Show norial LAND 1 sa 1 t ake city utah march 6 IM to whom it may botic Is berely ghen atiat s office a list no 21 lands selected by the said for tl lesl merit ie it water res avolis lor irrigating purposes u der 1 f of tl act of iriss at proved jal 18 1 04 ahe to lowing tracts amb emb acl in bald list are in a ml leral llala of record viz N E i S W 4 be tp V 8 R 6 1 S I 1 A copy of said llor eo far as ac 1 elate tu said tr lets by descriptive 3 lias bw 1 p sled 11 thia lor li 1 by any person aed by tl P p bile u the next sixty das folio ali g the date of thia notice u till tlona of november U 18 2 L D 4 protests or contests st tl lal n of tl e t its to any of the tracts or ismons fore 01 tie R nd the s ime Is n e v 1 lable for ro eral than for agricultural burpo es vill be received id i doted for report t tl e eral I 1 and office at n D tall ire so to protest or contest althin the time will be considered sufficient evide ice of the non mineral character f tl e said tracts a d the selection thereof liciag oil er vise free f om objection 11 bo 1 u 1 for approval idanis D Resl stel bec eec ive 1 ir t p b ih tt 1 1 ab 1 1 oi |