Show CASTLE VALLEY RAILROAD BOBS UP AGAIN real work fo commence soon it Is reported iron works for emery county once more does the castle valley rail road or salina cutoff loom up on paper ahls time we are told that the long hoped for road IB surely coming this summer gould and his asso bates just cant get along without it and will neither sleep nor rest until the iron is a through old county la the way some put it A few da s ago some oc the high edep pica well groomed officials whose names appear right under gould s on the offie lal roster 0 the rio grande visited green kiver and spent a couple of hours there sizing up the land and scenery scene rj this is taken to mean that green river is to be the terminal point ot the castle valley railroad and also that it will be the seat of the greatest iron industry in the west these significant actions look mighty good to the people in this neck 0 the wooda who have waited hopefully and patie for a score or more of years to see something doing in the railroad building line in castle valley all will be much bettor pleased how ever when actual construction on the road commences here ie the way the desert news of the ad lost puts it once more does the salina green kiver cut off bob up this time ho v there are indications that this piece ol 01 railroad construction is going to be pushed through to completion while the branch la to be extended to the iron deposits in southern utah that are now being develon ed by a big force of men in the of the color do fuel iron company in this confection the welcome news is forthcoming that plans have been drawn and the blue prints accepted for the erection of an auxiliary plant or the colorado fuel iron compan in utah representing the outlay of mil lions of dollars and the steady employ ment 0 several thousands of men two sites have been under bontem one in the vicinity of salina and the other at green kiver utah from recent developments it appears a foregone conclusion that green river will be the place selected while salina would be nearer the iron fields green river has it is urged all the natural advantages there is practically an unlimited water supply at this point which is also situated close to the famois coke camp of sunnyside Sunny side where an additional terrace of coke ov ena is scheduled among the earliest im prove ments the tact thit some mysterious india bidual is getting options on all the avail able land at green river together with the visit of chief engineer E S yard some months ago to green river when he spent several da s surveying in the vicinity ind taking copious notes shows that the railway company has designs on that section of eastern utah the one trouble with pueblo in the past has been the long haul on iron ore and also the difficulty in securing it all fuses in sufficient quantities to warrant running the big plant t full capacity with the erection of an auxiliary plant in utah close to the huge iron deposits and adjacent to an unlimited coal and coke this will be obviated this is one feature of the era of con st ruction that 13 to be inaugurated by the goulo lines the construction of the salina cut off that has been under contemplation for several jr ears and 20 miles of which has already been graded the extension of the marysvale Marys vale branch to cedar city and on to tap the salt lake route so as to afford an cutlet to san pedro harbor for the shipment of material for the panama canal export to south america and the orient in ad connection is to be made with the western pacific which if persistent rumor is to be credise 1 is to take over the sanpete valley branch of the rio grande when the road is completed somewhat along the lines of the acquini tion of the oregon idine holdings south of salt lake by the salt lake route which was a feature of the clark deal that is now bistor while this is ore of the main pieces of construction to be undertaken by mr and associates the denver rio grande is to launch out in other directions the dihe no v building to barmington new mexico it is asserted is to be still further extended south to provide an outlet to the gulf now that the colorado southern has been ac quiren b other interests presumably the rock island the main line of the rio grande western east of is also to be thoroughly overhauled grades cut down and curves reduced prior to the completion of the western which will form the last link in the gould ocean to ocean chain of railroads the above reasons which come to the news from an authoritative source are given tor the recent appointment of A ridgway as general manager of the denver rio grande what a G burt was for the union ridgway is to be for the gould linea in colorado and utah |