Show FATAL ACCIDENT AT FUNERAL floor and eleven are killed and fifty in wreckage eleven persons were killed and than fifty injured some probably a tally by the collapse of the decayed supports of the flooring of the fleet street aft lean methodist episcopal church in brooklyn N Y monday night of those killed eight were women two men and one child death in nearly every case resulted from suf oc atlon arrangements had been made to hold funeral services for sidney tain ter one of the oldest members of the church and the auditorium which id the second floor of the building the pound floor being used by the sun lay school was crowded with an audi nce of more than persons of ishom the majority were women suddenly a splintering of timbers iraa beard and in an instant the halt f the auditorium nearest the door ol lapsed carrying down more than a hundred persons who were crushed n the wreckage of the flooring and pews A great volume of dust for a few moments hid from view the victims the remainder of the audience find ing themselves cut oft from the door und expecting every instant that the rest of the flooring would collapse un her them fought madly to reach the windows and in some instances leaped from them and sustained seri ous injuries |