Show SIMPLE WALL decorations new material and new ideas for tho the decorah on of homes the styles of home decorations have completely changed in the last few years and it Is pleasant to say that they have changed for the better time was when we hung monstrous patterns printed on paper against our walls and considered them more or less pleasantly it would hardly be fair to say that we considered them beau ticul or artistic but they were the vogue and were put on the time has come when with our bett better ermeth meth tor for interior decoration better ef facts can be secured in wall coverings whether they be of paint or of or of ala bastine whatever the material used to cover the wall the thing desired Is that which has the greatest covering power as well as permanency and beauty of color Ala bastine a wall covering ground from alabaster rock which means a hard white rock Is the ideal covering for a wall the most beautiful wall decorations in the world are those which are laid on with the brush the mural designs in our large public buildings and the frescoed designs in the large cathe brals and churches have a perma nency and an art of which wall paper Is but a cheap imitation these mural schemes and frescoed designs can be brought within the reach of the every day home they can be done with Ala bastine which Is permanent in its coloring it does not rub off and it has the soft effect of pastelle A great many people deter defer the re decorating of their rooms not only because of the expense but because of the discomfort of it with akabas tine there need be no discomfort and there can be no muss tor for all that Is needed Is to lay a sheet or canvas on the floor have your man come in with a pall pail make the solution and simply brush it on the wall that ts is all there Is to it and the room is perfectly clean and thoroughly renovated |