhere WOOLSON SPICE 00 toledo ohio dainty delicious attractive to the eye and satisfying to ana appetite K food products ox tongue potted chicken deviled ham dried beef brisket beef lunch tongues soups corned beef hash all as good as they are wholesome easy ea sy to serve the booklet sow to males good tamus to eat sent free address libby mcneill libby chicago with corns when you can purchase tor only a quarter our famous CORN CURE V relieves the pain at once and cures the trouble to fyd stay cured by mall for 25 cents Z C M I 1 STORE salt lake city atah A boarding and day school for girls ROWLAND HALL under the supervision of he episco pal church will begin its twenty fourth year in september 1905 parents will find in this school a cultured home for their daughters as well as excellent educational advantages certificate adm ts to smith and el lesley colleges for catalogue apply to CLARA COLBURNE principal ROWLAND HALL salt lake city utah FIFTEEN MILES FROM SALT LAKE CITY trains every during summer season THE ONLY BATHING RESORT ON GREAT SALT LAKE FARE TRIP HOWARD ft ls specimen prices go d ver lead 1 I go d sti ac go d 50 7 a or copper t cyan de tes mall ng enve copee and fn 1 pr ce at een on app lea alon con rol and gnip re work cl ed leadville colo Ke ference carbonate at ona bank goia 5 go d and S ivor lead 70 go d 8 copper i fao il betor s and cli 0 es bought 1 street arapahoe udden esau 0 dei ver colorado dr david kennedy e favorite remedy bondoux N Y cu louah e lar ned 9 g ward 1 burnse e N J bottled 1100 DONT FORGET A large 2 oz package hed cross ball blue only cents the buss compana south bend ind SOAP the world s greatest skin soap the standard of every nation of the earth millions of the world a best people use soap assisted by cuti cura ointment the purest and sweet est of emollient emol lent skin cures for preserve ing purifying and beautifying the skin tor cleansing the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stopping of falling hair tor softening whiten ing and sooth ng red rough and sore hands for baby rashes ana chamings chafi and many sanative tic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women especially mothers as well as for all the pur poses of the toilet bath and nursery TEA such tea that your dealer returns your money if you don t like it money back tea wr te or our know edge beoh A schilling company san franc every man would be satisfied with his lot it it gasn wasn t for some other tel lows TEA what is it for what for what for what is tea for A hand mirror is one of the tew things that a woman never holds up to ridicule sire whitlow soothing Soot hInR syrup for ch d en teething boffen the gum reduce flam matuu cure wind coll bottle tea stands TEA for schilling and schilling for tea grocer re uru you n faey it you don t ke S h ng i amt is not good TEA by accident schilling s best is no acci dent our g ocer cretu ns your money yen don t ke t pleases the most particular housewives it clears whitens and purifies the clothes to perfection try it your p ocer bells it A large 2 ounce package for 5 cents remember the name that you will not deceived piso s cure cannot lie too highly spoken ot a a cough cure J TV 0 3 third N minn jan 6 1900 my nightly rest was broken owing to irregular action of the kidneys I 1 was suffering intensely from pains in the small ot my back and through the kidneys and annoyed by painful passages of abnormal secretions no amount of doctoring bellev ed thia condition I 1 took doana kid ney pills and experienced quick and lasting relief doans kidney pills will prove a blessing to all sufferers from kidney disorders who will give them a fair trial foster allburn co buffalo N Y proprietors for sale by all price 50 cents per box important to mothers examine carefully every bottle of a safe and remedy for infante anil children and eee that it bear the f signature of la use tor over 30 years the kind yon nave alway bought we want TEA you to know your mone rights we re not afraid of you your grocer beturne your money if you don t like seal ling a best you don TEA t half know how good tea is good tea is ex good go by the book your grocer returns your money it you don 1 ben unar 8 best we are TEA doing our part in raising the grade of tea m this country eat like i belt 1 machines may come and michin cs may go but the mccormick tay on forever 1 you buy a McCorr nIck for about half price when you compare the arnoult of work you get out of it with any other similar machine 1 write our nearest branch house or agent or to the general office at salt lake city uth for handsome me cormick art catalogue ve want to make your acquaintance leading implement dealers and idaho consolidated wagon and machine company GEO T ODELL gen mgr houses at salt lake ogden logan idaho falls and montpelier 0 millions to banow the great merits of the sanitary wall coating not a hot or cold water disease breeding bearing a fanciful name LET US HELP YOU write for our inflate free color plane different effect tor different ln wh te delica e braye greens pinks blues and A rock str 8 min does not rub or scale no washing of walls after applied ton can brush it annix with cold water other finish es mixed with either biot or cold water do not have the cementing property of Ala bastino they are etude on with glue or other animal matter which rots feeding disease germs rubbles scaling and walls clothing etc such finishes must be washed off every year costi filthy work falb p k KB properly labeled I 1 retty wall and eel us aea agn ninta on decorating dmd tint card free ALA BASTINE CO crand rapids mich or water st N cl V ich I 1 PR comein dining room eleen as room and p acee where re e ean neat vi lure anything try them once you wl 1 be w phout them not kept br dea era beat 4 d tor 4 bomm A jil X women obtain mrs PIn khame advice and jbell eh guided Thoai and to health binkham compound cured mr ared aydel it Is great satisfaction for woman to feel that she can write to another the most private and confidential details about her illness and know that her letter will seen a woman only a woman full of a pathy for he tick sisters and above all a woman who has had more experience in treating female than any living person over one hundred thousand cases of female diseases come before mrs pinkham every year some personally others mall and this has been go tag on for twenty years day after day surely women are wise in seeking advice from a woman of such experience especially when it la absolutely free mrs never violates the confidence of women and every testimonial letter published is done GO with the written consent or request of the writer in order that other women may be benefited as they have been mrs fred beadel of north street west philadelphia pa write dear mr pinkham over a yar ago I 1 wrote you a letter advice as I 1 bad female ute and could not carry a child to maturity I 1 received your klaid letter ot instruction and followed your advice I 1 am not only a well woman in con te quence but have a beautiful baby airl I 1 wish every buffering woman in the land would write you for advice as you have done much for me just as surely as mrs bendol woe cured will lydia pinkham vegetable compound cure every woman suffering from any form of female ills no other medicine in all the world has such a record of cures ot female troubles as has lydia E pinkham s vegetable compound therefore no prudent woman will accept any substitute which a druggist mays offer it you are sick write mrs ilynn masa for special advice it if free and always helpful for preserving purifying and beautifying the skin scalp hair and hands cu bofty medicinal and mol p oart ii I 1 cm cu leu a th e aha cure h lh pu MI of ani I 1 ink ed ear ud lh inert ret ol 01 ado L iwo u in on ottoa ino id soup or 21 to bo on im sen R 1 FOR WOMEN troubled lea with ill peculiar to their usel 1 l a douche ll 11 marvelously enc thoroughly Thoro cleanse kills aleeane esopa heals inflammation local eor baxtine enesi ll 11 in powder orm to be d la pare water and ll 11 tar clanet clan nt I 1 eal ng and economical than liau d an septic for 1 TOILET AND WOMEN S SPECIAL USES sn boi trial box and book el instruction free R PAXTON BOSTON M SALT LAKE CITY HUNTING superintendent great western aroi and metal co bald up t who esa and betell we pay h rhes price for scrap iron copper braa lead abber hott e alde eto I 1 ell 1 bone independent 1 no to south I 1 ret wet street SALT LAKI CITY UTAH when answering advertisement kindly mention this paper wim U salt lake no 27 1906 ao 10 but barup loime ao d by at |