Show REAL ESTATE DEALS AT GREEN RIVER eastern capital buying the land wedding of popular cou pie steamboat traffic special cor of the progress GREEN kiver utah march 15 the notable recent event was the maranga 0 daniel S gillies jr and miss farrer eldest daughter 0 mr and mrs A A farrer chih occurred on wednes day evening of last week at the bride s home squire hecarty ting the knot in approved style ahe bride who ie a lery handsome and popular louig lady was attired in pure white and looked beautiful was much more sell possessed than the groom who ft as in fact halt scared to death the cere mony performed ler formed at the house in the presence ol 01 the entire town and was fol lowed bi in elegant spread after which thera ana a dance at the ball wh ch lasted the night nearly through the presents acre numerous and last the oung couple will reside at little grand at which point mr gillies is foreman of the rio grande railway geo W durant has sold the pro port on bis island on the other side of the river to mr letcher an ion a banker the same party bae also purchased property from tom farrer and ira sut ton a tanch in addition mr button will remain in charge on a salary tor a year and the purchasers will then assume charge offers are being ande tor all the un sold ranches in this vicinity and the probability is that in the course of an other month the last farm in the pre will have changed hands and con sid erable town property in addition loth on this side and in elgin across he river what the abnal outcome of the change will be is only gussa work at present the ide i seems to be to make this section another bocky ford for melons it the plan is carried out there is no doubt about success for there is oo 00 question that this is the greatest melon country in the world ana all that is necessary to make it go are brans and enterprise both of h seem to be coming into place ID gobs it looks ven much as ft most of the available land under the present canal will be disposed of on the present basis or ranch cis the majority of the pur chasers are men middle west and the intention la to make his a farming and cattle community comm unit chere has never been a doubt that this section can raise fruit and melona as well as vegetables to corn aate with any rival district and it seems reasonable rei that the sugar beet should ba able to thrive here as well as at fruita or the grand valley in deed with the vast of water that can be obtained cheaply from green river and the great arable acre ige re suiting there is no limit to the pos sibil aties fhe people no v coming to the place a to bem a position to carry out these projects and as a ne v broom sweeps clean it is rei to suppose that they set the pace for the opening of this splendid country which has been overlooked so far that a new canal will be taken out there is no doubt and in a very little while the matter will receive practical demonstration or I 1 am no prophet things have come to such a pass that something has to happen mighty soon or the biler will bust from overpressure H Y and party hava returned from their trip to moab by river and re port all well for the running of boats fhe boat men have returned east to hustle up the machinery and get the boat on the water there is some reason to believe that the grande is behind or in somo way connected with the boat tion the evident interest displayed by the officials of that road and the alpar ent confidence of the boat people in the road a assistance in tho div of tourist travel would indicate that green river will be made an excursion side trip mrs sutton miss etta sutton loo stanton and iv stanton have gone to california to they left without ostentation although their many friends had a good opportunity to bid them farewell at the gillies farrer wedding on wednesday evening the green river canal company bield an important meeting today secretary D S gillies stated the company had just received feet of lumber tor the purpose of making flumes head gates etc and there mil be fully 1000 worth of work done on the canal this will complete the canal and will make it one ot the finest in the state and will allow the watering of all the additional land which his recently been purchased henry halverson has sold bis place six miles down the river komrs L per kini of ogden the well known artist mrs perkins will put in a wheel and otherwise improve the place which will make one of the finest little ranches in the state |