Show USE FOR CAYENNE PEPPER in the form of a sandwich it will in duce sleep sufferers irom insomnia should try cayenne pepper sandwiches cut a slice of thin bread a plain may be used butter it generously and add a liberal sprinkling 0 cayenne pepper cover it over with a thin slice of bread or a biscuit as the case may be it Is surprising what little in convenience Is experienced merely a slight smarting sensation in the mouth which Is soon over the sand should be eaten just before re tiring and soon after the sufferer will be asleep the pepper acts as a blant to the stomach drawing the blood from the excited brain and in sleep A cayenne pepper sand Is much less harmful than drugs and when taken in small quantities Is a good tonic tor a weak stomach all lous headache has also been known to yield to a cup of hot water to which has been added a generous pinch of cayenne pepper and a nip of soda as big as a pea |