Show celestials threaten to boycott all american products washington all hope of the sue cess of the pending negotiations of the new chinese exclusion treaty has for the present beben abandoned by the chinese officials as a result of the wave of resentment that has swept over china since it became known that it was planned to transfer the ne to peking and that the de apartment part ment of comm merce and labor was insisting upon its own of the exclusion law have reached the chinese legation of the extent 0 this feeling throughout the chinese empire and of the hosell ity of the chinese guilds to american goods which might re suit it is asserted in a general boy cott against american products even were it possible to conclude the ex elusion treaty now the chinese legation here declares that there Is no intention of bringing suit in the supreme court of the unit ed states in behalf of the chinese ex eluded or deported in view of the treaty of 1888 all such infringements of that treaty the legation holds to be matters entirely and an appeal will be had not to the courts but the state department |