Show many nany persons have catarrh of kidneys or catarrh of bladder and dont know it president r eiden who a and war C correspondent grespo aden richards were promptly r mp y cured u d by peruna pe ru na mr C B 10 delamare Delamar street estreet albany N I V I 1 resident ies ident Monte montefiore flore club writes since my advanced age I 1 find that I 1 have been frequently troubled with urinary ailments the bladder seemed irritated and my physician said that it was catarrh caused by a protracted cold which would be difficult to overcome on account ofay of my advanced ad alced years I 1 took peruna hardly daring to ta believe belleve thai that I 1 would be helped but I 1 found to my relief that I 1 soon began to mead mend the irritation gradually subsided and the urinary difficulties passed away I 1 have enjoyed excellent health now for the past seven months I 1 enoy my meals sleep soundly and am as well as I 1 was tn enty years ago igi I 1 give all praise to peruna C B suffered from catarrh of kidneys threatened with nervous collapse cured by pe ru na mr IT F B richard richards E street N W washington D 0 war corres pendent writes exactly six years ago I 1 was ordered to cuba cubi as staff corres pendent of tl a e new 1 ork bun sun I 1 was in charge of a sun dispatch boat through the spanish american war the effect ot of the tile trop tropical cal clim climate te and the nervous strain 1 I 1 6 showed 0 ed plainly on my return to the states state 4 lassitude depression to the verge of melancholia and incessant kidney trouble made me practically an invalid chis undesirable condition continued despite the best of treatment finally a brother newspaperman who like myself had served in the war in deuced me to give a faithful trial to peruna I 1 did so in a short time the lassitude left me my kidneys resumed 0 healthy condition and a complete e cure was effected I 1 cannot too strong ly recommend peruna to those suffering with kidney trouble to day I 1 am able to work as hard as at any time in my life and the examiner for a leading in burance company pronounced me an A risk in poor health over four years peruna peru na only remedy of real bene benefit fit mr john cimmo 15 lippincott st toronto can a prominent merchant of that city and also a member of the masonic order writes 6 I 1 have been in poor health generally for or over four years when I 1 caught a bad cold last win er it settled in the bladder and kidneys causing serious trouble I 1 took two greatly advertised kidney remedies without being eing the A PRIES C 0 NER top suffered from catarrh of bladder desired results peruna is 13 the only remedy which was really of any benefit tome to me I 1 have not had a trace of kidney trouble nor a cold in ni my system peruna pe ru na contains no narcotics one reason why peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind Peru peruna is perfectly harmless it can be used any length of time without bequir ing a drug habit peruna does not produce temporary results it is perman ent in its effect it has no bad effect upon the system and slid gradually eliminates catarrh by removing the cause of catarrh there area are a multitude of homes where peruna has been u sed off and on for twenty years such a thing could not be pos sible if peruna contained any drugs of a narcotic matui e say plainly 4 so 10 your drew that you want LION COFFEE always and ancl he being a square man will not try to sell you anything eke elbe you may not care for our opinion but what about the united judgment ol 01 millions of housekeepers who have used LION COFFEE COME for over a quarter of a century Is there any stronger proof of merit mera than the confidence of the people 4 and ever increasing popularity LION COFFEE Is carefully care lully selected at the plantation shipped direct to our various factories where it Is skillfully roasted and 4 carefully packed in sealed packages unlike loose collee coffee which Is exposed to germs dust insects sete etc LION you as