Show PRICE GETS THE VERNAL THE LAND OFFICE t rice was R ven a boost the present week bv the government authorities and it is in safe pos tion no v to ol 01 tain the ions share of transportation and corn roer cial boom chith the opening of the ustah re on will create indian hall of the ustah and uncompahgre agencies at white hocks ana burai has forbidden the ustah vh ch branches off rom the main 1 no of the rio grande western at mack colo to construct a road across tho reservation tor about 1 les to care tor travel at ane opening of the U atah reservation ID september next agent hall is upheld in his rul ng by secretary of the interior hitchcock 1 oth of whom state that the price and wagon road is the only lecog h ind none others shall be bu it unil after the reservation shall be thrown open the ustah ra aroid peo pie had planned to convey passengers from mack colo about 2 m lea west of grand junction to drago rutih 60 mils and then transport them to ft Duchesne and the reservation bv mob ie cons dorable exp nsf was a into b bu idica a ferry boat at green R ver near Oara but under igent hull s rul ng th s 11 ot no use nov recognition of the price and vernal wag on road as the on pul lib h gh vav to the reservation and through it vill have the effect it is thought of d vertin nine tenths of the reservation opening crowd thit dav |