pure and clean as when it left leff the factory la clory sold only in 1 Ib lion head on every package save these lion heads for valuable premiums SOLD BY GROCERS everywhere WOOLSON SPICE CO toledo ohio WE TREAT and CURE CATARRH and all til curable diseases f rf r f of 0 1 the c eye oye ear car nole throat luns tom L j ach liver bowels kidney kidneys bladder and all chron e nervous and private d of both sexes exe and d keeses ebe of 0 children home rome treatment care cure write for free symptom ilet list if yoa you own not call consultation tree kree a A T special offer in pate private diseases R G W 0 unfortunates of 0 both sexes who are suffering from private D sease whether caused by lenor anoe mice broess or con coia ag agon on have alway always been looked upon as leg mate pre hy by the shark sharks and charlatan charlatans who obe as a tapu spec ee a eta at and rob the buffe er for or wor h ess t ealm estment et e t SHORES DO N NOT ST ASK YOU 0 10 PAY DOLLAR YOU WISH TO YOUR bIP dby SHORES 8 KNOW THEY CAN CURE AND 1 DO CURE PRIVATE DISEASES IN bliff SEXES and to PROVE the r ski 1 in bli C aaa ass of 0 a n ente ther they treat anil and cure oun uch such oases before the pat entis eat li required vired to pay dr drs shore shores onedo one do ar r or tho those wh who prefer may the fee in ma sma week y or month 7 im allmen s as aethea the c re pr g ese esses THIS ja 0 NEST aly r PLAN OF F UBAL dealmo naf rim dea adea sadea b b ov to the back and fak r who demaude le mandi all cash in exchange for empty prom see sea did you ever bear of a fakir refund ng a penny to toa a du duped pod patient lake no yon cannot aiple yon you money eryou if yoa flon don apay t pay it on ou L nine ten ton hs I 1 of f S 80 0 oa OR ed OF mex are s mp T the resu reau i of en arged or luti inflamed iB flamed amed PROS TA T H eland GLAND dr drs shores new LOCAL tread M ENT for ore a ca ch cases IN VARI ABLY aek ask 0 hir doctor doctors how miny many oases they cure ader the 0 d and use eat P a an of treatment t tor for thi this roub e we wee c re loar r H MANH anh OD bern sem nal nai kye weak akness nei mator SYPHILIS VAR 0 ELB OLE and ani k adred es lor in ess ee time and tor for lest less woner any ant tut on if the west eve beasa oas conf laen la we never or betray a gehret coni coul I 1 a on exam na ion ton and adv oa 00 1 RE E by ma I 1 or at the office OF HOURS 9 a TU to 6 rpm P Eva evening tings T 7 to 8 sundays liun dat ani gal ho day days 10 a m to 11 13 DRS expert 1 u u 11 m ra t SHORES SHORES specialists S a t la ki C U a h S SEEDS E E mp good seed seeds pay when yon you bay buy parity seeds joa you get the beet best hit catalog free SEED GO CO s gi c ALT LAKE ta 1111 if a ab POULTRY SUPPLIES FREE illustrated THE LEE PIONEER SEED CO DENVER COLORADO ASSAYS gow 5 co d and silver liver ir lel lead 75 1 go a d h b ver copper I 1 iscer lacer gold retorts and wad R cb h 0 es bought ogden darlon 1725 arapahoe are street go renter denver colorado lorado lo NEW PENSION LAWS SEN E T apply to NATHAN rickye BICKFORD RD F st washington U D 0 W W N U salt lake no 10 1905 auf lb hahe ELSE IA LS lia beit attim cough syrup taste rates good vea in time boia by y druggists BEST BY TEST I 1 have tr ed all k ads of waterproof cloth ng and have never found adyth ng at any pr ce to compare w th your F sh brand for protect on from all k ands ads of weather the name and ni add esi ess of the lh wr vr e of h 1 un on 0 c ed letter may mi be hid had upon appl ca on A J TOWER CO the S agn of the F A bos on U USA S A TOWER CANADIAN CO LIMITED torono toron 0 canada q ja 8 i malien makers of wa wo anted wet weather C nth oth ng mg 1 SEVEN LEADERS barred plymouth bo k 8 dek ack abode la and beds reds buff orp as ng ons on brown lg leghorn hoam white begho n wh e I 1 al pr ie ze v aliers eggs ulora wr sue en Gett ret the hebest best also incubators IncubAtor a and dad brooders ch i food SEED COL CO SALT UTA LAKE I 1 it sore with eye water when answer ng advertisement advertisements kindly ment on this tills paper FROM MISERY TO HEALTH A prominent club woman of kansas city writes to thank doan a kid ney pills for a quick cure miss nellie das u vi f 1216 michigan avenue kansas cit CA mo society leader and club woman writes 1 I cannot say too much in praise of doan doans s kidney pills for they effected a corn com cure in a very short time when I 1 was mas suffering from kidney troubles brought on by a cold I 1 had severe pains in the back and sick headaches and felt miserable all over A few rew boxes do aes of doan a kidney pills made me a well woman without an ache or pain and I 1 feel compelled to recommend this reliable remedy signed nellie davis A TRIAL FREE address foster milburn co buffalo N Y for sale by all dealers price 60 cent cents fine tea is TEA so daintily fine fino that a man or even a woman may gobble it down without t suspecting it we are not TEA a tea brinki ng people we should be steadier if we were nar garliest liest green onion onions the john A seed co cc la crosse crossel wis vii s alwawi at a have something new some thing th mg valuable I 1 able th e year they offe offer among the r n new money making vege tables an earliest green eating onion it is a winner mr barmer and Garde gardener nerl 00 Q 0 JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND and they will end send you their b g plant and seed need catalog toge together er with enough seed to grow 1000 fine solid cabbages 2 rich juicy incy turnips tunupe 2 blanching blan blanching cling nutty celery 2 rich buttery lettuce 1000 1 splendid on one ons I 1 DOO rare luse ous radishes 1000 gloriously brilliant flower in all A over 10 plants this great offe is made to get you to test their warranted warranted vegetable seeds and ALL BUT nut postage providing you will return th s notice and if you will send them bec in posts postage t theia h will add to the above a 1 g package e 0 e fourth of july sweet corn the earliest on earth 10 days earler earl er than cory peep 0 day fust first of all etc W N U we look TEA through your grocer to you beyond b but ut through your grocer to you tour your grocer return your money if yon you don I 1 like schilling a beat best mrs winslow a e soothing syrup for abt aren dren teething te ettia often softens the gun gums reduce ft 1 11 cure wind colla collu when we TEA sav we we mean your grocer hes we and wel e he moneybag Mone ck does it tour grocer returns your money if you don ul like lully best woman s kidney troubles lydia E pinh hams vegetable compound ts Is especially spa successful in curing th this Is fatal disease 4 1 1 J ul L hay r S frabe of all the diseases known with which women are afflicted kidney die dis ease is the most fata fatal L in fact unless early and correct treatment Is applied the weary patient seldom survives being fully aware of this mrs pink ham early in her career gave ive study to the subject and in pro her great remedy for woman a ills lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound was careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease woman a kidney troubles the vegetable compound acts sets in bar mony with the laws that govern the entire female system and while there are many so called remedies tor for kidney troubles lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound Is the only one ebbe u daily prepared for wo women men and thou sands san da have been cured of serious kidney kid nev derangements by it derangement derangements s of the feminine organs q quickly affect tb the e kidneys and when a woman has such symptoms as pain or wei weight ht in the loins backache bearing down pains aing urine too frequent scanty or big high col ored producing scalding or burning or deposits like brick dust aust in it un usual thirst ew swi 11 ing of bands hands and feet swelling under the eyes or sharp pains in the back running down the inside of her groin she may be sure her kid should lose no neya rays are affected and time in combating the disease with L lydia yd E R pinkham Pin khame I 1 I 1 vegetable co corn in pon pound nd the woman a remedy tor for woman s ills the following letters show how marvelously successful it is elvdia E Pink liams vegetable Vele table compound Com wo lo 10 U 0 12 U a a L A S a u M UNION N A 1 3 0 an 3 A 0 am oo 00 SHOES SHOE FOB MEN W v T 11 10 salas S 8 1 0 hr ire are the ff KIT ite itra t sellers her in the fitting a id ad ua u e excellent trie style easy r their w v rid beca re see I 1 hoy tier lire are araj i ill it as i x t oil d as u thuie II 11 ut at aft rl r vve we ci 1 heff to I 1 the urice price et it from 00 40 to 81 00 the he 4 liffers ice ace V av V I 1 D J xiuru 8 i 1 bhaer 0 shoes haer e lre at tn I 1 re 9 nuke make h I 1 II 11 I 1 thel and ire agro ir v 1 I oe i tha I 1 uny any loncer sh I 1 letter etter we tr ether cher ape 1 I I 1 0 shoe 0 i a the marcket t I 1 I 1 b I 1 ly sy sy I 1 I 1 ik it prid bixl ixl 16 ff at i a he his hl ame nod 1 price ahe their val ie me by sta m lie ow i a I 1 loll 1011 oti 11 frech reichi shoe hae book c aps or at I 1 likel ake a I 1 a a tit ie te IV V I 1 biffi 1 h ure eold d through him hl kian ret resin 1 4 dayh ado ed det evera chere here cornat rl ri thel you live avia V jb arsh ly irre kh BETTER THAY OTHER MAKES A AT A yr priar for air the lam wee arzave acors W wt howo as shoo antilla alita 0 9 bp years fer than shoo that I 1 wr arvo r hat arward f P x of prace on v vl aj good out but of er any thai ha tor I 1 ov r A aul t cash er any the he lap cap tat tal sa A anal ban ind aneid i r t i boys wear W b L douglas 2 so ani and 2 00 shoos bansa they fit bois better etter hold their shape and wear longer than other makes 4 W 4 00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE W da do a in ax usei corona co skin in A 1 fam wei corona co I 1 t is con row dered to be the tho finest pa va en ens leather ther produced prod aced nasr cot on arts WI all alt HAS W L douglas ha has the gamst lari reet hoe shoo niall mail order bi ix s ness in the wo lil ift no a f rouble to get FL tit by ina ise extra extra prepares pr prepay epars delvery dell Tery of if lyoa youles S dere v re 8 ff a i arther information ur arr e for 1 ua baia W L DOUGLAS DOUCLAS BROCKTON massachusetts HALLS CANKER AHO diphtheria REMEDY por SALK BY ALL STOMACH FOB FOR MOUTH ANO BOWELS THROAT H li ln stores holden judson drug druly b co general agents salt lake chy city utah tea thoughts TEA are like dream thoughts not tied to our cares and sorrows you can TEA have good tea if you want it wherever you are tour grocer return returns your money if U yon you don do t like schilling s best TEA this is a better country because we are in it tea country and that isn it all writ write for our knowledge book A schilling company baa ban francisco the indulgence TEA in tea is eo very slight that the pleasure escapes attention unless one waits a bit write tor for our knowledge Know leile boob book A company bin sian francisco mrs samuel fralie of prospect plains X J writes dear mr mrs pinkham I 1 cannot thank you enough tor for what lydia E pinkham s vegetable compound has ha don done forma or me when I 1 wrote to you I 1 bad uttered for or year years with what the doctor called kidney trouble aad co congestion t lo 10 n 0 of f the womb my back ached dreadfully a all U th the e time and ind i I 1 sulf suffered ered so with that bearing down feeling I 1 could hardly walk across the tho r room 00 I 1 did not get an any y belter better so decided to top stop doctoring with in my physician 1 and take lydda idla B pinkham vegetable s vegetable compound an and I 1 am thank ful nl to say ay it baa has entirely cured me ma I 1 do all my own work hare have no more backache and all the bad symptoms have disappeared I 1 cannot praise your medicine enough and would advise all women differing suffering with kidney trouble to try it mrs 3 IV lang ol 01 third avenue new now york writes dear mrs I 1 hare have been a great suffel frith with |